Fifi Alfianty Proposal 2 Strategy

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Arranged By
Fifi Alfianty
NPM A1B018037



1.1 Introduction

Most people in this world not only can speak one language or their mother tongue, but
also another language. We often call it bilingualism of second language acquisition.
The famous second language which used in this world is “English” because we already
know that English is the international language which are taught in school ( Indonesia ).
Learning the second language may be hard and may be easy, it depends on many
factors supporting it, for example : students’ motivation, the psychology aspect of the
students, the way teacher teaching the students using method, and the media. Teaching
and learning activities not only appear by face to face in formal school but also in online
platform. It’s supported by the condition and the increasing of technology which make the
teaching and learning english available by online, for instances the video youtube channel
for learning english even the live streaming online learning, just like in this research we
are going to focus on the difference strategy used by teacher in teaching the students on
halo app’s as English platform learning online and teaching on the classroom at SMP N
10 Bengkulu City . But, before we start. We must know first why we use English
platform learning online specifically hallo’s apps to be analyzed which will be compared
in the school classroom.

Nowadays, almost everything uses internet or online platform including in teaching

and learning field. First, the improving of technology facilitates us to be easier doing
everything online for example in education field we can read online book , watch the
lesson video on the app’s, and do the simulation English test on the internet. Second, let’s
see what happened to our world today. The outspreads of corona virus makes us homed,
we are lack from doing activities outside. Students are learning from distance, using
laptop or handphone to be connected to the teacher in learning. Even though right now the
situation are getting better, the students go back to school but we’ll never know how if the
pandemic situation become worst again. We must adapt ourself to this condition, we hope
that everything can be normal permanent but we need to get ready and prepare for the bad
possiblilities. So that in this proposal, the writer is going to analyze the difference strategy
of teaching in the classroom and teaching in online using hallo app by native. So that, the
result will be useful for the teachers especially to adapt and adopt the teaching strategies
whenever they want to teach english via online.

Hallo apps is an application for learning English with native speaker. This app is easy
downloaded, we can install it on the playstore. After we install it we just login with our e-
mail. Then, we can join the lesson with the time schedule set, in the live streaming we can
hear the explanation by native teachers while teaching english and give comments in the
column coment if we have questions, or if we miss the time schedule we can re-watch so
many video lesson of our native-english teachers who already finish their teaching live
streaming. It’s free, but only for the specific video we cann’t watch the class freely, we
must fill our coin by using money but it’s still worth. Something interesting when we join
the live streaming class, if we are lucky we can do hop on with our teacher, hop on is like
video call during the the class online, we can interact with the native teacher or even with
our friends. In hallo apps, we are given the level of our English, start from 1 st level for
beginner. The more we finish watching the video’s lesson, the higher level of our English
on that apps. Not only that, we also can chat, call the people from others country and talk
with them freely but make sure that we avoid harsh word and discuss about something
sensitive. Those all fantastic reasons make writer want to choose hallo app as the online
English learning to be analyzed from one of it’s video.

The previous research is about teaching strategy english in the classroom. Just like
what the writer has found is a thesis by yulianti “ teacher’s strategies in teaching
english vocabulary “ , “teacher’s strategy in teaching speaking , and so on. So in this
opportunity of this proposal, the writer add the new thing that is to analyze not only
english teaching strategy in the classroom but also compared with english teaching
strategy in online classroom in hallo application.

1.2 Identification of the Problem

The scope of this research is focus on the difference strategy of english language
teaching in the live streaming english online class by hallo and in the offline classroom in
junior high school. It analyzes the way teacher teaching the students as second language
learner mostly, the way teacher delivers the material in understandable way, the way teacher
gives supporting to the students, the way teacher responds the question, and what strategies
used. So that the writer can conclude what the difference strategies used in teaching face to
face in class by Indonesian teacher and strategies in teaching online in hallo app by native.

1.3 Research Question

- How are the difference strategies of teaching english in the classroom and in the
online platform ?
- Does the new strategies appear fitting with the condition ( in online platform ) ?
- How does the teacher re-explain the materials ? ( in both of teaching offline and
online platform )

1.4 Objectives Of The Research

The objectives of this research is based on the research question. The goal of this study is
to answer the research questions that are formulated below :
- To find out the difference strategies of teaching english in the classroom and in the
online platform ?
- To find out the new strategies appear fitting with the condition ( in online
platform ) ?
- To find out how the teacher re-explain the materials ? ( in both of teaching offline
and online platform )

1.5 Signification of The Study

There are some significances of the study such as :
1. For the writer’s self, the writer is able to understand what different strategies are
used, What there is the new strategy fitting the condition for online platform. So
that, when the writer is going to be a teacher, it may be applicable.
2. For the English education study program can also use this research as a lesson of
analysing the example the different way for teaching face to face and limited
interaction in online platform.
3. For the teacher, It can inspire the teachers if they want to teach online learning.
4. For the readers. It can inspire the readers, especially the students to use English
learning platform as one of the effective way to learn English from home.

2.1 Language Learning

Language learning is a process to get the language with steps thinking, feeling, and
acting. It can not be fluent just by learning in once time, but it needs pratices to be success in
it. In learning a language we must master 4 skills, these are : listening, speaking, reading, and
writing. These four skills can be defined into 2 groups as receptive and productive skills .
Receptive skills are listening and reading while productive skills are speaking and reading.
They are called macro-skills. Not only that, in language learning we also know the term
micro-skills which we also learn about grammar, vocabulary, and pronountiation.

2.2 English Language Teaching

English language teaching is the activity of teaching English for foreign or non native
speaker. The teacher must think about the objectives among relation and situation of their
students and the goals of the students following the class. The objective of teaching according
to Rivers ( 1981 : 8 ) are :
1. Making the students can develop the knowledge through studying that language
2. Making the students can increase their personal culture which by learning that
language, it also means learn the great literature and philosophy
3. Making the students understand about the function of it’s language and being useful
for them to a greater awareness of the functioning of their own language ( after
studying the new language )
4. Making the students may keep the modern writing, research, and information by
reading another language with comprehension
5. Making the students get experience of themselves within another framework,
linguistically, kinetically, and culturally.
6. Making the students get the better understanding like the symphathetic feeling into the
way of life and thinking of native speaker.
7. Making the students master the skills which support them to communicate orally, and
to some degree in writing, in personal career contexts, with the speakers of another
language and with people of other nationalities who have also learnt this language.
2.3 English Teaching Strategy Based On It’s Parts

1. Strategy of Teaching Vocabulary

- Geri McClymont (2018) mentioned the strategies of teaching vocabulary. Those are :

a. Speak to your students with rich vocabulary Take full advantage of class time by
using rich vocabulary in your every instruction and interactions with your students.

b. Pre-teach key vocabulary Be intentional about teaching vocabulary to your students

by pre-selecting key words from the text you are about to read.

c. Use text with rich vocabulary and images Choose high interest reading material with
rich vocabulary and images. Attractive images in text are powerful in communicating
the meaning of words.

d. Play vocabulary games Allow students many opportunities to practice new vocabulary
through games and class activities.

e. Seize teachable moments Impromptu teachable moments are priceless learning

opportunities. They come unannounced but are timely opportunities to teach new

- Petty et al in Hariati (2013) mentioned that there are three techniques of teaching
vocabulary, those are :

a. Teaching vocabulary by using picture Picture will help teacher to strengthen students’
aspect of language. Picture also supports the students to easier in remembering word,
meaning and the form of the object.

b. Teaching vocabulary by using games Word games will bring the intended meaning of
a word. This media can make students enjoy learning process and using words
c. Teaching English through demonstration This technique provides students to
understand the meaning of a certain word by showing an object. The demonstration
allows the learners to connect to the form and the meaning of a word.

- Based on Miller (2000: 178) cited in Umah Aim Zainul (2013), there are several
types of vocabulary: listening vocabulary, speaking vocabulary, writing vocabulary
and reading vocabulary.

a. Listening vocabulary Listening vocabulary is all the words that can be recognized
when listening to speech. This vocabulary is aided in size by context and tone of

b. Speaking vocabulary Speaking vocabulary is all the words which can be used in
speech. This is very powerful vocabulary type. For example, powerful speakers,
musicians, singer, poets, and other poems, have the ability to influence and move their
audiences/listeners with their charisma and with how they utilize this type have the
power to control their audiences in how they preceive, think and act.

c. Writing vocabulary Writing vocabulary is all the words which a person can use when
writing. These types of vocabulary are usually combined with speaking vocabulary
because woth writing and speaking vocabulary can complement each other vey well.

d. Reading vocabulary Reading vocabulary is all the words tah can be recognized when
raeding. Is is easy to find new words while reading because reading plays an
important sole. Its role can be seen particularly in understanding content produced by
those who frequently use writing vocabulary. The reading vocabulary is the largest
type of vocabulary simply because it includes the other three.

2. Strategy Teaching Reading

There are some strategies in reading development by experts. The
strategies are:
a. Identifying the purpose in reading. The goal is to make readers develop
personal objectives, identify the purpose of the task and discard useless

b. Reading aloud is a planned oral reading of a book or print excerpt. A

read aloud can be used to model the use of reading strategies that aid in

c. Using efficient silent reading techniques for relatively rapid

comprehension (for intermediate to advanced levels. It is use for global
understanding), by applying the strategy reader is able to skip over the
text and to infer its meaning from its context.

d. Skimming the text for main ideas. It is the strategy to find the gist of a
paragraph or text. Reader quickly read across a whole text to find the
main topic, massage/ideas, and the purpose of the passage.

e. Scanning the text for specific information. It is quickly searching to

find particular piece of information without reading through the whole

f. Taking notes (writing down the main idea or specific points)

3. Strategy Teaching Listening

These are some strategy that can developing students’ ability in listening skill
according to J. Richard (2008) theory :

a. Top-down Processing

Top-down process as Richard (2008) stated that refers to the use of background in
understanding the meaning of a message. It also supported by Gebhard (2000) in
Mandarani (2016, p.192) stated that top-down process refers to the prior knowledge to
understand the information received. In the other word top-down processing focus on
“big” pictures, big pictures here mean the general meaning of a listening text. Top-
down strategies rely on students knowing something about the topic and either knowing
how particular exchanges in certain social situation. Whereas bottom-up processing
goes from language to meaning, while top-down processing goes from meaning to
language. Here are some exercises that require top-down processing develop the
learner’s ability in listening according to Richard (2008):

1. Use key words to construct the schema of a discourse

2. Infer the setting for a text
3. Infer the role of the participants and their goals
4. Infer causes or effects
5. Infer unstated details of a situation
6. Anticipate questions related to the topic or situation

The Implementation of Bottom-up and Top-down Strategy in Listening Process Mandarani

(2016, p.192) learning activities divided into three sections, namely pre-listening, while
listening and post-listening.

1. Pre-listening session serve as a preparation of listening. Bottom-up strategy in pre-listening

session, teachers help students to identify the vocabulary, grammar which
is the key of the conversation that are played in audio of listening. While top-down strategy
in pre-listening session, students use their knowledge as a context and

2. While listening is directly related to the text engagement. Bottom-up strategy in

while listening process, teachers’ direct students through the listening process,
monitor the difficulties of listening. While top-down strategy in while listening
process, teachers help students in prediction and understand what they have heard.

3. Post listening in bottom-up and top-down strategy is an activity in which the

teachers gives some questions or evaluates students related to the topic that has
been discussed earlier.

4. Strategy Teaching Speaking

The strategies of teaching speaking are discussion, role-play, creative tasks, and drilling.
a. Role Play/ Simulation
Role play technique is an excellent activity for speaking in a relatively safe
environment of the classroom (Nunan, 2003). Cameron (2001) states that role play is
a learning activity that should be appropriate for students and social culture
experience because the activity should give learners opportunities to use language
they know and should start with simple dialogues before moving on to more
advanced interactions.
b. Drilling
Drilling is a way of standardizing pronunciation of a language item and developing
fluidity (the ability to introduce language quickly and easily) (Houston, 2013).
Harmer (2007) also points that drilling is mechanical ways in getting students to
demonstrate and practice their ability to use specific language item in a controlled
manner. Furthermore, Budden (2013) states that a drill is a classroom technique
used to practice new language. It involves teachers in modeling a word or a
sentence and learners in repeating it.
c. Games
A game is an activity with rules, a goal and an element of fun. Khameis (2007)
mentions that games are good teaching tools that can be used to develop students’
language learning and practice communication. Furthermore, Klippel (1994, p. 32)
says that guessing games are true communicative situation and such are very
important to practice foreign language with fun and excitement. Stephen (1993, p.
244) states that, “real guessing games provide the students with much practice in
formalizing questions, an essential skill that does not always receive sufficient
attention.” Moreover, Patricia (1998) says that guessing games can be used to
develop or reinforce concept, to add diversion to regular activities, or just to break the
ice. In the other words, this game is interesting for students to be used for
learning which also motivate them to practice with fun.

d. Discussion
Group Discussion is an excellent tool for developing students’ reasoning skills
because it gives them access to their thought processes and an opportunity to guide
to a higher level of thinking. a small discussion group can be an effective learning
situation in which students learn both through instructions from their teachers and
from interaction with each other. The group also provides opportunities for
individuals to speak in front of others and to receive feedback from teachers and

5. Strategy Teaching Writing

One of the strategy to teach writing is named by “ PLAN Strategy “
a. Pay attention to the writing assignment by identifying your topic and how you
should develop your essay.
b. List your main ideas after gathering and evaluating ideas.
c. Add supporting ideas (e.g., details, examples, elaborations, and evidence) to each
main idea. Consider whether each main idea is still relevant.
d. Number the order in which you will present your ideas.

In this chapter, the researcher presents five topics. The five topics are Research
Design, Research Object, Research Instrument, Data Collection Procedure, and Data

3.1 Research Design

In this research, the data will be displayed in qualitative mode. It will explore the
different english teaching strategies used in different place, in classroom and in online
platform class.

3.2 Setting Research :

1. SMP N 10 Kota Bengkulu
2. Hallo app’s online course

3.3 Research Subject

1. A class in SMP N 10 Bengkulu City with population around 30 students
2. One English teacher of SMP N 10 Bengkulu City
3. 2-3 english teacher native on hallo apps english online course
4. 20 Students online participants on hallo apps english online course

3.4 Data Collection Techniques

1. Observation
a. Classroom Observation At School
The writer will do the observation in SMP N 10 Bengkulu City, with one class given by the
school and the teacher choosen. So the witter will analyze the way teacher teach the english
lesson to the students. Using what strategies
b. Online Class Live Streaming/Video Observation On Hallo Apps
The writer will join the live streaming/video from the Hallo Apps and will observe the
strategies the native teacher use in teaching
The skills from both offline and online english class will be choosen similarly, for example
teaching reading vs teaching reading. It will be matchable.

2. Taking Note
The writer will take note what strategies appear during the class

3. Documentation
1. Taking photos in the offline classroom
2. Taking screenshot in the online english class

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