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Theme: Brain ring

Aims:To develop students interest in English language. To teach students writing,

speaking and practicing, talking about different types of questions. To bring up on
educated person.

Types of the lesson: competition lesson.

Methods of the lesson:question-answers, speaking pair work,group work.

Greeting:Good morning,dear teacher’s and student’s.You are welcome to our competition.

Now we are want to show you our knowledge on English.Our competition lesson consists of
9 parts about «Brain ring».

Now I’ll introduce for you! Look at blackboard.

The I-part. “Introduction”.

II-part. “My darling English language”.

III-part. “Baiga”.

IV-part. “Poliglot”

V-part. “Magic words”

VI-part. “Who is the best singer?”.

VII-part. “Who is the quicker?”.

VIII-part. “The best painter”.

IX-part. “Presentation. (Introduction of a new materials).

And so come in here takes number of your group OK! Now you’ll be 1st group and you’ll be
2nd group. Thanks! And may I introduce today’s English judges. They are count your each
parts and put them your scores. I’ll give your list. Are you ready today’s our competition?
Let’s begin!

I- part. Introduction groups. Two groups to introduced in their groups.The first part of the
competition is introduction.You must introduce yourself.

II -part. “My favourite English language”. Both groups talking about different types of

III -part. “Baiga”.You must many answer different types of the questions.
1.What is the official language of England?(English).

2.What is the capital of Scotland?(Edinburg).

3.What is the oldest University of GB?( Oxford).

4.What is the national emblem of England? (Rose).

5.Where do the British Isles lie?(to the west of the continent of Europe).

6.What are the largest islands of the British Isles? (Great Britain and Ireland).

7.What is the highest mountain peak in England? (Ben Nevis).

8.Who wrote “Treasure Island”?(Robert Louis Stevenson).

9.Who is known as a author of “Robinson Crusoe”?(Daniel Defoe).

10.Who wrote “Twelfth Night”?(William Shakespeare).

OK.Continue please.The next our competition.

IV -part. “Poliglot”We give you some provebs,you must be attentive and translate the
proverbs into English,Kazakh and Russian languages.

1st group.

1.Өнер алды-қызыл.....(Тіл-язык-language)

2.Тіл....жарады,.....жармаса бас жарады.(Тас-камень-stone).

3……тамған тілден у да тамар(Бал-мед-honey).

4…..кілті –тіл. (Білім-знание-education).

2nd group

1…. Аласынан сөз аласы жаман. (Көз-глаза-eye)

2.Жалқаудың жаны тәтті,еңбектің....тәтті. (Нан-хлеб-bread)

3.Атпаз көрген ат таныр,ұстаз көрген.....таныр.(Хат-письмо-letter)

4.Таяқ еттен өтеді,......сүйектен өтеді.(Сөз-слова-word)

1st group

1.East or west home is best.

Өз үйім-өлең төсегім.
2.Better late than never.

Ештен кеш жақсы.

3.First think and then speak.

Айтылған сөз атылған оқпен тең.

Live and learn.

Оқусыз білім жоқ,білімсіз күнің жоқ.

2nd group

1.So many men so many minds.

Көптің ойы кемеңгер.

2.Honesty is the best policy.

Арыңды жасыңнан сақта.

3.Never put off till tomorrow, what can do today.

Бүгінгі ісіңді ертеңге қалдырма.

4. Health is welth.

Денсаулық-зор байлық.

Ok!Thanks.You are good for you!

The next V- part-Magic words.You must compose sentences about English letters.

I-group. B,A,G,M II-group. C,D,K,L

The sixth part-Who is the best singer?You must sing different types of sing song.Who is
your singer? Thanks! Good for you!

The seventh part-“Who is the quicker?”.Now you must to ask different types of questions
each other.OK! Thanks. Today you are good for you. Let’s continue today’s our competition.

The next our part’s name is “The best painter”.Now you must to point of different types of
fantasy in your future aims and you must to talk us in short.I’ll give you 7 min.OK! Thank

Our last part’s name is“Presentation”.(Introduction of a new materials).Now, I’ll give you
many thing’s which building of future.I’ll give you 7 min. May be today you are very good
for you! Now judges count your scores. Today 1st group is winner.Our competition is
over.See you soon!You are free! Good bye!

The gymnasium school named after Bauyrzhan Momyshuly

Theme: “ Brain ring”

(Competetion lesson)
Grade:8 А,Ә
English teacher: R.Z.Alipbekova.

2020 year
№ Parts Future Young eagle
1 I-part
2 II-part
3 III-part
4 IV-part
5 V-part
6 VI-part
7 VII-part
8 VIII-part
9 IX-part

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