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Q&A For Chris’ Class

Q: What is the goal of this class?

A: The goal of this class is to teach traders how to find opportunities in the market
by trading major chart patterns, using various free indicators, fundamentals, and
stock and/or options strategies. Note: This class is a great options for Options,
Stock, and Futures traders.

Q: How is this class different from other classes?

A: This class focuses on major chart pattens that Chris has successfully traded for
over 40 years. Chris will introduce how he builds his watchlist and how he
adds/deletes names from it daily to focus on the best opportunities in the market.
Chris breaks down different options strategies, including different time frames,
spreads, and execution strategies to use. He covers leverage and how to trade the
chart patterns on stocks. He’ll cover the best times of day to trade different
strategies and how to stack the odds in your favor for consistent success,
considering both time decay and direction.

Q: Why is this class important to take now?

A: This class is important to take now because the strategy is useful in both
trending and non-trending markets. Practice this strategy on Futures, Stocks, or
Options now, so that when we do see the market bottom, you have a strategy that
works both now and later. Struggling to find consistency in this market? This class
will help if you’re finding difficulty in playing direction and trading around theta
decay. This class will also teach you when to take action and when to stay out of a
trade. Without the need of any premium indicators or complicated strategies, this
class is great for traders of all skill levels.

Q: Is this class for me?

A: This class is for you if you want to learn a simple strategy that can be applied to
Futures, Options, and Stocks. This is very accessible for newer traders that want to
learn how to get in and out of trades while using technical analysis on charts. If you
consider yourself an intermediate trader, this class can complement the tools you
already use and strategies you might already know. Chris will cover the major chart
patterns, the simple and free indicators he uses, and the different options
strategies you can use and when (along with how to execute the strategy using

Q: Is there a tool?
A: There are no tools required for this class; however, Chris will introduce free
indicators he uses like moving averages and oscillators. This strategy is great to
apply to any chart setup that you may already have.

Q: What platforms does the strategy work on?

A: This strategy works on all trading platforms.

Q: What type of trader is Chris?

A: Chris is a great mentor for traders that are interested in stocks, day trading,
and more. He prefers trades with limited risk and uses simple setups to target
consistent gains.

Q: What skill level is this class?

A: This class is for traders of all skill levels. Chris will cover the major chart patterns
and review how to execute the strategies using both options and stocks.

Q: Do I need to take any other classes as a precursor to this?

A: You do not need to take any other classes as a precursor to this.

Q: What size account does this strategy work with?

A: This is a wonderful strategy for traders with any size account. The options
strategies discussed are great especially for smaller accounts, or those who don’t
want capital tied up in long term trades. Chris also covers how to trade the patterns
using stocks for those that have more capital and larger account sizes.

Q: How much time does this strategy take per day/week/month?
A: When first learning this strategy, commit to studying these chart patterns for as
long as it takes to easily identify them on your charts. Once you start to practice
finding chart patterns, you can put in as little or as much time as you want as there
are opportunities daily.

Q: What time frame is used for this strategy?

A: This strategy can be used on all timeframes.

Q: Where else can I find Chris at Simpler?

A: Chris can be found on the mic and sending alerts in the Simpler Stocks
Mastery, Simpler Trading Options Room, Simpler Day Trading, and Free Trading

Q: Why should I purchase a package with Live Trading?

A: Live Trading is a great opportunity to see the strategy in action, recoup some of
your payments for the course from the trades (no promises here).

Q: Can I purchase only the class now and upgrade to live trading later?
A: Yes, you can upgrade at any time

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