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Lennie’s Eulogy

Lennie Small was a gentle giant, a loyal friend, and a dreamer. He loved
animals, especially soft ones that he could pet and cuddle. He had a simple
mind, but a big heart. He did not mean to hurt anyone, but sometimes he did
not know his own strength. He was misunderstood by many, but not by
George, who was like a brother to him. George and Lennie traveled together,
worked together, and shared a dream of owning their own farm someday.
Lennie was always excited about the prospect of tending the rabbits on
their future farm. He wanted nothing more than to live a peaceful and
happy life with George.

Lennie’s life was cut short by a tragic accident. He accidentally killed

Curley’s wife, the only woman on the ranch where they worked. He did not
intend to harm her, but he panicked when she screamed and tried to silence
her. He ran away, hoping to meet George at the place where they camped
before. But Curley, the boss’s son, was furious and wanted revenge. He led a
mob of men to hunt down Lennie and kill him. George, knowing that Lennie
had no chance of escape or mercy, decided to do the kindest thing he could
for his friend. He found Lennie by the river, and told him one last time about
their dream farm. He made Lennie feel happy and hopeful, and then he shot
him in the back of the head, sparing him from a more painful and cruel

Lennie’s death is a loss for all of us who knew him and cared for him. He was
a good man, who deserved a better fate. He taught us about friendship,
loyalty, and innocence. He made us laugh, he made us cry, and he made us
think. He was a part of our lives, and we will miss him dearly. Lennie, rest in
peace. You are now in a better place, where you can pet all the rabbits you
want, and no one will ever hurt you. We will always remember you, and we
will always love you. Goodbye, Lennie.

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