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The rer | rg displayed on the cansole. toors Ti loops back to the "Read “Phag al loxa tt usey +o (nte > mere code to stast The Nodeais Rep) if i Dsey have tocpen the tesmina| wa type ‘pode! t This Gi wunch the REPL and veers cll cee a ts t Prompt (‘> by detent) where Ser Con chart ptemhe uD avescript wdc $ nate 2 I] Yoo ase pow in the Nodeuso REPL . =F [some REPLe Udeful Fox KECTINY~‘oOr cod ES aang) —— | eprops ePeDY Ly with Javascript 2 a ee | tt provides 4 qu Lok G Mpreracrve ayy tu jppeyace the _t dee UNH Me environ wept enthoot _ the need *O ¢xcate a Separate script To_extt REPL, type t lect! ox | Ceri ilatorc Deewt ae ber | ’ I I ell oR) stoods for ubiferen eeconme laatoe, ta meter te or addsesc vsed +o access sesousces ap the we AURL bas He failawir 4 fosnat cheme + J/ host + Post | path que sy 4# F rayment Ex. pttes sil mwo fost. coro Nodex- btm) ISchere—tre—g pecite hes Ischeme : this specifies ihc P¥OtO cl ose to acess the Cause « Comerwp scheme $ include “http ” “bib ef6 Hosts Ths lodicatec the dornain or TP addacss Of the Semves heSting the vecousce, sk MMMM Port vel C. Pare tet abd bee | Sroyovet § iso _opttona/, the #ea4ieor identitves a - spectre cectiin Gautbrn the recount &. Lt Sag with a “#"Upd is athe uced ath HTM) docomnrs ty link to a pectic section. lt | [wpm : | NPM ox wod@ Package Manages, 1S co Package, » Manager fox TavasceiPt. Programming ld4ngvage + [re is Primarily used for managing f iockalliha loackages: OS I braries fos wodes{s application [pot it ig alco endely O8ed iin th capte t af front lend developmint , includihg Rea at. live is sod torr cn eS, co ase ve able blocks of mde that Can be canly Inteqrated into proyteat i padents beg ercbion:t Be pa sont | the Pred ard a Lick J eVeloPess t¥yPrcasly Create , « paheiats o- gSop’ FNE- Tg fle Contaios miiadaia abl OF deperdércies (packoxes) Deeded fos the project - ee aa __ ee velop et ure NPM ro Insta deperdencies 4 ee oo sted ny FT png‘ pauko4 és soo’ le by unos the 'APre Yostaus! | tarnmand | periiG package, HOU Cn USE Ine |e ro instal 4 | en stall cpackayC —aame >? Co MMaApd The ip stauls toe package fadds it tothe ‘nog, madule ¢' discctasy + : [e exe ‘opm ilnstatl express lostatls the Exprercuye | web Lcame goab - : [isa |SSoNn Stonds fox Javascript object wolation Issn te a tightwe'ght foxmat for toung paint pert § date, Isso is after ace d cuheh data ig Gent from a cexver to webpage 5 2A > | Ssom ic elf describing” 9 eacy to Undexs tand. I lex. {| | “esoplogees” + _[ : ; 7 A“ tisctbh (nchBe 2" Peamod™, "lactname™: “Gasnaer"4 H S gine tomes “pradip" , “ tactam e's “Garbo” } | § " disctyame 4" canco" Vactwomeit “Garhwat | 7 7 This example depines an employ ees obiec i an asee Y¥ LOL 3 employee selowas (ezpeeo Obgeat 6) - i SS SS SSON cyntax Rule s— OY L. | bale oinpoa « s4uane prackes held oF | Datatyps * Jeon supports sevewcll data &YPec = © Ohject: AN uncsdered ollecdi un oF be t=Vasue Pay Le Axray 4 Ap osde e © ctrrng 2 A Seq LA Ce of characte s NLloged « a dovbe@ quotes 2 Number ) A humeDic wuloe 2 Roleag : rithes ‘ysve’ ox ‘fads €* «NUN» nepresot S an empty Valve, i events ilo savascmpt j lop savascmPt Cvents are iptesacttOnc ov ocomy that papr en In the hrocssed , such af 4 orer | hicsing a bpiton, mowing the movs e typrh4 an the Lise yboasd , os the brurced fibithig loading 4 cot (Pages ! | events allows develo Pers to ses pond ko pets 9 Creade d4nannc_and mn be waichvC cnerb api HEVON « Event hand lin ih Javascript t Event List@ne xs ¢ BovosCeipk USES event Tanex ta detect 9 rec pond J An event efene fico function that i.e invelstd oe Je CPECIE VC _Cvent OCCU «Son a > Li fe 77 A Vex = Ae bi = du 2 ft E : eT aa ae il) ‘1 ick event I cr Wave) — di vinEListenes (‘chicis* , function ¢) J _—— : eats Lops te tes (Botton clicked 1"); § | \ Types of Events 3 ___ tall mauee. Events + Thece events owe peregesed by UCey actions jv! ving the nous I Lex ‘dice: 'dbolick”, !movce dog''moure uP”; era éhom “nppceentes', ‘mous elewe AC leone enyelerntnt = decument: qetelemen ER y 50 CO my ele, ent’) | muftemmtsaddevent hrtener (chice’, funch ap O15 ansures1o4 l'Elemmt choked | )' ws key boasd Event¢* Events sesored to keyboasd Interaction Ex. ‘weydayn’, Useyup’, ‘key presc! clocum@+ addevent itteney (‘key doen! , furcdian Levent )Z Pp feaeele tog 1 Bt peaccec di tSevmtikey Yj ___ b a TH | I . < I mr CyosIos pried W5 {| 4>% 2 | el nlodow ev ents i [= Evens weleled to the laroased apdde - - Tex. ‘wad’, ecize', 'scroll’ , 1 (00) ndow sa ddzventlictenex ('wesi ze’) console: tog ( windos seozed!")5 S+ | Document events < | le Evente pee Lire doctummt + tx.‘ pomcanttnt loaded’ document addeventhictenc ® | Domcanttyt loaded | func f tantale- log po Gantent loaded (') 3 YW Tp pani ces le a —~ unt wn'so Ue PLES 80 exerote Et Tensigtsiot code oprcide, Of a bRaL ce ws , bulk oo the vg ava script suptime eae hich Ne developed by Google fox vse fo ch%ome-proacer_ | NodesyS enables tne developmt(pt of scalapie, petwoxked apphiatvans 9° Pe pashicolasry wel sorted fox balding goeved- side ‘applications, APIS TaApplicahon P20 gxamNuh 4 Interfaces JB seortime «tb. a POC a YDS. Ah KIng quit node S% Siep1: Ron the tenes area fosthes Testing oo wea iE the ‘nddews ve ins tawed. I | Thit cammand will shoe, rhe Instajled-vewsan of. I wadeic ie one cystem. 2 node —-Veroon-\:> | ster! create fe ‘pdckagqesison by Ung “Fantor Command to clone the metadato of the Prajtcd. ‘loeeo_inft--¥ iE pee step: Wo cL HSbal €x Pre sci jhe root diveciry Joven inctant ex precs pane Ly bor - a 5 ~ SHEP Ye Create appa file yin root diktctry Bi amte ade Init- Isher © nun the code $ Spot server uring tottlogany md Node 21 appis) i Nodes 1S evAMtAsiwen vecause it USES G HNGNE IPs Cage; | non-breckilg approach te honate multiple tasre es | r¥ doeSn'd Wait fos one sucr te tone ve PEL. fens ee \wstead HF Uses evHIS and Callbacks cats Lopenat wns edi tcrently- se foatuwe s af Mad@as + ie LAs Dchxanous B event-driven + ‘ «lh aned ta be oon = [ Molesis-is designe can _evert driven axthieas tbat miiowe develapess tohardie a ars Surber ot concossent connectian Staten the peed bor imuitithseading » | Javascm'pt —Evenysahete Bs = = / CES C avec?Eipt not 1 corr va only — aul “der ScmPHh d= bob alse foré~Se5vey [side @t. 1 rs Ft [stream itne a ee aoer Proce ss ac develerers ¢, Use same langved & on beri clint & Sane ads pmingle =Inweaded. . ‘ NaAC 3S OPesate son a ungle ctaded Oven loeg | vast Ecosystem (nPpM)* | Node.tS came ¢ with a Poaweicd Behe e Manco icalied opm (wode Package Honayex ) The ppm eco- t yckem hosts a vast Coection of APH ~ Suse. IMiprasves B tours, making it Cary fos devetopess ito find w ioteqrade third Posty paroget hho thet Woosecte. * ! Platfoxm + Made3S vc crocs Pleuttowte and a SUN an we a HOperating custen¢e Inedu@iha widows, m ot B Lywr ; a Plaktocen compabibhty abies develoen id ad depio Nicakiun ¢ an diff - erwin wn Tanta 14 ae wodibicat nc. + [tac e pe I Nodes’ ze oe onthe VEiSavratcr p? sup pime | NOW fos ste fect exe cot of taorcaipt code, 2 ia = = = = t —= =| ry pes ob _Nadei sa ppiitationg---—~ web apPhicaruns .” 1 TF pde- iS‘ -campaomly vsed=t0_ build “web ep pitas unr —~ Thoth: for cenver-c1d ¢ tou & Wnandiing 2Wepb tide comunr ~ leastons a Sfdagmiacs a Pape fess — Lex: facebook APL s Laphication proqramming wtertace)- -- al Real - Tine ApPiicatiaps: f [pade-jo 1'¢ undely osed fos building Node-ys ye well surted Low building APL ¢ thes Server date to clit applications: EFS ASI NCh een, patere maker ite -eFfititn) fox poidtny ALorye po-of ADTs. 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