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For my first piece, I chose an assignment I had to do in my first year of college.

We had to do a
thorough research of a job we were interested in. We had to research the organizational
background, the job description, the qualifications and skills necessary for the position, what the
person in the position did, and even the benefits that were offered from the company. I knew
exactly what job I wanted when I graduated, and this was a great way to delve deeper into what it
would really be like to be in that position. This helped me determine what skills, strengths, and
knowledge and experience I would need to focus on for this career.
My second piece is an internship summary experience I completed recently. This assignment was
an executive brief where I had to evaluate my experience in my internship thus far. I was able to
reflect on my goals and accomplishments at the halfway point of my internship so that I could
determine if I was going in the right direction to end up meeting my final goal. I had to
acknowledge my responsibilities and what my expectations were and reflect on my work project
accomplishments and new skills I had acquired. I then got to think about how academically
prepared I felt I was going into my internship.
Through these assignments I have been able to reflect on how far I have come in the last 4 years
and the skills I have learned that will lead me into a successful future. I have had the chance to
identify skills, strengths, knowledge, and experience that I will need in the future and gauge how
I felt I met or did not meet those yet. I feel more confident in my future, and I am ready to
continue learning even more.

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