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Scenario Answer Justification

During lunch break, two co- The scenario involves communication
workers are having a casual between peers or colleagues on the
chat about a new project idea Lateral same hierarchical level, as the co-
1 they want to pitch to their boss. Communication workers discuss a project idea together.
The HR department sends an This scenario represents written
email to all workers with a communication as information is
PDF file attached that explains conveyed through an email and a PDF
changes to the company's Written file, allowing for documentation and
2 benefits plan. Communication reference.
Two co-workers from different
countries are trying to talk The communication barrier here is the
about a project, but they can't difference in language, hindering
understand each other because effective understanding between the co-
3 they speak different languages. Language Barrier workers from different countries.
The scenario reflects a barrier to
It's hard for people in an open communication due to external factors,
office to concentrate on a specifically noise from construction,
conference call because of the making it difficult for individuals in the
loud construction noise Environmental open office to focus on the conference
4 outside. Noise call.
This scenario involves virtual
communication through
videoconferencing, and it also
represents upward communication as
Because of rules about working Virtual the employee is joining a team meeting
from home, an employee Communication, from their remote location to
joined a virtual team meeting Upward communicate with higher-ups or team
5 through videoconferencing. Communication members.

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