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Litterature review

The canned food industry is vital for meeting the global demand for convenient and long-lasting food
products. Canning preserves food by sealing it in airtight containers, extending its shelf life and
maintaining its nutritional value. Canned foods provide ready-to-eat or easy-to-prepare meals, which
are popular in today's fast-paced lifestyle.

Canned food offers a wide range of options like fruits, vegetables, meats, seafood, soups, and ready-
to-eat meals, catering to different tastes and dietary needs. These products not only provide
convenience but also reduce food waste and ensure access to nutritious meals throughout the year.

The growth of the canned food industry can be attributed to urbanization, changing consumer
preferences, and increasing global population and incomes. Sunny Food Canners Mauritius is a
notable player in this industry, specializing in canned food production. They have gained a
reputation for providing high-quality canned food solutions domestically and internationally.

Sunny Food Canners Mauritius excels in quality control, advanced production techniques, and
customer satisfaction. They have capitalized on the growing demand for canned foods and
embraced innovation to meet consumer needs.

This document explores Sunny Food Canners Mauritius' product range, market presence, quality
control practices, technological advancements, sustainability initiatives, and the challenges and
opportunities it faces in the industry.

Sunny Food Canners Mauritius is a significant food processing company in Mauritius, benefiting from
the country's agricultural resources and export-oriented economy.

The company likely emerged to capitalize on the local agricultural produce and meet the increasing
demand for canned food products. Factors such as market opportunities, raw material availability,
and expertise in food processing may have contributed to its establishment.

As a food processing company specializing in canned food products, Sunny Food Canners Mauritius
likely offers a diverse range of options, including fruits, vegetables, meat, seafood, soups, and ready-
to-eat meals.

In terms of market presence, the company caters to the domestic market through distribution
networks, retail partnerships, and meeting consumer demand. They also export their products
internationally, considering trade agreements, export capabilities, market demand, and regulatory

Canned food companies, including Sunny Food Canners Mauritius, implement quality control
measures such as raw material inspection, production process monitoring, packaging integrity,
product testing, and traceability systems.

They may pursue certifications like Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP), ISO 9001,
Food Safety System Certification (FSSC) 22000, and those recognized by the Global Food Safety
Initiative (GFSI).

Key findings from the literature review highlight Sunny Food Canners Mauritius' strong market
presence, commitment to quality control, efficient production processes, and distribution networks.

The company's diverse product portfolio and focus on quality contribute to its success. However, it
faces challenges from competition and can explore growth opportunities through product
innovation, diversification, market expansion, and sustainability initiatives.

Investing in marketing and branding efforts can enhance visibility and build customer relationships.
Sunny Food Canners Mauritius should also consider environmentally friendly practices to appeal to
eco-conscious consumers.

Overall, Sunny Food Canners Mauritius has strengths in quality control, production efficiency, and
distribution networks. To ensure future growth and success, the company should address
competition, explore innovation and market expansion, and adopt sustainable practices.


1. - Chen, I. J., & Paulraj, A. (2020). Enhancing sustainable supply chain management
performance: The role of logistics integration and supplier development. International Journal of
Operations & Production Management, 40(1), 118-142.

2. Fernandes, A. C., & Pereira, C. (2021). Agricultural supply chain disruptions: A systematic
literature review. Production Planning & Control, 32(8), 677-698.

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