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1.1 Introduction
The Employee Leaves Management System (ELMS) is an Intranet based
application that can be accessed throughout the organization or a specified group/Dept.
This system can be used to automate the workflow of leave applications and their
approvals. The periodic crediting of leave is also automated. There are features like
email notifications, cancellation of leave, automatic approval of leave, report
generators etc in this Tool. The project has been planned to be having the view of
distributed architecture, with centralized storage of the database. The application for
the storage of the data has been planned. Using the constructs of MS-SQL Server and
all the user interfaces have been designed using the ASP.Net technologies. The
database connectivity is planned using the “SQL Connection” methodology. The
standards of security and data protective mechanism have been given a big choice for
proper usage. The application takes care of different modules and their associated
reports, which are produced as per the applicable strategies and standards that are put
forwarded by the administrative staff.
1.1.1 Problem Statement
The problem statement for an Employee Leave Management System
involves the need to streamline and automate the process of requesting, approving,
and tracking employee leaves within an organization. The current manual or paper-
based leave management system is often time-consuming, error-prone, and lacks
transparency. To address this issue, the organization seeks to develop a digital
solution that enables employees to submit leave requests, managers to efficiently
approve or deny them, and HR personnel to maintain accurate records while
providing insights into leave trends and availability, ultimately improving overall
workforce management and employee satisfaction.
1.1.2 Domain

In this web-technology is been used that is one of the most popular based
web technologies that is currently been used in almost of the websites due to its
dynamic nature to switch to various sizes of the screens. It gives the developers a
border way to think creatively and effectively and concentrate on the conten

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Employee Leaves Management System
1.1.3 Description

An employee leave management system is designed to streamline and automate the

process of managing employee leave requests within an organization. The primary
problem it addresses is the manual and often error-prone nature of leave management,
which can lead to scheduling conflicts, employee dissatisfaction, and administrative
inefficiencies. This system aims to provide a centralized platform where employees can
submit leave requests, supervisors can approve or reject them, and HR personnel can
efficiently track and manage leave balances and records. By doing so, it not only
minimizes the risk of leave conflicts but also ensures compliance with company policies
and labor regulations, ultimately promoting a more organized and employee-friendly
approach to leave management. Furthermore, the system seeks to enhance transparency
and communication by providing employees with real-time updates on the status of their
leave requests and enabling HR departments to maintain accurate records of attendance
and absences. With the integration of features like leave accrual calculations, notification
alerts, and customizable reporting, this system can help organizations optimize their
workforce planning and ensure that employee leave does not disrupt productivity or create
unnecessary operational challenges.

1.2 Literature Survey

Adamu A. proposed the “Employee Leave Management System” in 2020 FUDMA
Journal of Science (FJS). An employee leave management system is a platform that
enables staff and admin of an organization or institution to easily apply, correctly allocate,
track and grant leave (Chugh,2014). In many institutions, staff are entitle to different kind
of leave; study leave, sick leave, annual leave, leave without pay, research leave and
maternity leave. These leaves are been taken and recorded according to institution policy.
The administrative department is mostly considered as one of the most important assets in
every institution. It is a part of administrative department function to keep all the records
of employee.[1]
Nameera Choudhary, Aynas Khalfe, Yaman Khan, Mukhtar Ansari proposed the “Leave
Management System for AIKTC” in 2020International Research of Journal Engineering
and Technology (IRJET). The leave management system has been developed to override
the issues prevailing within the active manual system. This software is supported to
eliminate and in some-cases, cut back the hardships faced by these existing systems. What
is more, this technique is intended for the actual want of the corporation to hold out

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operations in a very swish and effective manner. The application is to reduce the
maximum amount as attainable to avoid errors, whereas coming into the info.[2]
Rajan Deshmukh, Saurav Avhad, Adarsh Maid, Abid Dhankwala proposed the “Leave
Management System” in 2022 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative
Research (JETIR). Employee leave management is a web-based application that can be
easily accessible by staff and management of an institution. It makes it easy for an
employee to request and track their own leave. Administrative department of an institution
on the other hand can easily allocate, grant and manage all leave requests. The system will
also notify other members of staff that are required to know. This will enable
administrative department to administer leave or note to the next applicant, to track and
manage the employee leave.[3]
S Selvi, Manas Rath, N K Sinha, S P Singh proposed the “ HR e-Leave Tour Management
System at RDCIS” in 2014 Sail International Conference on Information Technology
(SICIT). It will assist the user to concentrate on their different activities rather consider the
record keeping. Every organization, big or small, has challenges to overcome and manage
the information of faculty, leave, report, notification, branch. Each leave management
system has completely different leave desires, thus we tend to style exclusive worker
management systems that are tailored to your social control necessities. This can be
designed to help in strategic designing and can assist you to make sure that your
organization is supplied with the proper level of knowledge and details.[4]
Hridita A. proposed the “Employee Leave Management System” in 2018 An Intenship
Report on Meltlife (IRM). makes it easy for an employee to request and track their own
leave. Administrative department of an institution on the other hand can easily allocate,
grant and manage all leave requests. Employee leave management system automatically
reflect the request to the relevant superior officer for approval. If the superior officers
reject the leave, a reason for rejecting the leave must be entered into the system and the
employee who requested the leave will be notified and if the leave request requires a
higher superior officer for approval before notifying the employee, the respective officer
will be notified.[5]

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Employee Leaves Management System
1.3 Motivation and Problem Definition
The motivation for developing an Employee Leave Management System
stems from the need to address a critical challenge faced by organizations
worldwide. In today's dynamic work environments, efficient leave management
is essential to ensure a balanced and engaged workforce while complying with
labor regulations. The existing manual or outdated systems often lead to
administrative bottlenecks, errors, delayed approvals, and compliance risks. This
not only hampers productivity but also negatively impacts employee satisfaction
and the overall organizational performance.
The problem statement revolves around the necessity to streamline and automate
the leave management process, making it user-friendly, transparent, and
compliant, to enhance employee experiences, reduce administrative burdens, and
foster a more efficient and productive work environment. The Employee Leave
Management System aims to provide a solution to this problem by leveraging
technology and best practices to revolutionize leave management in a way that
benefits both employees and organizations alike.
1.4 Objectives
i. This system will provide the management with more effectiveness.
ii. Provides searching facility based on various factors such as leave, faculty
name and department.
iii. Well-designed database to store faculty’s information.
iv. A user friendly front-end for the faculty to interact with system.
v. No need to present physically to faculty.
vi. No chances of data loss.

1.5 Scope and limitations

The scope and limitations of an Employee Leave Management System are crucial
factors to consider when implementing such a system. They define the boundaries of
what the system can and cannot do. Here's an overview:
i. Leave Request and Approval: The system allows employees to submit leave
requests and managers to approve or reject them, automating the process and
reducing paperwork.

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Employee Leaves Management System
ii. Leave Balances and Accruals: It tracks leave balances and accruals, ensuring
employees are aware of their available leave entitlements.
iii. Compliance Management: The system enforces company policies and legal
compliance by automating rule-based leave calculations and approvals.
iv. Reporting and Analytics: It provides data for leave-related reports and analytics,
enabling organizations to make informed decisions about workforce planning and
leave management.
v. User Access: Employees and managers have access to the system to view leave
balances, request leave, and manage approvals.
vi. Integration: The system can integrate with other HR and payroll software to ensure
seamless data flow and consistency.
vii. Security: It maintains data security and access control to protect sensitive leave
viii. Customization: The system can be tailored to the specific needs and policies of an
organization, such as accrual rates, leave types, and approval workflows.
i. Data Entry: The system relies on accurate data entry, and errors or inaccuracies in
initial data can lead to incorrect leave balances.
ii. Dependency on Internet: An Employee Leave Management System typically
requires an internet connection, which can be a limitation in areas with unreliable
iii. Learning Curve: Employees, managers, and HR personnel may require training to
effectively use the system, and there may be a learning curve associated with its
iv. Initial Setup: Implementing the system requires an initial investment of time and
resources for setup, including defining rules and policies.
v. Compatibility Issues: Integration with existing HR and payroll systems may
present compatibility challenges, which need to be addressed.
vi. Security Risks: Data security remains a concern, as the system contains sensitive
information about employees' leave and personal data. Security breaches could
have serious consequences.
vii. System Downtime: Like any software, the system may experience occasional
downtime for maintenance or technical issues, affecting its accessibility.

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Employee Leaves Management System
1.6 Company Details

Name: Pravinya Information technology Services

Fig 1.6.1 Company Logo

Address: #41, Ambikanagar

Main Road, Near
Channappana kere,
Unkal Extension,
Hubballi – 580031

Company Establishment Year: It was established in the year 2013.

Number of Employees: Currently the number of employees working are 8.

1.7 Organisation of Company

Pravinya Infotech ( is a prominent

Information Technology Services provider based in Hubli, India, with a
commendable track record spanning over four years. Since our inception, we
have been steadfast in our commitment to delivering high-quality Integrated
IT solutions. Our dedicated team of young professionals is the cornerstone of
our operations, working tirelessly to realize our company's missions. "To be
recognized as a global leader in providing innovative, top-tier Information
Technology solutions that drive business success and empower organizations
to thrive in a rapidly evolving digital landscape."At Pravinya Infotech, we
believe in the transformative power of technology. With our unwavering
commitment to excellence.

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Employee Leaves Management System
Department of the Organization

The various departments of the organization are as follows,

 HR Department

 Accounts Department

 Design Department

 Development Department

 Security Department

1.7.2 Functionalities of the Departments

i. HR Department

The HR department's role is critical in maintaining a healthy and productive

work environment, ensuring legal compliance, and supporting the company's
overall goals and objectives by managing its human capital effectively. The
specific responsibilities of the HR department may vary from one organization to
another, but these core functions are common in most HR departments.
ii. Accounts Department

The Accounts department plays a vital role in managing the financial health of
the company, providing essential financial information to management and
stakeholders, and ensuring that the organization meets its financial obligations
while maintaining financial stability and transparency.
iii. Design Department

The role of the Design department is crucial in creating a positive and consistent
brand image, attracting and retaining customers, and ensuring that products and
services are visually appealing and user-friendly. Effective design can set a
company apart from its competitors and contribute to its overall success.
iv. Development Department

The Development department plays a pivotal role in a company's growth and

success by creating and improving the products and services that generate
revenue and drive the business forward. Their work often involves a
combination of creativity, technical expertise, project management, and

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Employee Leaves Management System
collaboration with other departments to meet customer demands and market
v. Security Department

The Security department plays a critical role in safeguarding a company's assets,

reputation, and the safety of its employees. Its work is essential to protect against
various threats, both physical and digital, and to maintain a secure and compliant
business environment. Security departments are often tasked with staying
updated on the latest security trends and technologies to adapt to evolving

1.8 Working Domains of Company

The company focuses on the following domains of the technology which are
listed as following

1.8.1 Technologies used in the Company

i. Web Technology
ii. Artificial Intelligence
iii. Machine Learning
iv. Image processing
v. IoT

1.8.2 Application Domains handled by Company

i. Website Development
ii. Mobile Application Development
iii. Digital Marketing
iv. Cyber Security

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1.9 Recent Projects handled by the Company

i. Koha: Library Information management system.
ii. Moodle Customization & Support Services
iii. Krushi Vaidya.
Some of the projects are explained as below,
i. Koha: Library Information management system. Koha is a fully featured,
scalable and is the world's best open source Library management system.
Its highly configurable and scalable to meet the needs of libraries of all
types and sizes. It is feature rich, modern and user friendly. KOHA is used
by academic, public, and special libraries around the world.

ii. Moodle Customization & Support Services: Moodle is a free and open-
source software LMS (Learning Management System). Moodle is the most
widely used eLearning platform. We provide customized Moodle solutions as
per your needs and synchronized with the workflow of your existing
Learning System. We can help you plan, execute, and evaluate a specific
learning process, for creating and delivering content, monitoring student
participation, and assessing the performance of the student.

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Employee Leaves Management System
2.1 Methodology

To start with the Waterfall model, which is a traditional, linear and sequential
approach to project management and software development. While it's less
commonly used in modern software development.

Fig 2.1 Methodology Using Waterfall Model

i. Requirement Analysis
a. Requirements Elicitation: Gather all project requirements and document
them comprehensively. Ensure that the project scope is well-defined and
signed off by stakeholders.
b. Feasibility Study: Assess the feasibility of the project in terms of

ii. System Design

a. Architectural Design: Create a high-level architectural design for the web
application. Define the component structure, data flow, and navigation

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b. UI/UX Design: Develop detailed wireframes and designs for the user

interface. Ensure that the design aligns with user requirements.

c. Database Design: If the project requires a database, design the schema
and data structure.
iii. Implementation
a. Front-End Development: Write html code to implement the
application's components and user interface based on the approved
b. State Management: Implement state management solutions, such as Redux
or the Context API.
c. Back-End Development: If necessary, develop the server-side components
and APIs that application will interact with.
iv. Testing
a. Unit Testing: Develop and execute unit tests for web components and
features to ensure they work correctly.
b. Integration Testing: Test the integration of components and their
c. User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Allow stakeholders to perform UAT to
ensure that the system meets their requirements.
v. Deployment
Deploy the application to the production environment following a well-
defined plan.

i. Maintenance and Support

Provide ongoing maintenance and support for the application. Address
any issues, bug fixes, or updates as needed

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2.2 Resources Required

Hardware and software requirements are as follows

2.2.1 Hardware requirements:

Processors: intel i5 or i3
gen HDD : 500GB
Ram : more than 4gb
System type: 64-bit operating system,x64-based processor

2.2.2 Software requirements

Front end : HTML,


Back end : PHP & MySQL

Operating system: windows10/11 IDE
tool : visual studio code
2.3 Applications
i. Leave Request Processing: Allows employees to submit leave requests and managers
to approve or reject them, streamlining the leave request process.
ii. Leave Balances and Accruals: Tracks and manages leave balances, accruals, and
carry-overs for each employee, ensuring accurate entitlements.
iii. Compliance Management: Enforces company policies and legal compliance by
automating calculations of leave entitlements and ensuring adherence to labor laws.
iv. Time Off Policies: Customizes leave policies based on an organization's specific
requirements, such as paid time off (PTO), vacation, sick leave, and other leave
v. Accessibility and Self-Service: Provides employees with self-service access to their
leave balances, request statuses, and company leave policies, reducing HR
administrative work.
vi. Notifications and Reminders: Sends automatic notifications and reminders to
employees and managers about pending leave requests, reducing communication
vii. Leave Records and History: Maintains a historical record of leave requests and

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Employee Leaves Management System
approvals, aiding in auditing and compliance reporting.

[1] Adamu A, “Employee Leave Management System”, FUDMA Journal of Science
(FJS), val.4, June-2020,pp.86-91.
[2] Nameera Choudhary, Aynas Khalfe, Yaman Khan, Mukhtar Ansari, “Leave
Management System for “AIKTC”, International Research Journal of Engineering
and Technology (IRJET), volume:07, Issue:03,Mar 2020.
[3] Rajan Deshmukh, Saurav Avhad, Adarsh Maid, Abid Dhankwala, “Leave
Management System”, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research
(JETIR) Volume 9, Issue 4, April 2022.
[4] S Selvi, Manas Rath, N K Sinha, S P Singh, “ HR e-Leave Tour Management
System at RDCIS” in 2014 Sail
[5] Hridita A. International Conference on Information Technology (SICIT) proposed
the “Employee Leave Management System” in 2018 An Intenship Report on
Meltlife (IRM).

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