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Computers and Electrical Engineering 110 (2023) 108905

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Integration of IoT and edge cloud computing for smart microgrid

energy management in VANET using machine learning
U. Arul *, R. Gnanajeyaraman, A. Selvakumar, S. Ramesh, T. Manikandan, G. Michael
Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Saveetha School of Engineering, Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences,
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India


Keywords: A significant subset of ubiquitous computing known as vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs)
IoT serves as a foundational piece of technology for VANET applications. Blockchain technology can
Edge cloud computing be used in microgrids to conduct safe point-to-point transactions between anonymous parties
while also addressing needs for security. This research is o proposes novel method in IoT(internet
Energy management
of things) based edge cloud computing architecture with microgrid energy management of
VANET. here the VANET communication is carried out based on IoT edge cloud computing
module and the smart microgrid architecture is used for energy management in VANET. then each
vehicle energy has been analysed using structural reinforcement variational encoder neural
networks. experimental analysis is carried out in terms of energy efficiency, network lifetime,
training accuracy, QoS, communication overhead. the proposed technique attained energy effi­
ciency of 96%, network lifetime of 85%, training accuracy of 98%, QoS of 95%, communication
overhead of 55%.

1. Introduction

IoT is now being utilized in a variety of industries, including power systems, healthcare, agriculture, and transportation. These IoT
solutions seek to monitor as well as manage numerous components and gadgets in a variety of situations to streamline processes and
offer practical applications for daily life [1]. Energy is a key component of the electric power system that powers our houses and
gadgets. However since measuring a home’s consumption relies heavily on an electromechanical energy metre, utility providers must
hire staff to carry out the necessary metering chores each month in order to charge their consumers [2]. Regarding appliance con­
sumption inside a home, occupants might not be aware of the specific power requirements for each equipment, leading to unknowingly
inefficient energy usage. In this regard, Chile has established a target of installing 6.5 million smart metres by 2025 [3]. This objective
is primarily concerned with employing smart metres to reduce energy use by delivering more thorough energy bills as well as interfaces
of energy consumption through web interfaces and applications, as well as putting new pricing structures in place. Internet of Energy,
smart grids, and smart houses are just a few of energy efficiency techniques that IoT will be crucial in enabling.Digital sensors and
communication technologies are used to provide a home energy management system (HEMS), which permits communication between
utility as well as power grid and allows for continuous usage monitoring and appliance control [4].IoT devices are used to gather data,
which is then sent to cloud-based system architecture where it is processed as well as stored. These automobiles could be classified as
conventional fuel-based automobiles or as impending electric or plug-in hybrid automobiles. Emergence of EVs has sparked a radical

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: arulmee08@gmail.com (U. Arul).

Received 1 March 2023; Received in revised form 26 July 2023; Accepted 3 August 2023
Available online 8 August 2023
0045-7906/© 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
U. Arul et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 110 (2023) 108905

transformation in the field of smart transportation. EVs have flourished during this transition because they offer numerous advantages
in addition to transportation services [5]. The capacity of EVs to be employed for an intelligent city’s energy sustainability is their main
advantage in the field of smart transportation. Also, because they emit almost no tapline carbon emissions as well as have lower
operating costs than conventional gasoline vehicles, EVs are environmentally benign automobiles. These benefits have led to an
exponential rise in number of EVs on road [6].
The organization of this article is as follows, Section 2 gives related works based onedge cloud computing architecture with
microgrid energy management of VANET, Section 3 discussed microgrid energy management of VANET and their simulation analysis
is discussed in Section 4. Section 5 concludes the article with future scope.

2. Related works

The SG design will be able to cut operation and management costs, increase the efficiency of electricity transmission, respond
quickly to power outages, better incorporate renewable energy sources, and efficiently store energy for later use. This strong vision is
necessary to enable smart living [7]. Scientists from academia and R&D are encouraged to research and create novel,
high-performance computing architectures in response to the emerging problems of big data analytics (BDA) presented by SG [8]. FC
had drawn a lot of interest from the SG community due to its numerous opportunities as well as advantages over pure cloud and edge
methods. In fact, the SG architecture was offered as a rich use-case of fog computing by authors of fundamental research where concept
of FC was initially put forth [9]. They went on to illuminate breadth of implementation of fog-based SG using example of a micro grid
[10]. The authors of [11] explored how FC environment can serve as a bridge between SG as well asback end cloud for providing store
as well asevaluate services for smart metres from AMI, and they then presented an FC-based SG prototype. Work [12] introduced
blockchainmethod to assure transaction security and proposed a new IoT architecture called EdgeABC (edge computing and block­
chain). A blockchain-based trust management strategy was put up by author [13] to ensure the veracity of data in VANETs.
To maintain the trustworthiness of communications in VANETs and accomplish conditional privacy-preserving announcement
scheme (BTCPS) compliance, this approach is integrated. A security trust management system built on blockchain was proposed in
work [14] and can help to increase data privacy and availability while preventing data tampering and ensuring data integrity. A
blockchain-based trusted data management system was suggested by the author [15]. The authors of [16] suggest an ad hoc network
for managing connected intelligent energy equipment. The decentralised controller can direct linked devices to operate appropriately
based on system-level criteria. The authors of [17] take a comparable tack and incorporate a WiMAX communications layer. An
IoT-based smart house system that combines intelligence, sensing from cyber-physical areas, and active control of home appliances has
been presented in [18]. In general, the diversity preservation process can be changed to address this issue. In order to allow the
evolutionary algorithm to uniformly traverse the objective space and maintain population variety, author [19] suggested a new fitness
function. The practise of organising and dividing data sets without learning is called clustering. Its fundamental concept is to group
together related data into a single cluster. As a result, the adaptive production of cluster centres used in the evolutionary algorithm to
direct the selection of individuals can significantly increase population diversity. Based on the theoretical study mentioned above, we
adopt a hierarchical clustering (HC) to broaden the population’s diversity and guarantee superior population convergence [20].

3. Proposed methodology

3.1. IoT edge cloud computing architecture

The cloud navigation system with IoTs keeps track of data being sent to BS via VANET, and security of the network is improved by
employing trust-based federated transfer quadratic authentication system.Many mobile Internet application services and multimedia
services can be provided with its assistance. The Internet of Vehicle (IoV) has convergent concentration as a serving application of ITS
by providing driver safety, traffic efficiency, and infotainment. Fig. 1 shows the proposed scheme’s full architectural layout. EVs and
CSs are the two main participating elements in this architecture. The EVs go to numerous CSs in various areas based on various factors,
such as distance, pricing, etc., which provide EVs highest profit. This architecture, which is based on SDN, is in charge of giving all EVs
and CSs the ability to compute, control, and communicate. Moreover, SDN-enabled design reduces the wait time and enhances reaction
times when responding to requests made by EVs or CSs.
Through a permanent VANETCloud sub-method, VANET entities like vehicles and RSUs have access to processing, virtual ma­
chines, storage, and bandwidth of conventional cloud. The permanent VANET-Cloud submodel has been expanded to include a
temporary submodel of VANET computing resources and passenger devices.
As a result, each end user can utilise all of the available computing resources, both stationary and mobile. Client Layer: VANET
nodes that require a VANET-Cloud service are considered end users, as are typical consumers, also referred to as end users. End users
make up the client layer, the lowest level of VANETCloud. Regular customers, also known as end users, or VANET nodes in need of a
VANET-Cloud service are examples of end users.
The degree of mobility an end user has when operating a vehicle may be used to describe them. Clients can create their own wired
or wireless local networks at local level. The Communication Layer is in charge of making sure that SAPs are used to connect clients in
lower layer and VANETCloud server in higher tier. Type of client at lower tier as well as data centre at top layer both have an impact on
technology choice. Cloud Layer: VANET-Cloud data centres are referred to as cloud layer since they offer VANET-Cloud services. There
are static VANET-Cloud and dynamic VANET-Cloud in VANET-Cloud data centres. By passing the communication layer, clients might
be able to access these VANET-Cloud services using SAPs. Customers can choose from IaaS, SaaS, or PaaS (platform as a service). A set

U. Arul et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 110 (2023) 108905

Fig. 1. Proposed VANET with IoT edge cloud computing.

of three total shares are considered to make up the demanding vehicle. The FS calculates the following using the Lagrange polynomial.
As shown in Eq. (1), Lagrange polynomial S(X) with degree (n 1) requires n cars with coordinate positions (x1, y1= (x1)), (x2, y2 = f
(x2)),… (x n, yn = f(xn)):

S(X) = Pk (X) (1)

where Pk can be defined as Eq. (2)

x − X1
Pk (X) = yk where 1 ≥ 1, 1 ≤ n and 1! = k (2)
Xj− x 1

For n = 3 vehicles from Eq. (3–6)

(x − X2 )(x − X3 ) (x − X1 )(x − X3 ) (x − X1 )(x − X2 )
S(X) = y1 + y2 + y3 (3)
(X1− x2 )(x1 − x) (X2 − x1 )(X2 − x3 ) (x − x)(x − x)

x2 ∗ x3
S(X1 ) = y1 for1st vehicle (4)
(x − x2)(x − x3)

x1 + x3
S(X2 ) = y2 for 2 nd vehicle (5)
(x − x1 )(x − x3 )

x1 ⋅ x2
S(X3 ) = y3 for 3rd vehicle (6)
(× − x2 )( x − X3 )

Eq (7) can be used to define the key created by fusing various polynomials

Gk = S(k) (7)

U. Arul et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 110 (2023) 108905

Second, the network can be made extremely secure by employing RSU-level security. The vehicle can transfer data to cloud-IoT
when Gk matches the network key. Request Text: When vehicle ϱ 1 specifically requests that vehicle ϱ 2 transmit data. Vehicle ϱ 1
generates a random number similar to that and calls it he2. When vehicles separate factors as of OBU, value of factor φe0 is then
determined. Vehicles use the generating factors φe0, 0 and TA to determine security key of TA, in accompanying Eq. (8)
( )
θTA = h ζe0 ‖φe0 ⊕ τTA (8)

Vehicles ρ 0 evaluate following Eqs. (9–11).

Te0 = h(θTA ‖Stx ) ⊕ ζe0 (9)

Se0 = Te0 ⊕ ζe0 ⊕ θTA (10)

μe0 = Rqst ⊕ Te0 ⊕ θTA ⊕ Stx (11)

where Stx is the request’s timestamp.

Reply message:
Vehicle 2 first determines Srx by evaluating the timestamp of the received factors Te0, e0, and Stx. Then, when Te0, e0, and Stx
have been separated, Srx is obtained from Stx. Following disparity must maintain equilibrium if Srx is significantly late (12).
Srx − Stx ≥ αS1 (12)
As a result, communication between vehicle ϱ 1 and vehicle ϱ 2 is immediately cut off. Then, the appropriate action should be done.
Following equation (Eq. (13)) provides factors needed for vehicle to recalculate he2.
hve1 = Te0 ⊕ h (13)

In accordance with this, vehicle ϱ 2 updates Se0, as indicated in the accompanying figure (14,15).
Sev0 = hve1 ⊕ Te0 ⊕ θTA (14)

Rqst = μe0 ⊕ Te0 ⊕ θTA ⊕ Stx (15)

After determining these factors, the vehicle next computes two additional factors ϱ F2 according to the following Eq. (16)
( )

Fe2 = h he1 ‖ α S 1 ‖ θTA (16)

Last but not least, vehicle ϱ 2 provides vehicle ϱ 1 with pertinent information. After receiving it, vehicle ϱ 1 sends vehicle ϱ 2 an
acknowledgement message. Eq. (17) outputs a reply message that is encoded for security of channel:
ENreply = ECD (17)
Communication devices: By exchanging control bits, the cars can learn about one another’s information (send, replay). When
receiving Lϱ2, Respond, and timestamps using Stx, Vehicle ϱ1 records the data acceptance. Thereafter, Vehicle ϱ1 confirms that the
safety inspection is finished and that the discrepancy SrxSrx S2 has been satisfied. Vehicle 2 refrains from speaking to vehicle ϱ1 in that
situation. Let F2 and FQ2 evaluate vehicle 1, which is represented by the Eqs. (18, 19):
Fϱ2 = Lϱ2 ⊕ θTA ⊕ Sϱ1 ⊕ hϱ1 (18)

Reply = DCPFe2 (EN − Reply) (19)

3.2. Smart microgrid based energy management with machine learning in VANET

The edge computing architecture for IoT-based energy management with neural network-based edge computing is shown in Fig. 2.
Energy devices, energy edge servers, and energy cloud servers make up architecture’s three primary parts.
Energy Device: Any person, thing, or user that can supply and/or consume energy in a network can be an energy device. Depending
on their type, devices can detect, collect, and generate energy data.
Energy Edge Server: For processing, caching, or distributing energy data across a local area network, energy edge server can be
installed at network gateway, BS, and other locations. Several communication technologies, such as 5 G, WiFi, and VANET, are used to
connect it to energy equipment. According to the findings of the analysis, energy edge server can also determine how a local energy
network would operate.
Energy Cloud Server: Central controller is connected to energy cloud server for administration of energy. In addition to offering
real-time analysis as well as computation to energy devices, energy cloud server must also meet the processing needs of energy edge
servers. In the suggested design, data is processed by energy edge servers before being sent across main network to cloud server. DRL
agents are installed in edge server as well as cloud server. The energy device will communicate a computation task to a nearby edge
server, where an edge DRL agent will handle work’s computation. We pass DNN weights to energy edge server, which runs deep Q-

U. Arul et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 110 (2023) 108905

Fig. 2. architecture of smart microgrid based energy management with machine learning in VANET.

learning method, after training phase. Energy edge servers in this instance load data from energy devices and then transport data to
energy cloud server. The sensor layer, network layer, cognition layer, and application layer are four levels that make up the suggested
software model.
Sensing Layer: Devices can produce or detect energy data from connected energy network in sensing layer. Management of device
connections, or creating dependable communication channels for devices, is responsibility of energy edge server. One of the funda­
mental components of suggested software method that intelligent edge computing services demand is the ability to query data.
Network Layer: Data transfer is possible via a variety of communication technologies, including WiFi, 5 G, LTE, and power line
communications (PLC). Heterogeneous data can be accessible from data pool by any devices and servers by using a common interface.
By analysing historical data, virtual data pool can assist energy managers in creating control policies. The registry is used to keep track
of when devices dynamically enter or exit the planned IoT-based energy network.
Cognition Layer: Cognition layer is a core layer in proposed system structure that generates intelligent awareness of energy
environment. The DRL processing, optimization, and configuration functional modules make up the three core components of this
layer. Cloud server as well as edge server both have DRL processing modules installed. The module keeps track of the needs and present
conditions of connected users. The DRL module can then determine the reward based on the outcomes of the most recent action that
was performed. With a potent DNN that offers precise estimation and prediction, the DRL module can make judgements. For a DRL
agent to get an ideal result in online deep Q-learning for the duration of all operational periods, optimization function is crucial. Since
frequent use of edge servers may result in unacceptably high energy consumption, optimization might also investigate the best time to
employ edge servers in order to save costs. Energy cloud server can be used to configure edge servers’ or devices’ operational settings.
For adjacent devices, configuration can also be used in an edge server. It should be noted that the setup can be processed either
decentralised at each device/edge server or centralised at the cloud server.
Application Layer: In order to postprocess data from underlying layers as well as determine network configurations of proposed
IoT-based infrastructure, application layer offers a collection of functions as well as tools. In particular, energy management is key
function that enables entities to schedule and control energy from every aspect of system without being aware of situations at lower
layer levels. Device entry and exit from the network are decided via topology control. In proposed IoT-based energy management
system, web-based and mobile applications that profit from the interoperability across various devices and technologies are enabled.
Microgrids are frequently employed in the regional distribution network to create local energy systems, ensure the safe use of
renewable energy, and enhance usage of distributed energy. The microgrid performs electricity generation, transmission, and dis­
tribution tasks, as depicted in Fig. 3. Without the oversight of a centralised trading centre, microgrid operators in microgrid mode can

U. Arul et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 110 (2023) 108905

Fig. 3. .Microgrid operation architecture based energy management.

directly sell internal electricity to the internal users at a negotiated price. Also, balance as well as consumption of distributed electricity
in the microgrid are under control of the microgrid operators.
We take into account a non-interference system where users can send microgrid transaction data across orthogonal spectrum. Let N
= 1, 2,…, n be the set of intelligent devices and M = 1, 2,…, m be the set of BSs. Suppose that in order to access services, each user
connects to the edge node (AP) that is closest to them, and that in order to connect to the associated edge node (APm). At base station
m, Nm users are present. Edge nodes can connect to the cloud, and the MEC server management is located there [19]. As a user (miner),
each intelligent device manages mining process and runs a blockchain application to track energy transactions in a microgrid.
The main factor used to evaluate IoV services is service latency. The following Eq. (20) can be used to determine the processing time
for the k-th subtask STk at F Ni:
ProTimeki = (20)

F Ni will need the following amount of time to complete all of the subtasks that have been given to it: (21)

i = ProTimeki (21)

U. Arul et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 110 (2023) 108905

where q is the quantity of subtasks that F Ni must handle. Due to the cloud node’s typical distance from the service request vehicle,
when some subtasks are allocated to the cloud node C Nj for processing, the propagation time must be taken into account by Eq (22).

j = ProTimepj + Proptimej . (22)

Since all subtasks are handled concurrently and their processing outcomes are combined via the RSUC before being returned to the
service request vehicle, the service delay is defined by the last node to finish all of the assigned tasks according to Eq. (23):
i , FNi = (1, 2, …, l)
Ser − Delay = max (23)
j , CNj = (1, 2, …, m).

The work must be handled by another node when a node fails and it cannot be processed properly, which invariably results in a
longer service delay. As a result, it is important to think about resource allocation stability. By examining each node’s history data, the
failure rate of each node can be determined. The failure rates of F Ni and C Nj are, respectively, ζ F N i and ζ C N j. Eq. (24) is used to
determine a node’s dependability when running STCk.
( )
⎧ STCf
− ζFN
i ⋅

⎪ CFi

⎨ 1 − e , STCk ϵFNi
Relk = ( ) (24)

⎪ STC)

⎩ − ζCN
j ⋅
1− e , STCk ϵCNj .

The stability of the resource allocation method is then determined using the Eq. (25) below:

Sta = Relk (25)

Minimizing service energy consumption is regarded as the third objective to provide high-quality services at a reasonable cost.
Energy consumption for processing STk on F Ni is provided by Eq. (26):
( )2
Eik = κ ⋅ STCk ⋅ CFiFN (26)

Energy usage for STk processing on C Nj is equal to (27):

( )2
Ejk = κ ⋅ STCk ⋅ CFjCN (27)

Depending on the internal chip structure, the energy coefficient changes. Eq. (28) provides the energy consumption indication for
finishing all subtasks:

l ∑ ∑
m ∑
E= Eik + Ejk . (28)
i=1 STSk ∈FNi j=1 STsk ∈CNj

As a distributed computing paradigm, fog-cloud computing should be able to better utilise these heterogeneous resources thanks to
load balancing. The maximum loads for F Ni and C Nj are M L F N I and M LC N j, respectively. Each node’s load rate calculation
approach is as shown in Eqs. (29,30):
1 ∑
i = STSk , (29)
i STSk ∈FNi

1 ∑
j = STSk . (30)
j STSk ∈CNj

The average node load rate by Eq. (31):

( )
1 ∑l ∑m
B= STSk + STSk (31)
l + m i=1 j=1

The standard deviation of the load rate is then determined using Eq. (32):
[ ]̅

√ 1 ∑l ( ) ∑m ( )2
σB = √ BFN
i − B + BCNj − B .
l+m i=1 j=1

The load is more evenly distributed the lower the load rate’s standard deviation. Let π: S × A → [0, 1] represent a stochastic policy,

U. Arul et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 110 (2023) 108905

and let η(π) represent its predicted discounted reward by Eq (33),

[ ]

η(π ) = Es0 ,a0 ,… γ t r(st ) , wheres0 ∼ ρ0 (s0 ), at ∼ π(at |st ), st+1 ∼ P(st+1 |st , at ) (33)

We shall employ the conventional definitions of value function Vπ, advantage function Aπ, and state action value function Qπ by Eqs.
(34–37) as follows:
[ ]

Qπ (st , at ) = Est+1 ,at+1 ,… l
γ r(st+l ) (34)

[ ]

Vπ (st ) = Eat ,st+1 ,… γ l r(st+l ) , (35)

Aπ (s, a) = Qπ (s, a) − Vπ (s), where (36)

at ∼ π(at |st ), st+1 ∼ P(st+1 |st , at )fort ≥ 0. (37)

The following important identity describes how the benefit over π̃, built over timesteps by Eq. (38) indicates the expected return of a
different policy π̃:
[ ]

π ) = η(π) + E t
γ Aπ (st , at ) (38)
s0 ,a0 ,⋯∼π̃̃

ρπ (s) = P(s0 = s) + γP(s1 = s) + γ2 P(s2 = s) + …, (39)

where s0 ~ ρ0 and the actions are selected using π. Eq. (40) can be rewritten using a sum over states rather than timesteps:
∞ ∑
∑ ∑ ∑∑
∞ ∑
π̃) = η(π) +
η(̃ π̃) ̃
P(st = s|̃ π̃(a|s)γt Aπ (s, a) = η(π) + π̃) ̃
γt P(st = s|̃ π̃(a|s)Aπ (s, a) = η(π)
t=0 s a s t=0 a
∑ ∑
+ π̃(a|s)Aπ (s, a).
ρ ̃(s) ̃ (40)
s a

This update is carried out by exact policy iteration, which uses the deterministic policy ̃ π̃(s) = argmaxa Aπ (s, a).However, in the
approximate situation, it will often be inevitable that some states s for which the expected advantage is negative, that is, _a (as), exist.
∑ ̃
This is because estimate and approximation mistake. π (a|s)A (s, a) < 0Equation (41) is challenging to directly optimise due to the
̃ a π

complicated dependence of ρ ̃(s) on ̃ π̃. Instead, we present the local approximation to ηas follows:
∑ ∑
π̃) = η(π ) +
Lπ (̃ ρπ (s) ̃π̃(a|s)Aπ (s, a) (41)
s a

( ) ( )
Lπθ0 πθ0 = η π θ0 (42)

∇θ Lπθ0 (πθ )⃒ = ∇θ η(πθ )|θ=θ0 (43)

Eq. (43) suggests that an improvement to Lπθold that is sufficiently minor will also improve η.
By basing its proposal on a lower constraint for policy performance η, TRPO demonstrates that maximising the suggested function
can ensure an improvement in policy performance. The lower bound specified in TRPO is specifically given as Eq. (44):
η(π new ) ≥ Lπou (π new ) − Dmax
KL (π old , π new ) (44)
(1 − γ)2

encoding procedure for DIAE entails translating input sample xi into a hidden layer using Eq (1). To make things easier to distinguish,
we add a new letter Wx to Eq. (1), making hi = g(xiWX). In this case, hi and g() both refer to the same equation.For ease of theoretical
derivation, we fuse bias symbol b into Wx, i.e., we take away symbol b from Eq. (1) and add an additional dimension to sample xi as
follows: xi = [xi1,xi2,…, xin − 1, 1]. The outcome of this procedure will be identical to that of utilising the bias term in Eq (45).
( )
xˆi = g hi WTx
̂ (45)

The second step involves forecasting input data using the h i Eq. (46).

yˆi = g(hi WT )
̂ (46)

U. Arul et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 110 (2023) 108905

discriminant weight matrix from the hidden layer to the output yi is WT ∈ Rm × r

. DIAE method can incorporate discriminant infor­
mation according to Eq. (47).
̃yi = ̂
y i L = g(hi WT )L (47)

We introduce structural data amongst various fault types from Eq. (47), in addition to the discriminant information. We create loss
function of DIAE utilizing Eq. (48), as follows:

α ∑
1∑ n
β λ( )
J= (xi − ̃xi )2 + y i L)) + ‖ L − LT ‖F + ‖ Wx ‖2F + ‖ WT ‖2F
( − Kσ (yi , ̂
2n i=1
n i=1 2 2

For a better understanding, we describe every term in Eq. (49) as follows:

∑n 2
• Reconstruction error in first term 2n i=1 (xi − ẋi ) is same as traditional AE. by minimising this phrase. Features’ capacity to
represent input data can be enhanced.

• Second term is intended to reflect the discriminant information: 1n ni=1 ( − κσ (yi , ̂yˆi L)). This term’s reduction would enhance the
retrieved characteristics’ capacity for discrimination. Here, the Gaussian kernel is represented by the expression κσ(yi,yiL):
/ (√̅̅̅̅̅ )(√̅̅̅̅̅ ) ( / )
yˆL) = 1 1 2π σ
κσ (yi , ̂ 2π σ exp − (yi − ̂ yˆi L)2 2σ2 (49)

The correntropyVσ(A,B)Eq. (50) can be seen as an approximation, as pointed out by 1n i=1 κσ (a, b):

Vσ (A, B) = E(κθ (A, B)) = κθ (A, B)dFAB (a, b) (50)

where A = [a1,a2,…, aN]T and B = [b1,b2,…, bN]T signify two stochastic variables, E(κσ(A,B)) is expectation of A,B, κσ(A,B), κσ( ⋅, +) can
be any Mercer kernel, and FAB(a,b) is PDF. Since PDF of finite samples is unknown, as in many real applications, above approximation
of the correntropy is typically used.
Using matrix form, we conveniently reduce the complexity of the minimization of Eq. (51) as follows:
min J1 + J2 + J3 + J4 (51)
wx ,w1 L

̂ L, Y))
J1 = − tr(Kσ ( Y
α 2
J2 = ‖ Ẋ − X ‖F
β 2
J3 = ‖ L − LT ‖F
λ( )
J4 = ‖ WX ‖2F + ‖ WI ‖2F
To resolve Equation, we use an alternative optimization technique. Fix W_ and L first, then maximise W x by using gradient descent
method: After correcting W x and L, optimise W I utilizing gradient descent method. Fix W X and W T last, then optimise L utilizing
gradient descent procedure. Once W X, W r, and L have been initialised, these three phases proceed one at a time until convergence.
Specifically, values of WX,WT,Lis evaluated by using following Eq. (52)

4. Results and discussion

To implement the proposed and existing solutions, we employed MATLAB and Simulink. The edge computing is performed using
the appliances eight in numbers with varying usage patterns. The proposed technique is compared with the unscheduled and scheduled
(HSA, EWA, and Hybrid) approach for the RTP scheme mentioned in the article. The activities are completed in 60, 30, and 5 min on
these appliances in edge-cloud environment.Performance of proposed and existing schemes is tested based on the cost of energy
consumption, PAR, and PKR. Moreover, the waiting time is also calculated to ensure the users’ comfort. The fully connected graph is
formed using 8 nodes and the IEEE 802.11n communication standard. The implementation is performed using an Intel Core i7–8750H
CPU with 16 GB of RAM with Thermal Design Power (TDP) of 45 W, and we also consider the processing delay of the system. In the
cloud-edge environment, we took multiple houses, and each house had multiple appliances. Further, the appliances are categorized
based on their usage pattern, like baseload, uninterruptible, and interruptible. The proposed model can reduce electricity costs and
Table 1 shows analysis for various VANET network cases. cases compared are number of vehicle and number of vehicle based on
energy management in terms of energy efficiency, network lifetime, training accuracy, QoS, communication overhead.

U. Arul et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 110 (2023) 108905

Table 1
Analysis based on various VANET cases.
Cases Techniques Energy efficiency Network lifetime Training accuracy QoS Communication overhead

Number of vehicle BDA 88 75 91 85 45

BTCPS 89 77 93 88 48
IIoT_SMEM_VANET 91 79 95 89 52
Number of energy management BDA 92 78 92 91 49
BTCPS 94 82 96 93 53
IIoT_SMEM_VANET 96 85 98 95 55

Fig. 4 analysis for energy efficiency based on number of vehicle and number of vehicle based on energy management. here proposed
technique attained energy efficiency of 91%, while existing BDA attained 88% and BTCPS attained 89% of energy efficiency for
number of vehicle; for number of vehicle based on energy management proposed technique attained energy efficiency of 96%, while
existing BDA attained 92% and BTCPS attained 94% of energy efficiency. from above Fig. 5 shows comparative analysis of network
lifetime for number of vehicle and number of vehicle based on energy management between proposed and existing tecjnqiue. here the
proposed technique attained network lifetime of 79%, existing BDA attained 75% and BTCPS attained 77% of network lifetime for
number of vehicle; for number of vehicle based on energy management proposed technique attained network lifetime of 85%, while
existing BDA attained 78% and BTCPS attained 82% of network lifetime.
Fig. 6 shows analysis for Training accuracy based on number of vehicle and number of vehicle based on energy management. here
proposed technique attained Training accuracy of 95%, while existing BDA attained 91% and BTCPS attained 93% of Training ac­
curacy for number of vehicle; for number of vehicle based on energy management proposed technique attained Training accuracy of
98%, while existing BDA attained 92% and BTCPS attained 96% of Training accuracy from above Fig. 7 shows comparative analysis of
QoS for number of vehicle and number of vehicle based on energy management between proposed and existing technique. here the
proposed technique attained QoS of 89%, existing BDA attained 85% and BTCPS attained 89% of QoS for number of vehicle; for
number of vehicle based on energy management proposed technique attained QoS of 95%, while existing BDA attained 91% and
BTCPS attained 93% of QoS.
Fig. 8 shows analysis for Communication overhead based on number of vehicle and number of vehicle based on energy man­
agement. here proposed technique attained Communication overhead of 52%, while existing BDA attained 45% and BTCPS attained
48% of Communication overhead for number of vehicle; for number of vehicle based on energy management proposed technique
attained Communication overhead of 55%, while existing BDA attained 49% and BTCPS attained 53% of Communication overhead
Wired or wireless connection medium must be chosen, and a protocol must be created for this communication in order to upload the
data to the remote cloud server. We chose the Wi-Fi wireless connection standard and the MQTT Internet of Things application layer
protocol. The javascript object notation (JSON) protocol is used to transmit data to the server. MQTT is a communications protocol
built on the Publish/Subscribe (Pub/Sub) model and is intended for low-bandwidth, high-latency, or unstable networks.The main
benefit of MQTT is that it uses fewer resources and does so without sacrificing performance or dependability. One of the most inventive
protocols for Internet of Things applications. This protocol’s primary function is to gather data from various devices and send it to a
cloud server for additional processing. Via a web application or a mobile application, users can access information about their energy
The amount of energy in the batteries of EVs and the CSs, as well as their charging needs, are the main determinants of energy
trading. The EVs that wish to sell their excess energy will go to CS that is now experiencing an energy shortage, and the EV will receive
its charging from the CS that is in excess of their needs. The current SoC level in the batteries determines the amount of energy in EVs’

Fig. 4. Comparison of energy efficiency.

U. Arul et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 110 (2023) 108905

Fig. 5. Comparison of network lifetime.

Fig. 6. Comparison of Training accuracy.

Fig. 7. Comparison of QoS.

U. Arul et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 110 (2023) 108905

Fig. 8. Comparison of Communication overhead.

batteries. Set of cloud servers D, fog nodes F, and data users N are the key nodes in the system.In a random SG network, architecture is
virtually deployed on necessary nodes. 100 most populous cities worldwide are taken into account (i.e., |F| = 100) for the pilot SG
topology simulation, and the corresponding population is used to represent number of consumer/data generation nodes, while cor­
responding geographic coordinates are utilized to calculate relative Euclidian distance .
A cluster made up of consumer endpoints located in a specific city is logically organised and connected to an FCN. Amount of
generated data traffic will match to number of internet users in relevant city. Number of servers globally is taken to be 8, and after their
geo-location is established by clustering of city populations, pairwise Euclidian distance is recorded in 2D variable DE.Size of each
instruction is 64 bits. However, it is believed that WAN communication between FCNs as well as cloud servers happens through
channels with unlimited capacity. To evaluate system’s performance in relation to changing network conditions, total number of data
consumers in system is regarded as a variable, range (106,107). Via access points dispersed throughout each SG network, cloud servers
communicate their data.
Based on amount of network traffic to be processed, it is expected that each homogeneous cloud server can support the different
numbers of IoT devices within the discrete set (16 K, 32 K, 64 K, and 128 K). Each FCN is assumed to have an energy consumption rate
of 3.7 W, whereas for cloud servers, energy consumption rate is assumed to be proportional to number of IoT devices connected to each
of them and is taken from range of 9.7, 19.4, 38.7, and 77.4 MW.Price associated with power consumption ranges evenly between USD
$30/MWh and USD $70/MWh . For the sake of cost study, annual cost of a 1 Gbps and 10 Gbps gateway router port is set at USD 50 and
USD 4000, respectively .It is expected that these routers use 20 W and 40 W of electricity. The upload rate is $ 12 per byte, and the
storage rate is USD 0.45 to USD 0.55 per hour. Fine associated with CO2 emissions is still $1000 per tonne of CO2 released.
For a general cloud execution scenario, we show the total latency profile of fog-assisted cloud architecture. The transmission la­
tency component abstracts upload latency, inter-fog communication latency, and delay due to fog to cloud despatch, whereas the
processing latency term covers the delay brought on by calculations as well as analytics at VM fog nodes as well as cloud servers.Real-
time answers are required by a greater percentage of applications, according to a higher value of. Cost of architecture varies when
number of users is changed from 50 to 95, as shown by curve (I). It is noted that cost profile likewise exhibits a growth that is almost
piecewise linear and commensurate with the increase in population of fog clients.This confirms hypothesis that when there are more
customers, there will be more service requests made, increasing data traffic and necessitating deployment of more virtual machines.
Cost variation vs change in arrival rate is depicted in curve II, and architecture also exhibits a similar cost profile as more BUs and
processing resources are required to ensure optimal QoS. As a result, the cost associated with communication latencies (C comm f) rises
as well, raising the overall cost.

5. Conclusion

In this research the proposed model for VANET communication based on IoT edge cloud computing module and the smart micro
grid architecture is used for energy management in VANET. each vehicle energy has been analysed using structural reinforcement
variational encoder neural networks.The plan offers VANET customers affordable access to digital services like platforms, software,
and computational infrastructures. By detecting, aggregating, and transmitting traffic data from and to vehicles and RSUs to take right
action in unfavourable traffic scenarios like accidents or congestion, it can help increase road safety.Proposed technique attained
energy efficiency of 96%, network lifetime of 85%, training accuracy of 98%, QoS of 95%, communication overhead of 55%.This
article has demonstrated that maintaining security as well as privacy, interoperability, and standardisation will pose significant
VANET-Cloud difficulties that need to be solved in the future.

U. Arul et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 110 (2023) 108905

Statements and declarations

Ethical approval

This article does not contain any studies with animals performed by any of the authors.


this research not received any funding

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
influence the work reported in this paper.

Data availability

The data that has been used is confidential.


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U. Arul received Ph.D. degree in Information and Communication Engineering from Anna University, India in 2019. He has 20 years of teaching experience. Currently
he is working as Professor in the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Saveetha School of Engineering, Saveetha Institute of Medical and
Technical Sciences, Chennai, India.His-current research interests include Cloud Services, Artificial Intelligence

R.Gnanajeyaraman has obtained B.E. (CSE) from Annamalai University in 2003, M.E (IT) from Vinayaka Missions University in 2007, and also PhD from Karunya
University in 2013 in the area of Bio medical imaging. Currently working as a Professor in Department of CSE at Saveetha School of Engineering, Chennai

SelvakumarAlgappan has obtained Under Graduate from Pondicherry University in 2003,Post Graduate from Annamalai University in 2007 and obtained Post
Graduate in Technology (CSE) from Pondicherry University in 2009.He received his PhD in CSE from ManonmaniamSundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu in
2022, Currently he is working as a Professor in Computer Science and Engineering Department at Saveetha School Engineering, SMITS, Chennai.

S.Ramesh has obtained PhD from Sathyabama Institute of Science technolgy in 2018 in the area of Wireless Comunication. Currently working as a Professor in
Department of AI & ML at Saveetha School of Engineering, Chennai.He has published more than 17 research papers in International Journals. His-current research
interests include Cloud Services, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

U. Arul et al. Computers and Electrical Engineering 110 (2023) 108905

Manikandan Thirumalaisamy is currently working as Professor / CSE in the Saveetha School of Engineering, SIMATS, Chennai India. His-Academic degrees and more
than sixteen years of experience working as a Faculty in a Government Aided Engineering College Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai and Galgotias University
Greater Nodia Delhi. He is an active IEEE Senior Membership Fellow, ACM Membership and also Life Time Member of CSI.

G.Michael has obtained M.E (CSE) from Anna University in 2005 and also PhD from Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research in 2018. Currently working as a
Professor in Department of CSE at Saveetha School of Engineering, Chennai.He has published more than 50 research papers in International Journals. His-current
research interests include Wireless Sensor Networks, Cloud Services.


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