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way Bis “e i A q i ona ee Grade 04 English Language (skills practice sheets) 2017-2018 —- Ollie The Fly Ollie didn’t like being a fly. Flies hung around in shop windows all day, rubbing their legs together. Sometimes, out of boredom, they landed on people's faces. But flies never did anything fun. People didn’t seem to like flies at all. They flicked them away, or sprayed them, or tried to squash them flat with a newspaper. ‘| want to be a bee; thought Ollie. ‘Bees make honey and people like bees. And best of all, bees get to sniff flowers all day’ Ollie decided to try to become a bee. He practised buzzing, but ‘wasn't loud visited flowers but he couldn't ca te fenough-He : the nectar on his legs. He tried to join a hive but the bees just laughed at him and chased him away. 4'Il just have to try harder; thought Ollie as he buzzed his way into a shop. Inside the shop a little girl screamed, ‘Mummy! Run! It's a bee!” ‘it’s only a fly, said the mother. ‘A fly can't sting you. You don’t have to be afraid of a fly’ ‘Hmmm; thought Ollie, ‘maybe it's not so bad being a fly after all! And suddenly Ollie felt much happier being a fly. Then one day he saw a beautiful butterfly Copy OY @ nail for Educational Reseerch Engen 20 EB ity doesn't ollie like being a fly? He doesn't like the noise that flies make. He thinks that flies have boring lives. He doesn't like flying around. He thinks that flies are dirty. goa> What happens when Ollie visits the bees’ home? A The bees bully Ollie. B_ The bees sting Ollie. © The bees give Ollie flowers. D The bees show Ollie how to make honey. Why does the little girl scream? A She is angry with her mother. B__ She wants to frighten Ollie. © She thinks Ollie is a bee. D She is scared of flies. Eh You con't have to be afraid of a fly. How do these words make Ollie feel? A. sad B angry © scared D happy What happens at the very end of the story? Ollie chases away a butterfly. Ollie wants to become a butterfly. Ollie makes friends with a butterfly. Ollie turns into a beautiful butterfly. ooum> rade 9 Engieh 2015 ‘Copyright® 2008 Astalan Counc or Educational Research Alien Exhibition This weekend at the Exhibition Centre Dr. Xor and his Alien Friends For the last 20 Earth years, Dr. Xor has been travelling the universe, exploring the deepest, darkest corners of its many different galaxies. This weekend he returns to Earth and brings with him his best alien friends! Don't miss this very own city. SAY HELLO TO REAL-LIFE ALIENS There are over 30 aliens visiting Earth, including: + Toxy, the three-headed singing monkey from Jupiter + Munchy, the sneezing chicken from Planet X-22 * Ziggy, the thumb-sized pig from Planet P-43, Caution: Please do not feed Earth food to the aliens. Earth food may cause aliens to blow up. EAT LIKE AN ALIEN Experience the finest alien food from across the universe. * Rainbow bananas from Venus * Chocolate curry from Planet J-17 + Invisible jelly from Planet Mirgla SIT IN THE GAGATRON Take @ guided tour of Dr. Xor's famous spaceship. + See where Dr. Xor eats, sleeps and works, + Sit in the pilot's seat and imagine what it would be like to fly The Gagatron. * One lucky visitor will be taken for a spin in The Gagatron by Dr. Xor himself. [Gh wnat wil happen at the exhibition centre? A There willbe aliens for sale. B People will meet some aliens. © Dr-Xor will build a spaceship. D_ There will be a spaceship race. Which picture shows Ziggy? IE it analien eats your apple, it might A. explode. B_ getsick. start to sing. D start to sneeze. Ell the poster says that someone at the event will get the chance to A tiyina spaceship. B live on another planet. © become Dr. Xor's assistant. D take an alien to visit their school. ... exploring the deepest, darkest corners of its many different galaxies What does this sentence say about the places Dr. Xor has visited? Dangerous aliens live in these places. The weather in these places is often stormy. Dr. Xor visits the same place every year. These places are far away and mysterious. oom> Grade 9 Engin 2015 Copyright 2016 Australian Cours or Educational Research Choose the best word(s) for each blank space. Holidays Holidays are___11__ much fun.! wake up late and then 12 __ the day playing with Tuffy, 13 __cat.In__14___ evening, my sister and | go out__15 football in the park. FBI choose the best option for space 11. | [ZI] Choose the best option for space 14. As S| Blots B this C such C that D most D those Choose the best option for space 12. Choose the best option for space 15. A spending A toplays B spends . B toplay C spend C for plays D_ spent D- for play Choose the best option for space 13. A mine's B_ mine Cc ours Dour for Educational Research ‘Are those __16 _ asked Tanya.I hope _17_ going somewhere nice" Choose the best option for each blank space. Wildlife Park Her father smiled and 48 ‘Would you like to go to the wildlife park?’ 19 replied Tanya. ‘Maybe | will see 20 . Choose the best option for EE) choose the best option for space 19. 16. speceile A ‘ohyes!" A. tickets’ B. ‘oh, yes!’ B tickets? c ‘OnYes! C tickets?” D_ ‘Oh, yes!’ D tickets’? EDI choose the best option for space 20. he tr ti 3 noone eat option for ‘A. thinos elephants and wild buffalo B_hinos, elephants and wild buffalo A were thinos, elephants and wild, buffalo B Were D_thinos, elephants, and wild, buffalo c were D we're Choose the best option for space 18. A said, B said’, Cc said. D. said? Grae 2 English 2015 ‘Copyright© 2018 Austen Cound for Educational Research __|___ beneath the floorboards to encourage new teeth to. Tooth on the Roof All children lose teeth. But what do children do with a tooth after it falls out? Well, this depends on where you come from in the world. Children across the Middle East throw their lost teeth towards the sun, asking that they be sent better teeth the next time around, In some parts of Asia, children throw their bottom: teeth onto the roof and place their top teeth grow in the right direction. Children in western countries believe that a ‘tooth fairy’ comes at night, takes their teeth from under their pillows and replaces them with coins. In some European countries, i's not a fairy, but a mouse. Children leave their teeth for the ‘tooth mouse’ who exchanges their lost teeth for coins or small toys. The mouse also pops up in Africa. Children’ in some African countries throw their teeth onto the roofs of their houses hoping that a mouse will come and take the tooth. Traditions involving mice may have arisen because mice, oddly for mammals, have only one set of teeth throughout their lives, and these teeth are forever growing. So however you farewell the next tooth you lose, remember that there are children all over the world farewelling their teeth in their own special ways. Copyright © 2015 Austra = = Tooth on the Roof All children lose teeth. But what do children do with a tooth after it falls out? Well, this depends on Where you come from in the world. Children across the Middle East throw their lost teeth towards the sun, asking that they be sent better teeth the next time around. In some parts of Asia, children throw their bottom teeth onto the roof and place their top teeth _____beneath the floorboards to encourage new teeth to grow in the right direction. Children in western countries believe that a ‘tooth fairy’ comes at night, takes their teeth from under their pillows and replaces them with coins. in some European countries, its not a fairy, but a mouse. Children leave their teeth for the ‘tooth mouse’ who exchanges their lost teeth for coins or small toys The mouse also pops up in Africa. Children’ in some African countries throw their teeth onto the roofs of their houses hoping that a mouse will come and take the tooth. Traditions involving mice may have arisen because mice, oddly for mammals, have only one set of teeth throughout their lives, and these teeth are forever growing. So however you farewell the next tooth you lose, remember that there are children all over the world farewelling their teeth in their own special ways cational Research race @ Engheh 201 EI. some children throw their teeth towards the sun. Where does this happen? A. Middle East B Asia Africa D Europe According to the text, why do some countries have a tooth mouse? A because a mouse has big teeth © because a mouse's teeth are unusual D__ because mice are always losing their teeth EB] Wy do children trom some Asian countries throw teeth onto the roof? A to make their new teeth white B__ to make their new teeth grow faster C to help the tooth mouse find the teeth D__ to help their teeth grow in the right way EZ] The traditions followed in western and European countries suggest that teeth A are valuable. B__ should be straight. © canbe replaced easily. D__ need to be cleaned properly. Ed What is the main message of the text? Traditions are not important in all countries. We should each keep to our own traditions. Each country should invent new traditions. We can value a range of different traditions. oompr Grace 3 Engish 2015 ‘Copyright © 2015 Austiaian Counc for Edvestional Rasaarch Choose the correctly spelt word for each blank space. Sleepover Ilike going to 26 _ parties. My friends and | sometimes watch __27_ movies, but often these movies are_28_. If a movie is too scary, | cover my eyes with my shirt__29 _. The last movie| saw had__30__acting. EB choose the best option for space 26. Choose the best option for space 29. A slumber A sleves B_ slumbar B slieves ¢ slumbur C sleaves D_ slumbre D sleeves Choose the best option for space 27. Choose the best option for space 30. A horore A terible Bhororr B terrible C horror Cs teribell D horrer D teribal Choose the best option for space 28. A fritning B fritening © frightning D frightening Sve et 10) conyrantezois Grade 8 Engen 2 Ee Replace the bolded words. The meaning of the text should remain the same. Homework It was vital for Trisha that her homework was accurate, so she was becoming frustrated. Even though the questions were quite ordinary, she could not comprehend them at all. if only someone could give me some assistance; she thought. Just then, the phone rang. Bil} select the best word to replace vital: | EZ] select the best word to replace — A good comprehend. B_ exciting A enjoy cc difficult B complete D__ important Cc remember D understand Select the best word to replace accurate. Select the best word to replace assistance. A. tidy B quick A help © correct B ideas D beautiful C examples D__ information Select the best word to replace ordinary A easy B clear © normal D interesting a | i) ] Grado 9 Enatsh 2015, ‘Conyight © 2015 Ausralan Cour for Edvetonal Reseach | Make a Wind Chime It is easy and fun to make a wind chime and it sounds lovely in the breeze. Things you will need + Ribbon (3 metres) + Scissors + Shells (or buttons, old house keys, or bottle tops) * Stick (15 cm) steps 4. Cut the ribbon into six equal pieces. 2, Take one piece of ribbon and tie it to the two ends of the stick. (You will use this loop to hang up the wind chime when it is finished.) : 3. Tie shells all along each of the other five pieces of ribbon. If a shell has no hole, just wind the ribbon around it until it is secure. 4, Tie the five pieces of ribbon to the stick. The five ribbons must be close together so that the shells hit each other when the wind blows. To make your wind chime more colourful why not use five different 5, Hang your wind chime where it will catch a gentle coloured ribbons! breeze. 12) tiuniierni tuainal Grade 8 Engish > EX Inwhich step do you first use the shelis? 1 A B c D A B c D Which step does this picture show? A B c D Why must the five pieces of ribbon be tied close together? A B c D To make your wind chime more colourful why not use five different coloured ribbons! What is this sentence? A B c D According to the text, what can you do with the buttons? Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Use them instead of shells. Use them to decorate the shells. Use them to keep the shells in place. Use them to keep the ribbons on the stick. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 80 the ribbons look good so the shells make sound so the ribbons don't slip off the stick so the wind chime can be hung up easily - the final step in making a wind chime ‘a warning about using your wind chime a suggestion to improve your wind chime an explanation of why people use wind chimes Grade 3 Engen 2015 ‘Copyign © 2015 Asswaten Cound ‘or Educational Resoareh

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