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CONSENT FORM IMAGE RIGHT I, the undersigned (family name and first name):verna imbert Born on (date):march

14 1972 Phone:6611912 Email:- Hereby : Grants / does not grant (circle as appropriate) my consent to SBM
Offshore, hereinafter mentioned as “the Company” and its affiliates for my child <name> Martha Chane to be
photographed and / or to be filmed in the course of the 2023 Vurlon Mills Female Football Programme. Grants /
does not grant (circle as appropriate) my consent to the Company and its affiliates to use these still images and/or
films to create photos and/or videos. Grants to the Company and its affiliates consent to use these still images
and/or films for the below purposes (in case of disagreement, cross out the term concerned) : - Press - Book -
Exhibition (such as banners, posters etc) - Internal electronic publications (such as intranet, blog…) - External
electronic publications (such as internet, emails…) - Advertising on any medium I declare that I have been informed
and accept that: - The uses of these images by the Company or its affiliates does not infringe on my/my child’s
privacy. - The still images and/or films are not accompanied with any other information that could enable the
identification of individuals. - Considering the specificity of the internet network, of which I am informed (any page
could be consulted, downloaded and/or modified by an internet user), the Company nor its affiliates will not be
responsible for any use of the images and/or films that could be done by third parties. This authorisation is granted
free of charge and applies universally and for an initial duration of five (5) years, which will then be renewed by tacit
agreement for successive periods of two (2) years. The parent is informed that the images thus collected are the
subject of an automatic processing « Collection Management of Images of the Company’s Employees», duly
declared at the CCIN (« Commission de Contrôle des Informations Nominatives », Monaco Authorities For the
Protection of Personal Data) by Offshore Energy Development Corporation (« OEDC »), which is at the date of the
signature of the present document the company of SBM Offshore Group in charge of collecting, processing and
using the data. The recipients of the data are the members of the Communication Department of OEDC company. In
case of change of recipients, the parent will be informed accordingly. I declare that I have fully understood the aim,
the extent and the consequences of the present authorisation. Done in (location) :107 light st brouda On (date)
:September 29 2023 Signature :Verna Imbert Page 1 of 2

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