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In Peru, there are many ways to translate to one part of another, but it depends where do you

want to go. If do you want go to work, you must consider the time that do you have for not be
delay. Most of the people go into a minibus, because is very cheap, however, you can be late
for your work for the many stops that have. The other way, is taken a taxi, is more expensive,
but is faster than the minibus. A big problem about these two ways to transport is the traffic
that exist in Lima, for example. In these situations, and also nowadays that we are living in a
pandemic, it is recommended to mobilize in bikes or scooter, that in some cities, like Lima,
Trujillo, it rents you for a time, and you go to the place you wanted, is more efficient, easy,
faster, cheap and the most important, healthy; because the most of the people have obesity,
and one of the ways to live and be healthier in doing exercise.

In Trujillo, for example, where I live, exist collective, another way to go, that is like a taxi, but it
goes in like 5 five persons, is faster, and if you go to go to the center of Trujillo, is a way to go.

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