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COMPLEX NUMBERS AN) QUADRATIC EQUATION opie 4 Algebraic Operations on é Ocmplex Number, Conjugate, Modules and Argument of Complex Numbers Bt Ler whee compte number # a+ ty be such that de j A= =" be prey imaginary, If + y? © 0, chen tase *3' ~ 7 equal to 2623, 10 Apri SHH wars 2 io 4 id) 4/5 f de~ di Orbe Salessey Ao inn roalnumber dees Thon, whack of the following is not correct? (202%, 18 Apes Shitty ) a gst kehtx, goal B= = Wy yoxtestent went (ye) = 63 Lina, be the point obtained by the rotation of 5, #5 4°41 shout the origin through a right angle in ue anci-daceone direcnin, and w, be che point cduained by the reation of 2, 3451 about the rigan Gumugd » righ angie sn the clockwise direcion, Then, the principal argument of we, =a, is equal xe PILL 1 Age SU n= tan 9 ay fonmnan inns gan 04 For ae C, ler A= le eC Rela + 2) >dand + a)} and ele eC sReta + #)< bid +2). Then, among the reo statements {S1) ME Re(a), Ita) >0, then the set A contains all the real numbers. (82) IfRe(a), Im(a) <0, then the set B contains 1 numbers. 2023, 1 Aged “dra (b both at fae {e) only (S2) in true (d) only (S1) is true ected j:2 €C.Re{z) =3) 0 osittenn (af $245] equal to the interval (a. J, then 24(B ~ a) is (2023, 15 Ape ae a) 6 (b) 30 (27 (d) 42 06 Let S={eeC:é wile’ +Re(z))}. Then, S}2!'s equal to P2023, 13 Aged 85 ws (72 sn (a4 07 Let 4 # 6 two non-zero teal numbers. Then the umber of elements in the set X alee :Re(ae! +bz) =a and Re(bz? + az) =42 equal to 202), 6408 983 03 (Bo wo OB Fore =a +A] 242 [m2 +414), thena +fi2e OP ate the row of the equation —_ 2023, sApet 044 Wa! + 2e~300 fa! dn -400 09 Le Aw t42isind , enary’ {Oe o.29): 122400 is purely imagine’ b).x? 4 P4120 (dx? +x -12 <0 : Tain Then the sum of the elements in A is (8) 2x my arto thin os a 10 For ovo non-zero complex numbers z, and2,, if Re(z,2,) =O and Re(z, +£,) =0, then which of the following are possible? 12028, 29Jan Sain) A.Im(e,)>0 and Im(e,)>0 B.Im(e,)<0 and Im(z,)>0 C.lm{z,)>0 and Im(e,)<0,. D.Imz,)<0 and Im(z,)<0 Choose the correct answer from the options given below. (a) BandD (b)AandB (c) AandC (d) Band C 11 Let a, b be two real numbers such that ab<0, If the complex number u = is of unit modulus and +i 4 +ibti os the Gicle|=~1]=[2¢} then a posible +lal value of S75) where( Lis greatest integer function is (2023, 1 Fed Shift-tt) @-t wt @- @ 42 If the centre and radius of the circle! 3 respectively, (a, B) and y, then 3(a +B-+4) is equal to (2023, 1 Feb Shift-l) @o ©) 10 ou (@) 12 13 If z #0 be a complex number such share ~4-2 | then the maximum value of |z|is (2022, 29,alySAiP-t) (V2 1 v2-1 Vi | Okey Use properties of modutes of complex numbers L idea {12 !-1zI1<12-21 243i, then 2° +(2)° is equal to 12022, 29 duty Say (a) 244 (&) 224 (6) 245 (d) 265, 15 Let S be the set of all (4,),x< a1, B<2n, for which the complex rusinhier1=J88©._ i, purely imaginary. I+2isina Bi, surely real. Let Zp =tin 204i cos A 1). 0828, (a,B)€S. Then. (i. 2) is equal (acpies! Rp to ona, 27 ty Smet) @3 w3i 1 @2-i 10 Forne N, lets, ~{recite- 34 2 and r ={« € Cie ~243]=4), hen, the mmber of OT, =p) be ON, 28 Juy ship wa clements in the set (ne WV ao 2 @s Z ‘The equation of cxche whwee cn - Dy ean rE, | Jdea or) 7 7,) 1 crm) | nplex numbers such that 2 =i 2, and (2) =n. Then, &, ela eb, henarg 24 17 Lete, and 2, be wou 12002,25 ne Sayan] (a) arge, 22 ange, «2% (a) arg e, 4 (b) arg z, 7 age, =F (ange «38 18 The real part of the complex number (1+24)* (1-2)? a is equal to 2022, 30 June Shel Bera seme oe June Shit] 300 110 55 550 220 tty US Fa eae. oy oy oF oF WLecAaleeC:1s|2~(1+i)|$2} and Balee Asle~(1-)|= 1) Then, B (2022, 4 June SiN] (2) isan empty set (6) contains exactly two elements (© contains exactly three elements (@) isan infinie sec 20 Let denote the number of solutions of the equation £7 +32 =0, where isa complex number, Then, the 01,22 Jay sup @1 4B 32 wD 21 Ife and w are two complex numbers such that Jew |= 1 and arg (2) ~arg(w) =<, then ) (Here, arg («) denotes the principal argument of complex number e) POM, 20,uly SAY} value of 35 Lis equal ro n x an ws Or x i oF oF 22 23 26 28 Ifthe real part of the complex number (1~cos0 +2isin 0)" is 1/5 for 0 € (0,7), then the value of the integral [ sin x de is equal t0 ° pou, 20 July Ship a (b)2 -1 wo Let a complex number z.|2 1 satisfy Jog, ( LEI | <2. then, the lagest value of =| a del-0) is equal to port, 16 March SAip-HT (a5 (b)7 (8 (d) 6 If.2,.2 are complex numbers such that | 0. If the curve re represented by Re(s) + lm(s) = Vintersees the ¥-as PQ=5r then value of kis atthe points Pand Qwhere timo, 4S SHI @ 12 (b) 4 (2 (a) 3/2 1¢3t#590 6 0, 2n) isa real number, then an 4-icos8 argument of sin 0 +/ cos@ is @s (3 @) - an" =f) Ifz and w are two complex Yand arg(z) ~arg(w) =7/ 2, then posi ( 4 a3 (@) xen @) numbers such that lew £2019, 10 April Shift-H1] cect @ wei =1+i (tenet 0) wat © Bri eT Let z eC with Im (2) =10 and it satisfies 2£=M 297-1 for some natural number 1, then Qetn (2019, 12 April Shifi-I] (2) n=20and Re(z) =10 (b) = 40and Re(z)=10 (c) n=40and Re(z)=-10 (d) m= 20and Re(z)=10 tsA=[oe(- 2) 32? 2 .. Then, the sum of the elements 1-2isin® is purely imaginary } in Ais a, 12019, 3 Jan SHIP @= w= OF @ 2% 4 6 3 430 Lets, and #2 vesny oe et ad such hac 3]21=4 142 plfe= 37 3a 2018, 10 Jon Sip @ Isl 5 i re Bi) LIF R(e) and I(2) 2 2) sal and imaginary parts of, “22013, 10 Jan Ship respectively denote the f the (c)>0 and ine) >0 (b) Im(2) =0 (c) Re(z) <0and Im 2)>0 (d) Re(2) a 32 Let z, and, beewo complex numbers satisfying lz, 29 and|z, ~3-411=4 ‘Then, the minimum value of | 2, — 22 Lis "2018, 2 Jan Sip @v2 (2 0 @1 wee 33 Let a-h) 4 (= JA), where x and y2 3 27 real numbers, then y ~* equals (a) 91 (b) 85 (© -85 sae oe ae — g key z= x4y then Z=x-iyandi?® = idea — / 018, 11 Jan Si (d) -91 A 1+(1-8a)z a isa 34 The set of all a € R, for which @= 1-2 purely imaginary number, for all z € C satisfying |z|=landRez#1,is (BEE Main200 (a) an empty set (b) equal to R (10) @ {0 Lee 4° 4 35 If|z-3+2i|<4, then the difference between the greatest value and the least value of |= |i "66 Man @V3 443 8 (213 36 A value of8 for which 2*3/5i08 5. rely imaginary, is 0 Main ; we 3 2 6 } (d) sin" B 37 Forall complex numbers «of the form 1 +a, a€* if? =x-+iy. then ‘ 4x42=0 (oy? ~4e-4=0 pee sain2" (b) y? + 4x — (y+ 4x4 gg RSET RECOM eR MU gg tet widen we #0) bea complex number, Then the set ofall complex number « satisfying the equation iis © A(1 =a), for some real number Ay iy @teafel= (Weve 8] PEK Main 2014) @lesell ()lerfeloheell +e? 1 a9 lete mn ne} where e is any non-7er0 complex umber, The set A sa ifafoe and 2 st isequal to BE Main 2018) ED HEM EN A) GLO} ao |e, te: F tle, oe) [is equal to JAIEBE 202) @ Alle) 0) 2a fe) © lalle (Le eg? 1 Ui] e — 4] =2, hon the maximum value of eis equal z wo IAIERE 2009] @Ve1 w+ 2 (a) 2402 42 Ife, and, are nwo non-zero complex numbers such that [zy +25] 12)]-+12,]) then arg(e,) ~ arg (2) is ual to JATERE 2005] @-x/2 wo (-n @ ni2 43 Ifz=x-iyande'” = p +ig, then (+2) Kp? +q°is equal to Pq @t (b) -1 (2 (d) -2 44 Ifz and w are two non-zero complex numbers such that zw |=Tand arg (2) ~arg (w) = 1/2, then 2(w) is TAIBEE 2004 equal to IAIERE 2003) at m1 @F @ i IAIEEE 2003 (2) x =4n, where mis any postive integer (b) x= 2, where nis any positive integer (d) x = 2n4 1, where mis any positive integer Numerical Value Type Questions € a} If 46 tase[sec-ti24 eeeeeD 13. te eri €S,a € R—{0}, then 24247 is equal to ? Biz -2 ateeee (2023, 11 April Shift-II] a7 Let 2 =14i and c, == Then, 2 argle,) z(1-z) +— z is equal to 12023, 30 Jan Shift-] wt sh dh Ad ce tageetongeeenf and Ag lev ee te Healeecife 43/4) Then, (Rez lin 2) is equal 1 « wate (2023, 29 Jan Shiftell} 40 Ler Se lneCre? +e 0), Then, (2 (Ree) Aine) equa 0 ove «1M 27 Jay hey 50 ‘The number of elements in the set 2 #4 +b @ Ce abe Zan le|n-342i <4) is "ok, 28June Shi Bt Le S [ae sesh alli) 42 (11) 52). Lee Je ~dilacaing minimum and maximum values, respectively, at 2, ¢S and z, €5,1f 5(jz,) +12,)?) =a + BS, where and fare integers, then the value of. +{is equal to 12022, 29 Fume Shi 62 Sum of squares of modulus of al the complex numbers z satisfying Z =z? +2? ~z is equal to ee (2022, 28June SHI 59 If for the complex numbers z satisfying |z=2-2i|5 lithe maximum value of [3 +6 fis attained at a +ib, then a +b is equal t0 .. {BUBI, 1 Sep Shift] 54 Let Z, and Z, be two complex numbers such that arg (Z, -Z,)=T and ZZ, satisfy the equation | Z-3|=Re(Z). Then, the imaginary part of Z, +Z, is equal to 12021, 27 Aug She} 155 The least positive integer m such that ey, igi ae ee 514 == 1,is a positive integer, is aay 2021, 26 Aug Shift] 56 If the real part of the oe number +2icos0 9 6(9,7 is zero, then the value of =3icos0 sin? 30 +cos? 0 is equal to (2021, 27 ly Spat 87 Let z and w be two complex numbers, such that ti jz —3i| value. Then, the minimum value of n € NV for which 1w" is real, is equal to 12021, 16 March Shife-1] 58 If the least and the largest real values of o, for which the equation z +a|z~1]+2/=0 (z€C and i= J-Thas a solution, are p and q respectively, then 4(p? +47) is equal to weed -22 +2, and Re(w) has minimum (2021, 24 Feb Shifts] Topic 2 Square Root of a complex Number, Cube Roots of Unity, De-Molvre’s Theorem and nth Roots of Unity 59 The complex number 2 =~! is equal to Bara cos” + isin 3 (2023, 31 Jan Shift-H] (0/3 cos5® tisin #) (6) co isin = tps 12, 12 W2 VE (con 5 +i Bi) v2i( on 58 isin Sn Eg) VB ond ~ isin 60 Let pg Rand (1-V3i)™ =2 (p +ig), i= JH. Then, p +4-+g? and pg +g? are roots of the equation £2023, 24Jan Shes} (@)x? ~4x 4120 (b) x? ~4x-1=0 (x? + 4x (d)x? +4x+1=0 71. Then the value of , a+(2+4) (2 + z sane +r) z (a) 12 (b) 13 () 18 (d) 20 62 Leta be a root of the equation 1+x* ++ =0.Then, the value of!" +a —a™” is equal to 2022, 29 June Shifts] eg) 2021, 26 Jan Shift] @1 lta key For cube roots of unity key eR ete -120 | UWF + 4-1) 20> retort + r-120) aH = tH ngs Oa (1+ 2a -ttyi- Ay cee . Qn I+sin ~~ +icos 63 The value of ——2 2. | is I+sin ~ I) 2020, 28ep sripeny (9 -405-9 (1-13) lia (a) a-iNi) 64 If a and b are real numbers such that (24a)! =+bu, wherea = then 4 + ual 0 12028, 4549 Si (a) 24 (b) 33 (9 (57 ete = i Ga then(dsie +2? tie") 22 ual 10 2013, 8p sp a 1 (b) (-1+ 24)” (¢) = (d) 0 Gy key Use Ever tarda, e* 008 8+ unt idea 2019, April Sip (2) 4Im(o)>5 (b) SRe(@)>1 (©) 5 Imo) <1 (4) 5Re(o)>4 67 Leta and be two roots of the equation x7 42x +2=0, thena® +” is equal to 2018, 9 en Sep (a) 256 (b) 512 (0 -256 (@) -512 68 Ifa, BEC are the distinct roots of the equation x? —x41=0, thena™ +B" is equal to EE Main 21 @-1 0 wr (2 69 Let z= 1+. be a complex number, >0, such thit 2? is areal number. Then, the sum Itz+27....42" is equal to WEE Mein 216 (2) 136531 (&) 136531 (2) -1250¥3% (4) 1250434 70 If isa non-real complex number, then the . minimum value of = IEE Main 215 (mz) @-1 2-4 @-s 71 IF t9(# 1) isa cube root of unity (140)? = A+ Bea Then, (A, B)is equal to Aree et! (a) (1) (b) (1,0) CLI) @)@1) 72 The value ot Sin Fe tie) al arece 208 fa) 1 (b) -1 © -% @i 73 Ifthe cube roots of unity are I, wand c, then the 10% ofthe equation (x1) +8=0,are gees (a) ~L1+20,1+20° (b) -L.1-20,1-20° (0) -h-1-1 @ 74 Mavis an imaginary cube root of unity, then (1+@-0')” equal to Pinan ia (128.0 (b) “128 (@) -128 o! Numerical Value Types Questions 76 Let =a +ib, 6 #0 be complex numbers satisfying z! 02-2! ", Then, the least value of n@ NY, such thar 2” © (2 +0", is equal to (© 128 12022, 4 aly SM-IY 76 The sam of 162 power of the root of the equation 2x? 42x10 is 12021, 26 Feb She 7 ite least and the largest real values of a, for which the equation z +a |z—1|+2/ =0 (2 @C and i= J-D hasa solution, are p and q respectively, then A(p? +9? Yis equal 10 cose» (2021, 24 Feb Ship) ‘Topic's Application of Complex 3 Number in Geometry 78 Let be the circle in the complex plane with centre 3(+3iand radius =1, Let z = 147 and the complex number z, be outside the circle C such that If'z4,z, and 2, are collinear, le, ~ 2 les then the smaller value of 2" is equal vo 2023, 1 Ape hit} wo 2 3 w3 79 Let z be a complex number such that pe =2, ti 2% ~i. Then, z lies on the circle of radius 2 and ‘centre (2023, 25 Jan hiett} G20) G0) (.-2) (0.2) 80 Let z, =2+3i and 2, =3+4i. The set S=lzeC:lz—z, ['-|2-2,)? =z, -2:1') represents 2 (2023, 25 Jan Shifel] (2) hyperbola with the length of the transverse axis 7 () straight line with the sum of its intercepts on the co-ordinate axes equals 18 (sign with the sum of itereepe om the te anes equals 14 (ay hyperbola with eceentcity2 81 feral @Gon the curve, :|z|=4, let the locus of the point « ++ be the curve C,. Then, “72023, 31 Jan Ship] (a) he cures C; and Cy inenec a 4 points (b) the curves C, and C, intersect at 2 points (6) the curve C, lies inside C, (d) the curve C, lies inside C 02 Ler S mfz=xtiyife~14i]2 [eb lel<2sle +41= [2-1 Then, the set ofall values of x, for which w=2x +iyeS for some y€ R, is (2 sal (8. 4] 2022, 29 July Shift} ” (-# + of ti 83 Let the minimum value, of vale)? +|2—3) +]2~Gil?, 2 €C is attained at 22, Then, 2; -2) +3]? +2 is equal to (2022, 27 Daly SHI] (c) 1105 (d) 1196. al argument of the Band arg (z -)—arg (2022, 29 June Shif-I] (a) 1000, (b) 1024 84 Let arg (z) represent the prin¢ complex number z. Then, |z| (2 +1) =7/4 intersect (a) exactly at one point (b) exactly at two points (©) nowhere (d) at infinitely many points 85 The number of points of intersection of [2-(4 +31)|=2 and |2|+|z -4|=6, 2 Cis (2022, 27 Jane Shiell} @o (b) 1 (2 @3 86 The area of the polygon, whose vertices are the non-real roots of the equation # =iz? is (2022, 27 ane shit} ay3 3 3 3 3 OF, 26 = 87 veaefeec 2e(eetin( Eh Then, AN Bis O22, 26 June Shift} +) that es inthe (@) aportion of a circle centred at (0 , second and third quadrants only (6) portion of a circle centred at ( ) that lies in the second quadrant only (© an empty set (a portion of a circle of radius quadrant only the minimum value of +e ~ pV2il is 5 V3, then value of pis 2022, 25 July shift] (d) 9/2 12022, 25 Jane she) ean" (4)-« (© tan" 3) 90 The equation arg| =~! 241 (@) centre at (0,—1) and radius VE (b) centre at (0, 1) and radius V3 (0) centre at (0, 0) and radius V2 (A centre at (0, 1) and radius 2 91 A point z moves in the complex plane such that z-2 98 | a Jo gr then the minimum value of | 2-92 ~2 Pequal to ‘2021, 31 Aug Shif-t) (a) 100 (&) 98 ©95 @) 102" y key Une Bey ata — ao(2) ee hs tend 4 [Presents a circle with O21, 26 Aug Ship = 10 (%)~srglz) 92 If < is a complex number such thar = is purely imaginary, then the miniinum value of fz ~(3 +3) | is (2021, 2019, 31 Aug Ships) @22-1 WZ 62 (dy 242 93 Let C be the set of all complex numbers. Let €C||z-3 -2i|? =8}, €C|Re(2) 2 5} and S, ={zEC||z Then, the number of elements in S, AS, AS, is equal to (2021, 27 tly Smity @1 (bo (2 (d) Infinite 94 The point P(a, 4) undergoes the following three transformations successively (A) Reflection about the line y =x. (B) Translation through 2 units along the positive direction of X-axis. (C) Rotation through angle x/ 4 about the origin in the anti-clockwise direction. Ifthe coordinates of the final position of the poing Wis t ~., Z| then the value of 22 +6 is equal “Cagle iat, aa (a) 13 )9 5 7 95 LetC be the set of all complex numbers. Let $, ={2€C:|z -2[$ I} and S, ={zeCrz2 (14) +2(1- 24}. 5 “Then, the maximum value of| 2 forz€5, 0; : 5 is equal to £2021, 725 su, oy 2tne wit tt ain 96 If the equation a|z|"+@ +az +d =0 represents circle, where a,d are real constants, then which of the following condition is correct ? @)lal? ~ad 20 22021, 18 Starch sup, (b) al? -ad >0 and a€ R -(0} (lal? -ad20 anda eR @a=0,4,deR 97 Leta complex number be w = 1 V3 i, Let another complex number z be such that| 21] = 1 and args) argu) =/2, ‘Then the area of the triangle with vertices origin, z and w, is equal to 2021, 18 March Sup. @a &) 12 (1s (a2 Let S,,S, and S, be three sets defined as 5S, ={2€C:|z-1|s V2} S, €C:Ref(1-s)z]2 I} S, =(2€C:Im(z) < Then, the set S, AS, 0S, (a) isa singleton a 12021, 17 March Supt (b) has exactly two elements (©) has infinitely many elements (4) as exacly three clements 99 The area of the triangle with vertices A(z), B(je) and Cle +iz)is 2021, 17 March Sut @1 4) 1/2 he)? (v2 (4) W/ 2x + ial? 100 Ler the lines (2 -i) z =(2 +i)z and Q +i) 24+ -2) 2-47 =0, (heres? =—1) be normal toacircleC, Ifthe line iz +2 +1+i =0 is tangent © this circle C, then its radius is pont, srasnet 3 1 5 @ i (b) oe ()3V2 @ rd 101 jf the four complex numbers z, Z, -2Re(zZ) and 2 -2Re(z) represent the vertices of a square of side - 4 units in che argand plane, then [zis equal to 2020, 5 Sep Shift- @4 @) 4V2 2 (© wz 102 Let z bea complex number such that 3. Then, the value of |z +3i]is 2 ovo w2 15 © ig Dati 103 une Jetwtoe sas ts, then the point («lies ona 12020, 74en Smit. {@) straight line whose slope is (O)cire whose centre is “( 23 (c) straight line whose slope is =. (© seaghe li slopeis 5 (circle whose diameter: 2 104 All che points in the set S {2 licona (2) circle whose radius is /2. (b) straight line whose slo (©) circle whose radius is 1. (d) straight line whose slope is 1. 105 Let 2, and 2, be two complex numbers satisfying [z, |=9and|2, ~3-4i|=4. Then, the minimum value of|z, 2; lis 2018, 12 Jan Shi} @1 b) 2 © 2 (0 106 Let 2 eC, the set of complex numbers. Then the equation, 2| 2 +3i|—|z -i|=0 represents (HEE Main 2017] (a) a circle with radius 8/3. (b) a circle with diameter 10/3. (©) an ellipse with length of major axis 16/3. (@) an ellipse with length of minor axis 16/9. 107 The point represented by 2 +/ in the Argand plane ‘moves | unit eastwards, then 2 units northwards and «finally from there 2-2 units in the south-westwards direction. Then its new position in the Argand plane is at the point represented by (WEE Main 2016) @i4i (242 (-2-2 @-1-5 108 4 complex number z is said to be unimodular, if|z |= Suppose z, and 2, ate complex numbers such that 2, -2z, unimodular and z, is not unimodular. 2-22, Then, the point z, lies on (a) stright line parallel to X- (6) straight line parallel to Y-axis (6) circle of radius 2 (A) circle of radius V2 [Py vest mi 109 Fz EE Moin 2015} a complex number such that |z|2 2, then the minimum value off +4 7 (2) is equal to 5/2 (©) lies in the interval (1,2) (€) is seicely greater than 5/2 (4) is strictly greater than 3/2 but less than 5/2 110 If z is a complex number of unit modulus at argument 0, then. af #4) equals /JEE Main 2013 +2 LEE Bain 2014) @F-0 wo (n-@ — @d)-0 111 If 2 # land ~~ is real, then the point represented by the complex number < lies (AIEEE 2012} (a) either on the rel axis or on a circle passing through the origin (b) on a circle with centre atthe origin (0) ihe onthe rel nis ron eno pasng hough (d) on the imaginary axis 112 The number of complex numbers z such that Je-I]=|z+1|=|2~lisequal to AIEEE 2010) @) 0 1 @2 (d) © 113 Jf] z +4|<3, then the maximum value of |z + I|is (AIEEE 2007] @4 wo 06 wo 114 tw => and jw then zlies on {AIEEE 2005) 3 (@) a parabola () astraghe line (©) acircle (d) an ellipse 145 jf[z? -1[=[z |? +1, then z lies on [AIEEE 2004) (2) the real axis (b) che imaginary axis (© acirde (@ ancllipse 416 Let z, and z, be two roots of the equation 27. +az +6 =0, 2 being complex. Further, assume t the origin, z, and z, form an equilateral triangle. ti moe ; ; [AIEEE 2003] (a) 2? =b ° (b) a? =26 (c) a? =36 (d) a? =4b Numerical Value Type Questions 117 Fora, B,zeCanddA>1, if fA-1 is the radius of the circle |z—o. |?+|z-B|? =2A, then |a. —B| is equal TO veseeess (2023, 6 April Shift-11] 118 Let S ={z €C:|z -3|< land 2(4 +3i) +2(4 -31) < 24}. Ifo +iPis the point in S which is closest to 47, then 25(a +8) is equal to... . (2022, 24 June shift-11] 119 Let z,, z, be the roots of the equation 2? +az+12=0and 2%», form an equilateral triangle with origin. Then, the value of Jalis oo... £2021, 18 March Shift-1] 120 Let z be those complex numbers which satisfy |z + 5| S4and z (1+i) +z (1-1) 2-10,i=V-1 If the maximum value of | z +1]? is o'+BV2, then the value of (a +P) is ......... . 12021, 26 Feb Shift-11]

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