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1.Selin has got twenty five crayons. Her friend Gökçe gives her a packet of crayons as a
birthday present and there are twenty crayons in that packet. How many crayons has Susan
got now?
Mathematical operation:

English explanation:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

2.Sarp has got a basket of apples. There are eighteen apples in his basket. He picks nine more
apples from the tree in his garden and puts them in his basket. Then, his sister comes and
gives five apples to his sister. How many apples are there in his basket now?
Mathematical operation:

English explanation:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3.Tuba is a teacher. She has got sixteen students in her class. She wants to give story books to
her students for the semester holiday. She goes to the bookshop and buys forty eight story
books. How many books will each student read?
Mathematical operation:

English explanation:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

4.Hira has got a fast food restaurant. She sells fifty five hamburgers every day. How many
hamburgers does she sell in a week?
Mathematical operation:

English explanation:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5.Zeynep’s mother buys three packets of candies from the supermarket. There are fifteen
candies in each packet. She comes home and opens the packets. Then she shares the candies
out among Ali and four of her friends. How many candies does each child have?
Mathematical operation:

English explanation:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

B-Write true (T) or false(F)

1.Twenty eight plus thirty four equals sixty two.

2.One hundred and fifty six divided by six equals twenty three.
3.Twenty four times five makes one hundred and twelve.
4.Sixty eight minus eighteen equals fifty five.
5.forty seven plus thirty nine makes eighty five.
6.Two hundred and forty five divided by five is forty nine.
7.Eighty two minus sixty seven equals seventeen.
8.Thirty four times six is three hundred and ten.
C- Do the following calculations and write the result in letters.
Example: 250+ 125=375

D-Choose the best answer!

1.If you add eighty two to forty one, you get………………….

a)one hundred and twenty three. b)forty five c)forty one d)one hundred and twenty five.

2.Eight times six is ------------------------ and four times three is ---------------------.

a)forty two/seven b)forty eight/twelve c)two/one d)fourteen /eight

3.A pentagon is a shape with ------------------- sides.

a)four b)eight c)nine d)five

4.A cube has ---------------- faces.

a)eight b)four c)six d)nine

5.We use -------------------- to draw a circle.

a)a pair of compasses b)calculator c)ruler d)set square

6.All faces of a cube are ----------------------------.

a)triangles b)the same c)hexagons d)different

7.A rectangle has ----------------- long sides and ------------------- short sides.
a)four/four b)two/four c)four/two d)two/two

8.If you want to draw a square, you should draw ------------- straight lines with right angles.
a)seven b)three c)four d)eight

9.If you subtract forty seven from ninety three, you get……………………………..
a)forty six b)one hundred and forty c)forty eight d)twenty six.

10.Nine ------------- nine is eighty one and twenty seven divided by three is -------------------.
a)plus/twenty four b)divided by/ ten c)minus/thirty d)times/nine

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