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The attack on Kurdish community in Paris
The article is about the continuous assault targeted on foreigners. Accroding to the
French officials, the shootings were aimed at 6 foreigners. The casualties were 3 deaths and 3
wounded. Later the day, the shooter was taken into custody, however the man’s neighbors
protested on it which raised conflict with the police. Gerald Darmanin, the french interior minister
stanted that the gunman targeted foreigners but his exact motive was unknown. On the other
hand, Laure Beccuau, the Paris prosecutor reported that there was a possible racist motive. In
addition, the president of France quoted “The Kurds of France are targeted”. So far, the
information provided about the gunman was that he has never been considered by the French
intelligence service, his involvement in the extremest group were unknown, and he had a
crimminal record. Mayor Hidalgo announced that Kurds should live in peace and accused the
murderer of being a far right military man. Kurds is a large ehnic group in Middle East who have
no state of their own. Considering the violent acts by the far right over the few years, some
blamed them for the terrorist act in 2015 and 2016. Although the man is currently under the
judicial supervision facing restrictions, Kurds worry their position as they are the minority in the

● On rue du faubourg saint denis a handful of ppl protest against president erdogan turkey
eventhought there was no evidence of relation
● Kurdish democratic council against french authorities hypothesis and blamed turkey wo

Which ignited neighborhood protests that led to violent clashes

Projectile - 발사 무기
“Exact motivations”
Odious - hideous
Did not belong to any known Far-right extremist
A far-right militant
In the year that followed, by a string of smaller but deadly shootings
Carried out by lone assailants
Remain rare, growing worries
Opened an investigation into the murder, attempted
Convicted 선고된
Affiliated associates, activists
Insurgence 반란
Tens of millions
Only to change their mind
Sought to suppress ethnic identity and language
Autonomy 자치권
In place

암기 목
- Which ignited neighborhood protests that led to violent clashes with the police
- He added that the gunman appeared to have acted alone
- Kurds, wherever they live, should be able to live in peace and security, more than
ever, paris is by their side in these dark times
- In the years that followed
- Mass shootings remain rare, but there have been growing worries about far-right
extremist violence

Prompt 즉각적인, 촉발하다, 유발하다

Odious 끔찍한
Assailant 폭행범
Left-wing 좌익의
Charge 기소하다
Affiliate 제휴하다

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