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Universidad Mariano Gálvez

Escuela de Idiomas
Lcda. Yadira Morán
Homework 1

Name _______Gustavo Adolfo Rivera Cabrera_________ Avanzado 2

1. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Use each only once. There is one you do
not need.

1. Felipa ____’s feeling_____ worried right now because her dad is sick
2. Gabriel ____thinks_____ that classical music is boring,
3. We __are having____ some problems at work right now.
4. It´s a difficult question, but I _____am knowing_____ the answer.
5. Renata may come to the movies with us. She __’s thinking___ about it.
6. It ____feels____ as though it´s getting colder.
7. On the weekends, they _____play_____ volleyball on the beach.
8. My grandparents _____have_____ more than thirty grandchildren now.

2. Match sentences 1-6 with a-f

1. Alejandro had to raise his voice. ___C___
2. Pablo frowned. ___F___
3. Matías gazed at the painting. ___A___
4. Diego winked at me. ___B___
5. Juan Pablo stared at the photo. ___E___
6. Emmanuel waved at me ___D___

a. It was absolutely beautiful.

b. He knew I would find the situation funny too.
c. He wanted to get my attention.
d. It was very noisy in the room.
e. He knew the woman in it.
f. The letter contained news he did not want to hear.
3 Refer to the listening part of page 147 of your workbook.
Listen to a conversation between Sophia and her friend Joe. Are the following statements true
(T) or (F) false?


1 Sophia reminds Joe that Elon Musk recently sent a sports car into space X

2 At first Joe says that sending a car into space was a good thing to do. X

3 Sophia says that the car in space was Elon´s Musk´s biggest achievement X

4 Sophia says that Elon Musk´s company will help the human race. X

5 Joe suggests that exploring space is bad for the environment X

6 Sophia believes that people will not always be able to live on the Earth X

7 Sophia says that environmental scientist don´t have a good opinion of Elon Musk X

8 In the end, Joe still doesn´t agree with Sophia that Elon Musk is cool X

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