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The Red Room

A campaign for the role-playing game “Kult”

by Wojciech Krzymiński (2009)

Disclaimer: This document is not intended as an official release of any kind, nor an infringement
upon the legal rights and ownership of Kult: Beyond the Veil. This document has been developed for
non-commercial use and free dispersal over the Internet for the benefit of Kult players.

Introduction In 1518 the token fell into the hands of

The campaign takes place in Los Isidoro García, a Spanish mercenary of
Angeles, July, 2009. It consists of three violent temper from Valencia. Isidoro found
scenarios, ordered chronologically, but the the shrine, dedicated to the Great Mother
game master can switch them or merge as while he was hiding in the catacombs
he sees it fit. beneath Rome. He left the Old World and
enlisted in the expedition force, led by
1 Pretty Corpses
Hernán Cortés. Isidoro fought bravely in
2 The Collector
the conquest of the Aztec empire. It seemed
3 The Derlett Island
that no arrow or blade could do serious
harm to him. García never showed the
What is the Red Room? strange “amber” drop to anyone, even to his
confessor. After his death in 1560 Emilio
Malkuth carved the Red Room out of
Pablo de García, Isidoro’s only son, sold the
her own body and placed it between
token to an eccentric collector who dabbled
Metropolis and the Illusion. It was a
in alchemy and astrology. That nobleman
labyrinthine stronghold with doors to many
died childless in his Californian estate forty
places, thus Lictors could travel safely and
years later, his collection of rare books and
quickly. Malkuth gave them small objects,
curiosities was taken over by the Roman
made from her flesh. Those tokens allowed
Catholic Church. The local bishop
the travellers to locate the Red Room
authorized the destruction of the collection
regardless of their current position. After
but he retained the token, driven by an
uttering a password the owner of the token
unexplainable wish. Malkuth visited the
could enter the haven of Malkuth. In
bishop in a dream as the Virgin Mary and
addition, a black-skinned angel was
told him that it was a solidified blood of
guarding the Red Room.
Jesus Christ. However, she forbade the
After the Malkuth’s rebellion other bishop to show the drop to anyone lest the
Archons put the angelic guardian to sleep Satan claims it for his own sinister purpose.
and destroyed all tokens except for the one
The token remained in the possession of
that looks like a blood-red amber tear drop.
the archdiocese of Los Angeles until 1977
MLKVTh smuggled this token to Earth and
when Father Robert Howard, a secretary of
hid it in Rome. The Archons gave up the
the archdiocese, stole it and wanted to sell
to cover his poker debts. Howard only
knew the token was precious but he At that

moment Togarini became aware of the Each PC has to know following skills at
token. The Death Angel sent Simon Reed, a least on 5: Handguns* (AGL), Unarmed
young and eager necromancer to recover Combat* (STR), Drive (PER), Languages:
the token. Reed lured Father Howard to a Latin, Spanish (EGO), First Aid (EGO),
derelict motel and sacrificed him there; he Forensics (PER), Information Retrieval
then arranged the priest’s body to suggest a (EGO), Meditation (EGO), Occultism (EGO),
crime of passion. Since that time the token Survival (EGO), Written Report (EGO),
has been in Reed’s hands. Humanities (EDU): Anthropology or
Togarini against Thaumiel Religion, Psychology, Natural Sciences
the magician Simon Reed, prof. Wayne (EDU), Social Sciences: Law.
Herbert, Joe Morgan
Tezcatlipoca, Jeffrey Allen Seyan, Carlos
1: Pretty Corpses
Luis Royo, Christopher Pike, Smoking
Mirror Inc. [introductory fiction, a panorama of L.A.]
In year 1988 had Togarini sent the
The Player Characters necromancer Simon Reed, to gather
It is preferable that the players create followers in the Illusion. Reed chose L. A. as
new Player Characters (PCs) according to the base of operations, specifically the
the following requirements. The PCs belong territory of the Mexican Mafia. He offered
to various law enforcement agencies (the his services as a fortune teller and torturer
police, FBI or even Department of to the gang. The Mafia bosses were
Homeland Security). They have substantial impressed with Reed’s magical abilities,
work experience as they have been working thus he gained respect and some influence
in the force for at least seven years. in the criminal world. Five years after
These advantages are not available: Bête- beginning of the co-operation with the MM
noir ally, Endomorphic body, Luck, Nodal Reed founded a gang called “the Sugar
time perception, Old soul, Psychic power. Heads.” The gang is focused on performing
sacrifices to Mictlantecuhtli, Lord of the
These disadvantages are not available: Dead. However, their activity has been
Amnesia, Anxiety disorder, Asthma, Bad noticed by Tezcatlipoca, an Incarnate of
Luck, Blindness, Cowardice, Deafness, ThML. The Smoking Mirror moved the
Haemophilia, Haemophobia, Hypo- police and FBI against Reed but they could
allergenic, Maimed, Mistaken identity, not find him. He finally commanded Seyan
Narcolepsy/Epilepsy, Persecuted, Split and Royo to destroy the Reed’s gang.
personality, Socially inept, Symbiotic link, The Sugar Heads and Reed committed
Wanted. seven ritual murders this year. They
The players have 250 skill points to adorned corpses with flowers and offerings
distribute for skills, modified by the Mental such as feathers or jewellery. All victims
Balance of their PCs. were attractive young people; the most
famous victims is a young, promising
gangsta rapper called “Black Hound.”

The Red Room

storage room of his book shop in Los Feliz

The Summary of Events (near the Griffith Park). The murderer
1 The briefing on 12 July 2009 (Saturday): stunned Mapother with a blunt object and
Carmen Ruiz, the Los Angeles City bound him with rope to the desk, then he
Attorney, calls the PCs to a meeting. He cut the heart out with an obsidian knife. At
explains to them that he decided to create a twelve noon a customer who had an
task force because of seven strange appointment with Mapother discovered the
murders. The City Attorney has been body (the door was not shut).
elected a week ago, thus he is anxious to On 20 July a cleaning lady visited the
resolve the murder cases quickly and apartment of Benjamin Linus as usual at 20
discreetly. No contact with the mass media o’clock on each Monday. She found Linus’
is allowed. body in his study, he was lying on his back
2 seven victims and their murky past on the floor. The murderer used the same
3 Carlos Luis Royo calls a PC and proposes technique as before to remove the heart.
to meet in the “Fleshbot,” a porno cinema. Linus’ apartment is in Yarmouth Avenue in
Royo tells the PC about the villa in the district Granada Hills.
Pasadena where the Sugar Heads have their Danielle Boone was ambushed while she
base. Royo is a werejaguar but not an was bathing. She died at 16 o’clock. Her
Oaxici. He hints at true identity of the lover Miriam Horovitz found her on 21 July
priest, telling the PCs to “search for a reed.” 2009 two hours later. The killer cut out the
[Regeneration, Lore of Death 12] heart and left the body in the bath tub.
4 The final confrontation: The first The three victims knew each other very
adventure ends with the violent well because they were business partners
confrontation between the Sugar Heads and and friends. They operated in a common
the PCs in the Angeles National Forest. niche in the antiquarian market: the
Mesoamerican cultures. From 1971 to 1975
Mapother, Linus and Boone lived on the
Derlett Island and heard lectures of the
2: The Collector mystic and anthropologist August Derlett.
On 23 July 2009 Carmen Ruiz, the Los They frequently contacted with him and
Angeles City Attorney, calls a meeting to this caused their demise. The necromancer
present the PCs with a fresh case. Three Simon Reed also lived then on the Island
wealthy collectors and antiquarians were but he quarrelled with August and left the
killed in the same gruesome way – the Island after a year.
murderer cut the heart out. The City Mrs. Boone lived in a fancy house in
Attorney decided to give the case to the PCs Beverly Hills. Her house is full of figurines
right away because it is quite similar to the and masks from different cultures. If the
previous one. PCs search the living room diligently they
On 19 July 2009, about a quarter past will find a hidden compartment in the bed.
midnight, Ethan Mapother was killed in the There is a wooden box with one hundred
photos that Boone had shot while living on


the Derlett Island. The black-white photos

depict Boone, Mapother, Linus, Simon Reed
and about ten other young people playing
on a beach or dancing naked around a
bonfire at night. Among them is a tall man
in his prime, wearing a long grey robe. The
man’s dark hair is cut short, he looks
straight into the camera. It is August Derlett;
the full description of him is in the third
scenario – “The Island.”
One can find faint tracks of a big
predatory cat on each crime scene. It was
Carlos Luis Royo in his jaguar shape who
committed the three murders. He sacrificed
the victims to the dark and mighty god
Tezcatlipoca. Royo acted under the
guidance of his master, Jeremy Allen Seyan,
who communicates with the Smoking
Mirror directly. The god commanded to
silence the three antiquarians because
August Derlett disclosed to them the truth
about the Smoking Mirror – that he is but an
aspect of a greater power. Derlett is next on
the hit list but he is not as vulnerable as the

3: The Island
August Derlett has not left his island for
twenty years. He dismissed all his disciples
but he maintained strong contact with three
of them: Ethan Mapother, Benjamin Linus
and Danielle Boone. He often told them his

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