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Warm-up: BY ENID TOMÉ 3ºC

-Warm-Up 1:

Start with rhythmic movements, like arm circles and knee lifts, synchronized to music. This not only warms
up the muscles but also improves coordination and rhythm.

Introduce a game where participants pass an object (example: a ball) to the beat of the music. This
stimulates reaction time, coordination, and teamwork, making the warm-up enjoyable.

Finish with the partner’s help stretches, where participants work together to stretch muscles. This provide
us flexibility and give usa social aspect to the warm-up routine.
-Warm-Up 2:

Begin by moving your joints . Focus on rotating your neck, shoulders, hips, and ankles. Encourage
everyone to move smoothly, making big motions with their joints. This will help improve blood flow and
make your muscles more flexible.

Include a fun activity like "Mobility Tag." Find a partner, and one person tries to lightly touch the other
while both keep moving. This activity gets your heart pumping and makes you more aware of your body's

Finish the warm-up with some simple stretches. Concentrate on the big muscle groups. Hold each
stretch for about 15-30 seconds. This will make your muscles more flexible and release tension. It's a
good way to gradually cool down your body.

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