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This full text paper was peer-reviewed at the direction of IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society prior to the

acceptance and publication.

A Multi-collective, IoT-enabled, Adaptive Smart

Farming Architecture

1st G. Kakamoukas 2nd P. Sarigiannidis

Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Western Macedonia University of Western Macedonia
Kozani, Greece Kozani, Greece

3rd G. Livanos 4th M. Zervakis 5th D. Ramnalis

School of Electronic and Computer Engineering School of Electronic and Computer Engineering Geosense
Technical University of Crete Technical University of Crete Meandrou, Oreokastro
Chania, Greece Chania, Greece Thessaloniki, Greece

6th V. Polychronos 7th T. Karamitsou 8th A. Folinas 9th N. Tsitsiokas

Geosense Agrosense Agrotikos Synetairismos Grevenon Agrotikos Synetairismos Velventou
Meandrou, Oreokastro Delaporta kai Merarchias 4 Makedonomachon 9 1 km Velventou-Kozanis
Thessaloniki, Greece Amyntaio, Greece Grevena, Greece Velvento, Greece

Abstract—Smart Farming (SF) or Precision Agriculture (PA) nology (ICT) in agriculture using efficient logging and infor-
use precise and efficient approaches for monitoring and process- mation processing approaches. Both SF and PA is the answer
ing information from farms, crops, forestry, and livestock aiming for a productive and sustainable agriculture, able to meet
at more productive and sustainable rural development. Internet
of Things (IoT) is the ecosystem that can provide effective the demands of the continuous growth population. Efficient
real-time information gathering and processing mechanisms, resource allocation, premature disease recognition, climate
while supporting cloud access and decision-making mechanisms. change mitigation, farmers’ income increase, laborious tasks
Despite the notable progress in the SF field, the ability of these decrease are some of the benefits SF and PA introduce in the
systems to adapt into different types of crops in order to consti- modern world [1]. However, effective implementation of SF
tute a ready-to-use tool for agricultural stakeholders remains a
challenge. In this paper we present a flexible and easy-to-adopt and PF requires real-time information collection, accuracy and
architecture for applying modern IoT-enabled technologies in the reliability of data logging and linking of data sources to an
context of SF. The proposed architecture encloses Wireless Sensor integrated information system, capable of working with web
Networks (WSNs), meteorological stations and Unmanned Aerial and/or mobile applications at a relative low cost.
Vehicles (UAVs) along with an information processing system Recent technological developments in ICT facilitate the
that leverages machine learning and computing technologies. The
innovation of the proposed architecture lies in the creation of combination of promising solutions in agriculture. For exam-
an integrated monitoring and decision support system aiming ple, the Internet of Things (IoT) provides effective mechanisms
at production increasing, efficient allocation of resources and for collecting and processing real-time information, while
protection of plant capital from exogenous (weather and pests) supporting data access and cloud decision-making mechanisms
and endogenous (diseases) factors. [2]. The rapid development of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Index Terms—smart farming, precision agriculture, unmanned
aerial vehicles, wireless sensor networks, multi-spectral cameras, (UAVs, drones) made them a very promising solution for real-
computer vision, machine learning time information gathering, as UAVs are considered as one of
the most user-friendly application technologies within the IoT
I. I NTRODUCTION ecosystem, with the ability to directly connect and exchange
Smart Farming (SF) and Precision Agriculture (PA) are data across any network and cloud infrastructure [3].
applications of recent Information and Communication Tech- UAVs are controlled by a ground station without human
intervention. They are equipped with state-of-the-art photo-
Funding: This research was co-funded by the European Union and
Greek national funds through the Operational Program Competitiveness, graphic sensors, high-resolution cameras that capture the crop
Entrepreneurship, and Innovation, grant number T1EDK-04759. areas in visible and invisible spectrum, mapping arable lands,

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licensed use limited to: MANIPAL IEEE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on November 09,2023 at 19:29:09 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
slopes and height of plants, identify areas with the spec- the research station in addition with a limited GSM fallback.
tral anomalies and generally record information necessary to Via Power over Ethernet (PoE) they connected a WiFi bridge
achieve effective SF methods remotely, cheaply and accurately. and via VDSL Peer-to-Peer (P2P) link, they connected the
The capture and recording of information are accompanied by field-side of the bridge with a central box. That box consisted
a data processing system using Big Data mechanisms, where of an industrial-standard server, a switch and some relays in
it is possible to estimate risk, predict and classify anomalies order to control the field nodes manually. Testbed’s power
using stochastic and probabilistic methods [4]. supply derived from PoE. In 2016 the area of the crop changed.
The sMart fArming with dRoneS (MARS) proposal aims to Thus, the testbed was expanded by inserting a total of 18
implement an integrated plant protection and tree protection more sophisticated field nodes with upgrade capabilities thanks
architecture that will exploit the technological capabilities to the dual-platform which consisted of a low-power node
of multispectral cameras, UAVs, Wireless Sensor Networks (based on an STM32F4) and a high-power node (based on
(WSNs). At the same time, it will support combinatorial a Raspberry Pi). The new area was not supported neither by
computer vision and machine learning methods, with the aim power supply nor by Internet connection. As a result, the
of addressing adverse situations and achieving the highest authors evolved their approach by integrating solar panel for
accuracy in the analysis and processing of agricultural infor- power autonomy and LTE for accessing Internet. This time,
mation. the “dump” sensor node collected and periodically transmit-
The remaining paper is organized as follows: Section II ted data via IEEE 802.15.4 to the dual-platform nodes. By
presents the recent related work from 2016 and onward, and is utilizing Delay and Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN) a
followed by section III in which motivation and contribution mobile node (tractor) collected the data from the dual-platform
are defined. Section IV constitutes the main part of the paper nodes.
where MARS architecture is described and its comparative ad- Bagheri in [8] developed a high spatial and temporal resolu-
vantages over related work are presented. Section V concludes tion remote sensing system intended for precision agriculture
the paper, by highlighting the benefits MARS architecture utilization. His system comprised of an on-board (UAV) and
offers to SF, PA and agriculture in general. a ground station system. The onboard system was equipped
with a Global Positioning System (GPS) and a high-resolution
II. R ELATED W ORK multispectral camera. The experiments was conducted at a
Jan Bauer and Nils Aschenbruck in [5] presented an IoT- 5 ha wheat farm in Iran. UAV’s flight endurance time was
based agricultural monitoring system in real world conditions. 10 minutes while its speed varied from 0-40 km/h depending
They focused on Leaf Area Index (LAI), a key parameter on wind’s speed. UAV’s horizontal flight range was between
for crop performance which provides information about the 50-200 m, with a human controlled system, while with the
photosynthetically performance as well as the vital conditions autopilot, it could reach 1 km. Concerning the specifications
of a plant. Their architecture takes into consideration: i) of aerial imagery, the multi spectral camera provided ground
hardware redundancy, ii) software simplicity, and iii) remote spatial resolution between 3.6 and 94.7 mm / pixel from
control of the system and can be separated into 4 levels. The the height of 10 – 250 m. In the height of 250 m, the
first level is the WSN comprising of clusters of nodes which total area covered in each image was 2.8 ha, thus the total
have been spatially distributed based on agricultural-specific area cover in each flight was 100 ha. After image acquiring
rules. These sensors are measuring incoming solar radiation in and processing stage, the author developed multi spectral
the Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR) range and they imagery classification maps for the farm using a supervised
are connected with the cluster head utilizing a star topology. classification method with the Maximum Likelihood model.
A Raspberry Pi (RPi) is mounted in the head node of each The overall accuracy of his results reached 94 % and the kappa
cluster and enables it to connect to the Wireless Local Area coefficient reached 0.9, results which confirm that the UAV
Network (WLAN) and exchange data with the central base remote-sensing system proved to be extremely promising for
station which acts as a gateway to a conventional IP-based monitoring the temporal changes in the studied farm.
IoT network. By utilizing an LTE modem that is attached Di Genaro et al. in [9] tried to identify possible correlations
to the gateway and MQ Telemetry Support [6] protocol for between high resolution multi-spectral images and Grapevine
data transportation, data is further transmitted to a Farm Leaf Stripe Disease (GLSD) inside a vineyard. Thus, they
Management Information System (FMIS) for analytics and developed a UAV with a mounted camera, able to acquire
visualization purposes. images in the visible red wavelength (520-600 nm), green
Robert Hartung et al. In [7] deployed a two-purpose network (630-690 nm) and near infrared (760-900 nm) spectra. The
that was active for 3 years (2015, 2016 and 2017) and acquired images from the crop were combined with high res-
functioned both as a sensor network for smart farming in olution georeferencing, using GPS, resulted in high resolution
a potato crop, as well as a complete WSN testbed. The (5cm/pixel) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)
testbed collected the following parameters: air, soil and surface map, which facilitates analysis at a single plant level. In order
temperature, humidity and sun intensity, by utilizing 9 field to test their methodology, they compared the NDVI map with
nodes in 2015. In order to achieve the remote management ground observations. In their experiment, authors proved the
capability of the testbed, they used the internet connection of negative correlation between the NDVI map and symptomatic

Authorized licensed use limited to: MANIPAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on November 09,2023 at 19:29:09 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
vines, the positive correlation between NDVI map and healthy Imagery data from ground and UAVs as well as environmental
vines, but more important, they manage to discriminate healthy data from WSN are collected in a remote cloud computing
from asymptomatic vines using their NDVI map. system, where they are stored and processed using computer
Their findings lead the way for developing preventative vision and machine learning methods. The purpose of the pro-
processes and mechanisms for plant protection. cessing is to produce useful information that will be delivered
to the involved stakeholders, in an easy and understandable
III. M OTIVATION AND C ONTRIBUTION way. In the delivery process, telematics applications which
Obviously, WSN and UAV technologies have changed the offer embedded management tools will be developed. Fig. 1
course of agriculture routines for the better. The volume of data depicts an overview of the MARS architecture.
they produce transforms empirical agriculture into data-driven
agriculture, without human involvement as a prerequisite. The A. Environmental Data Acquisition
papers presented in the previous section exploit state-of-the-art
Given the extent and location of the areas of interest,
approaches and methods in order to enhance agriculture per-
and after evaluating a number of WSN solutions for their
formance and sustainability, guarantee environmental-friendly
compatibility with business requirements, it was decided to
mechanisms and alleviate farmers’ daily struggle.
use Libelium’s Plug and Sense kit [10]. Plug and Sense kit
However, these papers can still be expanded, or best,
consists of a robust waterproof enclosure with specific external
integrated. Using WSN for gathering information about the
sockets to connect the board with the sensors. The later
environmental condition of a crop for taking actions that corre-
are installed in the crop field and gather information about
spond to irrigation, fertilization, pesticide application etc. is the
temperature, humidity, pressure, soil moisture and temperature,
first step. Flying a UAV for high resolution imagery of the crop
leaf wetness as well as weather conditions. Plug and Sense
is the second step. The third step is the integration between
node can also incorporate a GPS receiver in order to implement
them. Correlate vegetation indices with imagery acquired by a
real-time asset tracking applications and geolocate data on a
UAV and combined with environmental information gathered
map. This accessory is accompanied by an external, waterproof
by WSN could reveal hidden correlations inside agriculture
antenna with a long cable which enables better installation for
ecosystem e.g. under which environmental conditions a plant
maximum satellite visibility.
disease occurred, transmitted or terminated, does irrigation
The collected data are transmitted from Plug and Sense kit
influence pests’ increase, which is the optimal condition for
to a LORIX One LoRaWAN EU868 Gateway [11] using Lo-
a potato crop to thrive etc. Combining data acquired by
RaWAN protocol [12]. LoRaWAN protocol was selected be-
these technologies upgrades decision making, while system
cause it presents several advantages against other Low Power
autonomy is expanded.
Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) such as SigFog, NB-IoT and
A multi-disciplinary architecture that combines state-of-the-
LTE-M [13]. In this work LoRaWAN has been chosen because
art data gathering along with data processing technologies will
it showed better performance in terms of area coverage and
constitute the base on which the integrated Smart Farming
power consumption for long range communications as well as
monitor system will stand. Data gathering from UAV and WSN
for the minimal amount of infrastructure it requires [13]. To
needs to be distinct since they will undergo different kind of
reinforce the versatility of the architecture, a 4G router will
analysis and processing.
be connected with the gateway so that internet accessibility is
IV. MARS A RCHITECTURE achieved in all areas that 4G coverage is available. Moreover,
solar panels will be used to enhance energy autonomy for each
The MARS project aims to implement an integrated plant
data acquisition component.
protection and tree protection architecture that will utilize
recent technological advancements of UAVs, cameras and
B. Imagery Data Acquisition
WSNs. It will support combinatorial and computer vision and
machine learning methods for addressing adverse situations Aerial overviews of cultivated land to identify variants
while achieving the highest accuracy in the analysis and require a UAV system with an appropriate camera load,
processing of agricultural information. The purpose of the systematic flight paths to cover the entire area and systematic
UAVs is to capture images in the visible and near infrared shooting with significant overlays to produce a single mosaic,
spectra of the respective areas of action in Grevena and as a final product. Given the extent and location of the
Velvento. For each area, one or more Ground Control Stations areas of interest, and after evaluating a number of UAV
are designated for the overall operation management of UAVs. systems for their compatibility with business requirements
In order to obtain as much detail as possible concerning and the degree of integration of multispectral camera and
canopy characteristics, imagery acquisition from the ground ground station software, it was decided to use the eBee X
will also be conducted. To control the vital functions of the senseFly [14]. This UAV was rated as the most suitable for
crop as well as the network environmental monitoring, a WSN the project needs, providing high autonomy, ease of use, high
will be developed in the area of interest for measurements integration with multi-spectral camera, ground station software
of soil moisture, temperature and pH, atmospheric moisture and photogrammetry software as well as flexibility in take-off
and temperature, leaf wetness, as well as meteorological data. / landing procedures.

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Fig. 1. MARS Architecture.

A modern multi-spectral camera should be able to record time period. After investigating and evaluating multi-spectral
wavelengths in the red (RED) and near-infrared (minimum) cameras in conjunction with the selection of the UAV and the
areas. In addition, areas on the Red Edge are particularly scope of the project, the Parrot Sequoia+ [15] camera was
susceptible to stress due to lack of water or nitrogen. Finally, selected to capture the ground and air imagery. The camera is
having an additional high resolution sensor in the visible fully compatible with the selected UAV and is an extremely
helps to better understand the problems. In addition to the lightweight and effective solution delivering the performance
electromagnetic recording sensors, each capture should include required by the project as well as the desired functionality.
a geolocation using a Global Navigation Satellite System
(GNSS) receiver which will later assist photogrammetry soft-
ware to produce a single reflection mosaic. In addition to
geotagging, it is important that any intake be as perpendicular The flight planning and execution software selected is
to the plant as possible. For this reason, it is suggested to senseFly’s eMotion [16]. It automatically displays maps from
use an inertial device that records the reception angles of services such as Google Maps, as well as custom maps,
each sensor. Therefore, the photogrammetric software will inserted by the user, in the appropriate format. It can also
result in shooting position information as well as shooting display a three-dimensional representation of the space to aid
angles. Finally, an additional key feature of the above data the user’s perception of the area terrain. eMotion allows the
collection sensor is its ability to measure incident radiation user to define the desired overlays and it takes full control
and automatically adjust the camera so that the shots are of the camera in terms of shooting. Before the flight starts, it
correlated with natural light. Thus, regardless of the time taken automatically calculates its duration, the number of downloads,
and lighting, safe conclusions can be drawn when monitoring and the estimated amount of data the UAV will collect. If there
the crops over time. Otherwise, the data in a given time is not enough free space in the camera’s memory, it informs
period will not be able to correlate with the data in a different about a memory change.

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C. Imagery Data Processing The sensors will be scattered across the area so as to
Imagery data collected by UAV require another level of obtain data free from spatial specificities. The adoption of
processing before data exploitation. This extra level handles LoRaWAN technology in combination with 4G network
the processing of raw image data and using mapping and can succeed in transmitting data over vast distances,
photogrammetry techniques delivers an end product, ready to provided that there is Line of Sight (LoS), and trustworthy
be used for knowledge extraction. Pix4D suite has been proven access to the web.
a trustworthy tool for this kind of tasks [17]. Pix4D suite offers • Macroscopic and Microscopic Data: Besides the sources
a wide range of tools, tailored to different kind of projects of data, MARS solution also differs from similar projects
and industries such as surveying, construction, public safety, at the level of crop analysis/scouting. MARS architec-
mining, education and agriculture. Pix4Dfields constitutes an ture offers a macroscopic analysis of the crop for early
advanced agriculture mapping software for aerial crop analysis detection of any abnormality using UAVs, but also a
and digital farming. Pix4Dfields decreases the processing microscopic one using ground imaging, for foliar level
time and get crop maps directly in the field. According to analysis that will lead to useful conclusions for critical
specifications, it can process 6.8 GB of imagery in 10 minutes decisions.
using the instant processing engine. Moreover, Pix4Dfields can • Portability and Adaptability: MARS architecture is based
facilitate the scout process by generating precise orthomosaics, on open source protocols, tools and mechanisms. It uses
digital surface models, index maps, and accurate prescription technologies that can be integrated with applications that
maps. have already been built and can incorporated by farmers
from different areas with different crops.
D. Cloud Infrastructure
The crops to which the MARS architecture applies are
The data coming from the WSN as well as imagery data expected to increase production, reduce production costs (re-
coming from UAVs and ground photo shooting will end up to duced and targeted interventions for plant protection and fer-
a space where they will be stored, analysed, processed using tilizers), faster response to risks (viruses, fungi and diseases)
machine learning and computer vision algorithms and dissem- threatening trees and plants, improving agricultural products
inated through web and smartphone applications. That space is (avoiding pesticide residues in food) and protecting the en-
the cloud. Cloud technology present various advantages over vironment. MARS architecture encompasses state of the art
traditional solutions. Instant accessibility, dynamic resource tools and technologies and diversifies from related solutions.
allocation, avoidance of procurement and maintenance costs, The fact that incorporates heterogenous data gathering from
dynamic scalability in terms of resources, summarize some the scattered areas, macroscopic data analysis for instant decision
them. Moreover, cloud’s build-in mechanisms such as identity making and microscopic data analysis for reveal crop speci-
management, decision making, context data dissemination ficities in the long term makes it ambitious and innovative.
to subscribers using agents and complex event processing, The scalability and the adaptability of the architecture pose
enhance developers’ productivity, by providing them the op- great assets for its adoption, while the integration with web
portunity to focus on the application itself, rather than the and mobile applications guarantees an efficient dissemination
backend configuration. Cloud computing is in an ongoing strategy for all stakeholders.
evolutionary orbit and IoT contributed significantly. Cloud
providers developed tools that are now incorporated to their R EFERENCES
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