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Sofia Bolaños

303, 20052 83a Avenue

Langley, BC V2Y 3P4
(236) 889-3385

I am a confident, disciplined and outgoing worker who always looks for new
opportunities and adapts easily. Passionate about meeting and working with new
people while keeping strong communication and collaboration skills
Work Experience
Suzuki Kyron Motors (Car Dealership) June 2021 – July 2021
Bank Statement Organizer (Paperwork)
 Demonstrated organizational skills when accommodating paperwork back into their
respective files.
 Developed multitasking skills as Bank Statements needed multiple photocopies and
correct placement.
 Assisted efficiently putting paperwork together, gathering information and moving files
 Collaborated with an accountant and other co-workers and delivered strong
communication skills and excellent use of teamwork.

Volunteer Experience
St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church March 2023 - Present
Volunteer for Pancake Breakfast
 This is a volunteering I take part of and takes place at the end of every month
 Collaborate in a kitchen, experimenting cooking pancakes, and move around actively
 Responsible for setting up tables with plates and cutlery
 Communicate efficiently with others by clarifying what job should each of us do
 Strive to maintain the guests comfortable and ensure they fulfill their needs
 Demonstrate effective team work effort with other kitchen volunteers
 Contribute to kitchen clean up and dishwashing
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R.E Mountain June 3 2023

Volunteer Cruise In-To Summer
 Provided helpful assistance setting up large tents and implemented effective
communication and team work
 Promoted the event by wearing racing jackets and announcing through a megaphone
about a raffle that was taking place.
 Established a good relationship with all the car guests making them feel welcome and
had friendly interactions
 Offered freezies around for sale with welcoming manners

R.E Mountain May 26 2023

Volunteer for Summer PEP Rally
 Inspired others with my leadership role sharing joy and excitement with everyone
 Successfully communicated with my peers into guiding people to their respective places
 Tested different suggestion games before engaging with them
 Discovered the power of transmitting positive energy and development of confidence
 Painted and help decorate outdoors with multiple colors and balloons
 Solved the issue of lack of water guns by suggesting to use sponges instead to get
students wet

Port Coquitlam Latin Fair April 29 2023

 Demonstrated friendly and positive attitude while encouraging little kids to participate
in different activities
 Assisted entrepreneurs with their stand set-up as well as decorations and arranged a
game zone for little kids
 Communicated efficiently for job division with other volunteers
 Projected a welcoming vibe and invited walk-by’s to come check out the Fair
 Obtained good friendships out of this volunteering
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R.E Mountain Grade 8 Transition Day April 17 2023

Volunteer as Recreational Leader
 Shared good time with my peers
 Demonstrated a friendly leadership role by inviting grade 8’s to participate
 Influenced Grade 8 students to get out of their comfort zones and hype up
 Responsibly served food to the students ensuring their satisfaction and communicating
additional food preferences

St. Nicholas Roman Catholic Church March 11 2023

Basketball Championship Manager
 Demonstrated strong leadership skills while putting order around
 Evaluated participants throws and observed the following of the rules for the throws
 Operated prices, awards, and participants
 Successfully managed and organized the event

R.E Mountain Parent Teacher Interview March 9 2023

Volunteer as guide
 Built conversation with abundant parents
 Learned more class-room locations
 Consulted room numbers with other peers
 Delivered a big smile to parents and friendly asked about their day
 I accomplished the goal of speaking to random adults

 Having my things organized and sometimes even planned, makes me feel comfortable
and secure about what and when to do something.
Physically Active

 I practice boxing, swimming, and weightlifting, not to mention that I've been doing
exercise almost my entire life, and it is something that gives me peace and relaxes me
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 I am originally from Mexico and I speak fluent Spanish. It is worth mentioning that I am
learning French currently

 I enjoy painting and coloring. Giving a realistic color touch to a drawing is an ability I
discovered throughout the pandemic. Creativity is a big quality for me

Swimming Training Camp Recognition April 2019
Swimming Individual Award November 2018

R.E Mountain Secondary School February 2022 - Present
Tecnológico de Monterrey August 2021 – December 2021
References are Available Upon Request

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