2021 CNN Demand Forecast

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Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag (December 2022) 13(Suppl.



CNN model optimization and intelligent balance model

for material demand forecast
Zheng Tang1 • Yuemeng Ge1

Received: 29 March 2021 / Revised: 7 May 2021 / Accepted: 23 May 2021 / Published online: 3 July 2021
Ó The Society for Reliability Engineering, Quality and Operations Management (SREQOM), India and The Division of Operation and
Maintenance, Lulea University of Technology, Sweden 2021

Abstract The purposes are to improve the accuracy of material consumption data only as an independent variable.
inventory demand forecast, balance the indexes of enter- The forecast method based on neural network proposed
prises, and reduce the costs of human, material and finan- increases the lead time of the forecast, give the supplier a
cial resources of enterprises and suppliers, thus reducing longer time to prepare goods, and reduce the shortage or
the supply chain costs and meeting the actual needs of surplus of supply caused by the short lead time. Therefore,
enterprises. In terms of training a large amount of data, the material demand forecast model based on convolution
deep learning is better than traditional machine learning. neural network (CNN) algorithm provides an important
The sales demand time series data and the previous mate- reference for the enterprises, helps them improve their
rial demand time series data are input and trained by back work efficiency and promotes the development of enter-
propagation (BP) neural network, and then the material prises. This model achieves a great improvement on the
demand value is output. Therefore, the historical data of accuracy of material demand forecast, and has a certain
sales demand forecast and material information are input, guiding significance in relevant theory and practice.
and the model is established by BP neural network, which
not only takes into account the decisive factor of sales Keywords Deep learning  Material demand forecast 
demand forecast, but also considers the material con- Intelligent balance  Convolution neural network
sumption, achieving more accurate forecast. The material
demand budget of enterprises is analyzed and a material
forecast demand model based on deep learning algorithm is 1 Introduction
proposed. The model uses a neural network to input the
sales demand forecast data, material inventory information In the process of production, the demand plan of raw
and material attribute information into the model, and then materials often deviates from the actual consumption, and
the model is trained by the training set in accordance with the plan needs to be adjusted manually (Pechmann and
the error back propagation algorithm. Finally, the training Zarte 2017). Employees of the enterprise need to com-
effect of the model is tested by the test set. The results municate with suppliers to temporarily increase or reduce
show that when the independent variables include sales the number of parts purchase, which increases the pur-
demand forecast, material consumption forecast and chasing cost of the manufacturing enterprise. If the forecast
material attribute information, the forecast error of both of material demand is more accurate, it can reduce the
models is lower and the effect is better, compared with the purchasing cost of manufacturing enterprises and the pro-
duction cost of suppliers (Bakhtavar et al. 2021), thereby
reducing the cost of the whole supply chain. The material
& Yuemeng Ge demand forecast has a profound impact on the supply
guanggao181@nbt.edu.cn chain, and it is an important prerequisite for the production
1 of manufacturing enterprises. At present, most enterprises’
Business School, Zhejiang Fashion Institute of Technology,
Ningbo 310058, China material demand forecast is based on ERP (Enterprise

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag (December 2022) 13(Suppl. 3):S978–S986 S979

Resource Planning) system, which requires a large number 2 CNN based on material demand forecast
of calculations to obtain data within the enterprise. This
wastes a lot of time, and shortens the forecast lead time, Forecast refers to the use of the past and present known
thus making the response time for manufacturing enter- information, through experience or scientific methods, to
prises and their suppliers shortened (Gavidia 2017). forecast the possible future situations, and then to evaluate
Finally, the supply of materials cannot meet the production the development trend of things. In demand-driven manu-
plan of the manufacturing enterprises, and the enterprises facturing enterprises, any process in sales, production, and
have to change their production volume. purchase plans is driven by forecast. Forecast determines
Machine learning and intelligent algorithm are widely how to make production plans, procurement plans and
used in material prediction. Shen et al. (2019) combined other production activities. But it is very difficult to make a
BP neural network with the genetic algorithm to forecast forecast that conforms to the actual situation completely,
the material demand of maintenance enterprises, which and sometimes there will be a long distance between the
provides decision support for material procurement and forecast and the reality. Although there will be errors in
inventory. The forecast model has the advantages of forecasts, their guiding significance cannot be ignored.
genetic algorithm searchability and neural network stability
(Shen et al. 2019). Scholar Sun et al. (2019) optimized the 2.1 Material demand forecast
existing models and built a dynamic forecast model to
achieve a more accurate forecast model of enterprise The abbreviations involved in this article are shown in
logistics demand. The research of material demand forecast Table 1.
using machine learning focuses on the selection of model The personalization of customer demand makes it more
variables, the construction of the model, and the opti- and more difficult to forecast the sales demand of manu-
mization of the model (Sun et al. 2019). However, the facturing enterprises according to orders, as shown in
above research does not discuss the references of system- Fig. 1. The demand-driven theory is produced for a long
atic model variables selection. Besides, due to the difficulty time and widely accepted by manufacturing enterprises.
of data collection, some studies use simulation technology The theory holds that the formation, existence and recon-
to verify the model, which cannot fully reflect the whole struction of the supply chain are based on certain market
process of forecast (Graser et al. 2018). With the progress demand, and in the operation process of the supply chain,
of data collection technology and the optimization of the user’s demand is the driving source of information
storage hardware, many enterprises can provide data sup- flow, service flow and capital flow of the supply chain.
port for machine learning, and the research should be based Under the mode of supply chain management, the opera-
on real enterprise data. When a large number of data are tion of the supply chain is driven by orders. Commodity
trained, deep learning performs better than traditional purchase orders are generated under the driving of user
machine learning (Wang et al. 2017). demand orders. Then, commodity purchase orders drive
Therefore, to address the above problems, the quanti- product manufacturing orders, and product manufacturing
tative analysis method is adopted. The neural network is orders promote raw material purchase orders accordingly,
used to have the quantitative analysis of the real data of the which shows that demand forecast is becoming more and
enterprise, and deep learning is applied to the research of more important. How to reduce the forecast error is the key
the material demand forecast of the manufacturing enter- to establishing the model because the demand drives the
prise. Furthermore, the auxiliary forecast method for the arrangement of all activities in the supply chain. The more
material demand forecast of the ERP system of the man- accurate the forecast of material demand is, the lower the
ufacturing enterprise is discussed. Taking the historical
data of sales demand forecast and material information as
input, the model is established by BP neural network,
which focuses not only on the decisive factor of sales Table 1 Abbreviations
demand forecast but also the material consumption in BP Back propagation
history to achieve a more accurate forecast. The innovation CNN Convolution neural network
of this study is to increase the lead time, reduce the part ERP Enterprise resource planning
claims paid by enterprises to suppliers due to the change of MRP Material requirement planning
production plan, and reduce the purchasing cost of enter- RNN Recurrent neural network
prises. Also, the auxiliary method simplifies the forecasting CNN-LSTM Convolution neural network-long short-term memory
process and saves human resources. API Application programming interface

S980 Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag (December 2022) 13(Suppl. 3):S978–S986

when inventory is reduced from the order point to the

Material safety point is the lead time for the order. The lead time
Requirements mainly includes: ordering time of ordering party, time of
Planning supplier preparation, time for making transportation and
consignment plan, loading and unloading time, trans-
Master portation time of goods, and warehousing time. The
Production inventory quantity at the order point is equal to the lead
production time multiplied by the daily consumption. When produc-
plan Plan
tion fluctuates, the consumption speed of materials will be
unbalanced, and the time from inventory materials to the
order point will be different from the expected (Huber et al.
Logistics list 2017). Therefore, when the actual inventory reaches the
Inventory Shopping list order point, the order can be issued to avoid the phe-
nomenon of overstocking or insufficient inventory due to
the consumption change. If the lead time of the order of the
material is L, the average daily consumption is C and the
Inventory safety stock is S, the calculation equation of order point
(the inventory quantity at the order point) R is:
R ¼ CL þ S ð1Þ
Fig. 1 Material demand forecast process
Suppose that when the consumption speed is normal, the
purchasing cost of manufacturing enterprises and the pro- order quantity is C, the supply cycle is T, the order lead
duction cost of suppliers are (Allwood et al. 2017). time is T, the order point inventory is R, the daily con-
The existing information is used to predict the material sumption is C and the inventory quantity is Q. Then the
demand, and various methods are used to make scientific equation is as follows:
and reasonable inferences on the demand and the trend in a Q RS
C¼ ¼ ð2Þ
certain period through the analysis and research on various T L
factors affecting demand change. The demand forecast in
manufacturing enterprises provides the foundation for the When the consumption speed increases, the order
establishment of material demand plans in manufacturing quantity remains unchanged and the supply cycle shortens.
enterprises, and can guide the production and logistics It needs to move the order point to a fixed point to the left
activities of upstream and downstream enterprises in the again, that is, the order time L needs to be corrected. The
supply chain (Fu and Chien 2019). Material demand fore- correction quantity is as follows:
cast refers to the analysis and research on the types and
quantity of materials required for production and operation DL ¼ L  L0 ð3Þ
in the near future according to the existing sales data or
material consumption data. Material demand forecast can Besides, the order point inventory R should also be
provide auxiliary support for the formulation of production corrected. The inventory of the new order point C is:
and inventory strategies of enterprises. The main functions
R0 ¼ R þ DR ð4Þ
of material demand forecast are: reducing inventory,
improving the accuracy of supply, cutting purchasing cost,
and improving the efficiency and competitiveness of the In this case, the daily consumption rate is:
whole supply chain (Kucukvar et al. 2018). Q RS
The order point method is used to forecast the material C0 ¼ ¼ ð5Þ
T0 L0
demand, and an order point and a safety value for the
inventory quantity of materials are set. When a certain
material or product used in the production or for sale is less From the above equation, the correction of order time is
than the order point, the order or purchase order is sent out as follows:
to supplement the inventory. When the inventory quantity RS RS
DL ¼ L  L0 ¼  ð6Þ
is reduced to the safety stock, the purchased materials just C C0
reach the warehouse (Bedi and Toshniwal 2018). The time

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag (December 2022) 13(Suppl. 3):S978–S986 S981

The revised quantity of the order is: material requirement planning (MRP) in 1970s and man-
C ufacturing resource planning II (MRP) in 1980s (Behera
DR ¼ C 0 DL ¼ C0 Lð1  Þ ¼ LðC 0  CÞ ð7Þ et al. 2014). The explanation of the term ERP by the
American Association of production and inventory man-
agement is that the differences between an ERP system and
Regular and non-quantitative purchase is a means of a typical MRP II system is the technical requirements, such
purchase without changing the order cycle and quantity. In as the requirements for graphical user interface, relational
this mode, the order point is fixed and is affected by the database, integration with customers and suppliers, and
speed of material consumption. When the consumption making various reports as needed. In short, ERP is ‘‘a large
speed changes, the actual inventory of the inventory curve modular and integrated process-oriented system, which
reaching the order date is different from the order point integrates the information flow of internal financial
inventory (Al-Musaylh et al. 2018). The order quantity is accounting, manufacturing, purchase, sales, and inventory,
adjusted as follows: provides decision-making information quickly, and
DQ ¼ R  Q ð8Þ improves the operation performance and quick response
ability of enterprises.‘‘
2.2 Intelligent balance mode
2.3 Convolutional neural network
Before making enterprises generate production plans,
Convolution neural network (CNN) is a kind of feed-for-
enterprises need to balance the production plan and the
ward neural network, and its artificial neuron can respond
indexes of the enterprise, including sales demand, business
to a part of the coverage of the surrounding units. It has
objectives, resources and logistics, energy and logistics,
excellent performance for large-scale image processing.
management system, production capacity, quality assur-
CNN is composed of one or more convolution layers, a
ance, personnel and efficiency, technology and products,
fully connected layer at the top, correlation weight and
and factory planning, etc. (Poggi et al. 2017), as shown in
pooling layer. Because the data set contains some series
Fig. 2. After these assessments, more accurate production
data, the effect of using one-dimensional CNN is compa-
plans can be generated, but the time for suppliers to prepare
rable to recurrent neural network (RNN). For simple tasks
parts is often limited (Deepika and Bhat 2021). If the
such as text classification and time series forecast, a small
enterprise wants to purchase sufficient parts in a short time,
one-dimensional CNN can replace RNN, and the speed is
it will have to increase the cost. Moreover, if the produc-
faster (Yamashita et al. 2018). CNN consists of three parts:
tion volume is less than the demand forecast, it will cause
a convolution layer, a pooling layer and a fully connected
an inventory backlog and increase the cost of inventory.
layer. The convolution layer is mainly responsible for
Therefore, to make the forecast more accurate, the forecast
extracting local features of the input layer by using a filter.
period should be lengthened to reduce the supply chain cost
The pooling layer is mainly used to greatly reduce the
(Campos et al. 2020).
dimension of the input layer. And the full connection layer
ERP is put forward by industrial science and technology
is similar to the input layer, hidden layer and output layer
research enterprises in the early 1990s based on the
of the basic neural network, and it is used to output the final
development of information technology and supply chain
result (Yao et al. 2020). The specific structure is shown in
management. It infers the development trend of manufac-
Fig. 3.
turing management information system. ERP is not a
CNN is a kind of feedforward neural network with
completely new system and it is the gradual evolution of
convolution calculation and deep structure, and it is one of
the representative algorithms of deep learning (Wang et al.
2020a, b). It has the ability of representation learning, and
can classify input information according to its hierarchical
structure. Therefore, it is also called ‘‘translation invariant
artificial neural network’’ (Zhao and Peng 2021). It is
excellent in handling the problems about computer vision,
because it can carry out convolution operation, extract
features from local input block, modularize representation
and make efficient use of data (Gangrade and Bharti 2020).
These properties make CNN perform well in computer
vision, and sequence processing effective. Usually, the
Fig. 2 Production planning and control convolution layer is two-dimensional convolution, which

S982 Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag (December 2022) 13(Suppl. 3):S978–S986

Fig. 3 Structure of CNN

extracts two-dimensional blocks from the image tensor and that, the normalized exponential function output layer is
applies the same transformation to each block. In the same defined to output the final result.
way, one-dimensional convolution can be used to extract
local one-dimensional sequence segments (i.e. sub-se- 2.4 Construction of material demand model
quences) from the sequence. Time can be seen as a spatial
dimension, like the height or width of a 2D image. In a CNN-LSTM (Convolution Neural Network - Long Short-
CNN, a convolution layer can have multiple convolutional Term Memory) model is a combination model of CNN and
cores, while each convolution core slides on the input data Long Short-Term Memory. Before LSTM Long Short-
and processes only a small part of the image at a time. In Term Memory) is introduced, RNN is the mainstream deep
this way, the convolution layer of input can extract the learning sequence model. But it has two obvious technical
most basic features in the data, and then combine them into defects: one is the disappearance of gradient, and the other
higher-order features. Suppose the dimension of input layer is the gradient explosion (Priyadarsini et al. 2021; Suresha
is 32 * 32 * 3, the dimension of filter is defined as 5 * 5 and Parthasarathy 2021). LSTM can solve the problem of
according to the dimension of data, and the step size is set gradient disappearance. In the actual parameter update, the
to 1, the number of filters is set to 6. After convolution value of bias can be controlled to be close to 1; In this case,
calculation, the dimension of independent variable is con- the gradient will not disappear even if many times of
verted to 28 * 28 * 6. Then, the pooling layer is defined, the multiplication are conducted, and the existence of ‘‘long
pooling value is taken the maximum, the dimension of the distance’’ multiplication term can still be retained. That is
filter is 2 * 2, and the step size is set to 2. After convolution to say, a reasonable gradient direction can be found to
calculation, an independent variable with dimension of 14 update the parameters without gradient explosion, and it
* 14 * 6 is obtained. At this time, the network calculation can perform long-distance information propagation of
of the first layer of CNN ends. hidden layers. Here, the LSTM structure can avoid the
In the second layer network structure, after the inde- problem of gradient vanishing.
pendent variables of 14 * 14 * 6 in the upper layer is In addition, LSTM can solve the problem of long-term
obtained, the filter with dimension of 5 * 5 is defined, the dependence. Traditional RNN node output is only deter-
step size is set to 1, and the number of filters is 16. After mined by weight, offset and activation function (Wang
convolution calculation, an independent variable with et al. 2020a, b). The reason why LSTM can solve the long-
dimension of 10 * 10 * 16 is obtained. Then a pooling layer term dependence problem of RNN is that LSTM introduces
is defined. The pooling value is taken the maximum. The gate mechanism to control the flow and loss of features.
dimension of the filter is 2 * 2. At the same time, the step RNN doesn’t have the function because the influence of the
size is set to 2 and the number of filters is set to 16. After long-distance hidden layer in RNN is either very strong or
convolution calculation, an independent variable with very weak. Therefore, it is difficult to find an appropriate
dimension of 5 * 5 * 16 is obtained. At this time, the gradient to optimize the long-distance information.
calculation of the second layer of CNN ends. After the The basic working mechanism of long and short-term
calculation of the second layer, the fully connected layer memory network is a time cycle neural network, which is
appears. In the fully connected layer, the 5 * 5 * 16 specially designed to solve the long-term dependence of
independent variables are decomposed into 400 * 1 inde- general RNN. All RNNs have a chain form of repetitive
pendent variables, and two hidden layers are defined. After neural network module. In a standard RNN, this repetitive
structure module has only one very simple structure.

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag (December 2022) 13(Suppl. 3):S978–S986 S983

Based on material resource balance, production capacity maximum. The dimension of the filter is 2 * 2, and the step
balance and sales demand, the final material demand plan size is set to 2.
can be obtained after the production plan of the current
month is determined. Since the balance of material
resources affects the monthly production plan, the enter- 3 CNN optimization model and intelligent balance
prise’s profit will be reduced if the materials cannot meet effect analysis
the production capacity or sales demand (Pohludka et al.
2018). Therefore, CNN is used to forecast material 3.1 Optimization of CNN parameter model effect
demand. The forecasting principle and the lead time can be
adjusted according to the needs of the enterprise. In this One-dimensional convolution is used, for the independent
way, the material resources can fully meet the demand of variables of the neural network are one-dimensional inde-
production capacity and sales, increasing the profit of the pendent variables, as shown in Fig. 5. When the indepen-
enterprise. Compared with the original cost system of the dent variables in the input layer only contain the inventory
enterprise, the forecast procedure is simpler. The improved of the transit warehouse, the following results are obtained
material forecast process can directly predict the material on the test set based on CNN: RMSE = 2263.87.
demand after the sales demand is generated, and the sup- When the parameters are changed, RMSE = 2063.45 is
plier can be informed as soon as the forecast result appears. obtained on the test set. Through comparative analysis, it is
In terms of the original system of the enterprise, the flow found that after a layer of the hidden layer is added to the
chart of auxiliary material demand forecast is shown in original parameters and the nodes of the hidden layer are
Fig. 4. increased to 100, the complexity of the model is improved
and the fitting ability of the model is strengthened. When
2.5 Model parameters and training the input layer contains three kinds of independent vari-
ables, such as sales demand forecast, transfer warehouse
CNN model and CNN-LSTM model are tested respec- inventory and material attribute, the obtained RMSE =
tively, and the programming language used is Python. The 2241.76 is better than the previous results. And RMSE =
deep learning database Keras based on Python is used for 2063.45 is obtained after setting the parameters in the
the test. Keras is an advanced neural network API written training set under CNN.
in Python. It can run with TensorFlow, CNYK, or Theano When the parameters are changed and reset, the result is
as the back end. CNN defines a filter with a dimension of 5 as follows: RMSE = 1990.28 on the test set, as shown in
* 5, sets the step size to 1, with the number of 16 filters. Fig. 7.
After convolution calculation, an independent variable with Based on comparative analysis, a layer of the hidden
a dimension of 10 * 10 * 16 is obtained. Subsequently, a layer is added to the original parameters, and the nodes of
pooling layer is defined, and the pooling value is set to the the hidden layer are increased to 100, thus the complexity
of the model is increased and the fitting ability of the model

Fig. 4 Improved process of material demand forecast Fig. 5 Initial value test results

S984 Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag (December 2022) 13(Suppl. 3):S978–S986

Fig. 8 Test results of inventory only in transit warehouse

Fig. 6 Test results after adding independent variables

Fig. 9 Test results after batch added

Fig. 7 Test results after the hidden layer added

contains three independent variables: sales demand fore-

is improved. The result RMSE = 1990.28 is better than the cast, transit warehouse inventory, and material attribute,
previous results. RMSE = 1835.01 is achieved on the test set after the
parameters are changed based on CNN-LSTM. After the
3.2 CNN-LSTM effect analysis number of filters is reduced from 64 to 32, the complexity
of the model is simplified, the degree of overfitting is
When the independent variables of the input layer only reduced, and the generalization ability of the model is
include the inventory of the transit warehouse, the improved.
parameters are reset under CNN-LSTM model, as shown in Through the comparative analysis, it is found that under
Fig. 8. the same CNN structure, the CNN model with three inde-
When the parameters are changed and reset, and pendent variables of sales demand forecast, transit ware-
RMSE = 2137.39 is obtained on the test set. The results are house inventory and material attributes has better forecast
shown in Fig. 9. results than the CNN model with only transit warehouse
Through comparative analysis, the number of iterations inventory. Under the same CNN-LSTM structure, the
to adjust parameters increases significantly after the batch CNN-LSTM model with three independent variables of
is increased to 256, resulting in model overfitting and sales demand forecast, transit warehouse inventory, and
generalization ability reduction. When the input layer material attributes has better forecast results than the CNN-

Int J Syst Assur Eng Manag (December 2022) 13(Suppl. 3):S978–S986 S985

LSTM model with only transit warehouse inventory. After Informed consent Informed consent was obtained from all individ-
different neural network models are compared, it is con- ual participants included in the study.
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dent variables of sales demand prediction, transit ware-
house inventory and material attributes are included. Al-Musaylh MS, Deo RC, Adamowski JF et al (2018) Short-term
electricity demand forecasting with MARS, SVR and ARIMA
models using aggregated demand data in Queensland, Australia.
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