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SCH 2108: Transport


Course Outline
1: Fluid Mechanics
Dimensional analysis
Fluids in motion
Pumping of fluids
2: Heat Transfer
Equation of heat transfer
Heat transfer types
Heat transfer equipment
3: Mass Transfer
Two film theory

Heat transfer
equipment that facilitates heat transfer/ exchange,
via conduction, radiation and or convection.
e.g. condensers, boilers, heat exchangers,
reactors, evaporators
the design of heat transfer equipment is based on
the principles of heat transfer incorporating fluid
flow principles as well
first, material and energy balances are set up, from
these results the required heat transfer area is
calculated, quantities such as heat transfer
coefficient and average temperature difference are
then determined

the word “exchanger” really applies to all
types of equipment in which heat is
exchanged but is often used specifically to
denote equipment in which heat is exchanged
between two process streams.
exchangers in which a process fluid is heated
or cooled by a plant service stream are
referred to as heaters and coolers.

Heat exchangers
heat exchangers are so common and important in
industry such that their design has been highly
like any other heat exchange equipment, the
design of a heat exchanger involves, determining
the following
● Material and energy balances
● Area of heat exchenge
● Overall heat transfer coeffiecient
● Average temperature difference

Heat exchanger types
there are two major different designs of heat
exchangers: shell and tube, and plate heat
in shell and tube type, one of the fluids runs
through the tubes while the other fluid runs
over them, causing it to be heated or cooled.
in the plate type, the fluid flows through
baffles causing the fluids to be separated by
plates with a large surface area.
this type of heat exchanger is typically more
efficient than the shell and tube design.
Shell and Tube heat
it consists of a tube bundle enclosed in a cylindrical
casing called a shell.
one fluid runs through the tubes, and another fluid
flows over the tubes (through the shell) to transfer
heat between the two fluids
most shell-and-tube heat exchangers are either 1,
2, or 4 pass designs on the tube side.
this refers to the number of times the fluid in the
tubes passes through the fluid in the shell. In a
single pass
heat exchanger, the fluid goes in one end of each
tube and out the other.

Plate heat exchangers
the plate heat exchanger consists of a frame,
which consists of a head, follower, column,
carrying bar, guiding bar, and a number of
clamping bolts
the advantage of the plate heat exchangers are:
(i) high thermal efficiency due to high film
efficiency of heat transfer for both fluids
(ii) easy maintenance that the plate can be easily
disassembled for cleaning.
(iii) have very wide range of total surface area up
to 15,000 ft2.

Terms and definitions
Baffle- a device to direct the shell side fluid across the tubes for optimum heat
Condenser - a vessel use to change a fluid stream from the vapor state to the
liquid state by removing the heat of vaporization. Condensation may occur on the
shell side or the tube side of an exchanger oriented vertically or horizontally.
Cooler - commonly is an insulated box, used to keep food or drink cool. Ice cubes
which are very cold are most commonly placed in it to make the things inside stay
Fouling - the increased resistance to both heat transfer and fluid flow caused by
deposits on a heat transfer surface.
Nozzle – Nozzles are the pipe sections use to connect to the heat exchanger
headers to the piping.
Reboiler - are heat exchangers typically used to provide heat to the bottom of
industrial distillation columns. They boil the liquid from the bottom of a
distillation column to generate vapors which are returned to the column to drive
the distillation separation.
Steam Generator - a device used to boil water to create steam. It may refer to
Boiler, a closed vessel in which water is heated under pressure
Counter-current flow – flow of two streams in a heat exchanger with opposing

Basic heat exchanger design
the general equation for heat transfer across
a surface is:
Q = UA∆T
in heat exchanger design ∆T is referred to as
the mean temperature difference
the prime objective in the design of an
exchanger is to determine the surface area
required for the specified duty (rate of heat
transfer) using the temperature differences

Mean temperature
before the equation of heat transfer can be used to
determine the heat transfer area required for a
given heat duty, an estimate of the mean
temperature difference must be made.
this will normally be calculated from the terminal
temperature differences: the difference in the fluid
temperatures at the inlet and outlet of the
for counter-current flow in a heat exchanger, the
logarithmic mean temperature is given by:

where: ∆Tlm – log mean temperature difference
T1 – hot fluid temperature, inlet
T2 – hot fluid temperature, outlet
t1 – cold fluid temperature, inlet
t2 – cold fluid temperature, outlet

the equation is the same for co-current flow,

but the terminal temperature differences will
be (T1- t1) and (T2 - t2).

detailed heat exchanger design methods
such as the Kern’s method are beyond the
scope of this presentation
however, the ability to calculate heat load
and total surface area for a given heat
exchanger should be demonstrated.

True temperature difference
the usual practice in the design of shell and tube
exchangers is to estimate the “true temperature
difference” from the logarithmic mean temperature
by applying a correction factor to allow for the
departure from true counter-current flow:

∆Tm = Ft ∆Tlm
where: ∆Tm - true temperature difference
Ft – temperature correction factor

the correction factor is a function of the shell
and tube fluid temperatures, and the number
of tube and shell passes.
it is normally correlated as a function of two
dimensionless temperature ratios
if the two dimensionless ratios are calculated,
the value of Ft is obtained by reading off from
a chart that shows the relationship between Ft
and the two dimensionless groups

Tutorial: Question 1
Calculate the heat load, ∆Tm and the exchanger
area for a heat exchanger designed to sub-cool
condensate from a methanol condenser from
95oC to 40oC. Flow-rate of methanol 100 000
kg/h. Brackish water will be used as the
coolant, in the tube side of the heat exchanger
with a temperature rise from 25 to 40oC.
Heat capacity of methanol = 2.84 kJ/kgoC
Heat capacity of water = 4.2 kJ/kgoC
U = 600 W/m2oC
[Ans: 4339kW; 27.9oC; 259m2]

Question 2
Calculate the heat load, ∆Tm , water outlet
temperature and the exchanger area for a
heat exchanger designed to sub-cool
condensate from a methanol condenser from
95oC to 70oC. Flow-rate of methanol is 100
000 kg/h. Water flowing at 80 000 kg/h at
25oC will be used as the coolant in the tube
side of the heat exchanger.
Heat capacity of methanol = 1.52 kJ/kgoC
Heat capacity of water = 4.2 kJ/kgoC
U = 850 W/m2oC
[Ans: 1056kW; 50.5oC; 36.3oC; 24.6m2]

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