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Shazny A.

Inventory of the Ethical Self: My Worldview

My outlook in life is to be able to serve within society and find pleasure in helping others.
Seek the best outcome in a situation, and act accordingly within my beliefs or boundaries. In
addition, as a member of society, I should not interpret things out of context and check on my
best foot forward, not being short-sighted or having a negative outlook on the world. With
that, I also want to stay vigilant in different situations that can also harm me as an individual.
These things came from my upbringing and how my parents honed me to be a bigger
individual, and my sisters loved me in their way. They have opened my eyes to the reality of
this world and prepared me for my ups and downs in this life. In addition, they’ve introduced
me to everything they know and led to me having an interest in different things. Thus, it led
me to experience new things, letting me know if I liked them or not. These experiences gave
me a chance to be mature and think and act differently in situations that may look suspicious
or challenging to solve. I would say some of my values would also come due to my religion,
which is Roman Catholic, and this was instilled in my mind since I was a kid. I am not that
religious as a person but I accept the values the community has made and put them into my
daily lifestyle. I also get my values through observation; observing is what I do most of the
time, and I make reflections or understandings of how it may be solved or handled if I am in
that situation.
In making complicated decisions, my family is the one I go to most of the time, and I ask for
guidance from God whenever I make these decisions. I say this in the most sincere tone
because I grew up with my sisters doing this too. I admit that I do not have enough
knowledge to know everything, so when it gets to the time when I am stuck, I rely most on
them, and they would offer a few things that may help my situation; I would weigh the pros
and cons and decide. Ever since my eldest sister went to college, got her job, and at the same
time my second eldest sister goes to college, and so on, I have seen how they put themselves
in the hand of God and how they truly trust Him with all their might. I also want that habit to
be instilled in me throughout my college days.

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