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Alix Witasse 9ST

Fitness Investigation Write Up

Aim: To find out if the length of meters you run affects the heart rate.

Hypothesis: I think that the longer meters ran, the faster bpm.

List of apparatus:

 1 person (running with the stopwatch)

 Meter tape
 Pulse tracker (either an app or you can also use your hands)

1. First, gather all your equipment.
2. Before you do anything, calculate the bpm of the person running when they are at
normal pulse. Record the data on your table.
3. Set the meter tape at first 20 meters. Make the person run the length. When they have
done that calculate the pulse and record It on the table.
4. Let them rest for a minute, to let their pulse go down.
5. Set the meter at 40 meters and make the person run the length. Calculate their pulse
again and put it on the table.
6. Let them rest again.
7. Do the whole experiment 3 times to make sure the results are accurate and then, get a

Independent Variable: Length of Meters ran from 0-40cm going up in 20 meters.

Dependent Variable: Calculating the pulse. It will be measured by either counting the number of
bpm by placing your hang on your neck or using a app (eg. ‘Heart Rate’)
Alix Witasse 9ST

Risks Precautions
Tripping. Make sure there is nothing on the ground
where your running (measuring tape) and tie
your shoelaces.
Dehydration Drink water before and after running.
Hurting yourself Make sure there is nothing close to you
while sprinting.
Heart attack Don’t run if you have a heart condition.

Control Variable How will you control it?

The person running Having the same person run
each time
Speed your running at Sprinting every time
Calculating the pulse Using the same apparatus-
not changed it throughout
the experiment

Results Table

Meters ran (m) Heart Rate (bpm)

Trial 1 Trial 2 Trial 3 Mean
0 83 77 75 78

20 99 104 110 104

40 126 120 85 110


Heart rate depending on the length of metres ran


Heart Rate (bpm)





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Metres ran (m)
Alix Witasse 9ST

In conclusion, the longer meters a person runs, the faster the person’s bpm (beats per minute). In my
prediction, I mentioned that the more length of meters ran, the higher the pulse, hence I was correct. I
can prove this because on the graph, as the meters increases, the pulse increases as well. However,
there were some anonymous results. On the results table, some of the results were inaccurate. For
example, for 40m run, the first trial was 126 bpm. On trial third it was 120 bpm, through on the
second trial, the results we 85 bpm. Some variables that could have causes this is maybe, the person
running had too much rest time compared to first and third trial. Overall, the results were averagely
close together meaning our experiment was fairly accurate. I know that the longer you run, the high
your bpm because at 0 meters the person’s running pulse was at 78. At 20 meters the pulse was at 104
bpm, showing that the pulse had already increased a lot. Then at 40 meters, the pulse was at 110 bpm.

In general, the experiment was fair, however there are a few things that could be improved. For
instance, when the person runs, they have to run at the same speed every time. Even this is not
something you can control, it could still affect the data. Another variable that could be improved it the
length of time the person running could rest each time. This might have affected the results because
depending on the speed the person ran, could have increased the pulse, which made them need more
time to rest to get back to their normal pulse. Also, the temperature could have an impact on the
results. If you are in a warm environment, it would be more difficult to run 40m than to run 40m in a
colder environment. Even through there were some variable that affected the results table, I think the
experiment was altogether accurate because the length of rest was one minute each time and the pulse
tracker was reliable. Also, the length ran was always every time going in 20 meters making the
experiment fair.

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