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To start working on the business terms, you should do the following tasks:




What is one modern definition of business? One Negocio

definition of business is the production, distribution,
BUSINESS and sale of goods and services for a profit.

BUSINESSM The definition of a businessman is a professional Empresario

AN/ man employed in a white-collar job. A marketing
executive is an example of a businessman. A man
BUSINESS engaged in business. ... A man in business, one
WOMAN who works at a commercial institution.

The process of setting up a business is known as Emprendimien

entrepreneurship. to

An entrepreneur is an individual who creates a Empresaria

new business, bearing most of the risks and
ENTREPRE enjoying most of the rewards.

I Is a who use his abilities or skills to solve problems Inprendedor

in company
Company is a legal entity formed by a group of Empresa
individuals to engage in and operate a business
COMPANY commercial or industrial enterprise.

BOSS/ Boss definition is a person who exercises control Jefe

CHIEF/ or authority;specifically one who directs or
MANAGER/ supervises workers. How to use boss in a
DIRECTOR/ sentence

1 Self-employment.

TASK 2. Soft Skills/Hard Skills

Do you know the difference between Soft Skills/Hard Skills? Discuss it in pairs.

Let’s check if you can distinguish them. Have a look at the words in the box and make
sure you understand the meaning. You can use a dictionary to look them up.


Computer Programing Conflict resolution Teamwork A degree

Leadership Business analysis Problem solving Proficiency in English

Communication Time management Typing speed Responsibility

Flexibility Machine operation

Now classify the terms in the right column:

Hard Skills Soft Skills

Computer programming Conflict resolution

Leadership Teamwork

Business analysis A degree

Problem solving Proficiency in English

Time management Communication

Responsibility Typing speed

Machine operation Flexibility

Let’s check if you are right. Widden the image and verify:

TASK 3: Entrepreneurship profiles

Clicking the link below, have a look at the article about social entrepreneurship and,
afterwards, answer the questions in.

Social Entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship is entrepreneurship that aims to provide innovative solutions to

unsolved social problems. Therefore it often goes hand in hand with social innovation
processes, aimed at improving people’s lives by promoting social change.

There is a new way of understanding the economy: The solidarity economy that has
people as its central axis.


● EQUALITY: promoting equality in relationships and satisfying in a balanced way

the interests of all the protagonists in the activities of the company or the

● EMPLOYMENT: create stable employment, especially favoring access for people

in a situation or risk of social exclusion, ensuring each person working conditions
and decent remuneration, stimulating their personal development and the
assumption of responsibilities.

● ENVIRONMENT: favor actions, products and production methods that are

respectful with the environment.

● COOPERATION: favoring cooperation instead of competition inside and outside

the organization.
● NON-PROFIT: The solidarity initiatives have as their main purpose human and
social promotion, so they are essentially non-profit. The benefits will revert to
society by supporting social projects, new solidarity initiatives, development
cooperation programs ...

● COMMITMENT: solidarity initiatives will be committed to the social environment

in which they are developed, which requires cooperation with other organizations
as well as participation in networks, as a way for concrete solidarity experiences
to generate an alternative socio-economic model.

● Which of the principles do you find the easiest to achieve? Why?

Equality,Enviorment ,Non-profit...
Because these principles do on your own and you don’t have to wait for anyone.

● Which of them do you find the most difficult to get? Why?

Commitment , cooperation ......

I don’t see these principles as difficult but some time these are hard to follow......

● Explain in your own words what is a social entrepreneur and what benefits does it

They solve inefficiencies of existing markets, helping many people to solve local
needs and being able to give rise to new markets or niches. They are a factor of
social transformation and progress.
● Can you think of any non-profit organization? What do they work on?

No.not know

● Find an example of a social entrepreneur in the automotive sector. If you cannot

find any, give an example of social entrepreneurs in other sectors.

Social enterprises are in our communities and on our high streets - from coffee
shops and cinemas, to pubs and leisure centres, banks and bus companies.

2 Entrepreneur Skills.

TASK 4. Advantages and disadvantages

Use a brainstorming to complete the following table about the advantages and
disadvantages of being an entrepreneur.

Advantages Disadvantages
Teacher says another time.

Because it’s oral activity

TASK 5. Watch the video “Qualities of an Entrepreneur“ related to entrepreneur

skills and then answer:

Watch the video

1. Which of the qualities shown could you identify as yours?

Creative imaginative and vision -oriented

2. Could you be able to run a business? What qualities should you improve on?
I think i can run a business .I think I should be more confident and
3. Will you be an entrepreneur?

Yes I will be an entrepreneur

TASK 6. Reading an article on entrepreneur skills needed

Have a look at the abstract and, using google, answer the questions

SciencieDirect “Tourism Education: What about entrepreneurial skills?”

1.What does the design thinking process consist of?

Design thinking is a non-linear, iterative process that teams use to understand users,
challenge assumptions, redefine problems and create innovative solutions to prototype
and test. Involving five phases—Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype and Test—it is
most useful to tackle problems that are ill-defined or unknowns.

2.What are the valued non-cognitive skills?

Non-cognitive skills are any skills that are not cognitive, such as memory, attention,
planning, language and thinking skills. Non-cognitive skills include emotional maturity,
empathy, interpersonal skills and verbal and non-verbal communication.
TASK 7. Reading: “Running the risk and creating a Startup”

Text from:

Choosing the business

Choosing the business is a complicated task. However, we can analyze our personal
skills and study in what type of business we can take advantage of them. For example, we
can write on a sheet what our personal characteristics, our training and work experience,
our hobbies, etc.

Another source of ideas is observation. We can get an idea of improvement of a product

that already exists, or be a regular reader of the specialized press in Economics. Even
sometimes, people around us detect deficiencies in a good or service and they give us the
first clue. Other times, the idea comes from others, as is the case with franchises or
patents. In the latter case, it is advisable to adapt the good or service to new changes,
improve it as much as possible and introduce new features.

In addition, we can write down those activities that we would like to develop, because if
we enjoy our work, the project is more likely to succeed, and fosters enthusiasm and
confidence in the idea, two key ingredients of a draft. Therefore, we will choose a pleasant
idea that, of course, has to be profitable.

Finally, to know if our choice is correct, we will take into account such important issues as
the following:
• It must satisfy or create a need in the market and if it does not exist, have the
ability to do so.
• It must be long-term, that it has a permanence in time, despite the socio-
economic or other changes that may occur.
• It must have differentiating factors: our product or service must differ somewhat
from the competence. It is advisable to look for a market gap and not go to the
general public. This way we will not have as much competition.
• It must be profitable.
• We will also take into account the investment you require and if we can face it
with the resources available to us.

Another important concept when choosing our business is creativity, since it sets us
apart from the competition and attracts our audience. Therefore, at the time to conceive
the idea we must be creative and if this ability is not our strong, we can resort to
techniques such as:
• Analyze the parts that make up a product or service.
• Write down all the possible ideas in a notebook.
• Organize a brainstorming: helps us to focus on a topic and to make group
decisions. In addition, very interesting
• Work on the subject individually and later, do it in a group, to enrich the results.
Do you have necessary skills to run a business?

When one or more people decide to tackle a business project, it is advisable for them to
carry out a self-diagnosis of themselves and respond to a series of questions relating to
your personality, knowledge and skills.

If we have a business idea, we will be interested to know if we meet the sufficient

qualities to carry it out. To do this, we must ask ourselves what reasons have led us to
choose this alternative and thus we will obtain some personality inherent to the
entrepreneur. The most common reasons are usually:
• The search for professional independence
• A situation of unemployment or having a precarious job generates the desire
to prosper in new projects; there is a desire to excel. The fact of turning to
something new suggests that we feel comfortable in risk situations.
• Have a good idea, in relation to firmly believing in it and trusting our ability to
work for you to be successful.
• By family tradition. This may be related to a vision of the future, necessary to
adapt a business to market changes.

The next step is to assume the difficulty that the project entails, since we will require a
large investment of time, money, knowledge, etc., to be able to take it forward. For this
reason, the figure of the business community or entrepreneurs must gather a number of
qualities, which are difficult to find in a single person. Therefore, if we know our weak
points, we can take measures in this regard and find a suitable solution. Below we
formulate a series of questions that allude to the characteristics of the entrepreneurial
ideal, that is, what attitudes and personal skills are the ideal to be a good

Answer the questions:

• Do you have the ability to work in a team?

Yes I have...

• Do you have organizational capacity?

Yes i do...

• Do you know how to manage your time?

I can make a time schedule...

• Are you a creative person?


• Are you confident in what you do and in your abilities?


• How do you react to changes? Are you flexible? Do you take the initiative?
Sometimes i overreact but i accept the change so I think i am flexible...

• Are you capable of managing financial, material and human resources?

Not know ,but I will...

• Do you have the ability to lead a team?

Yes ...

• Are you willing to motivate your team to obtain from it the best results?

Yes I am willing to motivate my team...

• Do you think you are a responsible person? Is it difficult for you to acquire

Yes I think am responsible person, (but no one is perfect )

• Do you consider yourself skilled in negotiations?

No some times it’s difficult for me to negotiate..

• If you cannot do all the work, are you able to distribute tasks to your colleagues?

Yes if they are willing to do..

• How important is work independence to you?

For me it’s very important,because i can’t take orders from someone else, I like
working in my own terms and style..

• What is your work experience (sector, period and position held). What can you
contribute to the business?

I have worked as Cook 🌯,bartender🍸🍹🍺 and waiter🍱...

• Training useful for the activity of the company (level of studies and further
training). Do you need additional training to develop your project or is it enough
with the one you already have?

I am graduated🎓 and now am studying elèctric mechanics of cars 🚗 ,I think I need

more training...

TASK 8. Watch the video “What is an Entrepreneur?” and answer.

1. Could you be able to run a business?

Yes I am able to run a business..

2. Will you be an entrepreneur?

Yes I will be..

3. Team Dynamic:
a. Make groups of three people
b. Take out a piece of paper and write down 4 of your skills. How do you
define yourself? You can use a dictionarI.
I am organized, creative, quick learner ,good communicater, etc....
c. Now it is time to define your partners. Write down two of their skills.
Intelligent and good listener...
d. It‘s time to compare if they see you as well as you define yourself.
Sometimes people do not see you as you hope or think. Did they?

Yes most of the time....

3 The company culture

TASK 9: Watch the video “About being an intrapreneur“ and “What is intrapreneurship?”

Answer the following:

1. What is essential to be an entrepreneur?

A great entrepreneur must be able to effectively communicate, sell, focus, learn,

and strategize. An ability to continuously learn is not just a key entrepreneurial
skill, but also a very valuable life skill. Growing a business requires a sound
strategy based on inherent business sense and skills.

2. What are allies and what are they needed for?

Allies are people who offer one another backing, assistance, advice, information,
protection, and even friendship. They go the extra mile to help out. Strong and
mutually beneficial alliances can help each party to survive and to thrive, and to
get things done more quickly and smoothly than if they were to go it alone.

3. What are the 3 main rules to be an intrapreneur?

Structure, Management and Agents

4. Describe with your own words the difference between entrepreneurship and

While an entrepreneur aims to increase their individual wealth and ownership by

creating a new business, intrapreneurs are rewarded to leverage existing
resources and networks within a company to launch transformative innovations
and initiatives.
5. According to Bernardette, what should an intrapreneur be given in order to
develop a project or idea?

1.Consider and analyse the relevant markets.

2.Note down your ideas and expand them.

3.Carry out competitive analysis.

4.Model your business.

5.Create/design/sketch your mockup and then test it

6.Execute a market survey.

7.Develop your final product.

TASK 10. Watching the video “6 keys to intrapreneurship”

1. Watch the following video and find out the 6 entrepreneurship skills mentioned.

1.You don’t have to do it alone

2. Finding the right team

3. Test early and test often

4. Design really meters

5. You’ll love the resources but there’s a catch

6. Labels don’t matter

2. According to the video, after checking your skills, what steps should you take?

Finding people with skills who will help me potre my idea...

3.Why do you think a business plan is needed?

I don’t think......

We love intrapreneurs (subtitled)

4. Thinking of a good business idea

TASK 11. Braking Brain. Creativity

Make groups of two people and play to the Braking Brain with two different missions:
create, disrump, Transform and improve

1. Afterwards, explain it in your notebook.

2. Each of you will explain what your searching results consist of to the rest of the

In notebook
TASK 12. Influencers

Have a look after three influencers you usually follow and then answer the following:

1. What have they in common?

They are actors..

2. What is the difference between them? Why do you follow them?

Different accent and style,u follow them because I want to be successful like they are...

3. What is the reason for their success?

There skills

TASK 13. Watch the video “How to be an entrepreneur” and answer the questions.

1. What is the key to be successful in entrepreneuring?

2. What is the question you should ask yourself to find your opportunity?
3. What illness should your new business fight against?

Longest and unhappiness

4. What are incomes related to? Complete the sentence:

The more advantage you have, the more incomes you will have.

TASK 14. Watch the video “ How business ideas are born”.

It is about looking for a good and successful business idea. After watching it,
answer the following questions:

1. What factor or emotion made Aya have an idea?

Anger 😠

2.What question did Aya ask herself in order to generate ideas?

Why this to mi...?

TASK 15. Article Estándares e I+D+i, un binomio perfecto para conseguir los
Read this article about innovation and sustainable development goals “Afterwards,
comment on the relationship between the SDGs and R + D + i.
Find out what the 17 SDGs consist of by briefly explaining each of them, for this you can
consult this link.

TASK 16. Do the following two tasks:

1. Read the article “ The search engine boss who wants to help us all plant trees”
What are the SDGs that this company helps to meet? What kind of innovation
does it mean?
2. Watch the video: Ecoalf What kind of innovation is taking place? With which SDGs
would you relate your activity?

TASK 17. Business Plann

Think of a new startup idea and start your business plan completing the following items.

1. Think of a name and design a logo

2. Explain briefly what your business idea consists of.

My idea is to open a workshop to repair automotives...

3. Introduce yourself and talk about your skills related to

I am Syed and I am hardworking, ambitious,organized, reliable, responsible,

creative and skilled mechanic....

4. Why do you think yours is a good idea? Do you think it would be successful?

I think it’s good idea because now today in every house you can see 2 to 3 cars.

Yes it would be successful because these cars need maintenance to work


Use the model attached at aules.

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