Laporan NMR - Aida Rumiki

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NAME : Aida P.M Rumiki PRACTICUM DATE : 11 Nov 2023

STUDENT NUMBER : 23923013 COLLECTION DATE : 18 nov 2023

Yogyakarta, ___________________________2023
Cover : (Maks.5)
Purpose : (Maks.5)
Introduction : (Maks.10)
Tools and materials : (Maks.5)
Method : (Maks.5) (_____________________________________)
Result and discussion : (Maks.55) Lecturer,
Conclusion : (Maks: 5)
References : (Maks.5)
Attachment : (Maks.5) (Prof. Agus Taftazani)


The students are able to perform quantitative analysis using NMR and the
students are able to master the technique of molecule identification using NMR.

A nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer is a chemical instrument used
to obtain information about the structure and conformation of chemical compounds.
NMR spectroscopy is a fairly good explanation method in determining the structure of
organic compounds. This NMR spectrometer tool in principle works based on the
resonance between the magnetic moment of the atomic nucleus that rotates with the
procession of larmor with radio waves imposed on it (Fukusima & Roeder, 1981). There
are two types of NMR spectroscopy, namely 1H-NMR. One important information
shown by the 1H-NMR spectrum is the chemical shifts of various types of protons in the
sample, while 13C-NMR can provide structural information related to compounds based
on chemical shifts of various types of carbon. Besides being used to determine the
structure of chemical compounds, NMR spectroscopy can also be used in advanced
medical imaging techniques, such as MRI. NMR has now become an analytical
technology that can be applied in many disciplines of research, medicine, and various
industries (Zohra et al., 2017). Proton or 1H spectroscopy provides structural information
about hydrogen atoms in an organic molecule. While 13C provides structural information
about the carbon-carbon in an organic molecule (Sastrohamidjojo, 1996).
This experiment analyzes and characterizes aspirin compounds. Aspirin is a class
of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that have analgesic, antipyretic, and
anti-inflammatory effects. Its indications are pain (mild-moderate), antiplatelet in
cardiovascular and stroke therapy, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and gout.3,4,5 The
mechanism of action of aspirin is to inhibit cyclooxygenase (COX) enzymes, especially
cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1), resulting in inhibition of prostaglandin and thromboxane
biosynthesis from arachidonic acid. The following is the structure of Aspirin in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Aspirin Chemical Structure
(Sweetman, 2009)

Aspirin has the molecular formula C9H8O4; Mr 180.157 g/mol; density 1.40
g/cm³; melting point 135 °C (275 °F); boiling point 140 °C (284 °F) and solubility in
water 3 mg/mL (20 °C). Salicylic acid is a white, crystalline, odorless, sweet-tasting
powder, insoluble in cold water, soluble in hot water and easily dissolved or hydrolyzed
in alcohol into salicylic acid or acetic acid. (Directorate General of POM, 1995). (Dirjen
POM, 1995).


The tools used in this research are NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance)
Instrument Benchtop NMR Rady 50 Nanalysis, sample warmer, pipette tube, vial, nmr
tube sample. While the materials used are distilled water, technical acetone, deuterated
solvent (DMSO-d6), aspirin, standard solvent for calibration.

The first stage of this research is sample preparation, by weighing 20mg aspirin dissolved
with 700 µL DMSO-d6 into a liquid sample. The next stage of sample analysis is to first
activate the instrument from stand by mode, select the "Status" menu section, then select
the "Quick" Autoshiming section. then select ok. Solvent calibration. Next for sample
analysis by selecting experiment 1D then select the number of scans to be used. The
sample tube is inserted then click 'GO' Insert the analysis file into the USB, process the
data with the Mestrenova application. After that, re-enter the blue tube NMR and NMR
This experiment is entitled compound analysis and characterization using NMR
instrument with the aim that students are able to perform quantitative analysis using
NMR and students are able to master molecular identification techniques using NMR.
The basic principle of NMR is the absorption of energy by particles that are rotating in a
strong magnetic field so that the magnetic field corresponding to the molecule will be
converted into NMR spectra, so that the structure of the compound can be known and
identified. This experiment uses aspirin compounds as samples to be analyzed. In the first
stage of this experiment, the sample preparation was taken 20mg and then put in a vial
and then included a deuterated solvent, namely DMSO-d6 as much as 700mL, the solvent
was used because of the free 6H atom. Then entered into the sample warmer for the
shiming process aims to change the homogeneity of the magnetic field. In the analysis of
samples on NMR using autoshiming. Then calibrate the solvent then to analyze the
sample by selecting the 1D experiment then select the number of scans to be used. In this
experiment, the number of scans used is 64x in the scan stage. This is because the more
the number of scans, the good spectra are produced, there is no noise, the spectrum is
sharp, smooth, and clearer. The sample will be read as many as multiples of 4, then
inserted into the nmr tube then click 'GO' then obtained the results of the analysis into
USB and processed the data with the Mestrenova application.
The results of the analysis are obtained in the form of a spectrum, as for the
HNMR results as follows:
From the results obtained information in the form of chemical shifts / types of H,
the number of H and the hydrogen environment. Peak a obtained a chemical shift of 7-8
ppm and has 4 integrations that produce the type of H, namely H-aromatic with splitting
in the form of multiplets. At peak b, a chemical shift of 1-3 ppm is obtained and has 3
integrations that produce the type of H, CH3 with singlet splitting. And at the last peak a
chemical shift of 5 ppm is obtained and has 1 integration which results in the type of H
from OH not from carboxylic acid. The results obtained are less precise or accurate so
that the type of H from COOH is not read.
In this experiment, the results of C-NMR readings were also obtained, as for the
C-NMR results as follows:

From the results obtained there are 9 peaks. The first peak of 20.74 ppm is in the aliphatic
or CH3 region. At the peak b, c, d, e, f, g b is the sinya in the aromatic region, namely
123.68 ppm; 123.99ppm; 125.96; 131.27ppm; 133.67ppm; and 150.08 ppm. Furthermore,
the h peak in the 165.51ppm area includes type C, namely C=O (ketones), and the last
peak in the 169.06ppm area includes type C, namely RCO2H (carboxylic acid).
Based on the experiment, the results of analysis and characterization of aspirin
using NMR were obtained. H-NMR results provide information on 4 peaks, namely Peak
a obtained a chemical shift of 7-8 ppm and has 4 integrations that produce the type of H,
namely H-aromatic with splitting in the form of multiplets. At peak b, a chemical shift of
1-3 ppm is obtained and has 3 integrations that produce the type of H, namely CH3 with
singlet splitting. And at the last peak a chemical shift of 5 ppm is obtained and has 1
integration which results in the type of H from OH not from carboxylic acid. The results
obtained are less precise or accurate so that the type of H from COOH is not read. While
the C-NMR results provide information, namely 9 peaks. The first peak of 20.74 ppm is
in the aliphatic or CH3 region. At peaks b, c, d, e, f, g are sinya in the aromatic region,
namely 123.68 ppm; 123.99 ppm; 125.96; 131.27 ppm; 133.67 ppm; and 150.08 ppm.
Then peak h at 165.51 ppm includes type C, namely C=O (ketone), and the last peak at
169.06 ppm includes type C, namely RCO2H (carboxylic acid).

Fukusima, E and Roeder, S.B.W. (1981). Experiment Pulse NMR, Addison-Wesley.
Sastrohamidjojo, H. 1996. Spektroskopi. Yogyakarta:Penerbit Liberty.
Sweetman, S. Martindale The Complete Drug Reference. 36th ed. London:
Pharmaceutical Press; 2009.
Zohra. I. H., Al-Rubaye. A.F., and Kadhim. M.J. (2017). “Uses of Nuclear Magnetic
Resonance Spectroscopy Technique in Pharmaceutical Analysis: A Review,” Int.
J. Curr. Pharm. Rev. Res., vol. 8, no. 02, pp. 79–84.
Data Analysis

Peak δ (ppm) Splitting Integration (ΣH) Hydrogen type Srtucture

a 7-8 ppm Multiplet 4 H-aromatik

b 1-3 ppm Singlet 3 CH3

c 5 ppm Singlet 1 OH


Peak δ (ppm) Carbon type Structure

a 20,74 ppm CH3

b 123,68 ppm C-aromatik

c 123,99 ppm C-aromatik

d 125,96 C-aromatik

e 131,27 ppm C-aromatik

f 133,67 ppm C-aromatik

g 150,08 ppm C-aromatik

h 165,51 ppm C=O (keton)

i 169,06ppm R-CO2H
Result NMR Spectrum
1. H-NMR

2. C-NMR

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