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Dark Heresy 1st Ed.

Class/Careers/Homeworlds/Psychics and Other References Compiled by Lachlan "Raith" Conley

Homeworld Alternatives COST [1] REF DESC LEGEND
Feral World Core CORE = Core Rulebook
Dusk - IH pg 022 Born on a chaos tainted Jungle World IH = Inquisitors Handbook
Convert (Background Package) Cost: 300 BM pg056 Former Heathen BM = Blood of Martyrs
Hive World - Core ASC = Ascension
Gunmetal City - Scintilla - IH pg 023 Born in a hive of gunslingers BJ = Book of Judgement
Volg Hive - Fenksworld - IH pg 025 Born amidst a prison population DH = Daemon Hunter
Hive Mutant RH pg031 Gain a number of minor mutations LW = Lathe Worlds
Imperial World - Core RH = The Radiacals Handbook
Maccabeus Quintus - IH pg 025 Born to the world where Drusus died DDG = Disciples of the Dark Gods
Void Born - Core IS = Rouge Trader: Into The Storm
Battlefleet Calixis - IH pg 021 Born aboard an Imperial Navy ship CA = Creatures Anathema
Darkholder RH pg030 Born/Travelled on an accursed ship SDS = Salvation Demands Sacrifice
Forge World - IH pg009 Born on a world ruled by the Mechanicus LD = The Lost Dataslate
Forge World Origin - LD pg004 Variations tied to specific Forge Worlds/Installations
Schola Progenium - IH pg018 An orphan of the State NB: All options listed may
Blighted Schola RH pg028 An attempt to create an Uber-mench have further requierments
beyond thier "Cost" or
Noble Born - IH pg015 The scion of a powerful and wealthy house
"Minimum Rank". See the
The Tainted Blood of Malfi RH pg034 Mad liars and decievers actual entries in the books
Mind Claensed - IH pg011 Without a Past for full details and seek GM
Shrine World - BM pg050 Born on a religious world Permission before using.
Famulous Protégé - BM pg052 Raised under the care of a Sister Famulous
Monastic Upbringing - BM pg054 Raised to be Faithful

Career [2] Alternatives Cost/Minimum Rank REF Desc REVISED EXPERIENCE PROGRESSION [3]
Pilgrim 0 BM pg057 Religious Wanderer RANK 1 Archivist
Corporeal Sanctification 100 DH pg043 Raised by the Ordo Malleus (0-499)
Munitorium Quator 100 IH pg026 Departmento Munitrum overseer ↓
Proven Innocent 100 BJ pg039 Lucky survivor of the Inquisition RANK 2 Scrivener
Scholar of the Colleges Hetaireia Lexis 100 IH pg027 Devotee of higher learning and the arts (500-999)
Colf Trader 200 BJ pg037 Trader in Xenos Artifacts ↓
Penitent 200 RH pg037 Possesses forsaken knowledge RANK 3 Scribe
Sibellus Scrounger 200 BJ pg040 Underhive Trader (1000-1999)
Underhive Merchant 200 BJ pg040 Suppliers ↙ ↘
Void Commercia 200 IH pg027 Well traveller trader RANK 4 Inditor Chirugeon
Daemonic Vanquisher 300 DH pg044 Defeated a Daemonic Entity (2000-2999) (2000-2999)
Enforcer 300 BJ pg037 Local Lawman ↘ ↙
Kasballica "Noble" 300 BJ pg039 Crime Baron RANK 5 Scholar
Wyrd 300 RH pg039 Minor wild psychic power (3000-4999)
Fate-Eater 400 DH pg044 Absorbs Fate from those Killed ↙ ↘
Host-Bound 400 DH pg044 Psychicly and Daemonically resistant RANK 6 Lexographer Comptroller
Imposter 400 BJ pg038 Talented Liar (5000-6999) (5000-6999)
Thy Name I Keep 400 RH pg037 Boon of a Dark Pact ↓ ↓
Untouchable 400 RH pg038 Anti-Psyker RANK 7 Loremaster Logister
Warp Touched 400 RH pg038 Corrupted by the Beyond Lexographer Computroller
ALTERNATE RANKS MINIMUM RANK [5] (7000-9999) (7000-9999)
Frateris Militia Rank 1+ (0 xp) BM pg062 Faith Fueled Warrior ↓ ↓
Sister Dialogous/Sister of the Order Pronatus Rank 1+ (0 xp) BM pg092 Sororitas Recordkeeper/Relic hunter RANK 8 Loremaster Sage
Sister Hospitaller)/Sister of the Order Vespila Rank 1+ (0 xp) BM pg096 Warrior-Medics/Gravekeepers of the Ecclessiarchy Magister Logister
Verispex Adept Rank 1+ (0 xp) BJ pg054 Forensic Analyst 12999) (10000-12999)
Cult of the Pure Form Rank 2+ (500 xp) LW pg044 Anti-cybernetic cultists ↘ ↙
Demagogue Rank 3+ (1,000 xp) SDS pg004 Insitgators of (often bloody) change RANK 9 ASCENSION
Saboteur Rank 3+ (1,000 xp) SDS pg008 Demolitionists (13,000+)
Agent of Reliquary 26 Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) DH pg046 Inquisitorial Relic Hunters
Agents of the Lords Dragon Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) LW pg034 Hunters of Tech-Heresies
Bonded Emissary Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) IH pg057 The voice of a powerful patron
Calixian Xeno-arcanist Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) IH pg058 Scholar of the Xenos
Infil-traitor Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) SDS pg006 Unknowing Sleeper-Agent
Legate Investigator Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) IH pg064 Inquisitor for a day
Malefic Scholar Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) RH pg050 Pursuer of forbidden powers
Ordo Sicarius Initiate Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) DH pg054 Assassin-Acolytes
Daemonym Seeker Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) DH pg052 Daemon Name Hunters
Tyrantine Shadow Agent Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) IH pg082 Spy and Secret Agent of the Tyrantine Cabal
Slate-Agent Rank 6+ (6,000 xp) BJ pg050 Infiltration Operatives
Warp Dabbler Rank 6+ (6,000 xp) RH pg062 Hedge Sorcerer
Magistrate Rank 7+ (8,000xp) BJ pg048 Scholars of Imperial and Local Law
Inquisitor Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg094 Ultimate Authority
Interrogator Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg066 Inquisitorial Student
Sage Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg082 Keeper of Knowledge


Pilgrim Cost: 0 BM pg057 Religious Wanderer RANK 1 Trooper
Corporeal Sanctification Cost: 100 DH pg043 Raised by the Ordo Malleus (0-499)
Proven Innocent Cost: 100 BJ pg039 Lucky survivor of the Inquisition ↓
The Empty Men of Sinophia Magna Cost: 100 IH pg028 Witnessed too much RANK 2 Enforcer
The Red Vaults of Luggnum Cost: 100 IH pg028 Survivor of a murder maze (500-999)
Justice, Not Law Cost: 200 RH pg037 Morally Ambiguous Arbitrator ↓
Penitent Cost: 200 RH pg037 Possesses forsaken knowledge RANK 3 Regulator
Sibellus Scrounger Cost: 200 BJ pg040 Underhive Trader (1000-1999)
The Calixian Pattern Killing Cost: 200 IH pg027 Talented Investigator ↓
Underhive Merchant Cost: 200 BJ pg040 Suppliers RANK 4 Investigator
Daemonic Vanquisher Cost: 300 DH pg044 Defeated a Daemonic Entity (2000-2999)
Enforcer Cost: 300 BJ pg037 Local Lawman ↓
Wyrd Cost: 300 RH pg039 Minor wild psychic power RANK 5 Arbitrator
Fate-Eater Cost: 400 DH pg044 Absorbs Fate from those Killed (3000-4999)
Host-Bound Cost: 400 DH pg044 Psychicly and Daemonically resistant ↙ ↘
Imposter Cost: 400 BJ pg038 Talented Liar RANK 6 Proctor Intelligencer
Untouchable Cost: 400 RH pg038 Anti-Psyker (5000-6999) (5000-6999)
Warp Touched Cost: 400 RH pg038 Corrupted by the Beyond ↓ ↓
Confessor Rank 1+ (0 xp) BM pg060 Enforcers of the Holy Word (7000-9999) (7000-9999)
Cult-stalker Rank 1+ (0 xp) DH pg050 Cult-Hunters ↓ ↓
Warden of the Diviso Immoralis Rank 1+ (0 xp) IH pg084 Cult Hunter RANK 8 Lord Justicar
Cult of the Pure Form Rank 2+ (500 xp) LW pg044 Anti-cybernetic cultists Marshal
Chastener Rank 3+ (1,000 xp) BJ pg042 Punishers of the repentant 12999) (10000-12999)
Saboteur Rank 3+ (1,000 xp) SDS pg008 Demolitionists ↘ ↙
Agent of Reliquary 26 Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) DH pg046 Inquisitorial Relic Hunters RANK 9 ASCENSION
Agents of the Lords Dragon Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) LW pg034 Hunters of Tech-Heresies (13,000+)
Infil-traitor Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) SDS pg006 Unknowing Sleeper-Agent
Legate Investigator Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) IH pg064 Inquisitor for a day
Ordo Sicarius Initiate Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) DH pg054 Assassin-Acolytes
Sin-Eater Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) RH pg058 Member of the Oblationists/Attoning for others
Malfian Bloodsworn Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) IH pg066 Bounty Hunters
Mortiurge Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) RH pg054 Solo Executioners of the Imperial Justice
Suffering Marshal Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) BJ pg052 Iocanthian Wandering Lawman
Tyrantine Shadow Agent Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) IH pg082 Spy and Secret Agent of the Tyrantine Cabal
Slate-Agent Rank 6+ (6,000 xp) BJ pg050 Infiltration Operatives
Warp Dabbler Rank 6+ (6,000 xp) RH pg062 Hedge Sorcerer
Crusader Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg050 Slayer of the Inquisitors enemies
Inquisitor Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg094 Ultimate Authority
Interrogator Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg066 Inquisitorial Student
Judge Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg070 Imperial Authority


Pilgrim Cost: 0 BM pg057 Religious Wanderer RANK 1 Sell-Steel
Corporeal Sanctification Cost: 100 DH pg043 Raised by the Ordo Malleus (0-499)
Proven Innocent Cost: 100 BJ pg039 Lucky survivor of the Inquisition ↓
Sons of Dispater Cost: 100 IH pg031 In it for the money RANK 2 Shadesman
Colf Trader Cost: 200 BJ pg036 Trader in Xenos Artifacts (500-999)
Hive Gang Member Cost: 200 BJ pg038 Multi-talented Ganger ↓
Penitent Cost: 200 RH pg037 Possesses forsaken knowledge RANK 3 Nighthawk
The Astral Knives Cost: 200 IH pg030 Member of a proscribed death cult (1000-1999)
Daemonic Vanquisher Cost: 300 DH pg044 Defeated a Daemonic Entity ↓
Enforcer Cost: 300 BJ pg037 Local Lawman RANK 4 Secluse
The Moritat Cost: 300 IH pg031 Purity of a sharp edge (2000-2999)
Wyrd Cost: 300 RH pg039 Minor wild psychic power ↓
Fate-Eater Cost: 400 DH pg044 Absorbs Fate from those Killed RANK 5 Assassin
Host-Bound Cost: 400 DH pg044 Psychicly and Daemonically resistant (3000-4999)
Imposter Cost: 400 BJ pg038 Talented Liar ↙ ↘
Untouchable Cost: 400 RH pg038 Anti-Psyker RANK 6 Death Adept Freeblade
Warp Touched Cost: 400 RH pg038 Corrupted by the Beyond (5000-6999) (5000-6999)
Meallican Gunslinger Rank 1+ (0 xp) IH pg072 Gun Experts RANK 7 Nihilator Assassin at
Redemptionist Rank 1+ (0 xp) BM pg064 Zealous Hatred Marque
Cult of the Pure Form Rank 2+ (500 xp) LW pg044 Anti-cybernetic cultists (7000-9999) (7000-9999)
Chastener Rank 3+ (1,000 xp) BJ pg042 Punishers of the repentant ↓ ↓
Saboteur Rank 3+ (1,000 xp) SDS pg008 Demolitionists RANK 8 Imperator- Assassin
Agent of Reliquary 26 Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) DH pg046 Inquisitorial Relic Hunters Mortis Palatine
Agents of the Lords Dragon Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) LW pg034 Hunters of Tech-Heresies 12999) (10000-12999)
Infil-traitor Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) SDS pg006 Unknowing Sleeper-Agent ↘ ↙
Ordo Sicarius Initiate Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) DH pg054 Assassin-Acolytes RANK 9 ASCENSION
Sin-Eater Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) RH pg058 Member of the Oblationists/Attoning for others (13,000+)
Malfian Bloodsworn Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) IH pg066 Bounty Hunters
Maltek Stalker Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) RH pg052 Cybernetically Enhanced Killer
Suffering Marshal Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) BJ pg052 Iocanthian Wandering Lawman
Tyrantine Shadow Agent Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) IH pg082 Spy and Secret Agent of the Tyrantine Cabal
Slate-Agent Rank 6+ (6,000 xp) BJ pg050 Infiltration Operatives
Warp Dabbler Rank 6+ (6,000 xp) RH pg062 Hedge Sorcerer
Moritat Reaper Rank 6+: Death Adept (6,000 xp) IH pg074 Whirling Dervishes
Crusader Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg050 Slayer of the Inquisitors enemies
Death Cult Assassin Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg054 Cult Taught Killer
Inquisitor Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg094 Ultimate Authority
Interrogator Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg066 Inquisitorial Student
Storm Trooper Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg086 Spec Ops Soldier
Vindicare Assassin Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg090 Temple Sniper


Pilgrim Cost: 0 BM pg057 Religious Wanderer RANK 1 Novice
Blessed Birth Cost: 100 BM pg056 Born on a Holy Day (0-499)
Corporeal Sanctification Cost: 100 DH pg043 Raised by the Ordo Malleus ↓
Mendicantine Missionary Cost: 100 IH pg032 Travelling Preachers RANK 2 Initiate
Proven Innocent Cost: 100 BJ pg039 Lucky survivor of the Inquisition (500-999)
Colf Trader Cost: 200 BJ pg036 Trader in Xenos Artifacts ↓
Heretical Sect Cost: 200 RH pg036 Keeper of Forbidden traditions RANK 3 Priest
Penitent Cost: 200 RH pg037 Possesses forsaken knowledge (1000-1999)
Redemptionist Firebrand Cost: 200 IH pg032 Extreminate Sin through Flame ↓
The Great Chantries of Tarsus Cost: 200 IH pg032 Politically minded cleric RANK 4 Preacher
Underhive Merchant Cost: 200 BJ pg040 Suppliers (2000-2999)
Daemonic Vanquisher Cost: 300 DH pg044 Defeated a Daemonic Entity ↓
Wyrd Cost: 300 RH pg039 Minor wild psychic power RANK 5 Cleric
Fate-Eater Cost: 400 DH pg044 Absorbs Fate from those Killed (3000-4999)
Host-Bound Cost: 400 DH pg044 Psychicly and Daemonically resistant ↙ ↘
Imposter Cost: 400 BJ pg038 Talented Liar RANK 6 Confessor Exorcist
Untouchable Cost: 400 RH pg038 Anti-Psyker (5000-6999) (5000-6999)
Warp Touched Cost: 400 RH pg038 Corrupted by the Beyond ↓ ↓
Banisher Rank 1+ (0 xp) DH pg048 Daemon Eradicators (7000-9999) (7000-9999)
Confessor Rank 1+ (0 xp) BM pg060 Enforcers of the Holy Word ↓ ↓
Frateris Militia Rank 1+ (0 xp) BM pg062 Faith Fueled Warrior RANK 8 Hierophant Redemptionist
Redemptionist Rank 1+ (0 xp) BM pg064 Zealous Hatred 12999) (10000-12999)
Sister Famulous/Sister of the Order Sabine Rank 1+ (0 xp) BM pg094 Watcher of the Nobility/Court Advisors to forgotten worlds ↘ ↙
Cult of the Pure Form Rank 2+ (500 xp) LW pg044 Anti-cybernetic cultists RANK 9 ASCENSION
Demagogue Rank 3+ (1,000 xp) SDS pg004 Insitgators of (often bloody) change (13,000+)
Saboteur Rank 3+ (1,000 xp) SDS pg008 Demolitionists
Agent of Reliquary 26 Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) DH pg046 Inquisitorial Relic Hunters
Black Priest of Maccabeus Quintis Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) IH pg054 Grim Daemon hunting militant-priests
Infil-traitor Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) SDS pg006 Unknowing Sleeper-Agent
Legate Investigator Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) IH pg064 Inquisitor for a day
Ordo Sicarius Initiate Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) DH pg054 Assassin-Acolytes
Calixian Witchfinder Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) BM pg070 Suffer Not The Witch
Daemonym Seeker Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) DH pg052 Daemon Name Hunters
Forsaken Priest Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) RH pg042 Practitioner of the Arcane
Tyrantine Shadow Agent Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) IH pg082 Spy and Secret Agent of the Tyrantine Cabal
Slate-Agent Rank 6+ (6,000 xp) BJ pg050 Infiltration Operatives
Warp Dabbler Rank 6+ (6,000 xp) RH pg062 Hedge Sorcerer
Arch Exorcist Rank 7+ (8,000xp) BM pg066 Smite the Demon
Crusader Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg050 Slayer of the Inquisitors enemies
Hierophant Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg062 Favoured servant of the God-Emperor
Inquisitor Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg094 Ultimate Authority
Interrogator Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg066 Inquisitorial Student


Pilgrim Cost: 0 BM pg057 Religious Wanderer RANK 1 Conscript
Corporeal Sanctification Cost: 100 DH pg043 Raised by the Ordo Malleus (0-499)
Proven Innocent Cost: 100 BJ pg039 Lucky survivor of the Inquisition ↓
Tranch War Veteran Cost: 100 IH pg034 Intolerant Muscle RANK 2 Guard
Hive Gang Member Cost: 200 BJ pg038 Multi-talented Ganger (500-999)
Penitent Cost: 200 RH pg037 Possesses forsaken knowledge ↓
Sibellus Scrounger Cost: 200 BJ pg040 Underhive Trader RANK 3 Armsman
Soldier of the Margin Crusade Cost: 200 IH pg034 Scarred Veteran (1000-1999)
Underhive Merchant Cost: 200 BJ pg040 Suppliers ↓
Daemonic Vanquisher Cost: 300 DH pg044 Defeated a Daemonic Entity RANK 4 Sergeant
The Mara Landing Massacre Cost: 300 IH pg034 Unhinged Survivor (2000-2999)
Witness to the Divine Cost: 300 BM pg058 Holy Powers ↓
Wyrd Cost: 300 RH pg039 Minor wild psychic power RANK 5 Veteran
Fate-Eater Cost: 400 DH pg044 Absorbs Fate from those Killed (3000-4999)
Host-Bound Cost: 400 DH pg044 Psychicly and Daemonically resistant ↙ ↓ ↘
Imposter Cost: 400 BJ pg038 Talented Liar RANK 6 Assault Lieutenant Scout
Untouchable Cost: 400 RH pg038 Anti-Psyker Veteran
Warp Touched Cost: 400 RH pg038 Corrupted by the Beyond (5000-6999) (5000-6999) (5000-6999)
Crimson Guardsman Rank 1 (0 xp) LW pg038 Mechanicus Forge Warrior RANK 7 Shock Captain Marksman
Penal Legionnaire Rank 1+ (0 xp) RH pg056 Gruff and Tough soldier-criminal Trooper
Cult of the Pure Form Rank 2+ (500 xp) LW pg044 Anti-cybernetic cultists (7000-9999) (7000-9999) (7000-9999)
Chaliced Commissariat Rank 3+ (1,000 xp) IH pg060 Psuedo-Commissar ↓ ↓ ↓
Chastener Rank 3+ (1,000 xp) BJ pg042 Punishers of the repentant RANK 8 Storm Commander Sniper
Feral Warrior Rank 3+ (1,000 xp) IH pg062 Independent Warrior Trooper
(10000- (10000-
Saboteur Rank 3+ (1,000 xp) SDS pg008 Demolitionists 12999) 12999) (10000-12999)
Agent of Reliquary 26 Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) DH pg046 Inquisitorial Relic Hunters ↘ ↓ ↙
Infil-traitor Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) SDS pg006 Unknowing Sleeper-Agent RANK 9 ASCENSION
Legate Investigator Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) IH pg064 Inquisitor for a day (13,000+)
Ordo Sicarius Initiate Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) DH pg054 Assassin-Acolytes
Sin-Eater Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) RH pg058 Member of the Oblationists/Attoning for others
Drill Abbot Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) BM pg069 The forge of Orphans
Malfian Bloodsworn Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) IH pg066 Bounty Hunters
Pyroclast Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) DH pg056 Purge the Daemon with fire
Suffering Marshal Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) BJ pg052 Iocanthian Wandering Lawman
Tyrantine Shadow Agent Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) IH pg082 Spy and Secret Agent of the Tyrantine Cabal
Slate-Agent Rank 6+ (6,000 xp) BJ pg050 Infiltration Operatives
Warp Dabbler Rank 6+ (6,000 xp) RH pg062 Hedge Sorcerer
Crusader Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg050 Slayer of the Inquisitors enemies
Inquisitor Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg094 Ultimate Authority
Interrogator Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg066 Inquisitorial Student
Storm Trooper Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg086 Spec Ops Soldier
Vindicare Assassin Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg090 Temple Sniper

Pilgrim Cost: 0 BM pg057 Religious Wanderer RANK 1 Sanctionite
Corporeal Sanctification Cost: 100 DH pg043 Raised by the Ordo Malleus (0-499)
Proven Innocent Cost: 100 BJ pg039 Lucky survivor of the Inquisition ↓
The Guiding Light of the God-Emperor Cost: 100 IH pg035 Rghteous Psyker RANK 2 Neonate
A Shadow Over Thy Soul Cost: 200 IH pg035 Forbidden Experience (500-999)
Hive Gang Member Cost: 200 BJ pg038 Multi-talented Ganger ↓
Penitent Cost: 200 RH pg037 Possesses forsaken knowledge RANK 3 Aspirant
Daemonic Vanquisher Cost: 300 DH pg044 Defeated a Daemonic Entity (1000-1999)
Living Nightmare Cost: 300 IH pg035 Closed Mind ↙ ↘
Fate-Eater Cost: 400 DH pg044 Absorbs Fate from those Killed RANK 4 Savant Scholar
Imposter Cost: 400 BJ pg038 Talented Liar Militant Materium
Warp Touched Cost: 400 RH pg038 Corrupted by the Beyond (2000-2999) (2000-2999)
Cult of the Pure Form Rank 2+ (500 xp) LW pg044 Anti-cybernetic cultists RANK 5 Savant Scholar
Demagogue Rank 3+ (1,000 xp) SDS pg004 Insitgators of (often bloody) change Warrant Medicae
Saboteur Rank 3+ (1,000 xp) SDS pg008 Demolitionists (3000-4999) (3000-4999)
Agent of Reliquary 26 Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) DH pg046 Inquisitorial Relic Hunters ↓ ↓
Infil-traitor Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) SDS pg006 Unknowing Sleeper-Agent RANK 6 Lieutenat- Scholar
Legate Investigator Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) IH pg064 Inquisitor for a day Savant Arcanum
Ordo Sicarius Initiate Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) DH pg054 Assassin-Acolytes (5000-6999) (5000-6999)
Templar Calix of the Scholastica Psykana Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) IH pg080 Force-Weapon Battle Psykers (aka NOT-Jedi) ↓ ↓
Theomancer Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) DH pg060 Diviner RANK 7 Savant Scholar
Imperial Diviner Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) RH pg048 Sanctioned Divination/Scryer Adjunct Obscuritas
Tainted Psyker Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) RH pg060 Sorcerer-Psyker (7000-9999) (7000-9999)
Tyrantine Shadow Agent Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) IH pg082 Spy and Secret Agent of the Tyrantine Cabal ↓ ↓
Slate-Agent Rank 6+ (6,000 xp) BJ pg050 Infiltration Operatives RANK 8 Preceptor- Scholar
Warp Dabbler Rank 6+ (6,000 xp) RH pg062 Hedge Sorcerer Savant Empyrean
(10000- (10000-
Inquisitor Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg094 Ultimate Authority ↘ ↙
Interrogator Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg066 Inquisitorial Student RANK 9 ASCENSION
Primaris Psyker Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg078 Battle Psyker (13,000+)


Cold Guild Courier Cost: 100 IH pg036 Smuggler RANK 1 Dreg
Corporeal Sanctification Cost: 100 DH pg043 Raised by the Ordo Malleus (0-499)
Proven Innocent Cost: 100 BJ pg039 Lucky survivor of the Inquisition ↓
The Beast Slaver Cost: 100 IH pg036 Hunting Expert RANK 2 Outcast
Colf Trader Cost: 200 BJ pg036 Trader in Xenos Artifacts (500-999)
Hive Gang Member Cost: 200 BJ pg038 Multi-talented Ganger ↓
Penitent Cost: 200 RH pg037 Possesses forsaken knowledge RANK 3 Outlaw
Sibellus Scrounger Cost: 200 BJ pg040 Underhive Trader (1000-1999)
The Brotherhood of Thollos Cost: 200 IH pg037 Professional Muscle ↓
Underhive Merchant Cost: 200 BJ pg040 Suppliers RANK 4 Renegade
Daemonic Vanquisher Cost: 300 DH pg044 Defeated a Daemonic Entity (2000-2999)
Enforcer Cost: 300 BJ pg037 Local Lawman ↓
Kasballica "Noble" Cost: 300 BJ pg039 Crime Baron RANK 5 Rogue
Wyrd Cost: 300 RH pg039 Minor wild psychic power (3000-4999)
Fate-Eater Cost: 400 DH pg044 Absorbs Fate from those Killed ↙ ↘
Host-Bound Cost: 400 DH pg044 Psychicly and Daemonically resistant RANK 6 Cutter Fixer
Imposter Cost: 400 BJ pg038 Talented Liar (5000-6999) (5000-6999)
Untouchable Cost: 400 RH pg038 Anti-Psyker ↓ ↓
Warp Touched Cost: 400 RH pg038 Corrupted by the Beyond RANK 7 Stubjack Shark
ALTERNATE RANKS MINIMUM RANK [17] (7000-9999) (7000-9999)
Lathemaster Rank 1 (0 xp) LW pg047 Genetially modified Mechanicum labourer ↓ ↓
Cult-stalker Rank 1+ (0 xp) DH pg050 Cult-Hunters RANK 8 Gang Lord Charlatan
Frateris Militia Rank 1+ (0 xp) BM pg062 Faith Fueled Warrior 12999) (10000-12999)
Meallican Gunslinger Rank 1+ (0 xp) IH pg072 Gun Experts ↘ ↙
Reclimator Rank 1+ (0 xp) IH pg076 Tech-tinkerer RANK 9 ASCENSION
Cult of the Pure Form Rank 2+ (500 xp) LW pg044 Anti-cybernetic cultists (13,000+)
Demagogue Rank 3+ (1,000 xp) SDS pg004 Insitgators of (often bloody) change
Malifixer Rank 3+ (1,000 xp) BJ pg046 Anti-Arbitrator Criminals
Saboteur Rank 3+ (1,000 xp) SDS pg008 Demolitionists
Agent of Reliquary 26 Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) DH pg046 Inquisitorial Relic Hunters
Infil-traitor Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) SDS pg006 Unknowing Sleeper-Agent
Ordo Sicarius Initiate Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) DH pg054 Assassin-Acolytes
Malfian Bloodsworn Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) IH pg066 Bounty Hunters
Suffering Marshal Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) BJ pg052 Iocanthian Wandering Lawman
Tyrantine Shadow Agent Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) IH pg082 Spy and Secret Agent of the Tyrantine Cabal
Slate-Agent Rank 6+ (6,000 xp) BJ pg050 Infiltration Operatives
Warp Dabbler Rank 6+ (6,000 xp) RH pg062 Hedge Sorcerer
Desperado Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg058 Master of Thieves
Inquisitor Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg094 Ultimate Authority
Interrogator Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg066 Inquisitorial Student


Corporeal Sanctification Cost: 100 DH pg043 Raised by the Ordo Malleus RANK 1 Technographer
Omnissian Apostate Cost: 100 BM pg057 Believer in the God-Emperor (0-499)
Proven Innocent Cost: 100 BJ pg039 Lucky survivor of the Inquisition ↓
The Disciples of Thule Cost: 100 IH pg037 Curious Explorator RANK 2 Mech-Wright
Colf Trader Cost: 200 BJ pg036 Trader in Xenos Artifacts (500-999)
Malygrisian Tech Heresy Cost: 200 IH pg038 Occult Scientist ↓
Penitent Cost: 200 RH pg037 Possesses forsaken knowledge RANK 3 Electro-Priest
Sibellus Scrounger Cost: 200 BJ pg040 Underhive Trader (1000-1999)
Underhive Merchant Cost: 200 BJ pg040 Suppliers ↓
Daemonic Vanquisher Cost: 300 DH pg044 Defeated a Daemonic Entity RANK 4 Engineer
The Divine Light of Sollex Cost: 300 IH pg037 fanatical weapon-mystic (2000-2999)
Fate-Eater Cost: 400 DH pg044 Absorbs Fate from those Killed ↓
Imposter Cost: 400 BJ pg038 Talented Liar RANK 5 Tech-Priest
Untouchable Cost: 400 RH pg038 Anti-Psyker (3000-4999)
Warp Touched Cost: 400 RH pg038 Corrupted by the Beyond ↙ ↘
ALTERNATE RANKS MINIMUM RANK [19] RANK 6 Technomancer Mech-Deacon
Cyber-Mastiff Handler Rank 1+ (0 xp) BJ pg044 Cyberanimal Handler (5000-6999) (5000-6999)
Factor od the Lathes Rank 1+ (0 xp) LW pg046 Mechanicus/Imperium Translators and go-betweens ↓ ↓
Acuitor Mech-Assassin Rank 2+ (500 xp) LW pg030 Mechanicus augmented Assassins RANK 7 Cyber-Seer Omniprophet
Agent of Reliquary 26 Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) DH pg046 Inquisitorial Relic Hunters (7000-9999) (7000-9999)
Agents of the Lords Dragon Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) LW pg034 Hunters of Tech-Heresies ↓ ↓
Bonded Emissary Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) IH pg057 The voice of a powerful patron RANK 8 Magos Magos Errant
Infil-traitor Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) SDS pg006 Unknowing Sleeper-Agent 12999) (10000-12999)
Mechanicus Secutor Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) IH pg068 Warrior-Tech-Priest ↘ ↙
Ordo Sicarius Initiate Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) DH pg054 Assassin-Acolytes RANK 9 ASCENSION
Calixian Malatek Rank 6+ (6,000 xp) LW pg036 Seekers of Forbidden Knowledge (13,000+)
Heretek Savant Rank 6+ (6,000 xp) RH pg044 Master of forbidden lore, cybernetics and exotic weapons
Slate-Agent Rank 6+ (6,000 xp) BJ pg050 Infiltration Operatives
Techcorcist Rank 6+ (6,000 xp) DH pg058 Exorcist of corrupt Machine-Spirits
Magos Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg074 Master of Technology
Sage Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg082 Keeper of Knowledge


Adepta Sororitas New Career IH pg044 A flexible Sororitas career encompassing all divisions RANK 1 Novice Battler Sister 1
Battle Sister New Career BM pg080 A more focued Chamber Militant career progression (0-499) (0-499)
Pilgrim Cost: 0 BM pg057 Religious Wanderer RANK 2 Cantus Battler Sister 2
Blessed Birth Cost: 100 BM pg056 Born on a Holy Day (500-999) (500-999)
Corporeal Sanctification Cost: 100 DH pg043 Raised by the Ordo Malleus ↓ ↓
Proven Innocent Cost: 100 BJ pg039 Lucky survivor of the Inquisition RANK 3 Constantia Battler Sister 3
Penitent Cost: 200 RH pg037 Possesses forsaken knowledge (1000-1999) (1000-1999)
Daemonic Vanquisher Cost: 300 DH pg044 Defeated a Daemonic Entity ↙ ↓ ↘ ↓
Denounced and Condemned Cost: 400 RH pg036 Can see into the true heart of a person and judge them RANK 4 Diologous Hospitaller Militant Battler Sister 4
Fate-Eater Cost: 400 DH pg044 Absorbs Fate from those Killed (2000-2999) (2000-2999) (2000-2999) (2000-2999)
Host-Bound Cost: 400 DH pg044 Psychicly and Daemonically resistant ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
Imposter Cost: 400 BJ pg038 Talented Liar RANK 5 Famula Curia Elohiem Battler Sister 5
Untouchable Cost: 400 RH pg038 Anti-Psyker (3000-4999) (3000-4999) (3000-4999) (3000-4999)
Agent of Reliquary 26 Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) DH pg046 Inquisitorial Relic Hunters RANK 6 Nunciate Almoness Celestian Battler Sister 6
Infil-traitor Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) SDS pg006 Unknowing Sleeper-Agent (5000-6999) (5000-6999) (5000-6999) (5000-6999)
Ordo Sicarius Initiate Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) DH pg054 Assassin-Acolytes ↘ ↓ ↙ ↓
Sister Repentia Rank 4+ (2,000 xp) or CP 40+ BM pg089 Seeking Penance in battle RANK 7 Superior Battler Sister 7
Celestian (Battle Sister Only) Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) BM pg088 Battlefield Veteran (7000-9999) (7000-9999)
Seraphim (Battle Sister Only) Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) BM pg086 Flying Nun ↓ ↓
Sister Oblatia Rank 5+ (3,000 xp) IH pg078 Frenzied Sin-Eaters RANK 8 Legatine Battler Sister 8
Slate-Agent Rank 6+ (6,000 xp) BJ pg050 Infiltration Operatives 12999) (10000-12999)
Crusader Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg050 Slayer of the Inquisitors enemies RANK 9 ASCENSION ASCENSION
Hierophant Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg062 Favoured servant of the God-Emperor (13,000+) (13,000+)
Inquisitor Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg094 Ultimate Authority
Interrogator Rank 9 (13,000 xp) Asc pg066 Inquisitorial Student

Elite Advance/Directives Restrictions/Requierments Cost [22] REF DESC

Carta Extremis Hunter Must have 1 Assassin and an average rank of 5 in the cell Cost: 100 DH pg063 Hunters of rohue Ordo Malleus operatives
Deffered Executions Must have 1 Arbitrator, Cleric or Sororitas in the group Cost: 100 BJ pg057 A Chance to find penance
Hive Gang Must have 1 Sum of member with the Hive Gang background Cost: 100 BJ pg057 Underhive Operations Group
Interdepartmental Co-operation May not have a member of the cell below rank 3 Cost: 100 BJ pg058 Cross-discipline training
Iron Evangelists Must have 1 Cleric or Hive Worlder or Void Born in the group Cost: 100 BM pg074 Armour of Faith
Reliquary Retrieval Strike Team Must have 1 Agent of Reliquary 26 in the cell Cost: 100 DH pg063 Relic retrieval specialists
Scholariate Fatestalkers Must have 1 adept with Scholastic Lore: Legends in the cell Cost: 100 DH pg064 Prophecy Hunters
Cult of the Red Redemption No Psykers, Tech-priest of members of other secret societies Cost: 150 IH pg088 True Believer of Hatred
Sworn Radical Rank 3+, must have been exposed to Radical Doctrine Cost: 150 RH pg065 Ally of a Radical Inquisitorial Faction
Hereticus Retinue Must have 1 Cleric or Sororitas in the group Cost: 200 BM pg073 Training to fight Heretics and Psykers
Ordo Malleus Retinue Must serve an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor Cost: 200 DH pg064 Agents of the Ordo Malleus
Vermin Speaker Psyker Only. Character Creation Only. Cost: 200 CA pg069 Unsanctioned Psyker with survival skills and beastial allies
Firebrands Must have 1 Cleric or Sororitas in the group Cost: 250 BM pg073 Fire Specialists
Sanction Wardens Must have 1 Psyker and one Arbitrator, Assassin or Guardsman Cost: 250 (0 for Psyker) BM pg074 Suffer the Witch
Cistron - Cost: 300 LW pg052 Sleeper agent for the Lords Dragon
Discordant Cannot be taken by those with Implants or Psy Rating Cost: 300 LW pg054 Able to disrupt/shutdown machine-spirits
Task Force Must have 1 Adept or Arbitrator in the cell Cost: 300 BJ pg058 Specialized Operations Training
Mark of the Phaenonite Must swear allegiance to a Phaenonite Inquisitor Cost: 350 RH pg072 Member of the Phaenonite faction
Untouchable Only availible at Character Creation to Non-Psykers Cost: 400 DDG pg028 Variation of the Untouchable Background Package
The Exorcised Must be possessed by a Warp Entity by some means Cost: 500 + RH pg070 Lingering senses and resistances from possession
Agent of the Throne Only human, non-mutant characters can select this package Cost: 600 IS pg104 Common skills for an agent of the Inquisition
Daemon Vessel May not be Untouchable or have a Daemonic Pact Cost: 600 or 400 RH pg066 Possessed by a Daemon that will kill you
Cybernetic Resurrection Must have suffered a dibilitating/mortal wound Cost; 200 or 500 IH pg87 Cybernetically rebuilt person
Nascent Psyker No Psykers or Tech-Priests GM Discretion IH ph089 Burgening Psychic Ability


Cipher Seed - RH pg148 Implant a message in an unsuspecting mind for later delivery
Disintegrating Directive - RH pg148 This message will self destruct in 10… 9… 8…
Distortion - RH pg149 Distort the features/voice of a subject
Endure Flames - DDG pg027 Confures a degree of immunity to fire and flames
Familiar Bond - RH pg149 Create a mental bond with a animal
Haywire - RH pg149 Short circuit mechanical objects for a round
Mutable Features - RH pg149 Alter the perceptions of others to mistake your appearance
Open Wounds - DDG pg027 Reopen wounds to inflict additional damage
Sense Mechanism - RH pg149 Sense the form and location of nearby machinery
Space Slip - DDG pg027 Slip into the warp to translocate a few meters
Suggestion - DDG pg028 You don't need to see my identification
Time Fade - DDG pg028 Vanish from space for several rounds
Trusting Aura - RH pg150 Gain a bonus to interaction tests
Truth-Seeker - RH pg150 Force another to speak only thuths
Twitch - RH pg150 Briefly distract a target
Verminspeaking - CA pg071 See and Hear through the eyes and ears of an animal
Without A Trace - RH pg150 You leave behind no tracks
Bestial Ally - CA pg071 Dominate an animal and turn it into an ally
Seed Mind - DDG pg030 Seed the mind of a person you touch weakening their resolve
Soul Killer - DDG pg030 Strike an enemy with an invisible splinter of psychic force
Zone of Compulsion - DDG pg030 Emitted a wave of energy carrying a single command
Agony - DDG pg029 Inflict debilitating agony on another
Drain Vigour - DDG pg029 Sap the life from a target to inhibit or kill
Flesh Like Iron - DDG pg029 Convert your skin to Iron gaining extra Toughness Bonus
Molten Man - DDG pg029 Become a thing of pure heat and flame
Psychokinetic Storm - DDG pg029 Manifest an encircling storm of psychokinetic power
Holocaust of Torment Unique NOT ACQUIRABLE DDG pg127 Inflict unbearble torture to explosive effect
Death's Messenger - DDG pg118 Add a tearing die to the Sorcerers next attack
Mask of Flesh - DDG pg117 Physical alteration of facial features for a short time
Revelation of Truth - DDG pg156 The air fills with daemonic voices inflicting mental trauma
Whispers of the Warp - DDG pg118 Those who hear the whispers become easier to manipulate
Black Channelling - DDG pg130 Enhance the time a Daemon can remain in the mortal realm
Create Door - RH pg170 Create a burning portal that leads through the Warp
Daemon Wrack - DDG pg118 Repell, Ensnare or Command a Daemonic entity
Disease - RH pg171 Inflict a rapid disease that gives rise to a Plaguebearer
Exsanguine - RH pg171 Cause a targets blood to vacate their body
Flail of Skulls - RH pg171 Create a Warp Weapon from the flaming skulls of the fallen
Flaming Word - RH pg171 Flame shoots form the sorcerers mouth
Hellish Blast - DDG pg119 Blast apart an opponent with hellish energy
Immunity - RH pg171 Injest a solid bullet to gain immunity against projectiles
Life Leach - RH pg171 Drain the health of a stunned opponent
Living Weapon - RH pg171 Reforge your flesh into a more physically violent form
Malefic Curse - DDG pg118 Malign energies blight and curse a target
Open - RH pg172 Unseal a portal or disolve a lock
Psy Barrier - RH pg172 Create a mark that is difficult to approach
Storm of Malignancy - DDG pg130 Cause those nearby to become dangerously violent
Summon Object - RH pg172 Summon forth an object from thin air
Time Distortion - DDG pg156 The sorcerer becomes out of phase with reality
Transfix - RH pg172 Cause horrible hallucinations for a target
Wall of Souls - RH pg172 Summon a madening wall of aetheric faces
Warp Corruption - RH pg172 Corrupt the souls of those close at hand
Warp Lightning - RH pg172 Rain lightning down on a cluster of foes
Warp Tongue - RH pg173 Trick a daemonic entity to to follow your commands
Warp Vigour - RH pg173 Enhance the fortitude, strenght and wounds of a target
Bolt of Tzeentch - DH pg101 Manifest a beam of solid swirling vapourizing force
Boon of Mutation - DH pg101 Inflict toughness damage to create Chaos Spawn
Warp Fire - DH pg101 Summon a torrent of burning Chaos Fire
Lightning Arc - ASC pg128 Launch a flurry of electric bolts of energy
Lightning Field Cost: 1000 ASC pg128 Surrounds the psyker with energy to damage those nearby
Lightning Storm Cost: 1000 ASC pg128 Target an explosive bust of lightning
Malleus Hammerhand - ASC pg129 Turns hands into destructive Impact weapons
Enrage Cost: 1000 ASC pg129 Goads an enemy to attack the psyker bare-handed
Bloodboil Cost: 2000 ASC pg129 Causes the blood of an enemy to boil painfully
My Will, Known - ASC pg129 Gain a sense of the minds in an area for tactical advantages
My Will, Obeyed Cost: 600 ASC pg130 Possess a target and use them as a puppet
My Will, Manifest Cost: 1200 ASC pg130 Assume an etheral psychic form
Flameshroud - ASC pg130 Swathes the Psyker in fire to assist his use of other abilities
Conflaguration Cost: 1000 ASC pg131 Blanket an area with Hot Ash and Cinder
Inferno Cost: 1500 ASC pg131 The Psyker errupts in an expanding wave of fire
Banishment - ASC pg131 Break the connection between a Daemon and the Real World
Sanctuary Cost: 500 ASC pg131 Turns aside the attacks of those with lesser willpower
Word of the Emperer Cost: 1000 ASC pg132 Crush the mind of the unbeliever with your Will
His Will Be Done - ASC pg132 Incite allies to perform an additional attack
Hammer of Witches Cost: 1000 ASC pg132 Cause another psyker to make a Perils roll
Pugatus Cost: 1000 ASC pg132 Drain the Willpower of those gazed upon
Lift - ASC pg133 Seize and uproot things with telekinetic force
Barrier Cost: 500 ASC pg133 Become immune to SP and Primitive projectiles
Tempest Cost: 1000 ASC pg133 Summons a vortex of wind and debris to surround the Psyker
Precognition - ASC pg134 Glimpse the future to mitigate the chance of failure
Stasis Shell Cost: 1000 ASC pg134 Trap a small area in a bubble of static time
Warp Time Cost:1500 ASC pg134 Spped or Slow time within an area
[1] Indicates XP Cost requiered to take this Homeworld. Suntract from starting EXP

[2] Does Not include Grey Knight Careers which can be found in Daemon Hunter pg108+

[3] These alternate levels alter the Exp progression to be in line with Rogue Trader and other later

[4] Indicates XP Cost requiermentto buy this Package Usually paid at Character Creation

[5] Indicates the minimum rank (Minimum Experience) that this will replace.
If the Alternate EXP progression from Ascension is used the requierment for an Alternate Career Rank
is the Rank # not the xp indicated

[6] Indicates XP Cost requiermentto buy this Package Usually paid at Character Creation

[7] Indicates the minimum rank (Minimum Experience) that this will replace.
If the Alternate EXP progression from Ascension is used the requierment for an Alternate Career Rank
is the Rank # not the xp indicated

[8] Indicates XP Cost requiermentto buy this Package Usually paid at Character Creation

[9] Indicates the minimum rank (Minimum Experience) that this will replace.
If the Alternate EXP progression from Ascension is used the requierment for an Alternate Career Rank
is the Rank # not the xp indicated

[10] Indicates XP Cost requiermentto buy this Package Usually paid at Character Creation

[11] Indicates the minimum rank (Minimum Experience) that this will replace.
If the Alternate EXP progression from Ascension is used the requierment for an Alternate Career Rank
is the Rank # not the xp indicated

[12] Indicates XP Cost requiermentto buy this Package Usually paid at Character Creation

[13] Indicates the minimum rank (Minimum Experience) that this will replace.
If the Alternate EXP progression from Ascension is used the requierment for an Alternate Career Rank
is the Rank # not the xp indicated

[14] Indicates XP Cost requiermentto buy this Package Usually paid at Character Creation

[15] Indicates the minimum rank (Minimum Experience) that this will replace.
If the Alternate EXP progression from Ascension is used the requierment for an Alternate Career Rank
is the Rank # not the xp indicated

[16] Indicates XP Cost requiermentto buy this Package Usually paid at Character Creation

[17] Indicates the minimum rank (Minimum Experience) that this will replace.
If the Alternate EXP progression from Ascension is used the requierment for an Alternate Career Rank
is the Rank # not the xp indicated

[18] Indicates XP Cost requiermentto buy this Package Usually paid at Character Creation

[19] Indicates the minimum rank (Minimum Experience) that this will replace.
If the Alternate EXP progression from Ascension is used the requierment for an Alternate Career Rank
is the Rank # not the xp indicated

[20] Indicates XP Cost requiermentto buy this Package Usually paid at Character Creation

[21] Indicates the minimum rank (Minimum Experience) that this will replace.
If the Alternate EXP progression from Ascension is used the requierment for an Alternate Career Rank
is the Rank # not the xp indicated
[22] Indicates the cost of the Elite Advance which must be paid.

[23] Does not include any powers found in the Core Rulebook or any Grey Knight Psychic Powers
which can be found in Daemon Hunter pg108+

[24] Indicates the Cost in Experience requiered to buy these Psychic Powers

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