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Omega 28 (2000) 653±666

A characterisation of logistics networks for product

Mortiz Fleischmann a,*, Hans Ronald Krikke a, Rommert Dekker b, Simme
Douwe P. Flapper c
Faculty of Business Administration, Erasmus University Rotterdam, PO Box 1738, 3000 DR, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Faculty of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam, PO Box 1738, 3000 DR, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Faculty of Technology Management, Eindhoven University of Technology, PO Box 513, 5600 MB, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Received 15 March 1999; accepted 16 February 2000


Recovery of used products is receiving much attention recently due to growing environmental concern. Ecient
implementation requires appropriate logistics structures to be set up for the arising goods ¯ow from users to
producers. We investigate the design of such logistics networks. As a basis for our analysis we review recent case
studies on logistics network design for product recovery in di€erent industries. We identify general characteristics of
product recovery networks and compare them with traditional logistics structures. Moreover, we derive a
classi®cation scheme for di€erent types of recovery networks. 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Reverse logistics; Distribution; Location; Case studies

1. Introduction ducers with responsibility for the whole life cycle of

their products [6,11,12,43]. Take-back obligations for a
Increasing interest in re-use of products and ma- number of product categories such as electronics,
terials is one of the consequences of growing environ- packaging material, and cars are some of the measures
mental concern throughout the past decades. Waste taken. Moreover, customer expectations urge compa-
reduction has become a prime concern in industrialised nies to reduce the environmental burden of their pro-
countries. In view of depleted land®ll and incineration ducts. A `green' image has become an important
capacities e€orts are made to re-integrate used pro- marketing element [35,40]. Finally, re-use may be econ-
ducts into industrial production processes for further omically attractive due to material and added value
use. A concept of material cycles gradually replaces a recovery.
`one way' perception of economy. Several countries From a logistical perspective re-use activities give
have enforced environmental legislation charging pro- rise to an additional goods ¯ow from the consumers
back to producers. The management of this ¯ow
opposite to the conventional supply chain is the
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +31-10-408-2277; fax: +31- concern of the recently evolved ®eld of `Reverse
10-408-9010. Logistics' [40]. Issues arising encompass distribution,
E-mail address: m¯ (M. Fleisch- inventory and production management aspects. Im-
mann). portant factors characterising speci®c re-use situ-

0305-0483/00/$ - see front matter 7 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 3 0 5 - 0 4 8 3 ( 0 0 ) 0 0 0 2 2 - 0
654 M. Fleischmann et al. / Omega 28 (2000) 653±666

ations include economical and ecological drivers, 2. Product recovery network design in current practice:
actors involved and their respective roles, and the a review
technical form of re-use. We refer to Fleischmann
et al. [17] for a more detailed discussion. Recently, a considerable number of case studies
In this paper we address the physical design of have been reported which address the design of logis-
logistics networks for product recovery activities. tics networks in a product recovery context. Moreover,
More precisely, we de®ne the object of our study as several decision support tools have been developed. In
logistics structures constituted of physical locations, this section we provide a survey of these business
facilities, and transportation links, conveying used cases. In each of the references a quantitative model
products from being set free by their former users for the network design problem is developed. While we
to being re-used in some additional application. Re- do not focus on mathematical aspects here, it appears
use may take place on a product-, component-, or that cases involving quantitative analysis provide a
material-level. In contrast, we do not consider incin- particularly valuable source of information since they
eration (sometimes referred to as `energy re-use') a describe the situation considered on a fairly detailed
form of re-use in the proper sense and hence do level. Many other, qualitative papers exist, but do not
not include the corresponding waste collection net- o€er such comprehensive information. We use the lat-
works in our de®nition. Our goal is to identify ter to substantiate our ®ndings. For each case we state
characteristics of `product recovery networks' and to the activities carried out in the network and the parties
compare them with other logistics structures such as involved together with their responsibilities. Moreover,
traditional production-distribution networks and we mention the main drivers for re-use in each
waste disposal networks. Moreover, we aim at struc- example. Finally, we pay attention to the network
turing the ®eld by delineating distinct types of pro- boundaries and links with external parties and other
duct recovery networks taking into account aspects networks. The material presented in this section forms
such as topology, economics, parties involved, and the basis for our analysis developed in the remainder
decision and control issues. of the paper.
We base our analysis on a set of recently pub- Barros et al. [2] report on a case study addressing
lished case studies on logistics network design in a the design of a logistics network for recycling sand
product recovery context following the above de®- coming free from processing construction waste in The
nition. Each case study includes a quantitative Netherlands. While 1 million tons of sand used to be
model and provides detailed information on the net- land®lled per year, re-use in large-scale infrastructure
work considered. Bringing together these cases invol- projects, e.g. road construction, is considered a poten-
ving di€erent industries appears in itself worthwhile tial alternative in line with environmental legislation.
since literature in this area is not yet well devel- Therefore, a syndicate of construction waste processing
oped. Moreover, commonalities among the cases in- companies investigates possibilities for establishing an
dicate general characteristics of product recovery ecient sand-recycling network. An important aspect
networks. To understand the observed di€erences we to deal with is potential pollution of the sand, e.g.
introduce a set of potential factors in¯uencing logis- involving oil. Therefore sand needs to be analysed
tics network design. Positioning the available case before being re-used. Three categories can be distin-
studies in this setting, we identify a number of clus- guished, namely clean sand that may be used without
ters of similar network characteristics and explana- restrictions; half-clean sand, re-use of which is
tory factors and in this way derive distinct product restricted to selected applications; polluted sand that
recovery network classes. We underpin our ®ndings needs to be cleaned after which it may be used freely.
by considering additional examples and experiences Cleaning of polluted sand requires installation of
from industry. highly expensive treatment facilities. On the basis of
The paper is structured as follows. In Section 1 we these considerations a sand recycling network is to be
review literature on case studies concerned with logis- set up encompassing four levels, namely crushing com-
tics network design for product recovery. In Section 2 panies yielding sieved sand from construction waste,
we bring the di€erent examples together to identify regional depots specifying the pollution level and stor-
common characteristics and compare them with other ing clean and half-clean sand, treatment facilities clean-
types of logistics networks. Moreover, we brie¯y dis- ing and storing polluted sand, and infrastructure
cuss mathematical modelling aspects. In Section 3 we projects where sand can be re-used. The locations of
derive a classi®cation of product recovery networks. the sand sources, i.e. crushing companies are known,
Introducing a general map of recovery context dimen- the supply volume is estimated on the basis of histori-
sions we reconsider the set of case studies to identify cal data. Volume and location of demand not being
distinct network classes. We summarise our ®ndings in known beforehand, scenario-analysis is resorted to.
Section 4 and point out directions for further research. The optimal number, capacities, and locations of the
M. Fleischmann et al. / Omega 28 (2000) 653±666 655

depots and cleaning facilities are to be determined. The a parametric analysis. They conclude that volume is a
authors propose a multi-level capacitated facility lo- major critical factor for the network layout.
cation model for this problem formulated as a mixed Spengler et al. [39] develop a MILP-model for the
integer linear program (MILP) which is solved ap- recycling of industrial by-products in the German steel
proximately via iterative rounding of LP-relaxations industry. Steel is produced from raw materials in sev-
strengthened by valid inequalities. eral production facilities. The production of 1 ton of
Louwers et al. [29] consider the design of a recycling steel gives rise to 0.5 tons of residuals. These residuals
network for carpet waste. High disposal volumes (1.6 have to be recycled, in order to reduce negative en-
million tons of carpet waste land®lled in Europe in vironmental impact and to avoid disposal costs. Di€er-
1996) and increasingly restrictive environmental regu- ent processing technologies are available to reach this
lation on the one hand, and a potential of valuable goal. Facilities can be installed at a set of potential lo-
material resources (e.g. nylon ®bres) on the other hand cations and at di€erent capacity levels, with corre-
has lead the European carpet industry to setting up a sponding ®xed and variable processing cost. Thus, it
joint recycling network together with some chemical has to be determined which recycling processes or pro-
companies. Through this network carpet waste is to be cess chains have to be installed at which locations at
collected from former users and pre-processed to allow what capacity level. Maximum facility capacities are
for material recovery. Since the content of carpet given. Furthermore, goods ¯ows must be optimised
waste originating from various sources (e.g. house- assuming linear transportation costs. The proposed
holds, oce buildings, carpet retailers, aircraft and model, which is used for optimising several scenarios,
automotive industry) varies considerably identi®cation is a modi®ed multi-level warehouse location model
and sorting is required. Moreover the sorted waste is with piecewise linear cost functions.
to be shredded and pelletised for ease of transportation Loosely related with a case study on the recovery of
and handling. These pre-processing steps will be car- copy machines [44] Thierry [43] proposes a conceptual
ried out in regional recovery centres from where the model for evaluating combined production/distribution
homogenised material mix is transported to chemical and collection/recovery networks. The model addresses
companies for further processing. Goal of the study is the situation of a manufacturing company collecting
to determine appropriate locations and capacities for used products for recovery in addition to producing
the regional recovery centres taking into account and distributing new products. Recovered products are
investment, processing and transportation costs. The assumed to be sold under the same conditions as new
authors propose a continuous location model. Using a ones to satisfy a given market demand. The pro-
linear approximation of the share of ®xed costs per duction/distribution network encompasses three levels,
volume processed, all costs are considered volume namely plants, warehouses, and markets. Products
dependent. The resulting nonlinear model is solved to may be transported from plants to markets either
optimality using standard software. directly or via a warehouse, yielding di€erent transpor-
Carpet recycling is also addressed in a case study by tation costs. Moreover, from each market a certain
Ammons et al. [1]. The volume of 5 billion pounds of amount of used products needs to be collected. Sub-
used carpet material land®lled per year makes recycling sequently, collected products are to be disassembled
an economically interesting option in the USA. While and tested on reusability, after which accepted pro-
the entire carpet recycling chain involves several parties ducts need to be repaired while rejected products are
leadership is taken by a chemical company producing, disposed of. These activities are carried out in the fa-
e.g. nylon ®bres. A logistics network is investigated cilities of the `forward' production/distribution net-
including collection of used carpet from carpet dealer- work. For each facility a set of feasible operations and
ships, processing of collected carpet separating nylon capacity restrictions are speci®ed. Additionally, dispo-
¯u€, other re-usable materials and a remainder to be sal sites are given. Disposal is feasible for all used pro-
land®lled, and end-markets for recycled materials. Cur- ducts and is obligatory for products rejected after
rently, the system is operational with a single proces- testing. In this model all facility locations are ®xed
sing plant. For alternative con®gurations the optimal externally. The model objective is to determine cost-
number and location of both collection sites and pro- optimal goods ¯ows in the network under the given ca-
cessing plants are to be determined while delivery sites pacity constraints. Since facilities are given, no ®xed
for recovered materials are assumed to be known. costs are considered. Decision relevant costs include
Moreover, the amount of carpet collected from each variable production, handling, inspection, repair, dis-
site is to be determined. Facility capacity limits are the posal, and transportation costs. Since only variable
only restrictions in view of the vast volume currently costs are considered the problem is formulated as a lin-
land®lled. The authors propose a multi-level capaci- ear program which can be solved to optimality.
tated facility location MILP to address this problem. A similar situation is addressed by Berger and
Real€ et al. [34] take this model as a starting point for Debaillie [3]. They propose a conceptual model for
656 M. Fleischmann et al. / Omega 28 (2000) 653±666

extending an existing production/distribution network products are disassembled to a ®xed level; (ii) prep-
with disassembly centres to allow for recovery of used aration, in which critical parts are inspected and, if
products. Responsibility for product recovery lies at necessary, replaced; and (iii) re-assembly, where the
the original product manufacturer (OEM) who incurs remaining carcass of the returned machine is actu-
all costs. The model is illustrated in a ®ctitious case of ally remanufactured into a new machine by adding
a computer manufacturer. The existing distribution repaired and new components. In addition, there
network encompasses plants, distribution centres and are a number of supportive processes, such as cen-
customers. In the extended network used products tral stock keeping, sub-assembly production, and
need to be collected from the customers. Collected pro- material recycling. While the supplying processes
ducts are to be inspected in a disassembly centre divid- and dismantling are ®xed, locations and good ¯ows
ing them into three streams: high quality products can must be optimised for the processes (ii) preparation
be repaired and shipped to a distribution centre for re- and (iii) re-assembly. A choice is to be made
sale; products containing re-usable parts may be disas- between two locations in Venlo (The Netherlands)
sembled and shipped to a plant to be re-used in the and one in Prague (Czech Republic), subject to
production process; all other products are to be dis- managerial constraints. The model is solved to
posed of. Each plant and distribution centre can only optimality and the optimal solution, minimising op-
use a limited amount of recovered products. While all erational costs, is compared with three pre-selected
facilities in the original network are ®xed the number, managerial solutions by ®xing the location variables.
locations, and capacities of disassembly centres are to One of these managerial solutions, installing all pro-
be determined. In a variant of this model the recovery cesses in Prague, appears to be optimal with respect
network is extended with another level by separating to operational costs. However, this solution also
inspection and repair/disassembly. After inspection requires the highest investments. Di€erences in total
rejected products are disposed as before while recover- economic costs turned out to be fairly small. There-
able products are shipped to a repair/disassembly fore, installing recovery activities in Prague must be
centre before entering a distribution centre or a plant. well motivated from a strategic point of view in
The authors propose multi-level capacitated MILPs to order to be justi®ed.
address these problems. Kroon and Vrijens [28] consider the design of a
Jayaraman et al. [26] analyse the logistics network of logistics system for reusable transportation packages.
an electronic equipment remanufacturing company in More speci®cally, a closed-loop deposit based system is
the USA. The company's activities encompass collec- considered for collapsible plastic containers that can be
tion of used products (cores) from customers, remanu- rented as secondary packaging material. The system
facturing of collected cores, and distribution of involves ®ve (groups of) actors: a central agency own-
remanufactured products. Customers delivering cores ing a pool of reusable containers; a logistics service
and demanding remanufactured products do not provider being responsible for storing, delivering, and
necessarily coincide. Moreover, core supply is limited. collecting the empty containers; senders and recipients
In this network the optimal number and locations of of full containers; carriers transporting full containers
remanufacturing facilities and the number of cores col- from sender to recipient. The study focuses on the role
lected are to be determined considering investment, of the logistics service provider. In addition to deter-
transportation, processing, and storage costs. The mining the number of containers required to run the
authors present a multi-product capacitated warehouse system and an appropriate fee per shipment, a major
location MILP that is solved to optimality for di€erent question is where to locate depots for empty contain-
supply and demand scenarios. ers. At these depots containers are stored and main-
Krikke et al. [27] present a MILP-model for a tained, shipped to a sender upon request, and
multi-echelon reverse logistic network design for eventually collected from the recipient. Note that
durable consumer products. This model is applied transportation of empty containers is carried out inde-
in a business case study carried out at OceÂ, a cop- pendently of the full shipment from sender to recipient,
ier manufacturer in The Netherlands. The study which may be realised by a di€erent carrier. The
focuses on installing a remanufacturing process for expected volume and geographical distribution of
a certain type of copy machines. In remanufacturing demand is estimated on the basis of historical data
used machines are disassembled to a ®xed level, concerning the number of shipments between given
after which suspicious or bad parts are removed ad- parties. Uncertainty is covered via scenario analysis.
ditionally. Subsequently, repaired or totally new An additional requirement is balancing the number of
components (with improved functionality) are added. containers at the depots. Since the total number of
Thus, an entirely new type of machine is manufac- containers shipped from a depot during a planning
tured. The reverse chain consists of three main period should equal the number of containers received,
recovery processes: (i) dismantling, in which return containers may be relocated among the depots. The de-
M. Fleischmann et al. / Omega 28 (2000) 653±666 657

cision problem is modelled as a MILP that is closely lowing the ¯ows of goods. Therefore, we do not con-
related with a classical uncapacitated warehouse lo- sider transportation and storage as distinct activities
cation model. but rather as links between the above stages. In gen-
Finally, while not related with a case study, we eral, a transportation and a storage step may be
brie¯y mention the work of Marin and Pelegrin [30]. required between each two of the above activities.
Taking a purely mathematical perspective, a MILP Fig. 1 gives a graphical representation of the activities
facility location model is analysed involving both dis- within a product recovery chain together with tra-
tribution and product return ¯ows. Lagrangian de- ditional supply chain activities.
composition is discussed for constructing a solution Collection refers to all activities rendering used pro-
heuristic. ducts available and physically moving them to some
point where further treatment is taken care of. Collec-
tion of used carpet from carpet dealerships [1] and
3. General characteristics of product recovery networks take-back of used copiers from customers [27] are typi-
cal examples from the above case studies. In general,
We now analyse the above cases in order to derive a collection may include purchasing, transportation, and
general characterisation of logistics networks for pro- storage activities. It should be noted that collection
duct recovery. In a ®rst step we identify common fea- may, to some extent, be imposed by legislation (e.g.
tures of the presented examples. Subsequently, a packaging material in Germany, white- and brown-
comparison is made with more traditional logistics net- goods in The Netherlands).
works. Inspection/Separation denotes all operations deter-
mining whether a given product is in fact re-usable
3.1. Commonalities and in which way. Thus, inspection and separation
results in splitting the ¯ow of used products according
A ®rst unifying factor of the above examples con- to distinct re-use (and disposal) options. This applies,
cerns the activities carried out within the logistics net- e.g. for distinguishing repairable and recyclable subas-
work. All networks considered span from a market semblies of copiers [27] and for inspection of sieved
setting free used products (in the sequel referred to as sand on pollution [2]. Inspection and separation may
disposer market ) to another market with demand for encompass disassembly, shredding, testing, sorting, and
recovered products (denoted hereafter by re-use mar- storage steps.
ket ). While the speci®c steps in this transition di€er Re-processing means the actual transformation of a
per case the following groups of activities appear to be used product into a usable product again. This trans-
recurrent in product recovery networks. formation may take di€erent forms including recycling,
repair, and remanufacturing [44]. In addition, activities
. Collection such as cleaning, replacement, and re-assembly may be
. Inspection/Separation involved. Examples are numerous covering, e.g. nylon
. Re-processing recycling from used carpet [1,29], parts remanufactur-
. Disposal ing from used copiers [43] and cleaning of polluted
. Re-distribution sand [2].
We brie¯y describe each of these steps below. We Disposal is required for products that cannot be re-
remark that our structuring slightly di€ers from earlier used for technical or economical reasons. This applies,
approaches [23,32] by taking a network perspective fol- e.g. to products rejected at the separation level due to

Fig. 1. The recovery chain.

658 M. Fleischmann et al. / Omega 28 (2000) 653±666

excessive repair requirements but also to products the traditional supply chain. To avoid misunderstand-
without satisfactory market potential, e.g. due to out- ing, we therefore use the term `product recovery net-
dating. Disposal may include transportation, land®ll- work' rather than `reverse logistics network'.
ing, and incineration steps. In all of the above examples the party carrying out
Re-distribution refers to directing re-usable products the recovery process is responsible for the logistic net-
to a potential market and to physically moving them work. Determining the number and location of recov-
to future users. This may encompass sales (leasing, ser- ery facilities is a central task in the network design
vice contracts), transportation, and storage activities. problems described above. In almost all cases geo-
Sales of recycled materials [1] and leasing of remanu- graphical distribution and volume of both supply and
factured copy machines [44] are among the typical demand are considered as exogenous variables. This
examples. gives product recovery networks a transhipment char-
The similarities in activities are also re¯ected by acter. Sources and sinks are ®xed while intermediary
similar network topologies in the presented examples. nodes are to be speci®ed. We remark that sources and
Recovery networks can roughly be divided into three sinks, i.e. disposer market and re-use market, may co-
parts (see Fig. 2 for a graphical representation). In the incide. Consider, e.g. re-use of containers [28] and of
®rst part, corresponding to the collection phase, ¯ows oce equipment [43]. In this `closed loop' case, inter-
are converging from the disposer market typically action between collection and re-distribution may add
involving a large number of sources of used products, complexity to the network design problem. We discuss
to recovery facilities. Conversely, in the last part, cor- di€erences between `closed loop' and `open loop' net-
responding to re-distribution, ¯ows are diverging from works further in Section 4. Furthermore we note that
recovery facilities to demand points in the re-use mar- take-back obligations due to environmental legislation
ket. The structure of the intermediate part of the net- and `green' market pressure often result in a supply
work is closely linked with the speci®c form of product `push' situation. That is, availability of used products
recovery. In case of a limited set of processing steps that need to be taken care of trigger the sequence of
carried out at a single facility, as in the examples of re- events rather than end product demand [2,29,43]. At
usable packages [28] and carpet waste pre-processing the same time, time restrictions tend to be weaker, in
[29], this network part may consist of a single level general, for collection than for distribution.
(comprising one or more parallel nodes). On the other It has often been claimed that a high level of uncer-
hand, a complex sequence of processing steps involving tainty is characteristic of product recovery manage-
several facilities may entail a multi-level structure of ment [17,27,43]. The above case studies support this
this network part including multiple interrelated ¯ows. vision with respect to network design issues. Demand
The latter case applies, e.g. to several remanufacturing for recovered products and materials appears to be dif-
examples [27,43]. We discuss these di€erences in more ®cult to forecast in many cases, the more so since re-
detail in Section 4. It is worth noting that only in the use markets are often evolving only recently and are
®rst part of a product recovery network ¯ows are actu- not yet well established. Even more important though,
ally `reversed' in the sense that they are directed from availability of used products on the disposer market
users to producers and undo steps of the original value involves major unknown factors. In general, timing
chain. Subsequently, value is added and products and quantity of used products coming free are deter-
move from a producer (recoverer) to a user just as in mined by the former user rather than by the reco-

Fig. 2. Product recovery network topology.

M. Fleischmann et al. / Omega 28 (2000) 653±666 659

verer's requirements. Reliable planning of collection ditional setting. Bringing together a high number of
and recovery may therefore be a dicult task. Further- low volume ¯ows therefore appears to be characteristic
more, the form of recovery and the sequence of proces- of product recovery networks in particular.
sing steps required is often dependent on the quality of On the distribution side di€erences between tra-
the input, e.g. pollution, damage, material mix, which ditional and product recovery networks appear to be
is another unknown factor. We conclude by noting rather small. Possibly, demand uncertainty may be
that uncertainty on the disposer market has a particu- somewhat more prominent in the latter case since re-
larly high impact in combination with a supply push, use markets are not yet well established and professio-
i.e. collection obligations. nalisation tends to be lower. However, it can be
expected that this distinction gradually disappears with
3.2. Comparison with other logistics networks product recovery becoming a `normal' business. To a
less extent this last observation may also hold for the
Having characterised product recovery networks we issue of supply uncertainty. Co-operation agreements
now compare them with logistics networks in other on the one hand and modern information technology
contexts. In particular, we consider traditional pro- such as tracking and tracing, machine sensoring, and
duction-distribution networks. We start by noting that electronic data interchange (EDI) on the other hand
product recovery networks encompass several supply may contribute to a more stable environment for pro-
chain stages. In this sense product recovery ®ts well in duct recovery reducing, though surely not eliminating,
the mindset of supply chain management, advocating supply uncertainty. As a general tendency, we expect
co-ordination of the entire supply chain rather than logistics networks for product recovery and for pro-
considering single stages independently [41]. Roughly duction-distribution to become more similar in the
speaking, product recovery networks correspond to future, with product recovery becoming a standard
distribution networks encompassing supply, pro- supply chain element.
duction, and distribution stages (compare Fig. 1). The Similarly, it is worth considering the relation
major di€erences between both contexts appear to between product recovery networks and waste disposal
arise on the supply side. In traditional production-dis- networks. Disposal networks provide the logistics
tribution systems, supply is typically an endogenous structure for collection, processing, and disposal of dis-
variable in the sense that timing, quantity, and quality carded products in the form of land®lling or incinera-
of delivered input can be controlled according to the tion. We refer to Jahre [25] for a detailed discussion.
system's needs. In contrast, as pointed out in the pre- There are obvious analogies between disposal and
vious subsection, supply is largely exogenously deter- recovery networks with respect to the `supply' side.
mined in product recovery systems and may be Used products need to be collected from many, poss-
dicult to forecast. Hence, supply uncertainty in a ibly widespread sources and to be consolidated for
wide sense appears to be a major distinguishing factor further processing and transportation. Major di€er-
between product recovery and traditional production- ences between both network types arise on the
distribution networks. `demand' side. While a ¯ow of recovered products is
As a direct consequence, traditional production-dis- directed towards a re-use market, waste streams even-
tribution networks typically do not include an `inspec- tually end at land®ll sites or incineration plants. The
tion' stage similar to product recovery networks. number of these disposal sinks is typically much smal-
Destinations of goods ¯ows are, in general, known ler than the number of demand points in a re-use con-
beforehand with more certainty as compared to the text. Hence, the divergent structure of the downstream
quality dependent processing routes in product recov- network part is less prominent for disposal. Moreover,
ery. While there may be exceptions, e.g. in case of by- selection of disposal options is less sensitive to quali-
products or re-work, this is not the major focus of tra- tative variations of the input. While waste streams may
ditional production-distribution networks. Therefore, be sorted and split to some extent (e.g. material separ-
network structures may be more complex for product ation, removal of hazardous materials) according to
recovery, including more interdependencies. Another di€erent feasible disposal options (e.g. open or pro-
element that may render recovery networks more com- tected land®lling, incineration) these steps do not
plex than traditional production-distribution networks depend critically on the speci®c quality of discarded
is potential interaction between collection and (re-)dis- products. Hence, a considerably lower impact of input
tribution, e.g. combined transportation in closed-loop uncertainty is one of the major distinctions between
networks. We recall, however, that network complexity disposal networks and networks for product recovery.
depends on the speci®c recovery process and may vary However, it is worth noting that the line between both
considerably per example. Finally, the number of systems may not always be very sharp and that inter-
sources of used products tends to be fairly large as mediate network types exist such as, e.g. for recycling
compared to the number of supply points in a tra- of ¯ue gas cleaning residues [24].
660 M. Fleischmann et al. / Omega 28 (2000) 653±666

3.3. Modelling 3.1. In this section we consider the distinctions between

di€erent product recovery networks in more detail.
We conclude this section by taking a brief look at Main di€erences between the recovery networks in
quantitative modelling aspects of product recovery net- the case studies discussed earlier concern the following:
works. In almost all of the case studies discussed . degree of centralisation;
above, MILP location-allocation models have been . number of levels;
proposed to support network design. The only excep- . links with other networks;
tion is found in [29] where a continuous location . open vs closed loop structure;
model is developed. In view of the transhipment char- . degree of branch co-operation.
acter of product recovery networks (see Section 3.1) it
is not surprising that many of the MILPs discussed Centralisation refers to the number of locations at
closely resemble multi-level warehouse location models which similar activities are carried out. In a centralised
(see, e.g. [42] for a de®nition). The main di€erences network each activity is installed at a few locations
with traditional models are due to splitting ¯ows at the only, whereas in a decentralised network the same op-
separation stage (see Section 3.1). Some cases can be eration is carried out at several di€erent locations in
interpreted as multi-commodity ¯ows known from tra- parallel. Centralisation may thus be seen as a measure
ditional distribution network models (see, e.g. for the horizontal integration or `width' of a network.
[9,18,36]). Analogously, the number of levels, referring to the
It is worth noting that the issue of uncertainty is not number of facilities a goods ¯ow visits sequentially, in-
included explicitly in the above models. To the best of dicates the `depth' or vertical integration of a network.
our knowledge, only deterministic facility location In a single-level network all activities are integrated in
models have been presented for product recovery net- one type of facility while in a multi-level network
work design so far. Uncertainty is usually addressed di€erent activities are carried out at di€erent locations.
via scenario and parametric analysis. Since we have Links with other networks refer to the degree of inte-
seen that uncertainty is an important characteristic of gration of a new network with previously existing net-
product recovery this issue seems to deserve additional works. A logistics network may be set up
research e€ort. More comprehensive quantitative independently as an entirely new structure, or by
results would be useful, concerning the impact of extending an existing network. Open vs closed loop
uncertainty on recovery network design and the appro- characterises the relation between incoming and out-
priateness of traditional approaches for capturing this going ¯ows of a network. In a closed loop network
element. Recent work on robust network design is a sources and sinks coincide so that ¯ows `cycle' in the
®rst step in this direction [31]. Since stochastic network. An open loop network, on the other hand,
approaches are not very well developed for logistics has a `one-way' structure in the sense that ¯ows enter
network design in general, research on product recov- at one point and leave at another. Finally, the degree
ery may result in contributions in a larger context. of branch co-operation relates to the parties responsible
Another aspect of recovery networks that deserves ad- for setting up the network. Initiative may be taken by
ditional attention is potential interaction between for- a single company, possibly involving subcontractors,
ward and reverse channels. Quantitative results on, e.g. or by a joint approach of an industry branch.
combination of collection and distribution in closed- In Section 4.2, we characterise the networks con-
loop networks or integration of facilities would be sidered in each of the case studies with respect to the
helpful for a better understanding of product recovery above aspects. In order to explain the di€erences
networks. Guidelines as to which activities to combine observed we analyse a set of context variables for each
or to separate and an assessment of the transportation example. As a starting point, we introduce potential
impact of product recovery would be valuable contri- explanatory factors concerning product recovery situ-
butions. ations in the next section. We structure these factors
along three dimensions.

4. Classi®cation of product recovery networks 4.1. Characterisation of network structure context: the
recovery situation
While we have identi®ed a number of general
characteristics of product recovery networks in the pre- Here we work out our observation that logistic net-
vious section, the networks encountered in the various works are context dependent, i.e. di€erent `recovery
case studies are surely not identical. Some discriminat- situations' should be distinguished. Careful analysis of
ing factors such as network complexity and impact of the case studies reveals that variables concerning recov-
uncertainty have already been mentioned in Section ery situations can be split in three categories: (i) pro-
M. Fleischmann et al. / Omega 28 (2000) 653±666 661

duct characteristics, (ii) supply chain characteristics, returns. Supply uncertainty puts heavy burdens on the
and (iii) resource characteristics. performance of reverse logistic systems, hence on the
robustness of the network designs. On the re-use side
4.1.1. Products it is of great relevance whether re-users are in the orig-
This concerns the physical and economical charac- inal or in some alternative supply chain, because this
teristics of discarded products as well as the chosen determines whether the system is open loop or closed
recovery options. Product characteristics can be nu- loop.
merous, e.g. weight, volume, fragility, toxic contents,
perishability, economic value (valuable as a product or 4.1.3. Resources
only few components) and obsolescence. Physical In general, resources involve recovery facilities (dis-
characteristics described in the above cases include the assembly lines, shredders etc.) and human resources.
assembly structure and the recovery options. Products However, in the above cases only facilities are dis-
with complex assembled structures may involve exten- cussed. Concerning facilities, relevant aspects in the
sive testing and disassembly as well as separate recov- cases are ¯exibility (dedicated or universal) and costs
ery of their components. It a€ects the centralisation/ (for investments and daily operations hence economies
decentralisation decision and the number of levels in of scale e€ects). Universal systems may be more ¯ex-
the system. This also depends on the recovery option ible than specialised systems in the sense that they can
chosen. Thierry et al. [44] describe ®ve options at a handle multiple product types, but may also be less
conceptual level: repair, refurbishing, remanufacturing, ecient (i.e. more costly) for some individual product
cannibalisation and recycling. Depending on the option types. Facilities with high ®xed costs generally require
chosen, di€erent disassembly, recovery and disposal fa- centralised operations, while other activities may be
cilities must be installed in the reverse logistic network. decentralised to reduce transportation costs.
In general, a sub-set of the processes de®ned in Fig. 1
must be implemented in the reverse logistic network. 4.2. Product recovery network types
Similarly, economic value may a€ect centralisation/
decentralisation decisions (where to separate junk from We now bring together network properties and con-
valuable waste). text variables in order to identify and characterise dis-
tinct product recovery network types. Table 1 below
4.1.2. Supply chain lists for each case study a number of characteristics
Here, we deal with the relationships between and the concerning both the logistics network and the recovery
behaviour of actors in the supply chain: the suppliers, situation. The network properties follow those dis-
OEMs, service providers, policy makers and customers. cussed at the beginning of Section 4. The recovery situ-
Of course, supply chain management does cover many ation is structured along the three dimensions Product,
more aspects that may in¯uence network structure, not Supply chain characteristics, and Resources as intro-
to speak of aspects that are of no in¯uence to reverse duced in the previous section. The selection of aspects
logistic network design. Here, we pay attention to the included in Table 1 is based on the information avail-
relevant aspects on which information is available in able from the case descriptions.
the case studies. These include responsibilities in the The cases can roughly be clustered in two groups
chain, driving force for product recovery and re-use having similar characteristics, namely Cases 1±4 on the
(mandatory or commercial), disposer behaviour and one hand and Cases 5±8 on the other. Case 9 (Kroon
type of re-user. They are discussed below. and Vrijens [28]) appears not to ®t well in either
Each actor has responsibilities, which may in¯uence group. Based on this observation and on general
the network design. For example, on many occasions knowledge about other product recovery examples we
the OEM is responsible for the set-up of a reverse propose to distinguish three types of product recovery
logistic system for its products and the packages used networks, namely:
for their distribution. However, the responsibility may
. bulk recycling network (Cases 1±4; [1,2,29,39]);
also be at a branch level, where syndicates take care of
. assembly product remanufacturing network (Cases
the actual set-up of the reverse logistic system. In the
5±8; [3,26,27,43]);
USA, OEMs are often not formally responsible and
. re-usable item network (Cases 9; [28]).
product recovery is driven by private, commercial in-
itiatives. It is clear that di€erent responsible actors can We note that this classi®cation is process-oriented in
use di€erent (existing) networks for the set-up of the the sense that the form of product re-processing
reverse logistic system. Legislation may impose produ- involved is the major discriminating factor. A similar
cer responsibility, thus making recycling mandatory. structuring has been proposed by Bloemhof-Ruwaard
Disposer behaviour often causes strong uncertainty and Salomon [5]. Other studies have considered classi-
regarding quantity, quality, location and timing of ®cations based on the network initiators, e.g. manufac-
Table 1
Product recovery network classes

Recovery network Recovery situation

centralised multi- new extend open closed branch- Product Supply chain Resources
level network existing loop loop co-operation
low high complex material parts/ OEM recovery supply reuse in high high high dedicated
value value structure re-use product responsible mandatory uncertainty original investment operational economies facilities
re-use market costs costs of scale

Recycling networks
1 Barros et al. [2] X (X) X X X X X X X X X
2 Louwers et al. [29] (X) X X X X X X X X X X X
3 Ammons et al. [1] X X X X X X X X
4 Spengler et al. [39] (X) X X X X X X X (X) X X X
Remanufacturing networks
5 Tierry [43] X X X X X X X X X X X
6 Jayaraman et al. [26] X X X X X X X
7 Berger and Debaillie [3] X X X X X X X X X X X (X)
8 Krikke et al. [27] X X X X X X X X X X X X (X)
Reusable item network
9 Kroon and Vrijens [28] X X (X) X (X) (X) X X X

X=applies, (X)=applies partly.

M. Fleischmann et al. / Omega 28 (2000) 653±666 663

turer-integrated systems vs waste-hauler systems 4.2.2. Assembly product remanufacturing network

[19,20]. These later approaches appear to be more Examples of copier remanufacturing [27,43], cellu-
appropriate for a general analysis of product recovery lar telephone remanufacturing [26], and printed cir-
systems, including organisational aspects, whereas our cuit boards recovery [3] form another group of
focus is on network layout more speci®cally. Although networks having similar characteristics. All cases are
we do not claim completeness for the above list, we concerned with re-use on a product or parts level
believe the proposed network types to cover many im- of relatively high value assembled products. Recov-
portant cases. Of course, the classi®cation is somewhat ery is mainly carried out by the OEM, and re-use
idealised and one may also encounter mixed types in and original use often coincide. Furthermore, supply
practice. We discuss each class in more detail below. uncertainty is reported to be an important factor in
all of the above studies and operational costs for
4.2.1. Bulk recycling networks recovery appear to be relatively high. As for the
A ®rst group of networks showing similar character- recovery network, most of the above examples
istics encompasses examples of sand recycling [2], recy- involve a fairly complex multi-level structure. More-
cling of steel by-products [39], and carpet recycling over, networks most often form a closed loop and
[1,29]. All of these cases are concerned with material rely on extending existing logistics systems.
recovery from rather low value products. Disposer From the above observations we draw the follow-
market and re-use market are di€erent, in general, i.e. ing conclusions concerning assembled product rema-
the recovered material is not necessarily re-used in the nufacturing networks. Added (manufacturing) value
production process of the original product. Conse- recovery is the main economic driver. Since the cor-
quently, material suppliers play an important role in responding recovery activities (repair, remanufactur-
these networks in addition to OEMs. Moreover, invest- ing) require (and reveal) intimate knowledge about
ment costs turn out to be very substantial in all of the the products concerned it is not surprising that they
above examples, due to advanced technological equip- are carried out by the OEM in many cases (see
ment required. In addition, the above cases share a [13,14,38,43] for additional examples concerning the
rather centralised, open loop network structure invol- computer and automotive industries). However, if
ving a small number of levels. Finally, it is worth not- market entry barriers are low product recovery
ing that the network is often established relying on opportunities may also attract specialised third par-
branch-wide co-operation. ties as, e.g. for tyre retreading [15] or recovery of
Bringing the above aspects together we come to the toner cartridges [37]. Product recovery has important
following characterisation of bulk recycling networks. marketing implications in these cases since markets
First of all, a low value per volume collected on the for recovered products and original products may
one hand and high investment costs on the other give overlap. The latter also indicates a potential link
the need for high processing volumes. This conclusion between original logistics networks and recovery net-
is also supported by examples of paper recycling [4] works if the OEM is involved. Single-use cameras
and plastic recycling [7]. Exploiting economies of scale are an additional example [13]. For these types of
is indispensable for making the recovery activities assembled product remanufacturing networks oppor-
economically viable. Consequently, recycling networks tunities may arise for combining transportation or
tend to be highly vulnerable to uncertainty concerning handling of both ¯ows. A closed loop structure
the supply volume. The need for economies of scale is integrating both networks may therefore be a natu-
re¯ected by a centralised network structure. Moreover, ral choice. Consequently, extending existing logistics
co-operation within a branch may be an option to structures may be a good starting point for the de-
ensure high processing volumes. Car wreck recycling sign of a recovery network.
[22,33] and household electronics recycling [10] are ad- Another important characteristic of added value
ditional examples of this approach. Co-operation is fa- recovery is a complex set of interrelated processing
cilitated by an open loop character of material steps and options, which may entail a rather complex
recycling, ensuring recovered material sales not to structure of the corresponding logistics network. This
interfere with market shares in the original product applies, in particular, to the intermediate network part
market. Finally, a fairly simple network structure between collection and re-distribution (see Section 3).
involving only a few levels results from the limited Additional examples from the automotive and compu-
number of recovery options and the fact that technical ter industries support this ®nding (see above). More-
feasibility of material recycling is not that critically over, feasibility of recovery options and the sequence
dependent on the quality of the collected goods. Note, of processing steps required depend strongly on the
however, that input quality may be a major cost deter- speci®c condition of the collected product, giving
minant, e.g. by in¯uencing the purity of output ma- uncertainty a prominent role in remanufacturing net-
terials. works. Decentralisation of certain activities such as
664 M. Fleischmann et al. / Omega 28 (2000) 653±666

testing and inspection may be one of the consequences recovery networks. We have seen that a typical net-
for the logistics network layout. work structure includes a convergent part concerned
with collection from a disposer market to recovery fa-
4.2.3. Re-usable item networks cilities, a divergent part for distribution to a re-use
Yet another type of networks can be found in sys- market, and an intermediate part related with the
tems of directly re-usable items such as re-usable recovery processing steps required. Supply uncertainty
packages. Although in literature we only found one both in quantity and quality appears to be a major dis-
comprehensive case study on logistics network design tinction between product recovery networks and tra-
falling into this area [28] there appears to be enough ditional production-distribution networks. This may be
evidence to attempt a rough characterisation of this a reason for a more complex network structure. Con-
network class. As described in detail in Section 1 the sidering recovery situations in more detail, including
above case considers a closed loop network for re- product, supply chain, and resource aspects, we have
usable packages. Upon return to a central provider re- seen that product recovery networks can be subdivided
sponsible for the entire life cycle, packages can be into a number of classes. Re-usable item networks,
directly re-used. In this context timing of returns is remanufacturing networks, and recycling networks
reported to be an important element of uncertainty. appear each to have their own typical characteristics.
Moreover, transportation and procurement of new This paper is a ®rst step towards a comprehensive
packages are major cost factors. Finally, the logistics analysis of logistics networks in a product recovery en-
network has a decentralised, single-level structure vironment. Further research e€ort is required to estab-
extending a previously existing network. lish a good understanding of product recovery
We put these observations in a more general context networks. In particular, additional case studies in this
as follows. Re-usable items requiring only minor area are more than desirable. Moreover, a more
`reprocessing' steps such as cleaning and inspection can detailed analysis of the aspects characterising di€erent
be expected to lead to a rather ¯at network structure network types seems worthwhile. Furthermore, math-
comprising a small number of levels, e.g. correspond- ematical models as a tool for quantitative analysis of
ing to depots. Moreover, a closed loop chain structure product recovery networks appear not be fully devel-
seems natural in this context since there is no distinc- oped yet. Most models proposed to date stick rather
tion between `original use' and `re-use'. This applies, closely to traditional facility location models. There
e.g. for many sorts of re-usable packages such as bot- exists a substantial opportunity to extend current net-
tles, crates, pallets [5], plastic boxes [45] and containers work design approaches to new models that capture
[8]. Determining the number of items required to run uncertainty and additional structural considerations
the system and prevention of loss are important issues for more complete analysis and better decision making.
in this closed loop situation [21]. Moreover, a fairly
large number of re-use cycles and absence of other
processing steps makes transportation a major cost Acknowledgements
component [16]. This may be a reason for a decentra-
lised network including depots close to customer lo- The research presented in this paper has been sup-
cations. Availability and service aspects point to the ported by the European Commission as part of the
same direction. On the other hand, decentralisation TMR network REVLOG (ERB 4061 PL 97-650). This
renders balancing of item ¯ows an important task in network, which investigates Reverse Logistics issues is
re-usable item networks [8]. a co-operation of researchers from Erasmus University
To conclude, we note that the line between `re- Rotterdam (NL), Eindhoven University of Technology
usable items' and more traditional items that are used (NL), INSEAD (F), University of Piraeus (GR), Uni-
multiple times is rather thin. The networks described versity of Magdeburg (D) and Aristoteles University of
above show much similarity with other closed loop sys- Thessaloniki (GR). Furthermore, the authors would
tems such as, e.g. transportation ¯eet systems or video like to thank Rob Broekmeulen and Peter van Laarho-
rental systems. ven, both at Eindhoven University of Technology, for
helpful discussions.
Finally, we would like to thank the anonymous
5. Conclusions reviewers for their detailed comments, which contribu-
ted to a more complete discussion of the subject.
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