2020 - Fideicomisos CRS FATCA

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Número de Fideicomiso/Trust number

Controlling persons of the Trust

Trust identification
1.1 Please indicate if the fideicomiso…(*)
…is a trust that serves solely as escrow for a debt or purchase obligation of the settlor (guarantee trust)
No additional information is requiered

…is a trust the assets of which consist solely of real property (real property trust)
No additional information is requiered

….an Individual Retirement Account (PPR, Plan personal de retiro) or other retirement fund (according to the Annexes 25 and 25 bis of the
current Fiscal Miscellaneous Resolution) established pursuant to laws of social security, under Article 151, fraction V of the Income Tax Law.
No additional information is requiered

…a trust not described in the previous options (different to a guarantee fideicomiso, a real property trust or a PPR)
Continue in the Section II and complete a Tax information Self-certification for each identified controlling person:

Controlling persons of the trust

2.1 Identify the effective controlling persons of the trust, indicate the legal personality of the person, it’s name or business name and
the role within the trust, according to the valid values stated at the end of the document(*):
For an individual or an individual with business activity, a “Tax information Self-certification – Individuals” is requiered
For an entity, a “Tax information Self-certification – Entities” is requiered

Legal personality Name or business name Role within the Trust











III. Certification and signature

I state under oath that, I have reviewed the information stated on this form and that this information is truthful, complete and current.
Additionally I state that I am the authorized person to sign on behalf of the trust specified in this form. Finally, I commit to report any changes in the
information stated in this form to BBVA México.

Full name(*)

Sign here Signature(*) Date(*) DD/MM/YYYY

General Instructions. Use this form for: Trusts registered through the Nuevo Sistema Fiduciario. The following are some definitions taken from the Article 32-B bis of
the Fiscal Code of the Federation and the Annexes 25 and 25 bis of the current Fiscal Miscellaneous Resolution:
The term “Controlling Persons” means the natural persons who exercise control over an Entity. In the case of a trust, such term means the settlor, the trustees, the
protector (if any), the beneficiaries or class of beneficiaries, and any other natural person exercising ultimate effective control over the trust, and in the case of a legal
arrangement other than a trust, such term means persons in equivalent or similar positions. The term “Controlling Persons” shall be interpreted in a manner consistent
with the Recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force. Additionally, it is understood that a natural person is a controlling person, if directly or indirectly acquires
or owns at least 25% of the stock share or capital of an entity. (1) If there are more than 10 controlling persons, complete the aditional information in a different form:

(*) Legal personality: Role within the trust 4: Related person (representative or shareholder)
I: Individual or individuals with business activity. 1: Settlor (Fideicomitente) 5: Other (specify which type)
E: Entity 2: Trustee (Fideicomisario)
3: Technical comittee member

BBVA México, S.A., Av. Paseo de la Reforma 510, Colonia Juárez, Delegación Cuauhtémoc, Postal Code 06600, Distrito Federal, collects your data to verify your identity. The updated Privacy
Notice is available in any bank branch and also in www.bbva.mx. Completing this form is mandatory according to the Article 32-B bis of the Fiscal Code of the Federation and the Annexes 25 and 25
bis of the current Fiscal Miscellaneous Resolution. The information stated in this form might be shared with the local authorities in compliance with the national regulations and, if neccesary with the
international agreements of which Mexico is party. For more information please visit www.sat.gob.mx

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