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The Insolvency Service

Redundancy Payments Service

Mr Andrew Nash

Your ref: LN10309894 - Please quote this in any reply

Date: 10 June 2023

Dear Mr Andrew Nash,

Applying for compensation for loss of notice

You recently applied to the Insolvency Service for money you were owed by your

When you filled in your application, you told us you wanted to claim compensation
for loss of notice pay (also called payment in lieu of notice).

You can now claim for loss of notice pay.

We cannot pay you compensation for loss of notice pay until you complete this

It's a separate application to the 'Claim for redundancy and other money you're
owed' application that you completed before.

Completing your online claim

We have guidance online about how to claim for loss of notice pay.

Completing an application takes between 10 and 20 minutes. When you start your
application, we’ll ask you for your:

● National Insurance number

● Ten-character claim reference - LN10309894

We’ll also ask you about your circumstances during your notice period. You’ll need
to provide information about:

● any benefits you were entitled to during your notice period

● any income you earned during your notice period

02 - Claim for Notice Pay

Your notice period ran from 18 March 2023 to 9 June 2023.

Information about how notice periods are calculated can be found on GOV.UK.

Processing your application

We expect to make your payment within 6 weeks of receiving your completed

Please do not contact us to check the status of your application until after the 6
weeks have passed.

This will help us deal with everyone's application as quickly as possible.

What we can pay

If your application is successful, we can pay you for each week of your notice
period. Find out more about what we can pay you and the deductions we make on

From your payment we deduct:

● tax at the standard rate of 20%

● National Insurance at the standard rate of 12% (if you were made redundant
after 6 April 2018)
● new income-related benefits you were awarded during your notice period
● new income you earned during your notice period
● benefits you could have been awarded during your notice period even if you did
not apply for them (for example Jobseeker’s Allowance or Universal Credit)

If we pay your claim, we'll send you a letter explaining what we've paid you and
any deductions we have made. If we cannot make you a payment, we'll send you a
letter explaining why.

If you cannot complete your claim

If you get an error that states your claim details do not match, email us for further
assistance. We will check your claim details for you.

In the body of your email please include your:

● claim reference number (begins LN)

● National Insurance number
● date of birth

Please make sure you email us from the address you provided in your 'Claim for
redundancy and other money you're owed' application.

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