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UX/UI Design

Course Syllabus

Curious about the field of user experience?

Our students come to our user experience courses from many different
fields, ranging from journalism to software development, and they all bring
unique expertise for a different UX competency. 

Come and learn a mindset that will challenge how you approach

problem-solving to streamline your creative process.

allWomen is one of the biggest female tech

communities in the world, designed to be a
safe and supportive hub where women can
enter and advance in this fast-growing field.

Develop a meaningful

career in tech
Our mission is to bring more women into the tech field, so this course

is specifically designed to help you get there. 

Our Career Development focus includes:

A workshop dedicated to get you ready to start your application

journey within the UX/UI field

A 1:1 mentoring session with one of our team members to improve

your LinkedIn profile

Present your final project at the allWomen Demo Day. 

Participate in our international and remote Hiring Day. 

Access seasonal external UX projects to validate your knowledge

with companies such as Toyota, Bmat, Glovo 

The opportunity to become an allWomen Teacher’s Assistant

Our Alumna work at:

What you’ll get from this course

This bootcamp is a comprehensive introduction to the world of user experience design.

Companies around the world have woken up to the power of human-centered design and
how it can produce better business outcomes, and we’d like to help you be a part of that.

Our course provides you with:

An understanding of the human-centered design mindset 

A glimpse of the UX/UI Design process from end to end 

Real-time assistance from instructors and graduate students to turn your ideas into practice

Constant guidance, feedback 

Talks and workshops from experts who are dedicated to supporting your learning and career goals

What you’ll learn

This course is for women that want to add a layer of new tools and mindsets to their current
careers. Ideally, you’ll already have some knowledge of the tech industry and want to learn
more about what designers actually do with all of those post-it notes.

Learn to:

Understand the creative process mindset and possibilities.

Design a strategy for user research and usability testing.

Create basic artifacts for the information architecture of a digital product.

Learn the principles of interaction design.

Get familiar with design and prototyping tools.

What you can do with 

this course

We want you to enter this course with personal and professional objectives and leave with a
clear idea of how to achieve them.

Leave this course able to:

Push your creative side with new ways to approach design challenges.

Improve your communication with the design team at work.

Explore the option to shift careers by understanding what user experience designers do.

Defend your results, findings, and next-steps recommendations in front of an audience.

Understand how the digital tools that shape your world are made.
Knowledge Blocks

Block 1 - UX Introduction

Designer mindset : Design Thinking - Project I

Familiarize yourself with the design process, learning

research tools, and create better solutions. 

Understand the power of iteration and the need to leave

your ego at the door.

Block 2 - UX Researcher mindset 

Talk to the user : User needs research and usability evaluation - Project II

Acquire the ability to put together a strategy to learn about the users of a product. 

The questions: What do we want to learn, who are we going to ask, and how are
we going to approach this research will be cornerstones of success for project II.

Knowledge Blocks

Block 3 - UI Designer

Interaction design & Prototyping - Continue Project II

Get familiar with visual design basics in order to work on your project in a professional
and well-structured manner.

Ability to compose a well balanced, beautiful and usable interface.

Understand the tools and deliverables user experience designers use to ensure
communication and consistency with the team and the product. Overall these are
artifacts to empathize with the customer goals and their use of the product.

Establish the flow between a user and a product or service, uncovering users models.

Get familiar with Design Systems, when to use them, best practices, and how to create
compositions out of them. 

Learn the basics of mobile & responsive user interfaces and how to approach them. 

Learn how to create prototypes that will help you both test users with a usable artifact
and enable you to have better communication within the development team.
How the course is structured

Pre-work (10 hours) of work preparation

This pre-work is designed to get you prepared for class. Learn the

fundamentals of UX/UI Design before you start the course. 

Keep in mind that you are expected to work alone - but don’t worry,

we will give you all the resources you need.

Understand and develop design thinking concepts

Develop an experience-focused design mindset

Understand design tools (figma, sketch or adobe Xd)

Week 1

Intro to UX, Design Thinking and Design Sprint 

Welcome: What is UX, Introduction to Design Thinking 

Intro to Design Sprint 

Individual project guidelines 

Introduction to Agile & Lean UX

Week 2

Design Sprint and Individual Project Guidelines

Project Presentation: Design sprint

Intro to Agile Agile & Lean UX 

Individual project Guidelines + Brainstorming

Week 3

Know your user and your market

Hypothesis, Desk Research 

UX Research: Assumptions, Learning objectives

Research: Qualitative & Quantitative methods: Surveys, and Interviews 

Project Ideas Feedback + Lockdown Project Ideas 

Hypothesis, Desk Research

Hands on: Work on research 

Research Methodologies: Assumptions, Learning objectives

UX Research intro

Week 4

Know your user and your market II 

Qualitative and Quantitative research methods: Survey & Interviews

Hands on: Work on research

Week 5

Know your user and your market II 

Data interpretation: Affinity Diagram, How-Might-We

Hands on: Work on Research

Create user empathy: Personas, Empathy map, User journey, User stories

Problem statement, User Journey, Jobs to be Done, User Stories

Week 6

Show your Research, and Ideation

Presentation: Research Artifacts 



AI, Wireframes and User Flows 

Week 7

Testing, and Intro to Visual Design Basics

Usability Testing: A/B testing  

Hands on: Work on Wireframes 

Composition & Structure: Grid, Composition and Prototyping in Figma

Week 8

Visual Design Basics II

Style, Buttons, & Icons 


Responsive and Adaptive Design, Design System, Atomic Design

Week 9

User Interface and Motion Design

Hands on: Work on UI 


Motion Design

Week 10

Handoff to Developers and project Mentoring

Career Development

Project Mentoring


Dates & Tuition Fee

10 weeks part time 

Mondays and Wednesday from 6.30pm to 9.30pm CET

Saturdays from 10.00am to 2.00pm CET

Ask us for the exact dates

Tuition Free


One-time Payment

*save 200€ when paid in full

Financing Options

 We have different options for funding your studies.

You can review all your them with the Admissions team.
Take the next step

Here are the steps for completing our admissions process: 

1 Book a call with our admissions manager using the link sent to
you in our previous email.

2 Pay the tuition fee and sign the contract. Financial options are
available, ask us for more information.

3 Access the pre-work and prepare yourself for the course.

Submit it before the starting date of class. 

4 If you are still not sure, join us at our events for women in tech!
We invite female tech experts from around the world to present
relevant topics throughout the month. You can follow these talks
via our Disco or Meetup.

Shaping the futures

of women in tech.
Transform your career through expert-led courses in a 

safe and supportive environment, for women, by women.

Can’t find what you’re looking for?

We’re here to guide you! 

Write to us at

I truly feel part of a community

of powerful amazing women!

Hazel, SP

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