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TOOL(S): Search Console + Search Analytics for Sheets

Step #1: Verify your website in Search Console.

Step #2: Open Google Sheets, click “Add-ons” >> “Get add-ons”:

Step #3: Type “search analytics” and then install the “Search Analytics for Sheets” Add-On:

Verify the extension by allowing access to the Google account tied to your Google Sheet.
Step #4: Head back over to your Google Sheet and click the “Add-ons” tab again. You will now
see “Search Analytics for Sheets” in the dropdown menu. Click “Open Sidebar”:

Step #5: Configure the Sidebar settings:

1. Select the website you want to analyze

2. Set the date range to 90 days
3. Group by QUERY and PAGE
4. Select the sheet where you want to send the data (Select Sheet 1)

Click “Request Data”.

Wait a moment for the data to be pulled into the Google Sheet like this:

You should now be able to see all the queries attached to all the URLs on your site, along with
click, impression, CTR, and ranking positions.

Step #6: Now you’ll use a conditional filter to extract all the quick win keyword opportunities (i.e
keywords ranking bottom page 1 or page 2):
Feel free to tweak the filters according to the keyword set you are working with. Ex: you could
set the filter to “is between 6-15” or “is between 5-10” if you’re looking at a really large data set.

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