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NAME : Erlina Puspitasari PRACTICUM DATE : 11 November 2023

STUDENT NUMBER : 23923012 COLLECTION DATE : 20 November 2023

Yogyakarta, 20 November 2023

Cover : (Maks.5)
Purpose : (Maks.5)
Introduction : (Maks.10)
Tools and materials : (Maks.5)
Method : (Maks.5) ( )
Result and discussion : (Maks.55) Lecturer,
Conclusion : (Maks: 5)
References : (Maks.5)
Attachment : (Maks.5)
(Prof. Agus Taftazani)



I. Experimental Goal
Students are able to understand the working principles of XRD instrument and are able to
characterize various materials through a diffractogram interpretation.

II. Introduction
X-ray diffraction (XRD) is a powerful nondestructive technique for characterizing crystalline
materials. It provides information on structures, phases, preferred crystal orientations (texture),
and other structural parameters, such as average grainsize, crystallinity, strain, and crystal defects.
X-ray diffraction peaks are produced by constructive interference of a monochromatic beam of X-
rays scattered at specific angles from each set of lattice planes in a sample. The peak intensities
are determined by the distribution of atoms within the lattice. Consequently, the X-ray diffraction
pattern is the fingerprint of periodic atomic arrangements in a given material. This review
summarizes the scientific trends associated with the rapid development of the technique of X-ray
diffraction over the past five years pertaining to the fields of pharmaceuticals, forensic science,
geological applications, microelectronics, and glass manufacturing, as well as in corrosion analysis.
2.1 Principle of XRD
Materials are made up of atoms arranged in crystal microstructures. Minerals are crystalline
inorganic solids possessing well-defined chemical composition and are formed through natural
processes. Minerals are usually classified and characterized based on their physical properties
including hardness, color, crystallinity, flammability, and density. For example, calcite and
magnesite possess high utility owing to their wide variety of applications in several industries
including, paint, resin, ink, cosmetic, rubber, explosive, detergent, pharmaceutical, and
construction industries. Minerals are crystalline and external factors such as temperature, cooling
rate during solidification, and pressure strongly influence the periodic arrangement of atoms.
Elements and their compounds in solid-state can be categorized in amorphous, single crystalline,
and polycrystalline materials. The nature of amorphous materials is isotropic owing to the
irregular arrangement of atoms, which results in similar properties in all directions. Contrarily, the
atoms in crystalline materials are arranged in a repeated and regular pattern, which exhibits
changes in properties with direction (anisotropy). Various crystals of different sizes and shapes
combine to form polycrystalline materials. The distribution of crystal shapes, orientations, and
sizes in a
polycrystalline material strongly affects its properties. The nature of about 95% of the solid
materials is crystalline, and International Center Diffraction Data (ICDD) has maintained about
25,000 organic and 50,000 inorganic single component and crystalline databases.
Arrays of atoms are arranged in a repeated and regular pattern in crystalline structures. The
smallest recurring element of crystal is known as a unit cell, while size and shape of the unit cell
(Figure 2.1) can be explained by the angle between axes (α, β, γ) and length of three axes (a, b, c)
in a three-dimensional system. Atoms in an array are arranged in order, based on the position of
atoms (translation or transformation) while no change is found in terms of orientation or rotation.
The type of translation may be one-, two-, or three-dimensional. A regular arrangement of points
in a crystal is a lattice. A set of translational vectors in both two- and three-dimensions can be
used for representing these lattices, as shown in Figure 1a and 1b, respectively.

Figure 2.1 (a) Two-dimensional lattice with translation vector (b) Three-dimensional lattice with
translation vector
When the X-rays impinge on solid materials, they get scattered by the electrons revolving around
the nucleus of atoms. These scattered waves, emitted in multiple directions, interfere with each
other. The nature of interference can be constructive or destructive, based on the direction and
type of interaction of waves. Diffraction is the constructive interference of scattered X-rays. It is
worthy to note here that the orderly arrangement (periodicity) of atomic structures in solids,
causes constructive interference. It is, therefore, relatively easier to interpret the XRD graphs of
crystalline substances as compared to amorphous ones. A strong correlation exists between
periodicity and diffraction i.e., higher diffraction angles are observed with shorter periodicity and
vice versa. Lamas et al. demonstrated XRD graphs of amorphous and crystalline solids, as shown in
Figures 2.2a and 2.2b respectively. Due to the absence of a periodic arrangement in amorphous
materials, the XRD graph only indicates the maximum average peak at a certain diffraction angle,
while crystalline materials show several distinct XRD peaks owing to the periodic arrangement of
atoms. XRD is also a powerful technique for estimating the treatment effects on the crystallinity of
materials. For example, a recent study used XRD for understanding the effects of various
treatments on the
crystallinity of their sample material. XRD allowed them to identify that the combustion treatment
of their sample would enhance the material’s crystallinity to a relatively greater extent, as shown
in Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.2 XRD qualitative graphs representing (a) an amorphous material [21] and (b) a crystalline

Figure 2.3 XRD was used for understanding the role of various treatments on the crystallinity of
peat (a mixture of organic matter and minerals): (a; blue) sample material without treatment; (b;
green) H2O2 chemical oxidation treatment; (c; red) combustion treatment.

Knowledge about the atomic number and atomic position within the cell is determined by
diffraction peak intensity, while diffraction peak position provides information about the size and
shape of the unit cell.

2.2 Bragg Law’s

The concept of Bragg’s law assumes that the scattering is concentrated at discrete points and that
away from these positions the mutual interference gives no significant scattering. An alternative
viewpoint is presented here, where the whole of diffraction space is occupied by scattering from
many crystal planes, which when combined contribute to the peaks observed.
Laue discovered XRD and afterward an alternative measurement technique and simple
explanation for monochromatic X-ray diffraction was proposed by Bragg. According to Bragg’s
analysis, the atomic planes (lattice planes - hkl) or crystals are assumed to be in layers. A distance
d separates these layers, as shown in Figure 2.4a, and impingement of incident X-ray or light on
these atomic planes produces reflection. At the lattice planes, the angle between the incident
beam and equivalent diffracted wave remains equal. As diffraction is constructive interference of
scattered waves, when path difference lengths become equal to nλ, Bragg’s diffraction condition
gets satisfied.

Figure 2.4 (a) An illustration of X-ray diffraction pattern [26] (b) Pythagoras theorem applied for
deriving diffraction equations

Pythagoras theorem (Figure 2.4b) was used for deriving the following equations till eq. (5). As per
Bragg’s law, the condition for constructive interference is,
AB + BC = nλ (1)
From schematic of XRD (Figure 6a), it can be inferred that AB = BC,
2AB = nλ (2)
The Pythagoras theorem is applied on ∆ABZ as follows,
sin 𝜃 = 𝐴𝐵 𝑑 (3)
𝑑 sin 𝜃 = 𝐴𝐵 (4)
Inserting AB in eq. (2) yields,
nλ = 2𝑑 sin 𝜃 (5)
where n indicates the order of reflection (diffraction), λ denotes X-ray wavelength, 𝑑
characterizes spacing between atomic planes, and 𝜃 represents diffraction beam angle. The set of
lattice planes (hkl) with spacing (𝑑ℎ𝑘𝑙) can be related with the order of diffraction (n) as follows:
𝑑 = 𝑑ℎ𝑘𝑙 𝑛 (6)
With the substitution of Eq. (6) into Eq. (5), the following relation is found:
λ = 2𝑑ℎ𝑘𝑙 sin 𝜃ℎ𝑘𝑙 (7) The vector notation of Bragg’s law can be illustrated with the directions of
incident and scattered beams, as schemed in Figure 2.5. Moreover, Bragg’s law in vector form can
be expressed as follows [27]:
(𝑺−𝑺𝒐)/ λ = 𝒅ℎ𝑘𝑙 ∗ = ℎ𝒂𝟏 +𝑘𝒂𝟐 + 𝑙𝒂𝟑 (8)
where 𝑆 represents the unit vector with the direction of diffracted beam and 𝑆𝑜 indicates unit
vector in direction of the incident beam.

Figure 2.5 Schematic representing the vector notation of Bragg's law

This law relates the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation to the diffraction angle and the
lattice spacing in a crystalline sample. These diffracted X-rays are then detected, processed, and
counted. By scanning the sample through a range of 2u angles, all possible diffraction directions of
the lattice should be attained due to the random orientation of the powdered material.
Conversion of the diffraction peaks to d-spacings allows identification of the compound because
each compound has a set of unique d-spacings. Typically, this is achieved by comparison of d-
spacings with standard reference patterns. X-ray diffractometers consist of three basic elements:
an X-ray tube, a sample holder, and an X-ray detector. X-rays are generated in a cathode ray tube
by heating a filament to produce electrons, accelerating the electrons toward a target by applying
a voltage, and bombarding the target material with electrons. When electrons have sufficient
energy to dislodge inner shell electrons of the target material, characteristic X-ray spectra are
produced. These spectra consist of several components, the most common being Ka and Kb.

2.3 Debye-Scherrer method

Paul Scherrer, proposed the Scherrer equation in 1981. This can be attributed to the fact that X-
Ray diffraction is sensitive to the crystallite size inside the particles. From the well-known Scherrer
formula the average crystallite size, L, is cos K L (1)   where λ is the X-ray wavelength in
nanometer (nm), β is the peak width of the diffraction peak profile at half maximum height
resulting from small crystallite size in radians and K is a constant related to crystallite shape,
normally taken as 0.9. The value of β in 2θ axis of diffraction profile must be in radians. The θ can
be in degrees or radians, since the cos θ corresponds to the same number. The Scherrer equation
predicts crystallite thickness if crystals are smaller than 1000 Å or 100 nm.
The Debye - Scherrer equation, is a formula that relates the size of sub-micro meter particles, or
crystallites, in a solid to the broadening of a peak in a diffraction pattern. It is used in the
determination of size of particles of crystals in the form of powder. The Scherrer equation can be
written as:
D = Kλ /β cos θ (9)
where D is the mean size of the ordered (crystalline) domains, which maybe smaller or equal to
the grain size K is a dimensionless shape factor, and the value is taken to be 0.9; λ is the x-ray
wavelength; β is the line broadening at half the maximum intensity (FWHM), This quantity is also
sometimes denoted as ∆ (2θ); θ is the Bragg angle measured. From the results it is concluded that
the crystallite size is less than 100 nm.
Scherrer equation D = Kλ /β cos θ was developed to calculate the nano crystallite size (D) by XRD
radiation of wavelength λ (nm) from measuring full width at half maximum of peaks (β) in radian
located at any 2in the pattern. Shape factor of K can be 0.62 - 2.08 and is usually taken as about
0.89. But, if all of the peaks of a pattern are going to give a similar value of D, then β cos θ must be
The purpose of modified Scherrer equation given in this paper is to provide a new approach to the
kind of using Scherrer equation, so that a least squares technique can be applied to minimize the
sources of errors. Modified Scherrer equation plots ln β against ln(1/cos θ) and obtains the
intercept of a least squares line regression, ln kλ/L, from which a single value of L is obtained
through all of the available peaks. This method seems valid as it gives intermediate values
between Lorentzian and Gaussian assumptions then we can write the Scherrer equation as:

β∆ 2θ (hkl) = Kλ /L hkl x cos θ D

where λ the wavelength, 2 is the Bragg angle of reflection, and β is the integral breadth in radian.
And also calculate the strain from the equation:
β = 4ε tan θ (10)
2.4 Index Miller
Miller Indices form a notation system in crystallography for planes in crystal (Bravais) lattices.
There are two equivalent ways to define the meaning of the Miller Indices: via a point in the
reciprocal lattice, or as the inverse intercepts along the lattice vectors. Both definitions are given
below. In either case, one needs to choose the three lattice vectors a 1, a2, a3 that define the unit
cell (note that the conventional unit cell may be larger than the primitive cell of the Bravais

lattice). Given these, the three primitive reciprocal lattice vectors are also determined (denoted b 1,
b2, b3). Then, given the Miller Indices h,k,l denotes plane orthogonal to the reciprocal lattice

ghkl = hb1+ kb2+ lb3 11)

That is (hkl) simply indicates a normal to the planes in the basis of the primitive reciprocal lattice
vectors. Because the coordinates are integers, this normal is itself always a reciprocal lattice
vector. The requirement of lowest terms means that is the shortest reciprocal lattice vector in the
given direction.
Equivalent (hkl) denotes a plane that intercepts the three points a1/h, a2/h and a3/h or some
multiple thereof. That is the Miller Indices are proportional to the inverses of the intercepts of the
plane, in the basis of the lattice vectors. If one of the indices is zero, it means that the planes do
not intersect the axis (the intercept is at infinity). Considering only (hkl) planes intersecting one or
more lattice points, the perpendicular distance d between adjacent lattice planes is related to the
(shorter) reciprocal lattice vector orthogonal to the planes by the formula:

d = 2π / ghkl (12)

The related notation (hkl) denotes the direction.

ha1+ ka2+ la3 (13)
figure 2.7, the angles between the normal line of the crystal plane (h3 k3 l3) and the orthogonal
axes x, y and z are denoted respectively by α, β and γ. The Miller indices of this plane can be
determined when the position of the stereographically projected pole in the stereogram is known.
The angles α, β, γ shown in figure 11 can be obtained directly by measuring the angles between
the poles p3 and S (100), poles p3 and E (010), and poles p3 and O (001), respectively, in figure 2.6
with the auxiliary Wulff net. From the right triangles ∆ DON we have


Similarly from EON and FON we get:

Combining equations (15) and (16) gives
h3: k3: l3 = a cos α: b cos β: c cos γ (17)
For a cubic system we have a = b = c, then equation (17) reduces to
h3: k3: l3 = cos α: cosβ: cos γ (18)
That is, the ratio of Miller indices is the ratio of the directional cosines.

Figure 2.6 A stereogram illustrates the stereographic projection of

crystal planes. Poles of planes (h1 k1 l1), (h2 k2 l2) and (h3 k3 l3) are
on the circular trace AB, because they are in the same zone

Figure 2.7 Orientation of a crystal plane of theMiller indices (h k l)

III. Tools and Materials

3.1 Tools
a. Sample Cell
b. Spatula
c. XRD (X-Ray Diffraction) Bruker D2 Phaser
3.2 Materials
a. Sample SiO2 and Ag/SiO2
IV. Method
1. Put a TLD badge or a personnel radiation exposure measurement tool and place a survey
meter measuring radiation exposure to the environment.
2. Sample preparation
a. The powder sample is placed on the holder.
b. The surface is flattened to make sure it is completely flat and clean the edges of the
c. Place the sample in the holder. The holder can be rotated or static.
3. Adjust the angle of 2-theta increments increase of the angle and times used for analysis. In
this analysis we use an angle 5 - 90° with an increment of 0,05 and a time of 0,4 second. Click
4. After testing is complete, turn off the X-Ray Generator and take the sample back into the
V. Results and Discussion
in this study evaluated SiO2 and AgSiO2 powders using XRD. the purpose of this evaluation is to
identify the crystalline phase in the material by determining the lattice structure parameters and
to obtain the particle size, single crystal determination and crystal structure determination of
unknown materials. The working principle of XRD is that diffracted X-rays are successively formed
by crystalline atoms of the material. With the appearance of various angles arising, the diffraction
pattern formed states the characterization of the sample. In detail, the stages of the XRD work
process go through 4 stages, namely production, diffraction, detection and interpretation. At the
initial stage, production where the electrons produced when the filament is heated will be
accelerated due to the voltage difference between the filament (cathode) and the target metal
(anode) so that there is a collision with the target metal. the collision produces x-rays that will
come out of the x-ray tube and interact with the crystal structure of the material being tested.
At the diffraction stage, there is regular reflection due to x-ray radiation between the x-ray tube
and the crystal structure of the target material. The material analyzed for its crystal structure is in
the solid phase because in this condition the position of the atoms is in a very regular arrangement
so as to form crystal fields. At the detection stage, the role of the detector is to identify the
constructive interference of x-ray radiation from the diffraction of the target material's crystal
structure precisely
on condition that its position must be in the direction of the x-ray radiation reflection angle.
Illustration of principle of XRD can be explained in the figure below.

Based on the diffractogram results in the figure above, it shows that the sample differences
between AgSiO2 and SiO2 powders. all the characteristic peaks appear at their corresponding 2θ,
and no novel peak comes out, which demonstrates that only Ag is produced on 38.174 (2θ).
Angle 2θ that appears there are 5 peaks, namely 38.174 o, 44.348 o, 64.522 o, 77.477 o, and 81.552
. characteristic of SiO2 and AgSiO2 samples located at an angle of 2θ are 22.129 o and 38.174 o.

In the equation, y is the intensity of the data point, y0 is the initial intensity of the data point, A is
the area of each peak with arbitrary unit (a.u.), w is the width of half the height of each peak
(FWHM) with units of degrees (°), x is the 2θ value of the data point, and xc is the the location of
the formed
peak and is the value of 2θ which has units of degrees (°). A value in the SiO2 sample is 0.031 and
0.036 for the AgSiO2 sample.
If Bragg's law is applied to the 2θ value which is the diffraction angle, then the the value of the
distance between layers. The equation of Bragg's Law with the value n is the order of reflection
which can be any integer (1, 2, 3, ...) consistent with sin θ does not exceed one, λ is the X-ray
wavelength, d is the distance between layers, and θ is the angle between the plane and the
incident ray. In the SiO2 sample, a wavelength (λ) of 1.54060 was obtained with an A value of
0.031, while in the AgSiO2 sample, a wavelength of 1.54060 was obtained with an A value of
Based on Miller Indices with the notation (h,k,l) which determines the orientation of a crystal.
SiO2 sample shows one peak at angle 2 theta 20.356 degrees obtaining an hkl value of 100 which
indicates a simple cubic crystal form. The AgSiO2 sample shows five peaks at 2 theta angles of
38.174 o, 44.348 o, 64.522 o, 77.477 o, and 81.552 o obtained hkl values of 111, 200, 220, 311 and
222 which indicate a cubic crystal form with the possibility of simple cubic, face-centered, body-
centered and diamond shapes. Of the two samples have a crystalline form with a diffractogram
that also has an amorphous form.
The results obtained with JCPDS (Ag: 2𝜃= 38.14; 44.77; 64.57; 77.37 and 81.69° corresponding to
reflections (111), (200), (220), (311) and (222) on the sample of AgSiO2 with the results of this
study show the same 2𝜃 angle and reflection. This indicates that the diffractogram that appears is

a sample of AgSiO2 (Ag: 2𝜃=38.174 o, 44.348 o, 64.522 o, 77.477 o, and 81.552 o).
Determining the crystal size with the Debye Scherrer equation shows the relationship between
FWHM and 2𝜃 angle where the smaller the FWHM value, the greater the 2𝜃 angle value.

VI. Conclusion
Based on this research on sample analysis using XRD which is an accelerated analysis technique
mainly used to identify the phase of crystalline materials and can provide information about unit
dimensions. The diffractogram results show that the AgSiO2 powder is identical to the JCPDS with
an angle value of 2𝜃=38.174 o, 44.348 o, 64.522 o, 77.477 o, and 81.552 o
corresponding to
reflections (111), (200), (220), (311) and (222) on the sample of AgSiO2.
VII. Reference
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VIII. Attachment
8.1 Interim Report

1. Determine Crystal Size with the Debye-Scherrer Equation

D hkl =
β ∙ cos θ
D hkl ∶ crystal size
λ ∶ x-ray wavelength

� , where deg : FWHM of 100 intensity
β ∶ Radian = deg ×
2θ 180
k ∶ Shape factor (0,9)
π ∶ 3,14

No. Sampel 2θ θ deg β D hkl (nm)

SiO2 22.129 11.065 6.688 0.117 1.1664

2. Ag/SiO2 38.174 19.087 0.240 0.004 31.2973

2. Menentukan sudut hkl dan struktur kristalin

Sample of SiO2
Peak 2θ θ Sin θ Sin2θ h2 + k2 + l2 hkl d hkl a
20.356 10.178 0.177 0.031 1 100 20.356 10.178 4

Sample of Ag/SiO2
Peak 2θ θ Sin θ Sin2θ h2 + k2 + l2 hkl d hkl a
1 38.168 19.084 0.327 0.107 3 111 1 4
2 44.354 22.177 0.377 0.142 4 200 2 4

3 64.478 32.239 0.533 0.285 8 220 3 4

4 77.410 38.705 0.625 0.391 11 311 4 4

5 81.527 40.764 0.653 0.426 12 222 5 4

8.3 The Result of XRD Analysis
AgSiO2_KELOMPOK 2.raw, 11/11/2023 2:05:53 PM

(Coupled TwoTheta/Theta)
AgSiO2_KELOMPOK 2.raw, 11/11/2023 2:05:53 PM

Peak List #1
Visible Icon Color Index Name Parent Caption (display) Scan Angle
Yes 1 Peak #1 Peak List #1 14.947 ° AgSiO2_KELOMPOK 2.raw #1 14.947 °
Yes 2 Peak #2 Peak List #1 38.168 ° AgSiO2_KELOMPOK 2.raw #1 38.168 °
Yes 3 Peak #3 Peak List #1 44.354 ° AgSiO2_KELOMPOK 2.raw #1 44.354 °
Yes 4 Peak #4 Peak List #1 64.478 ° AgSiO2_KELOMPOK 2.raw #1 64.478 °
Yes 5 Peak #5 Peak List #1 77.410 ° AgSiO2_KELOMPOK 2.raw #1 77.410 °
Yes 6 Peak #6 Peak List #1 81.527 ° AgSiO2_KELOMPOK 2.raw #1 81.527 °

d Value Net Intensity Gross Intensity Rel. Intensity h,k,l Match

5.92224 Å 53.1 314 0.9% n.a. No
2.35600 Å 6053 6300 100.0% n.a. No
2.04071 Å 1870 2089 30.9% n.a. No
1.44398 Å 1148 1299 19.0% n.a. No
1.23186 Å 931 1056 15.4% n.a. No
1.17975 Å 240 338 4.0% n.a. No
AgSiO2_KELOMPOK 2.raw, 11/11/2023 2:07:57 PM

(Coupled TwoTheta/Theta)
AgSiO2_KELOMPOK 2.raw, 11/11/2023 2:07:57 PM

Area List #1
Visible Icon Color Index Name Parent Scan Left Angle
Yes 1 [36.737 ° - 39.124 °] Area List #1 AgSiO2_KELOMPOK 2.raw #1 36.737 °
Yes 2 [43.136 ° - 45.421 °] Area List #1 AgSiO2_KELOMPOK 2.raw #1 43.136 °
Yes 3 [63.500 ° - 65.328 °] Area List #1 AgSiO2_KELOMPOK 2.raw #1 63.500 °
Yes 4 [76.348 ° - 78.278 °] Area List #1 AgSiO2_KELOMPOK 2.raw #1 76.348 °
Yes 5 [81.121 ° - 82.086 °] Area List #1 AgSiO2_KELOMPOK 2.raw #1 81.121 °

Right Angle Left Int. Right Int. Obs. Max d (Obs. Max) Gross Int. Net Height FWHM
39.124 ° 3.51 4.20 38.169 ° 2.35595 Å 97.0 93.1 0.240
45.421 ° 3.41 3.06 44.354 ° 2.04071 Å 31.7 28.5 0.319
65.328 ° 2.29 2.42 64.478 ° 1.44398 Å 20.0 17.7 0.332
78.278 ° 1.94 2.05 77.410 ° 1.23186 Å 16.0 14.0 0.407
82.086 ° 1.75 1.60 81.527 ° 1.17975 Å 5.08 3.39 0.327

Chord Mid. d (Chord Mid.) I. Breadth Gravity C. d (Gravity C.) Raw Area
38.174 ° 2.35565 Å 0.305 38.159 ° 2.35651 Å 37.58
44.348 ° 2.04094 Å 0.423 44.333 ° 2.04162 Å 19.45
64.522 ° 1.44311 Å 0.390 64.501 ° 1.44353 Å 11.19
77.477 ° 1.23097 Å 0.439 77.446 ° 1.23138 Å 9.988
81.552 ° 1.17944 Å 0.379 81.590 ° 1.17898 Å 2.901

Net Area C. Size K Instr. Width Use I. Breadth

28.38 389.8 Å 1.000 0.000 No
12.06 298.9 Å 1.000 0.000 No
6.892 314.6 Å 1.000 0.000 No
6.141 277.8 Å 1.000 0.000 No
1.288 356.0 Å 1.000 0.000 No
AgSiO2_KELOMPOK 2.raw, 11/11/2023 2:04:27 PM

(Coupled TwoTheta/Theta)

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