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Vibration Analysis Issues

EASA Convention 2008

Gaylord Texan™ Resort & Convention Center
Dallas, TX
June 23, 2008

Presented by

Dan Patterson
Flanders Electric Motor Service, Inc.
Evansville, IN

(Paper and Slides)

By Dan Patterson leaves little question as to quality of the mechanical
Flanders Electric Motor Service repair.
Evansville, IN
Benchmarking is a vital process in motor repair. It is
highly useful when problems arise after the motor has
been installed. Additionally, benchmarking gives the
service center insight for determining if faults exist
before shipment.
Unlike field data, benchmarking is performed under
controlled conditions. Following is a checklist to insure
good data is taken.

1) Test pad must be part of a massive foundation

2) Correct any soft-foot conditions
3) Key-ways are filled shaft height, end-to-end
4) Motors are tested at rated voltage and speed

Vibration data is gathered by measurements made WHAT SHOULD I BE LOOKING FOR?

on the motor at the bearing housings or “casings” Grouping values within bandwidths will aid in
(Figure 1). The data obtained is NOT a direct detecting motor faults (Figure 3). As an example, two
measurement of motor faults but more so a times line frequency vibration would not trigger an
representation of the motor’s internally excited alarm in the turning speed band. Likewise, turning
frequencies. speed imbalance would not cause a significant
increase to the high frequency band. It is important to
FIGURE 1: MEASUREMENT POINTS group these values below shaft turning speed, at shaft
speed, multiples of shaft speed, and high frequency
ranges. Each of these narrow band values has limits
applied to them based on frequencies that produce
energies within them.


Internally produced vibration, measured from outside

the motor.

It is important to note that if a fault does not Fault detection by use of narrow band alarms.
generate vibration on the casing, those faults will not
exist in the vibration data. One example would be shaft Below turning speed values can indicate such faults
currents, which produce no vibration but will cause as inadequate support, bearing fundamental train
damage to the motor bearings. frequencies, and shaft / seal rubs.
Vibration values are then applied to known and Turning speed values indicate the quality of rotor
accepted standards for the motor industry (Figure 2). It balance, rotor eccentricity, and shaft / seal rubs. The
analyst must use extreme caution when diagnosing an Additionally, spectral data may include a “haystack”
imbalance when other conditions exist. effect in the high frequency range (Figure 6). As with
Multiples of shaft speed may indicate misalignment bearing defect families, haystack is found in a
of bearings and looseness. The term “multiples of frequency range that normally contains no energies.
shaft speed” can be misleading. We must understand
that we are measuring energies that are not only FIGURE 6: HAYSTACK
integers of shaft speed but non-integers as well. This
is important in that anti-friction bearing frequencies are
ALWAYS; let me repeat, ALWAYS non-integers of
shaft speed (Figure 4).


Random high frequencies known as “Haystack”.

Waveform data, measured in acceleration, offers an

added benefit when judging bearing condition.
Waveform data is acceleration values measured
Bearing defect frequencies are non-integers of turning directly from the sensor. It contains true amplitude.
speed. The fact that it is time based rather than frequency
based gives the analyst a nice tool to detect “normal”
and “impacting” events Normal waveform amplitudes
Although bearing defect frequencies are normally are less than 1g peak (Figure 7) while impacting
found within the first five multiples of shaft speed, events can produce amplitudes exceeding 4g peak
families of these defects can easily be seen in the high (Figure 8). These impacts occur when a bearing’s
frequency domain (Figure 5). rolling element passes over a race defect. For
detection, the defect must be in the load zone.


Families of bearing defect frequencies.

Bearing defect energies generate low level

amplitudes normally masked by shaft multiples. Few
frequencies reside in the high frequency range lending
easy detection of these families.
FIGURE 8: IMPACTING WAVEFORM introduced by an outside source such as misalignment
or undue thrust from the driven equipment.


Commitment to the purchase of equipment is only
the start of a successful vibration program. The
success of your program lies mainly with the analyst
and his or her ability to diagnose machinery faults
accurately. Training should not stop with the vendor’s
included class, but should be on-going throughout the
analyst’s career. The “use it or lose it” concept applies
here. Never be ashamed to send an employee to a
“basic” class more than once. Over 90% of all vibration
problems are discussed in these classes and often an
Waveform of a faulty bearing. experienced analyst will neglect this percentage.
Have the analyst attend a basic course even after they
WHAT FAULTS LEAD TO MOTOR FAILURE? are competent with advanced analysis techniques. If
Listed below are some common internal faults found offered, have the analyst take a certification exam at
in electric motors. the end of each training program. Not only will they
pay closer attention to subject matter but the exam will
1) Misalignment of the end brackets expose areas that need improvement. When an
2) Improper end play analyst receives certification, reward them with a
3) Shaft dissymmetry bonus or raise; after all, it’s a good idea to retain your
4) Improper bearing installation investment.
5) Insufficient or contaminated lubrication
6) Defective bearings
7) Imbalance
8) Rubs

These faults, left uncorrected, reduce the life of the

bearings, which in turn yields motor failure (Figure 9).


Failed bearing which led to a winding failure.

The absolute number one cause of mechanical

motor failure is its bearings. Besides internal
influences, listed above, bearing degradation can be
EASA Convention 2008 June 23, 2008

Dan Patterson 2008 EASA
Flanders Electric Motor Service Convention
Evansville, IN Dallas, TX

In-Shop Benchmarking
• Data is useful after installation
• Did faults exist before shipment?
• Taken under controlled conditions

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EASA Convention 2008 June 23, 2008

Benchmarking Check List

• Test pad must be part of a massive
• Correct any soft-foot conditions
• Key-ways are filled shaft height, end-to-end
• Motors are tested at rated voltage and

Measurements are made from the casings

Measurements are internally excited frequencies
Faults must produce vibration
Shaft Currents do not produce vibration

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EASA Convention 2008 June 23, 2008

Vibration is applied to Industry Standards

Ensures the quality of mechanical repair

What Should I Be Looking For?

• Values are grouped within Bandwidths
 Below shaft turning speed
 At shaft turning speed
 Multiples of shaft speed
 High frequency range

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EASA Convention 2008 June 23, 2008

Below Turning Speed Values

Inadequate supports
Fundamental train frequencies
Shaft / seal rubs

Turning Speed Values

Quality of Rotor Balance

Rotor Eccentricity
Caution when analyzing

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EASA Convention 2008 June 23, 2008

Multiples of Shaft Speed

Misalignment of Bearings
Measuring Integers and

High Frequency Domain

Families of Bearing
Defect Frequencies
Few other frequencies
reside in this area

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EASA Convention 2008 June 23, 2008


Bearing Defects are

ALWAYS Non-Integers
of Shaft Speed

Bearing Defect Families

Defect Frequency is
found with the first five
Easily seen in the High
frequency Domain

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EASA Convention 2008 June 23, 2008

Haystack may indicate
bearing damage

Waveform Data
• Measured in Acceleration
• Used to judge bearing condition
• Measured directly from the sensor
• True value of amplitude
• Time based

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EASA Convention 2008 June 23, 2008

Normal Waveform

Impacting Waveform
Bearing Faults
Generate Impacts

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EASA Convention 2008 June 23, 2008

What Faults Yield

Motor Failure?
• Misalignment of the end brackets
• Improper end play
• Shaft Dissymmetry
• Improper bearing installation
• Insufficient or contaminated Lubrication
• Defective bearings
• Imbalance
• Rubs

Bearing Failure
Uncorrected Faults Lead To Bearing Failure
Bearing Failure is the Number One Cause of
Motor Failure

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EASA Convention 2008 June 23, 2008

• Equipment is only the start
• Success depends on the
Analyst’s ability
• Training is on-going
• Basic classes cover 90%
of problems

• Attend multiple Basic
• Take Certification Exams
• Reward to retain your

Dallas, TX 10
EASA Convention 2008 June 23, 2008

Be sure you have a copy of the

2008 Select Presentations
It contains most of the handouts plus many complete
technical papers from this year’s quality lineup of speakers!

(If you did not receive a CD in your packet as part of your registration, you
may purchase a copy for only $30. Visit for more information.)

Dallas, TX 11

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