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1 Answer the qutstions

o r my change before a pluraB noun?

h r nt ha urt ts to t kove Cuenta end its mountains
What pesseesve stectve do we use for animals and things?
3 X we sy broden the arm

1.1. Complete the sentences.

2 Hernan has broken hiarm 2)KATTY vebroken glasses
3 They e ali lost t i L cameras.
Possessive pronouns

iater, some bots and three cameras were foùnd on the mountain

HE RNAN: I think these cameras are ours The Oiympus is mine.

ts the Kodak yours, Luis?

UIS No. Mine rs a Sony. IH ask Jack I think it's his

HERNAN Ithink Katty had a Canon. This Capon must be hers.

LUIS Javier and David lost their boots. These bootsmust be


12 Use them to complete the sentences

o we use mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs with a noun? h0

2 LUIS Is Katty s camera an Olympus? HERNAN No, he i s a Canon.

3) LUYS Whose camera is this? Is it YOUIS Javier? JAViER No, it isn t En

4) LU'S VWhose are these boots? Are they ousL Javier? JAVIER: No, they aren't nih

S HEPNAN Does the Kodak belong to David? LUIS: No, It isn'the

2. Compete the rules or the examples.
the same form betore
1) The possessive adjectives my, your, his, her, its, our, their have
She s idst her cumeru She s broke her glasses
2) We use its for hiat and animais
There s o cofe in theviliage, but I don t know its name The dog has hurt its ey too
of the
3) We u s my. your, his, her, its, our, their with parts body
Hutry hus brcken urm (NO1 Harry has broken the arn
4j We use the possessive pr0Ouns mine, yours, his, her5, ours, theirs on their own,
L noun
Ihis cumesu s mine Are tiese t t s yours, tuve? No, mine uie su 43,

3, Write the possessive pronoun instead of each personal pronoun.

Ex:That ring is(shelhers

1)This printer is (you) Y 3
2) The watch is ain 7 The pictures are (she)
3) The white caris (we) 8) In my house there is a bird. The nest is
a) The jewetry is ishe)
5) We visited Crist and lenny last nig 9 These dogs are (we)
nice house is (they)heis
10) This is not my fault. It is (you)
6) The pencil case is(hel

4 Match the questions and the answers.

i 5 this lavier s smartphoner a) No, we ve got ours

2 Arethese
your MP3players, Katty D
D b NO, itsn t yours

3 Mariaand Javier,are these your pen drivers? A C No. they aren t theirs.
4) Do these laptops beiongto yur friends? d) No, mine are black.

5) is thisCecilia s keyboard? e No,his is green

6 1s this my money No, her is on the sofa

5.- Complete the dialogue, using possessive adjectives and pronouns (my, her, etc./mine, hers, etc.

CUSTOMS OFFICER: Isthis(1) suitcase. sir?

PASSENGER: Yes, t is
CUSTOMS OFFICER: Whose is thot bag?
PASSENGER: That's{2) h C
CUSTOMS OFFICER: Is that camera (3) ouLs
PASSENGER: No its(4 Ssister s. 1haven 't got a camera, so she lent
CUSTOMs OFFICER: What are these parkets?
PASSENGER: They re presents for my tousins, my dad and mam
CUSTOMS OFFICER: Which ore is your dad's?
PASSENGER: (6) us isthis une it's a Mp3 player
CUSTOMS OFFICER: Whuhone is your mom's
PASSENGER (/) lesss thisone 11'satabiet
CUSTOMS OFFICER: And whueh one is your (ousins ?
PASSENGER: (8)htid is this ore I1s an iod
CUSTOMS OFFICER. Which brend is the IPod?

PASSFNGER ve forgotten (9) 1 ntrie

CUSTOMS OFFICER: Ok, You tantlose (10) v Suiltahe Thank you

L2SCover the messge.


from ancient Greek. What is the original meaning o

The word "astronauts" comes
the possessive pronoun or possessive
adjectives in each se
To answer the question, find in the space above ifs line
words below. Write the letter of the possessive pronoun
of into words
at bottom of the page. You will need to divide the letters
number the

R. each
1)S. me his L. anyone
2)N. both H.
she T.
P. what S. none
3)R its O.we
4)E. they're N,some yours R. him
E. them H. every
5 ours's
Hher L. anythin8 Ewhere
6 N. you 0. mine
D. few
7O.they H.all K5ormeone
Tyour H, it
8) C. many S. that her
9) D. these K nothing R who
10) W. you're Smy C. nobody

3 10
10 6 10

READING: Shopping for electronics

APRIL 25th to MAY 16th

5 0 off all Laptaps

300 off all Computers
on al your compastt and pfice nquipniant 59% off all Printers


A-144 Bishops Business Park North London 03-4455-6644
7.-Check your understanding

Circle the correct option to complete the sentences.

a) 25 Apri
)The sale begins on 25Aoi b) 16 May
2)There is up 8o off.
3) There is off all computers. a)25%

4Thereis off all printers. al25%


5)There is 50 off all laptops a)30%


8. Circle True or False for these sentences.

1 The sale is more than two weeks lonG True False

2) Laptops are half price. True False

3) You can buy kitchen equipment True False


4) A printer is normally E100. In the sale it Is E70. True False

5) Some compulers are not in the sale TCue False

6) The biggest saving is 80% Dlf. rue False

7) The final day of the sale lis 16 May

8) The shop is In South London TTue

9.-Recognize some classmates poSsesiion ang tel sentences saying whose belongs it
10. 1Vrite a paragraph using the descriptlons from exerclse 9.

11. Look at the pictures and circle what the song is about. Listen and check

12. Choose the correct

option.Listen to the song: CLOSE vOUR EYES
Close your / you're / yours eyes, know the only one who'll rescue me
Let me my/ mine tell you all isyou/ vou're /yours
the reasons why
I think
'you/ you're/yours one of Close your / you're/ vaurs eyes,
a kind. Let 2me /my/mine teli you all
Here's to you /you're yours the reasons why
The one that always pulls us You'll never gonna have to cry
through, Because 2you/ you're/vours
You ahrays do what you got to do, one of a kind.
YouYou're/Yours one of a kind
Thank God you're me/my mine Yeah, here's to 2you /you're
ZYauYou're/Yours an angel The one that always pulls us
dressed in armor, through You always do what you
YouYou'se /Yours the fear in gotta do, baby,
every fight Cause you Lyou're/yours one of
You're me/my/mine life and 1me a kind
/my/mine safe harbor Where
the sun sets every night. Whenyouryou're yours
And i "me/my/ming love is love pulls down on memy
blind I don't wanna see the light. mine I know 'm finally free Sol
W's1your /you'rey9urs tell you gratefully
beauty tiat betrays you, Everysingle beat in"me./my
Your smile givesyouyau're mine heartisrou/You'reLvours
ta keep.
yous away.
Cause you're made of strengthh
and mery 28you[ You'reYous the
And ms/my/mine soul is you reason why l'm breathing
yov'ieyours to save. with the little loak me my
Iknow this much i/it's ming way
true, When 'ma/my Lming DYouYou're Yours the
world ws dark and biue Teason that ('m leelhng
t H R sfinally safe to stay!


13.-Write the correct name about technological devices. Use the words in the box.

ralio iPa ccllphone pcn-urive Camcra key-board Iclepluonce

SCreen Scanner printcr I174SC head-phones laptop
iH HA blue ray-player Vicle gane console Vidco caunera


Camto Sconnlr Lapiop cellphohe

Den dLioe echoOne pad

hur pkuyer i n Prinity

Keyhoacd htdpha,eJ LaduO

Imgn 7h4p ul h l . w



14- Solve the puzzle.

akoaA M


G oaclo lo u
HN wB wR loA

HAVE G0T Have and Have Gof" https/voulu


have got a sister

I , a slster dlon't a wa a sister ve not got a slster.
ve got a slster
YOu HavC gut an Youdon N tablet You've not got a tablet.
You s phong.
nephew He doesnt h a pe He's na got a pet
You'v t an phon
He has yot a printer Slhe doean't a a dos. Sve's not at a dog.
Hehat a dog.
He's ol a prlntur
I sloar signal. Ungh gnal.
She ia at a gulMea
She la guinea pig We don't haua laptops. We've nat cot laptops
She ot Buinea pig
They don e dog They oretdog
Have I got an old car?

Have you got two sisters? EMamples:

Afflrmative You have gof a nice cellphone.
Has hegot a new cellphone? Negative: You havent got a nice cellphone.
You' ve not kot a nice cellphone.
Has she got a cold?

Has it got a laptop?

Have we got pen drives?

Have they Rot black motorcycles?

Have I got a radio?

15. Complcte the sentences with the right conjugation of h.ave got".
1 Mr. and Mrs. Donoso wE1wo sons
2 hteu9ot a video camera at home.
3 Calor n c a skateboard. Its ted and blue

4 The doR nu a tle hause.

S Your baby h woteeth
6)Lixheth and Carlos aar
She ha pen drivWe
8) My brother anewtablet
9 They f 1 a computer in their room
10) My mom ht Qot herown computee.
16. Wre sentences in positive or negatve. Use the correct conjugation of have got.

1) (He/a house/in downtown) c hd c orAn

2) (She/ a new iPad/ thisChristmasi). leuucd antw tloc Ahi.ülme
3) (/not/a jewelry)hawe'nlacieuda
4)(They/a house)1hey kuls haue
5) (Liza/sunglasses)iZ ue no unucary
6) (8A11 Gates/ not / a university degreeB Gleshaenag u b j dgec
nCas/ not/ nine live) als awril gok nt lit
B) (The Englshalphabet/ 26 tetters) 1he_Fnalish dghahs als 2 leHe
9) (Penguins/ wings) Yrngsins hut jaiung
10) (Coldplay /noi/ pop songs) Gaplay hudlah pap sun

17. Use one werd to cemplete the sentences.

1)We_hw. 8ot tw lapteps and a tablet.

2Hes- act. Sreen pants.

3) h u -1Ou got the exam?

4)This maga:the hasn't, Aat_ any pictures in it.

Shag Diana got a handsome boyfriend?

6)t need to create a project, but arN got many ideas for it yet.

get two brothers and three sisters in law.

S)A: Has Sara got any brothers or sisters?

B: No, shehasdt

9)1houk got agreat job but it's very hard!

10)Wate. acsSsot vitanins and minerals.

match both parts.
18. Fill the sentences with the negative form of have got and

a radio in nmy reom, but

:2We aua'_nel an Aveo, but

3) She un ge nephews or nieces, but

4) They huf G a guitar at home, but
a motorcycle, but
5) He
_a laptop, but

Second part:
a) she's got cousins.
b) 've got a phone.

c) 've got aTV.

d) he's gota skateboard.

e) they've got a
19.-Look at the chart. Write questions and short answers about Emilia
and her cousin
Amaru. Use have got /has got

1) Emilia/a violin?
He inilia ) a ilin
Amaru/a violin? X
HusHeaau nek cialin1 kngps:utlyJR3

3) Emilia and Amaru /a dog?

puat.o213 Iw
Nolhey uat&
4) Emilia ànd Amaru/a diary?

Het ihty qda diauy

Yes, ihey huue
S) Emilia / game console?

HtaFmilia qala guht (onde?

Nohe hut
6) Amaru/a game console? X V
loa Hmant) aclouatnf rahole 7
Yes, she hus
7) Emilia /MP3?
Yes she has
8) Amaru/ MP3?

Hus Amau goa MP3?

Na, che h X
9) Emilia/ laptop?

Hu Emilogolaluplap22
o,she has'L_
10) Amaru/laptop?
las Ama oa laplag
Yei she hu
LISTEII is the boy unhappy
20. Look at the picture. Why

ra rereA Gr
Put these
for the jumbled words below. 21
Listen in particular to complete each
A. Listen to the song. There are three lines
words in order, usingthe commas to help you.
verse. Then listen to check.

too 3)'ve got o m ih1he Gnoon

got exams h o n e c y K oo
lot 2) ve got alot
the afternoon,
3) ve got a l i a 'ura l
feeling a ve
homework Whycan'tIbe like you?

4) You've got a ree lhee_in he zee

to do, Bot 200, 0f a S) You haven'tapi cny woko do
tree the any work 6) You've got cbonh ot hahano
in bananas there bunch Why can't I be like you?

You're just an orangutan

2You're Sittlng in your tree all day
Have you got any space for me?
Up there in your tree today?

7) You've got diumdsg 1hent

ald halr. you
8) You sit CAotnd oadyo Lueb yau u comb any
9) You haventacany wol115 And Cu1 up there, and friends
Why can't l be lkë you? argund Morries yOur
You're just. (repeat) and Cares

24.-Use "Have/Has you got" to complete the chart. Ask to five classmates about
thelr possessions. Ex: Have you got a

kapra°p NRW

2. She t.

4. get..a..cdag.
Hawe youota y.
6. aNethey.qot.phonRE.
Sports https/ivw.spanisth.civocabulary-ists/soort.htm
25,-Complete the words.


s occER TENNI s volLEYRA 1..





26. Fill in the crossword Down

) Sport which has an orange ball
with black lines.
2) Sport which could be played in
6) Sport played between twoa
BAS A spherical bal.
7) Sport in which a player rolls a
bowling ball towards a target.

3) Sport which uses a bat and basc
witha small ball.
aAaleTela 4) A game played on an ice rink
by twa teams of six playerso
S) A game played with rackets on
a four-wallcd court
8) Spart which has six playcr and
they are separated by a net.
91 Asport tlat is played with
rackets and a light elastic ball by
N Iwo players.
10) This is a ame in which each
player irics to hit a small ball.


Can can not (can't) Can take your laptop? +Yes, I can
NO, Can t
YOU Can Can not (can t Can you swim Yes you can
NG. YOu can t
HE Can can not (can t) Can he play ootball Yes, He can
No, He can t
SHE Can can not (can t) Can she play the guitar Yes, She can
-Na. She can t
Can Can not (cant Can it run fast? Yes, can
No, It can't
WE Can Can not (can ) Can we play tennisS Yes, Me can
NO Me can
THEY Can can not (can t Can heY +Yes, They can
NO, They can
Afflrmative: They san play soccer well.
Negatlve: She gan ngat (can't) play the piano.
27. Look at the pictures. Whlch sentence Is right (

1) Tamy can plays the tennis

2) Juan's dad can play the drums
Tamy can play tennis
Juan's dad can't play the drums

a n 5 hrum.beArMK

3) Mark can't speaks English 4) My cousins friend can playY water polo
Mark can't
speak English My couslin's friend can't play water polo
28-Write the questions. Then complete the answers.

1) A: Paula and Georgeplay basketball?

Can Paua ond Gieong plo hwkehll2
B: No, tha Ccun
2) A: Jose/ ride a motorblke?

Cn Tae he videnmoer lite

B Yes, he n
3) A: her mom paint a plcture

Cun hst naana ihe ecala a gis le

B: No, he n
4) A: my parents/ compete in the tennls competitian

h aay patals 4hay cAnogele inke lennis pellia

B: No, hfy tan

5) A:his friends / play the bass in the concert

Can his ieasalhey gkay lhe hass
8: Yes,P_CCun


6) A: his boytriend/ play water polo

Ca hi hoy{itad h glaywalen clo

:Na heL
7 A our uncle / speak English and French

an Aun ade heiprah tnalish ond Tneh

B:Yes he iun
8 her sister / play chess

Cs ht slev she play hrss

B:Yes she cun
9) A your aunt / whistle

s r eatwhtlle

1) A your dad / bake a cake

(uny dad hakr cA cohr -


29. Answer the next yes/no questions. Use the short answers.

Ex Can you ride a motorcycde? Yes1can

1) Can you play table tennis? No,Can

2) Can you speak French? No Can't

3) Can you play racquetbal? No Cont
4) Can you swim under water?
Yeo, n
5) Can you play bowling?
yes. I coAn www
6) Can you jump five meters?. ND,ND, ont
7) Can youuse a comnputer?
Ye Ican
) Can you drive a track?
9) Can you ieeda map?
10) Can you sieep?, Yelo0

30.-Dlscuss the questions with your partner. Fill in the blanks.

Ex: What can birds do that cats can't do? Blrdscan but catsCan't
1) What can laptops to that dogs can't do? Laptopse.ltuy ange but
dogs bak
2) What can trucks do that bleycles can't do? Truckschuy e but bicycles
3) What can adults do that children can't do? Adultsduiu butchldren
4) What can cellphones do that radios can't do? Cellphones ukCALE
but radio ih wikou head e
5) What can elephants do that fish can't do? Elephantsutlk gnbut fish u t

6) What can your partner do that you can't do? igkys kgnDut my partnenG
7) My partner_cook but 19la 0CCeY
8) What can motorcycle do that bicycle can't do? Motorcycle make maiche
but bicycle ka
9) What can trucks do that cars can't do? Trucks
olRuai but carsgEen
10) What can humans do that computers can't do? Human walkskone.
but computers jo o_ ory
11) What can trains do that buses can't do? Trains spesdu_.butbuses n C
12) What can iPads do that laptops can't do? lpads i k l i l , but laptops

31. Wre 10 sentences with your own Information in positive or negative way. Use
themodal verb "can and "can't
can play video games well. Ican't play golt.

l n ploy sre cant dive a cac

n ent epaqdH lcant spank rench
1 on by oaot paint a pic e
COn mgKe a ugo loan't sun agoo
| an sollmy pmci|_ ant finamoney|
an fhy a o t t e a hxee
oant coK mead
0 p a al lant danquaks
ont ie a qir
32. Correct these sentences and questlons.
1) Do you can swim? u Cw
2) He can't rides abicycle.f tu de 4
3) Ino can remember her name. u n i L u t u L t i t
4) Can help me you? ev h s k t
5) Can you singing thissong?_ui 4o in lL
6) They can't speakEnglich? Lty 2 L
7) Can John move his ears. Lan a

8) shecanplaythe guitar?lur hegluy 1ht_uue

9) You play can the bavs. lou Lun play '
She cans dive, he urn diut
33. Answer to these questions. Give short form answers.

1) Con youspeak Englich? o, Co

2 Can you openthe window, please? le,l von

0, Cot
3) Can you see that bicd in the fence?
4 Can youwrite your name at the top, please? 1
hear that strange noise? Nol cwn't
5) Can you
6 Can you playany musical instrunents? Wo, unt
7) Can you use awordprocessor? e, l co
10 l n
8 Can you play your guitarfor us, Peter?
9) Can you type this letter lor me, please? No, l cant
10)Can you wait here, please? 1, con

34, Read the conversation. Highlight the modal verb "can andL
"can t".Charlie: Please, can you help me?
Elizabeth: Ves, I can. V/hat happened?
Charlie: Ican't find ny cell phone!
Elizabeth: Where did you leave it?
Charlie:Can't rememtier where it is.

Elzabeth:We were atLucy house yesterday

Charlie: Oh, yes you are right
Elzabeth; Come pn Charlie. You mustn't lorgel your things.
Charlie: Sorry, It wont happen again
Ellzabet: You ore so forgetfull

Juan Carla
play the plano Jorge

ride a horse

ride a motorbike

speak French
play chess
1) JuanCunplay the piano and he cuh ide a harse.
2 Carla cun YId a horse, but sheu
3) JorgeCon s9ea French and he ca the piano.
4) Carla, Juan and iorge Cgn t dive. play
S) Juan and JorgeCm pra Pgh but Carla can't.
6) Jorge and Carla c o n ' t d c C n a v bke, but Juan can.
7) Jorge cun'E d e a horse, but Carla and Juan coh
8) Juan, Carla and Jorge cun pla iano
9 Juan un Speak French but CarlaCun
10) Juan and Jorgeccni pla chess but CarlaCun

36. Ask your classmate about his or her ablities. Use "can and can't
Questian: What Can you do?


Ex: Carl can play soccer well. He can LCook well.
Kevin con dsie a co He cant de a ho-e
Cbid con play apiand le anntSwn a pool
upe Con cookK wll
4. Moia Gon Hy a plare ho conH wash a hai
5 ovid Can eatapiz2a|Hecant buy aphrane
Doyors Gan sel or ood 6le cantt drink ex baer
7aro coa qon lo ax le anlt cle awinus
pla convicih ooo e cuntcee a snake
Jo oancul his hi He cont jump le how
10:ana co0 wie aelkr |Slooyn't walk inlhe siqhtt
Can: ebuliaybilips/yutube/TYngSzic4
37.-Listen to the song. What is the artist
singing about? Circle the correct answer.
1) a family vacatlon
n aerotbic work Out

3 a camping trip with his frlends

38 Listen and number the pictures in the correct order.

1.count to three
2. move your toes
3. touch your nose
4. clap your hands
5. drink the sea
6. touch the sky

7.raise your hand

8. count to five

39.-Can you complete Ihe song? Listen to check your answers.

lcan't hear you, I can t hear you sing (repeat)
Can you sing louder, sol can
hear you voice again? (repeat)
1) Can you ralae yna honds Ycan
2) Can you cink lhesce No lun
3) Can you_clap
you hrahds Jessu
4) Can you_LOunto lhrec
Ican't hear you.
5) Can you rhey nass Ne Cun
6) Can you iavsh he sk NOtan
7) Can you
8) Can you m
la lue
oes Yes, kn
Ican't hear you..
un tue,rec
Can you touch...

40. Unscramble the verbs.

1) cotuhgh
2) nkirdda ink
3) evom
4 untco n
S) isera S c.

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