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2023 1118

* Korean meanings will be accepted, but English definitions or synonyms are better than Koreans'.

1 mischievous irresponsibly playful 36 tolerant forgiving

to make bitter,
2 embitter 37 utmost extreme, supreme
쓰라리게 만들다
continuous, incessant,
3 unceasing 38 extenuation 정상참작, 죄의 경감
4 malignant fatal, lethal, 악성의 39 guilt 최책감, 유죄
5 reverence 40 prerequisite required beforehand
deference, 존경
to take something
6 deprive 41 constraint restriction, restraint
away from
7 efficacy 42 vicious aggressive, savage
8 surrender yield, abandon 43 enumerate count, list
to cause to be, to
9 render 44 verge the edge of a road
morally abhorrent,
10 vite 45 imprison confine, to put in jail
offensive, immoral
11 factious 당파적인 46 bolster reinforce, strenghten
12 expedient appropriate, practical 47 banish to clear away, dispel
uncontrolled, 방탕한,
13 licentious 48 preplexed puzzled
improper use, misuse,
14 abuse 49 suppress subdue, restrain
physically hurt
a committtee for derived form, variation,
15 jury 50 variant
judging, 배심원단 변종
impoverished, very
16 destitute 51 elicit draw out
17 scepticism skepticism, 회의론 52 myriad a great number
accused but not
18 alleged 53 murky foggy, darkly vague
maintain, to give contrary to common
19 uphold 54 counterintuitive
support to sense
20 infallibility inpeccability, 55 designate entitle
authentication, to
21 warrant 56 infect contaminate, corrupt
guarantee, to justify
22 salutary beneficial, good 57 ramp sth up buildup, increase
to detain, to hold in to try to bring to an
23 restrain 58 mediate
custody agreement
an act of restraining,
24 restraints 59 elucidate to explain in detail
dogma, principle,
25 doctrine 60 abort 낙태 시키다, 유산하다
to praise excessively,
26 flatter 61 antifungal 항진균제
27 noxious physically harmful 62 suppressant 억제제
28 condemn to blame, to convict 63 antitumor 항암성의
(기독교 입장에서)
29 heretic 64 screw up to make a mess og
not permitted or
30 forbidden 65 tempting alluring, seductive
31 proposition proposal, suggestion 66 impetus stimulus
32 plea appeal 67 apprehension anxiety, concern
responsibility for
33 culpability 68 shrewd astute, 빠른, 기민한
34 deny renounce, decline 69 perceptive observant, insightful
preoccupied, 마음이
35 abstracted 70 omnipotent almighty
2023 1118

* Korean meanings will be accepted, but English definitions or synonyms are better than Koreans'.

1 venture 36 rob
2 sustenance 37 devote
3 extraneous 38 schoolmistress
4 tether 39 intercouse
5 buoy 40 fornication
6 beacon 41 assure
7 jeopardy 42 missionary
8 demanding 43 savant
9 enhance 44 gratification
10 detractor 45 troupe
11 object 46 aristocratic
12 pertain 47 affectionate
13 averse 48 confront
14 deprivation 49 observant
15 adverse 50 disdainful
16 adversarial 51 sympathetic
17 jarriing 52 apathetic
18 inclination 53 demeaning
19 refuse 54 distress
20 imploring 55 indulge
21 theatricals 56 implicit
22 upshot 57 acme
23 corridor 58 profound
24 foyer 59 seditious
25 reprehensible 60 libel
26 buffet 61 subvert
27 in vain 62 press
28 hissing 63 command
29 convulsive 64 plague
30 attendant 65 appobation
31 fond 66 assail
32 dull 67 slander
33 regale 68 utter
34 confiding 69 constitution
35 bait 70 tyranny
2023 1118

* Korean meanings will be accepted, but English definitions or synonyms are better than Koreans'.

risk, attempt,
1 venture 36 rob steal from, mug
necessities for
2 sustenance 37 devote dedicate
3 extraneous having no relevance 38 schoolmistress 여자교장
fasten, bind connection,
4 tether 39 intercouse
(밧줄, 사슬로 묶다.) intercommunication
5 buoy floating device, float 40 fornication 우상숭배
light used as signal, convince, reassure, make
6 beacon 41 assure
guide certain
7 jeopardy danger, trouble 42 missionary 선교사
8 demanding urgent, nagging 43 savant scholar
9 enhance improve, embellish 44 gratification satisfaction
명예 훼손자, 가치를
10 detractor 45 troupe performance group
깎아 내리는 사람
11 object argue against, oppose 46 aristocratic noble, privileged
12 pertain relate, be relevant to 47 affectionate caring, loving
13 averse opposing 48 confront oppose, challenge
14 deprivation 박탈, 부족 49 observant watchful, obedient
15 adverse unfavorable, hostile 50 disdainful 업신여기는 무시하는
16 adversarial 51 sympathetic concerned, agreeable,
17 jarriing 52 apathetic uncaring, disinterested
조화롭지 않은
18 inclination tendency, slant, angle 53 demeaning humiliating
19 refuse deny, decline 54 distress torment, pain, trouble
as in appealing, as in
20 imploring 55 indulge 제멋대로 하다
21 theatricals acting, drama 56 implicit implied
pinnacle of achievement,
22 upshot end, result 57 acme
23 corridor aisle 58 profound subtle, 심오한
24 foyer an anteroom, lobby 59 seditious rebellious
shameful, disgraceful,
25 reprehensible 60 libel 명예훼손, 명예를 훼손하다
26 buffet 부페 61 subvert overturn, overthrow
27 in vain fruitlessly 62 press 신문, 언론인들
28 hissing having no relevance 63 command order
29 convulsive 경련상인, 발작적인 64 plague an epidemic disease
30 attendant helper, assistant 65 appobation approval, endorsement
31 fond affectionate, loving 66 assail to attack violently
32 dull tedious, uninteresting 67 slander defame, 모략하다
33 regale have fun, satisfy 68 utter absolute, total
34 confiding trustful 69 constitution structure, written law
35 bait something for luring 70 tyranny oppressive power
2023 1024

* Korean meanings will be accepted, but English definitions or synonyms are better than Koreans'.

1 underpinning 36 submersible
2 plumpness 37 trench
3 scrawny 38 clarion
4 anthropologist 39 robust
5 allocate 40 warped
6 consolidate 41 compelling
7 offset 42 contamination
8 cavity 43 legitimate
9 buffer 44 ridge
10 fetus 45 stem
11 preemie 46 inhospitable
12 aptly 47 amphibious
13 porous 48 bimodal
14 gestation 49 intertidal
15 hindsight 50 locale
16 convention 51 armor
17 thwart 52 impose
18 appraisal 53 array
19 negligence 54 heraldry
20 defendant 55 sentinel
21 arbitrary 56 assemble
22 deem 57 sword
23 mishap 58 lance
24 empirical 59 hinge
25 prosper 60 comply
26 inform 61 facet
27 afflict 62 garniture
28 retreive 63 extravagant
29 thorough 64 joust
30 indeterminate 65 fabricate
31 pessimistic 66 essence
32 crevice 67 sovereignty
33 subduction 68 might
34 unmask 69 linger
35 briny 70 clad in
2023 1024

* Korean meanings will be accepted, but English definitions or synonyms are better than Koreans'.

1 subcompetency 36 compassion
2 acute 37 ingenuity
3 arrant 38 stamina
4 harried 39 tenacity
5 frantic 40 belittle
6 armload 41 adversary
7 beg 42 cringe
8 dreadful 43 confrontation
9 strip 44 grapevine
10 reign 45 dreary
11 commence 46 granted
12 dinette 47 outrage
13 unreflective 48 longing
14 short-handed 49 injunction
15 crave 50 pledge
16 pulp 51 hatred
17 exhume 52 instituionalize
18 flush 53 corrupt
19 gratitude 54 brutal
20 undiminished 55 self-seeking
21 desperate 56 ranch
22 confound 57 paternalism
23 aspiration 58 exploitation
24 dispossessed 59 withdraw
25 saint 60 grievance
26 abject 61 negotiation
27 slay 62 dignity
28 burden 63 resort
29 demoralize 64 intimidating
30 implement 65 contentment
31 ennoble 66 conviction
32 cursed 67 reiterate
33 vineyard 68 refute
34 flee 69 detrimental
35 retaliation 70 genesis
2023 1007
NYT article

* Korean meanings will be accepted, but English definitions or synonyms are better than Koreans'.

1 loot buglarize 36
엉망으로 만들며
2 ransack 37
3 spree wild activity 38
4 in connection with ~와 관련되어 39
5 interim temporary 40

a government official
or representative in
charge of a
6 commissioner 41
department or
district: government

7 swarm flock, gather 42

8 ravage damage, devastate 43
9 render make 44
10 unruly disorderly 45
11 recover find again 46
12 book on 47
13 unrest state of agitation 48
14 rebuke admonish, blame 49
15 reinforcement 증강병력 50
16 charge 기소 고발 51
17 52
18 53
19 54
20 55
21 56
22 57
23 58
24 59
25 60
26 61
27 62
28 63
29 64
30 65
31 66
32 67
33 68
34 69
35 70
2023 1007
Test 1

* Korean meanings will be accepted, but English definitions or synonyms are better than Koreans'.

1 terrain 36
2 epitome 37
3 relics 38
4 seep 39
5 bombard 40
6 orogeny 41
7 statement of purpose 42
8 go overboard 43
9 aquifer 44
10 incompatible 45
11 deplete 46
12 safe yeild 47
13 sustainability 48
14 compromising 49
15 go overboard 50
16 resistant 51
17 meticulous 52
18 germinate 53
cutting edge
19 54
20 vicious 55
21 56
22 57
23 58
24 59
25 60
26 61
27 62
28 63
29 64
30 65
31 66
32 67
33 68
34 69
35 70
2023 09 30
Test 1

* Korean meanings will be accepted, but English definitions or synonyms are better than Koreans'.

1 지지자 36
2 unearned 37
3 speculation 38
4 sap 39
5 languish 40
6 subsist 41
7 surplus 42
8 alienate A from B 43
9 arousal 44
10 self-perception 45
11 manifest 46
12 concur 47
13 permit 48
14 bare 49
15 despondent 50
16 51
17 52
18 53
19 54
20 55
21 56
22 57
23 58
24 59
25 60
26 61
27 62
28 63
29 64
30 65
31 66
32 67
33 68
34 69
35 70

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