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‫عوامل تخریب و زوال‬

‫قطعات و سازه هاي مهندسی‬

‫معموال قطعات یک دستگاه یا اجزاي یک سازه به پنج دلیل عمده کارایی خود را از دست‬
‫داده و دچار تخریب می گردند‪.‬‬

‫‪ -1‬سایش ‪Wear‬‬

‫‪-2‬خوردگی ‪Corrosion‬‬

‫دماي پایین‬

‫دماي باال (اکسیداسیون)‬

‫‪-3‬خستگی ‪Fatigue‬‬

‫‪-4‬خزش ‪Creep‬‬

‫‪-5‬شکست ‪Fracture‬‬

‫‪-6‬تغییر شکل االستیک بیش از حد‬

Wear ‫سایش‬
• It is a GREEK word TRIBOS means rubbing processes.
• Tribology is the science and technology of interacting surfaces in
relative motion.
• Tribology tries to describe everything that happens when things
rub together.

‫پدیده استهالک ماده است‪.‬‬

‫پدیده استهالک انرژي است‪.‬‬

‫پدیده کاهش نیروهاي اعمالی بین سطوح درگیر است‪.‬‬

Tribology is defined as the science and technology of

interacting surfaces in relative motion, having its origin in
the Greek word tribos meaning rubbing. It is a study of the
friction, lubrication, and wear of engineering surfaces with
a view to understanding surface interactions in detail and
then prescribing improvements in given applications.
‫هزینه هاي تریبولوژي‬
‫‪Economical Aspect of Tribology‬‬

‫‪ 1/5 ‬تا ‪ 2/5‬درصد از درآمدهاي ناخالص ملی در کشورهاي توصعه یافته‬

‫‪ 4/5‬تا ‪ 5/5‬درصد از درآمدهاي ناخالص ملی در کشورهاي در حال توصعه‬

‫‪‬در دنيا بيش از ‪ 10‬درصد از هزینه هاي انرژي به دليل اصطکاک از دست می رود‪.‬‬
The work of the tribologist is truly interdisciplinary,
embodying physics, chemistry, mechanics,
thermodynamics, and materials science, and
encompassing a large, complex, and interwinded
area of machine design, reliability, and performance
where relative motion between surfaces is involved.
When Two Surfaces Are Pressed Together
Surfaces may look smooth, but on a microscopic scale
they are rough. When two surfaces are pressed together,
contact is made at the peaks of the roughness or asperities.
The real area of contact can be much less than the
apparent or nominal area. At the points of intimate contact,
adhesion, or even local welding, can take place. If we want
to slide one surface over the other then we have to apply a
force to break those junctions.
Ideal Tribological Propertes
Minimal Wear,
Minimal friction,
Minimal heat generation,
Minimal breakdown,
Ideal hardness,
Ideal Roughness,
Minimal Corrosion,
Minimal Interaction
What is Friction
Coefficient of friction
Force tangential to the s and d
interface of two contacting

Ff   N
bodies = Ff.
◦ Dynamic and static
◦ Dynamic produces heat

Normal Force
Friction Force

Assumptions: Ff independent of contact area,  = constant

Wear is a process of removal of material from one or both of
two solid surfaces in solid state contact, occurring when these
two solid surfaces are in sliding or rolling motion together.
Bhushan and Gupta (1991)

Wear is the progressive damage, involving material loss, which

occurs on the surface of a component as result of its motion
relative to the adjacent working parts.
John Williams
‫‪Wear is not an inherent property of Material.‬‬
‫سایش خاصیت ذاتی ماده نیست‪.‬‬

‫سایش وابسته به شرایط تریبوسیستم است‪.‬‬


‫یک سیستم مهندسی است که در آن سایش رخ می دهد‪.‬‬

‫مولفه هاي تریبوسیستم موثر بر سایش‬

‫نوع حرکت‬

‫پارامترهاي بهره برداري‬
‫کیفیت سطوح‬

‫جنس روانکار‬
‫شرایط محیطی‬

‫سر و صدا‬
Classification of surface damages and wear
Occurrence of Wear depends on

• Geometry of the surface

• Applied load

• The rolling and sliding velocities

• Environmental conditions

• Mechanical, Thermal, Chemical and Metallurgical properties

• Physical, Thermal and Chemical properties of the lubricant

Types of wear process

These four wear phenomena can affect simultaneously but typically one of them is dominant.
Abrasive wear

Abrasive wear occurs when a harder material is rubbing against a softer material

Two body wear

Three body

V = 𝐾 3σ𝑠

V = wear volume, L = sliding velocity
N = applied load, σs = surface strength
K = wear coefficient
‫روشهاي کاهش سایش خراشان‪:‬‬

‫‪ -1‬سخت کردن سطوح نرم‬

‫‪-2‬کاهش ناهمواري هاي جسم سخت تر در سایش دو جسمی‬

‫‪-3‬در سایش سه جسمی بهتر است ارتفاع ناهمواري ها بزرگتر از قطر مواد ساینده باشد‪.‬‬
Estimated hardness values:
 Pure aluminium 15 HB
 Pure copper 35 HB
 Medium carbon steels 120 HB
 Stainless steels (AISI 304) 250 HB
 Hardened steels 650…700HB
 Chromium steels 700 HV
 Surface plating with Chromium 1000 HB
 Chromium Carbide 1200 HV
 Tungsten Carbide 1400 HV
 Titanium Carbide 2400 HV
 Diamond 8000 HV
Material Selection: Metals
steel, bronze, cast iron…


2013 slide 24
Adv Eng Design Page 249
Material & Coating Selection


2013 slide 25
Adv Eng Design Page 222
Frictional wear / adhesive wear

Two bodies sliding over or pressed into each other which promote the material
transfer from one to another.

𝐿 3σ𝑦

V = wear volume
L = sliding velocity
P = applied load
σy = yield stress of softer material
K = wear coefficient
Erosive wear

The impingement of solid particles, or small drops of liquid or gas on the solid
surface cause wear what is known as erosion of materials and components.

Pressure generated due to change in velocity

P = 𝞓V 𝐸𝞺

P = Impact pressure
E = Modulus of elasticity of impacted material
𝞺 = Density of the fluid
V = Velocity
Figure 5-15: Types of Erosion – Note all involve fluids or smoke
Types of erosion

Solid particle erosion

Surface wear by impingement of solid particles carried by a gas or fluid.

e.g. Wear of helicopter blade leading edges in dusty environments.

• Liquid drop erosion

Surface wear by impingement of liquid drops.

e.g. Wear of centrifugal gas compressor blades by condensate droplets.

• Cavitation erosion
Surface wear in a flowing liquid by the generation and implosive collapse of
gas bubbles.

e.g. Fluid-handling machines as marine propellers, dam slipways, gates, and

all other hydraulic turbines.
Types of Erosion
solid particle erosion
due to fly ash.

Slurry erosion
due to pumping
slurry mixture of
silica and water
Surface fatigue

• Two surfaces contacting to each other under

pure rolling, or rolling with a small amount of
sliding in contact

Contact fatigue
• As one element rolls many times
over the other element
• Maximum shear stress is higher
than fatigue limit
For cylinder
τ𝑚𝑎𝑥=0.127 𝐿𝑅𝑒

Z= 0.84 𝐿𝐸𝑒

For sphere
3 𝑃 2
τmax = 0.4 2 𝐸𝑒
Ref.:W.A. Glaeser and S.J. Shaffer, Battelle Laboratories
3 𝑅𝑒
Z = 0.56 𝑃 𝐸𝑒
Delamination wear

A wear process where a material loss from the surface by forces of another
surface acting on it in a sliding motion in the form of thin sheets.

Mechanisms of delamination wear

• Plastic deformation of the surface

• Cracks are nucleated below
the surface
• Crack propagation from these
nucleated cracks and joining with
neighbouring one
• After separation from the surface,
laminates form wear debris
Chemical wear

Environmental conditions produce a reaction product on one or both of rubbing

surface and this chemical product is subsequently removed by the rubbing action.

Methods for control of the wear

• Lubrication technology
• Materials substitution
• Load reduction
• Removal of impact conditions
Tribological sliding contact leads to a chemical reaction. The reaction
products influence the tribological processes at the surface; for
instance, pairs of components with narrow tolerances can jam.
In general, tribochemical wear increases with rising temperature. A
frequent cause of tribo-chemical wear is oxidation.
Calculation of Wear Rate
A common used equation to compute the wear
rate is (Archard,1953).

Vi =ki × F × s

where F is the normal load, s the sliding distance, Vi

the wear volume and ki the specific wear rate
coefficient. Index i identifies the surface
The k-value is given in m3/Nm or m2/N.
From design view the wear displacement h is more
convenient than the wear volume V.
With hi =Vi /A and the contact pressure p=F/A, where A is
the area subjected to wear, we get:

hi =ki × p × s

The sliding distance s can finally be replaced by s=v × t

where v is the mean value for the slide rate and t the
running time.
Classification of tribotests according to the degree of realism
Pin on Disk test
Wear tests (dry sand rubber wheel abrasion)
‫‪‬در یک شرایط تریبوسيستم یکسان سایش دو جسمی خطرناک تر و مخرب تر است یا سایش سه جسمی؟‬

‫‪‬مکانيزم هاي سایش چسبان و خراشان را بررسی کنيد؟‬

‫‪‬حداقل دو قطعه صنعتی که عموماٌ تحت پدیده سایش هستند را شناسایی نموده و مکانيزم سایش آن را مطرح‬
‫کنيد‪ ،‬همچنين جهت رفع آن پيشنهاداتی ارائه نمایيد؟‬

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