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S-5(35) 5PHYTH02

B.Sc. Fifth Semester Examination, 2021-22

Second Paper
Advanced Electronics
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks : 60

Note : Attempt all 7 questions. Section-A contains question no. 1 (comprising of very short answer type
questions) which is compulsory and carries 6 marks. Section B contains question nos. 2, 3 and 4 which
are short answer type questions and carry 6 marks each. Section C contains question nos. 5, 6 and 7
which are long answer type questions carrying 12 marks each..


1. Explain whether the following are True or False with reason :

(a) In the low frequency range, the reactance offered by Cc is very large.
(b) The fall edge in clock signal is from high to low voltage change.
(c) For switching "off" position, Q-point must be in saturation region.
(d) The heart of the differential amplifier is constant voltage source.


2. (a) What is Ebers Moll model ? Explain early effect in the PNP transistor.
(b) Determine the h-parameters of the given circuit as :

(a) What is physical significance of AC and DC load lines. Then explain Q-point.
S-5(35) (1)
(b) A germanium transistor is used in the circuit with Vcc = 10 V, Rc = 1 kΩ, VBB = 8 volt and RB = 150
kΩ. Then find out the Q-pooint of the collector characteristics.

3. (a) What is Piezo Electric Effect ? How does Quartz behave like mechanical vibrator ?
(b) State Barkhausen condition for sustained oscillation. Draw the circuit diagram of Hartley oscillator and
list down its two advantage. 4
(a) What is the crystal oscillator ? Draw the equivalent circuit of a crystal oscillator in terms of LRC
(b) A wien-bridge oscillator uses 10 K resistor and 4.7 nF capacitors in its bridge circuit. What is the
frequency of oscillations ?

4. (a) Why do you need modulation ? Explain when will you prefer Amplitude modulation and when prefer
frequency modulation.
(b) A wireless transmitter radiates 4 kw with an unmodulated carrier wave and 5.2 kw, with modulated
wave. Assuming negligible distortion, calculate percentage change in modulation.
State all the frequency present and give the amplitude of each in the following modulated wave
e = 25 (1 + 0.27 cos 1250t + 0.18 cos 3000t) cos107t.

5. (a) Draw a TTL circuit for NAND gate and explain the active load and passive load in it. Then list down three
applications of TTL circuit.
(b) What is the sequential circuit ? How is it different from combinational circuit ? How is it different from
combinational circuit ? A 40 ns and 10 ns are propagation delay and width of the stroe pulse in the counter
with the used clock. Calculate the maximum clock frequency at which the counter can operate in 2-bit.
(a) Calculate the output voltage of an op-Amp summing amplifier for the following sets of voltage and
V1 = 1V, V2 = 2V, V3 = 4V, Rf = 1 MΩ
R1 = 100 kΩ, R2 = 500kΩ, R3 = 1MΩ
(b) A sinusoidal carrier voltage of frequency 1 MHz and amplitude 150V is amplitude modulated by a
sinusoidal voltage of frequency 5kHz producing a modulation index of 5%. Calculate the frequency
and amplitude of upper and lower side terms.
6. (a) Explain the physical significance of Moore's law. 2
(b) List down top four substrates used in Micro-fabrication process. 2
(c) Differentiate between Bulk and Surface micro-machinery. 3
(d) Why pre-bake is required in micro-fabrication ? 2
(e) Explain in which case dry etching should be used ? 3
(a) Differentiate between Isotropic and Anisotropic wet etching. 3
S-5(35) (2)
(b) What is lift-off process ? What is its importance in micro-fabrication ? 2
(c) Differentiate between MBE and sputtering. 5

7. (a) Define the inverting and non-inverting amplifier circuit. A differentiated circuit. A differentiated
amplifier has an open circuit voltage gain of 100. This amplifier has a common input signal 3.2V to
both terminals. This results in an output signal of 26 mV. Find common mode voltage gain and
(b) Typical values for a 4MHz crystal are :
L = 10mH, R = 100Ω, C = 0.15 pF and Cm = 5 pf. Find the Q-factor of the crystal.
(a) Draw the circuit of 2-input DTL NAND. Explain need of suitable Rb. Find the FAN out if R = 3KΩ, Rc
= 3kΩ, Rb = 20 kΩ, Vcc = +5V, RBB = –2V, RCE(sat) = 0.2V, hfe = 250, VBE(on) = 0.7V and for diode
Von = 0.65 V.
(b) What are the four advantages of integrated circuits ? Define register ? Construct a shift register from
flip-flop and explain its working.

S-5(35) (3)

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