BME Essay

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Teachers should have a sabbatical year every seven years

First of all, I would like to claim that I agree with this statement, and I
would really support this suggestion because teachers work so hard to provide
our children all the knowledge that children require.
The way I see, the government and the teachers’ trade-unio should work
out a program to ensure enough time for teachers. They should get higher
salary and more free days. Moreover, that suggestion could provide a free year
for all educators in the country. However, without a high number of teachers it
is not possible.
In my opinion, during their free year, teachers could write a book about
themselves and their experiences in school. It would contain their teaching
methods, the marks that were given and some of their students. I believe that a
whole year would be enough for the writing and besides it, they could also
teach privately.
I suppose, if teachers want to get more freedom, new methods need to
be acquired, which should be worked out by the government. There should be
some courses which help teachers to learn the methods in order to keep their
lessons interesting.
I believe, nowadays many teachers burn out because of the low salary
and the countless hours. Furthermore, there isn’t any help from the
government because they don’t actually want to help the teachers make it
In conclusion, teachers really deserve to be appreciated and have a
sabbatical year.

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