1st Sunday of Koiahk Archangel Gabriel Visit Zakria The Priest

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1st Sunday of Koiahk

Archangel Gabriel visit
Zakria the priest
Month of the Incarnation
( Koiahk)
+ one of the most beautiful month of the year for Koiahk praises
+ The church divided Chapter 1 Of the book of St Luke to 4 sundays
1-announcing of the birth of John the baptism. Luke 1-1-25
2- The announciation of the birth of Christ. Luke 1:26-38
3- St Mary visits Elizabeth . Luke 1:39-56
4-The birth of John the baptism. Luke 1:57-80
Psalms of the Day
1- Vespers psalm
Psalm 13: 1-3
“How long , o lord ? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide
your face from me ? Consider and hear me, o Lord my God; Enlighten
my eyes.”
+ This is the humanity waiting for the incarnation of our lord .
+ Me and you who is feeling that Christ not around them .
+ vespers night of the day represent the humanity before Christ .
Psalms of the day
2- Matin psalm
Psalm 101:16-17
“ from Heaven the lord viewed the earth , to hear the growing of the
prisoner. To declare the name of the Lord in Zion , and his praise in
+ God answering the Humanity , I see what you are going through
And its time for His salvation .
Psalms of the day
Liturgy psalm
Psalm 101:10-11,14
“You will arise and have mercy on Zion ; For the time to favor her,
Yes , the set time , has come. For the lord shall build up Zion; He shall
appear in His glory. He shall regard the prayer of the destitute”.
+ The time of Salvation came . The time for the incarnation of his only
begotten son to take our humanity and to come to earth .
Gospels of the day
+ Vespers Gospel. Mark 14:3-9
+ the lady she anoint the head of Christ with fragrant oil at Simon the leper .
+ this women she is righteous women symbol of St Mary .
+ Simon the leper symbol of the humanity (sinner) .
+ the fragrant oil representing the life of St Mary .how her life was full of
Goodness and righteousness .
Matin Gospel . Mark 12:41-44
+ the poor widow she put 2 mites in the treasury , widow { humanity is been
separated from God her bride }
+ the humanity even so still love God and ready to give him every thing .
Gospels of the day
Liturgy Gospel. Luke 1:1-25
+ Archangel Gabriel announce the birth of John the Baptism .
+for runner , Baptizer, the friend of the bridegroom .
Elizabeth. Shaba(oath). El (God). God oath .
Zakariah . Zakar ( remember ) yahwa (God). God remember .
Gabriel. Gabri ( strength ) El ( God). God is my strength .
John coming from( Youhanan) in Hebrew God is merciful .
God oath to save us , remembered his oath with his strength and mighty
hand through His mercy saved us .
The blessing of the incarnation
1- we became sons of God . 1John 3:1
“Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called
children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him”
[a] [b]

2- we will inherit the kingdom of God . Roman 8 :17

“And if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer
with Him, that we may also be glorified together”.
3- we can live holy . Romans 8:14
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God,these are sons of God”.
4-we can Justified . Romans8:29-30
“For whom he foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son , that
He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined , these He
also called ; whom He called , these He also justified, these He also justified He also
Glorified” .

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