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OCR Psychology A-level

Paper 1: Research Methods

What Makes A Science?
As modern psychological research often takes a highly scientific approach to its research,
such as through use of specialised machines like fMRI and EEG, as well as standardised
and thorough tests, it is important that you understand these key terms relating to how
science works.

Scientific Concept What This Means How This Relates to


Inductive Reasoning The logical process in which In psychological

a conclusion is reached experiments, inductive
based on previous reasoning may involve
observations - explanations making conclusions based
are proposed based on on evidence shown from
experience. several similar, pre-existing
studies to explain the results
of your study.

Deductive Reasoning A way of deducing whether Deductive reasoning in

there is evidence for psychology may involve
accepting or rejecting an making predictions based
explanation concluded from on assumptions that can be
data by predicting applied to the study at hand.

Falsification Karl Popper suggests that For example, you can prove
good scientific research that not all swans are white
should aim to falsify not by checking all swans,
hypotheses instead of but by finding one black
proving them. Falsification one.
involves disproving a
hypothesis or statement, to
therefore prove the

Objectivity Being objective is a way of Psychological research

avoiding bias when often is not as objective as
investigating in order to not other disciplines of science
influence or interpret data and has historically been
wrongly based on known to draw conclusions
experience or views. This is based on bias ideas - for
crucial for research to be example, Freud and his
considered scientific as theories have no empirical
science requires facts with evidence, but were based
evidence, which is not the on his opinions and beliefs
case where personal views of the unconscious mind.
are influential. Therefore, it is now
important that psychological
research is objective to
restore the confidence in the
discipline. Biological and
neuropsychology can use
objective measurement
tools, however, social
psychology must employ
concepts such as inter-rater
reliability and replicability in
order to ensure objectivity
and accuracy.

Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis testing involves At the start of an

deriving a prediction from a experiment, a null and
theory at the beginning of an alternate hypothesis will be
experiment. These are proposed. One of these will
stated in order to clearly be accepted depending on
demonstrate the the outcome of statistical
researchers thoughts on analysis that determines the
what will happen in the significance. This is
investigation. A hypothesis important in regards to what
is either null (states there is makes a science as
no significance between hypothesis testing allows a
variables in the results), or clear and standard way of
alternate (there is making predictions about an
significance between experiment before it takes
variables). place so that the results can
be compared to these. As
hypotheses are created
based on existing evidence
or reasoning, they give a
good indicator of
unexpected results from a
study that may be
scientifically interesting and
lead to further research.

Replicability It is important that in a Social psychology is the

psychological experiment, area of psychology that
the method is involves the most
operationalised and clear extraneous or individual
enough that the study can variables as personality,
be repeated to test for lifestyle and upbringing are
similar results. A all huge influencers on
non-replicable or repeatable behaviour outside of the
study (one that does not variables being tested.
obtain the same or similar Therefore, it is important for
results) can not be accepted the method to be highly
by the scientific community standardised and clear in
as this suggests faults may order for replications to
be present in the original occur, as where results are
study. Replicability ensures found multiple times in
accuracy, reliability of different environments,
conclusions and confidence. times or cross-culturally, this
provides stronger evidence
that the variable/s being
tested are responsible for
the consistent results.

Standardisation In order for the variables The variables involved in

and conditions of an psychological studies should
experiment to be be as standardised as
standardised, extraneous possible (individual
variables must be controlled differences can even be
to ensure that these controlled for by using
variables are not affecting matched pairs or doing
the results. A standardised interviews and research into
test has reliable measuring participants before hand to
tools, detailed steps to carry identify personal
out the investigation and similarities). Extraneous
consistency. variables will most likely be
the biggest cause of
inaccuracies or anomalies,
so standardization of
variables is key.

Cause and Effect The best way to exemplify Though confidently

the importance of results is establishing cause and
to establish cause and effect is quite rare in science
effect. This involves as a whole, it is still crucial
gathering substantial for psychological studies to
evidence that one tested attempt to find cause and
variable was the cause of effect between variables as
the change in another this provides a vast amount
variable, with no other of information into the topic
variables being responsible. being researched.
Through standardisation, it
is more likely that cause and
effect can be confidently
established as all variables
are highly controlled,
making confounding
variables less likely.
Correlational studies alone
can not find cause and
effect, only show the
relationship between
Variables must be
manipulated​ to establish
cause and effect.

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