Green Cities Press Release

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Our planet has 7595 cities that have the potential to be reforested. This method of mitigating climate
change will only improve wellbeing and enhance existing infrastructure. Suitable areas of cities are
identified, and appropriate vegetation will be chosen for maximum potential of sequestration, this will
improve air quality and reduce stress. Effects of climate change are occurring globally, and we can adapt
our existing world to fight the effects we will all eventually face.

Nature-based solutions (NBSs) are an effective and sustainable way that we can improve our climate,
create jobs, and improve physical health. Urban reforestation, an NBS, is a practice being slowly
incorporated into major cities as well as the expansion of existing ones. For example, the well-known
Central Park in New York City, USA.

The associated journal article states that ‘Among the cities analysed 1189 are able to offset >25% of
their city carbon emissions through reforestation’ (Teo H. C., et al., 2021). Allowing cities to reduce some
of the harm they may be causing. It has been seen that some cities have been introducing NBSs, but
primarily for issues such as flood management, as opposed to mitigating climate change.

Urban reforestation can be implemented globally, using different vegetation and installation techniques
to suit the climate and existing infrastructure. The global south would be an effective place for
implementation as developing cities can incorporate techniques into their urbanisation as well as
adjusting their current large, populated cities. However, socioeconomic constraints may arise, and
leaders often prioritize efficiency and profit over sustainability. Emphasizing why climate activism and
awareness are vital components for change to start occurring, as well as stressing the importance of a
cooperative approach with all stakeholders.

For more information please contact-

H.C. Tao, et al., (2021), ‘Global urban reforestation can be an important natural climate solution’,
Environmental Research Letters, (volume 16, number 3) Available at:https://iopscience-iop- (accessed: 22/11/23)

N/A, (2021), ‘Urban Forests | what are they and how do they benefit us?’, Para Space, August 14th,
available at:
%20large,around%20a%20town%20or%20city. (accessed: 22/11/23)

WWF, (2021), Urban Nature-Based Solutions. Cities Leading the Way 2021, publisher unknown, available
at: (accessed:

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