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Mitigating Email Phishing Threats Using

Machine Learning


In the realm of cybersecurity, the growing threat of cyber-attacks, specifically Computer

Network Attacks (CNA), poses a significant challenge. These attacks, orchestrated by
cybercriminals through networks of multiple computers, take on various forms, with Phishing
Attacks being a prominent example. Phishing involves the deceptive acquisition of sensitive
user information like usernames, passwords, and financial details. Within the spectrum of
phishing attacks, Email Phishing stands out as a prevalent method employed by cyber-

This research endeavor delves into the domain of cybersecurity by conducting an in-depth
analysis. It encompasses critical stages, including data analysis, data pre-processing, data
exploration, and model training and prediction. Machine learning and deep learning
techniques are harnessed for this purpose, utilizing an imbalanced dataset with two crucial
attributes: EMAIL Text and Label. The study employs performance metrics to assess the
effectiveness of the developed model.

Furthermore, the research culminates in the deployment of a practical solution through a web
application developed using FLASK PYTHON. Users can input emails into this application,
interactively engaging with its functionality to determine the authenticity of received messages.
The system aids in distinguishing between genuine and fraudulent emails, thereby empowering
users to make informed decisions about their correspondence. This research contributes to
enhancing email security and raising awareness about cyber threats in today's interconnected
digital landscape.

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