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The reader could agree that the soldiers are tired because some
had to take time off. “It has nothing to do with them, and in any
case, they’re fed up with our fatigue.” The reader could agree
that the soldiers are frustrated and tired of others not doing any
The consequence is that making other workers tired could end in
poor results or, even worse, something damaging could happen.
The writer has used an oxymoron by saying, “ridged smile, weir
shows sympathy to three men and excused them for a week.
Weir shows sympathy for the hard-working. The writer has used
oxymorons to create a figure of speech made up of two words
that are contradictory to one another. The writer purposely
makes the reader think of how complex the workers are and feel
some sympathy for them as they work harder doing other
people's jobs. It is clear from the quote above that Weir is
someone who seems to be kind and aware of other's problems.


The writer has structured the text by purposely creating

tension by making short paragraphs, which can also create
suspense. The writer tries to convey that the soldiers are not
ready to battle. A clear example is when it states about
tiredness and being fed up with working. “It has nothing to
do with them, and in any case, they’re fed up with our
fatigue.” The writer has included anaphora by implying
repetition with "and in any case," which may suggest a
pattern or series of arguments; this can hint at a point
being made. The writer used anaphor to make the
reader think about what is being said, pay attention, and
feel suspicious. If the reader links back to the tiredness
of the workers, this could show the difficulty of everyone
else's problems.


Wednesday 20th September

The writer used language to describe the weather by saying,

“The wind came in the gusty at a time shaking. The coach. “This
explicitly shows that the weather is so bad that it can shake the
heavyweight bus. Another example is that the writer has
written,” while it swung between the numb finger of the driver.”

As you can see, I show you that the cold is affecting the driver.
The quotation above is also seen as imagery; it paints a vivid
image in the reader's mind. A Constance has also been
mentioned. The repetition of the 'n' sound in "swung" and
"numb" is a subtle use of symmetry. It creates a softer, more
muted auditory effect.

The writer has used language here to describe the weather as

“granite sky” and “cold grey.” the weather mimics how the driver
is; he is seen as cold and grey. The writer uses a pathetic fallacy
to make the reader think about the scenery and why the driver is
grumpy and confused.

If the reader links back to why the driver may be grumpy, it is

because it is icy, and the driver must sit there in the cold and the
dangers of the bus tipping.

Thursday 21th September

The writer has structured the text to interest the reader. By
structuring the text in 3rd person because only they know what is
going on

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