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No Word Meaning Synonym Antonym Sentence

1 Bestial Cruel or like an animal Brute, brutal, Noble, great, Bestial man has no sense of
brutish, ferine spiritual, lofty right and wrong
2 detained To hold or keep in or Arrested, seized, Released, freed, Detained by the Police for
as if in custody jailed discharged questioning
3 apathy Lack of interest or Disregard, Curiosity, Drug abuse leading to
concern, emotionless unconcern concern, regard apathy and depression
4 commodity Raw material, useful Item, material, Garbage, scrap, Water is precious
or valuable thing product, thing rubbish commodity
5 arbitrarily Without restraint in Random, erratic, Rational, logical We made the decision to
use of authority unaccountable reasonable go to Italy quite arbitrarily
6 erupt To force out or release Blow up, burst, Be quiet Fierce fighting erupted
suddenly detonate, spew between the army and
7 bizarre Very strange or Weird, unusual, Serious, usual, His behavior was bizarre
unusual ridiculous sensible
8 ties To make a bond or Knot, joint, Unite, unbind, They tied Max to the chair
connection bond, link unleash
9 indulge To treat with excessive Allow, gratify, Deny, refuse, A luxury service used to
leniency or generosity cater, humor reject, ignore indulge the CEO

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