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Application of stains in clinical microbiology

BM Madison
Public Health Program Practice Of® ce, Division of Laboratory Systems, Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

Submitted November 9, 2000; accepted November 21, 2000

Biotech Histochem Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by Le Moyne College on 11/13/14

Stains have been used for diagnosing infectious diseases since the late 1800s. The Gram stain
remains the most commonly used stain because it detects and differentiates a wide range of
pathogens. The next most commonly used diagnostic technique is acid-fast staining that is used
primarily to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis and other severe infections. Many infectious agents
grow slowly on culture media or may not grow at all; stains may be the only method to detect
these organisms in clinical specimens. In the hands of experienced clinical microscopists, stains
provide rapid and cost-effective information for preliminary diagnosis of infectious diseases. A
review of the most common staining methods used in the clinical microbiology laboratory is
presented here.
For personal use only.

Key words: acid-fast stain, ¯uorochrome stain, Gram stain

Gram stain in diagnostic microbiology (Washington 1986). Because of the impact that the
Gram stain has made on diagnosis, treatment
After more than 100 years, the Gram stain remains regimens and infection control issues, it is critical
the most rapid and cost-effective diagnostic tool in that the clinical microbiology laboratory provide
the clinical microbiology laboratory (Popescu and accurate and relevant results. Specimen quality can
Doyle 1996). It is used to detect bacteria and to be evaluated from Gram stain results by differen-
classify them as either Gram positive or Gram tiating the number of epithelial and in¯ammatory
negative based on cell wall structure and content. In cells in clinical specimens (Bartlett et al. 1987, Morin
conjunction with patient history and other labora- et al. 1992). For example, a sputum specimen with
tory tests, the Gram stain is the preliminary numerous epithelial cells and few or no white blood
determinant for diagnosing many serious infectious cells is judged to be saliva and generally should not
disease processes. The presence or absence of be cultured. The Gram stain is a cost-effective tool
bacteria, Gram stain reaction, and other microscopic used to screen clinical specimens and aids in
characteristics are used to select the procedures that selecting those that will provide the most clinically
will be used for de®nitive identi®cation of organ- relevant culture results.
isms and speci®c antibiotic test panels. For many
infectious diseases, the Gram stain is the basis
for surveillance and infection control decisions The Gram stain: a simple procedure and a
challenge to interpret

Address for correspondence: Bereneice M. Madison, Ph.D., The Gram stain procedure is straightforward,
Senior Staff Fellow, Centers for Disease Control and Preven- consisting of a primary stain (crystal violet), a
tion, Public Health Program Practice Of® ce, Division of
mordant (iodine), a decolorizer (alcohol or acetone)
Laboratory Systems, 4770 Buford Highway, NE, MS-G-25,
Atlanta, GA 30341-3724, USA. Phone: ‡1 770-488-8133
and a counterstain, usually safranin. Clinically
ã Biological Stain Commission. relevant smear results depend on collecting a
Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2001, 76(3): 119± 125. quality specimen and selecting a portion of the

clinical material that is most representative of the organisms is dif®cult and tedious, and the Gram
disease process. If the smear is too thick or too thin, stain result is a key to the identi®cation process.
organisms may not be seen. Adequate ®xation of
the clinical specimen on microscope slides is Gram-positive rods
another important aspect for quality smears. Ex-
cessive heat ®xation may cause subsequent distor- When Gram-positive rods were seen on Gram
tion of organism morphology. Decolorization is the stained smears in the past, they were discounted
most critical step in the Gram stain procedure; over- as skin or environmental contaminants. Small
or underdecolorization causes errors in interpreting pleomorphic cells were typically Corynebacterium
Gram stain results (Kruszak-Filipov and Shively spp. or diptheroids. Large Gram-positive rods were
1992). Careful adherence to the staining procedure likely to be a member of Bacillus spp. or Clostridium
is required for accurate results. Accuracy in inter- spp. Small Gram-positive rods are observed more
preting results is highly dependent on the training frequently in specimens from sterile body sites in
skill of the clinical microbiologists. immunocompromised patients. Gram-positive rods
in Gram stain smears often vary in size and shape,
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Old bugs: new faces and new concerns making it unclear whether one or more genera of
organisms are present. Some rods enlarge to the size
New genera of bacteria continue to be identi®ed of fungal hyphae. Gram-positive rods from sterile
from clinical specimens in immunocompetent and body sites can no longer be discounted as skin
immunocompromised hosts. Many bacteria are contaminants or diphtheroids. These organisms
damaged after exposure to antibiotic therapy and easily lose cell wall material and stain Gram-
hostile environments; thus, their morphology and variable or Gram-negative. Although spores rarely
staining characteristics often are atypical. The are seen in clinical specimens, their presence
clinical microbiologist now faces increasing chal- provides some degree of assurance that the organ-
lenges in interpreting Gram stain results. Many ism is Gram-positive rather than Gram-negative. As
For personal use only.

organisms that commonly have been seen in clinical shown in Fig. 1, the spore-forming Bacillus circulans
specimens tend to display atypical microscopic has lost cell wall material and appears as a Gram-
morphological characteristics. negative rod.
Attempts to identify isolates of Gram-positive
Gram-positive cocci rods biochemically are tedious and time-consum-
ing. The clinical microbiologist, however, must
Staphylococci and Streptococci are the most common process each case on an individual basis in
Gram-positive cocci seen on Gram stained smears in consultation with the clinician to determine the
the clinical microbiology laboratory. Typically, relevance of the isolate. The term ``diphtheriod’’
Staphylococci are arranged in grape-like clusters rarely is used in the clinical setting since these
with some single cells and pairs. Streptococci usually organisms may present as frank pathogens in the
are arranged in pairs and chains. Streptococci are immunocompromised host. Aside from the varia-
more typical in microscopic morphology, but tend tion in morphology and Gram stain reactions,
to lose their ability to retain the crystal violet-iodine several new genera of Gram-positive rods have
complex and appear Gram-negative. The difference been classi®ed as opportunistic human pathogens
in the structure and cell wall content of these two (Clarridge and Spiegel 1995). Some examples are
genera frequently is apparent in Gram stains of Brevibacterium spp. and Exigubacterium spp. that are
clinical specimens. The morphological variability part of the indigenous ¯ora of humans. Clinical
in staphylococcal cells on Gram stained smears of microbiologists must determine the true Gram
clinical specimens seems to reveal reactions to reaction of bacilli and give careful attention to
chemotherapeutic agents and colonization pres- both Gram-positive and Gram-negative organisms
sures in their environment. More recently, cells of because of bioterrorism concerns. Gram-negative
staphylococci in smears prepared from blood organisms such as Francisella tularensis and Brucella
cultures reveal large cocci with the appearance of spp. must not be mistaken for overdecolorized
additional deposits of cell wall material resembling small Gram-positive rods.
yeast cells (personal observation). Several new
genera of Gram-positive cocci such as Stomatococcus, Gram-negative cocci
Aerococcus and Abiotrophia spp. are frequently found
as opportunistic agents of infection in immunocom- Gram-negative cocci are seen most often in smears
promised hosts (Ruoff 1999). Identi®cation of these of respiratory and genital specimens. These organ-

120 Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2001, 76(3): 119± 125

isms must be observed carefully to determine the preferred decolorizer for students and less
whether they represent aged or overdecolorized experienced personnel. Acetone is a more rapid
Gram-positive cocci. Close attention to the arrange- decolorizer with a shorter range of reproducibility
ment, size and shape of the organisms often will and is recommended only for experienced person-
provide suf®cient information to differentiate these nel. Faintly staining Gram-negative rods may be
organisms from Gram-positive cocci. Although enhanced by counterstaining with safranin for
most Gram-negative cocci seen in respiratory 1±2 min rather than the usual 30 sec, by adding
specimens are endogeneous microbiota, Branham- 0.05% basic fuchsin to the safranin or by substitut-
mella catarrhalis, previously Neisseria catarrhalis, is ing carbol fuchsin (Kruczak-Filipov and Shively
isolated frequently from infectious processes (Doern 1992).
1986). N. gonorrhoeae is the most common patho- Despite its many modi®cations and uses, the
genic Gram-negative coccus identi®ed in genital Gram stain has limitations. Organisms that lack an
specimens. N. meningiditis frequently colonizes the intact cell wall will not stain. The integrity of the cell
nasopharynx and may disseminate and cause wall of Gram-positive bacteria that are old, dead or
meningitis in children. damaged by antibiotics or other chemotherapeutic
Biotech Histochem Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by Le Moyne College on 11/13/14

agents often are disrupted and do not retain the

Gram-negative rods crystal violet-iodine complex during decolorization,
and appear Gram-variable or Gram-negative.
Gram-negative rods are among the most common Although some yeast, fungal elements and some
organisms seen in Gram stained smears because parasites may be seen, the Gram stain is not the
they are so common in nature. They are agents of a optimal method for determining the presence of
wide range of infections including bacteremia, these organisms in direct smears of clinical speci-
septicemia, and urinary tract, upper and lower mens (Chapin and Murray 1999). The stain is
respiratory tract, and wound infections. Some unable to penetrate easily the cell wall of some
bacteria such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella bacteria (Beveridge et al. 1991).
For personal use only.

peumoniae, Fusobacterium spp., Campylobacter spp.

and others have unique Gram stain morphology
Acridine orange stain
that may be used to provide presumptive diagnostic
clues to clinicians. Experienced microscopists,
Acridine orange is another stain that has proved
however, can only presumptively differentiate
valuable for detecting bacteria in clinical specimens.
P. aeruginosa from members of the Enterobacteria-
At pH 4.0, bacteria stain red-orange while non-
ceae on direct Gram stained smears approximately
bacterial cells such as yeasts, epithelial cells,
80% of the time (Sewell 1987, Bartlett et al. 1985).
polymorphonuclear leukocytes and other clinical
Interestingly, a Gram-negative coccobacillary
material stain yellow-green. Acridine orange is an
organism Acinetobacter anitratus, has been shown
excellent stain for detecting spirochetes such as
to stain Gram-positive and mimic Staphylococci in
Treponema pallidium in touch preps from genital
clinical smears (personal observations). Acineto-
lesions and other body ¯uids.
bacter is distinguished easily from Staphylococci on
Coupled with cytocentrifugation, this stain can
routine culture since it grows well on MacConkey’s
be sensitive for detecting bacteria in cerebrospinal
agar, and Staphylococci are inhibited. These observa-
¯uid. Acridine orange is a ¯uorochrome, and a
tions support the fact that the Gram stain should be
¯uorescence microscope equipped with appropriate
used as an adjunct to culture in clinical situations
®lters must be used to observe stained smears. For
and should not be used alone to identify bacteria.
con®rming the Gram reaction of organisms seen on
acridine orange stained smears, slides may be
Gram stain modiŽ cations
overstained with the Gram stain (Lauer et al. 1981).
Several modi®cations of the Gram stain procedure
have been made since Gram developed the test in Stains for detecting acid-fast
the late 1800s. Hucker’s modi®cation (Hucker 1921) organisms
currently is used in most clinical laboratories and
provides greater reagent stability and better differ- Acid-fast microscopy of sputum smears is the most
entiation of organisms. The choice of the decolorizer cost-effective procedure to screen for infectious
may vary. When 95% ethanol is used, decoloriza- cases of presumed tuberculosis. The causative agent
tion time will be long, intermediate with acetone- of tuberculosis, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, has a
alcohol, fastest with acetone. Use of 95% ethanol is waxy lipid component in its cell wall that prevents

Clinical microbiology stains 121

the organism from being stained easily with most as the primary stain, and Truant’s, which uses a
biological stains. Once stained with a phenol dye combination of both auramine O and rhodamine B.
mixture, however, acid-fast organisms are not Acid-fast organisms stain green with auramine O
decolorized easily with an acid-alcohol mixture. and yellow-gold when auramine O-rhodamine B is
Acid-fast microscopy provides information to de- the primary stain depending on the ®lter system
termine the presence of acid-fast organisms in used with the ¯uorescence microscope. At least
clinical specimens and to support infection control three counterstains can be used with ¯uorochrome
measures that prevent transmission of tuberculosis. staining. Potassium permanganate, a strong oxidiz-
It is useful for helping clinicians initiate treatment ing agent, can be used with both primary stains
and monitor progress of antituberculous drug (Chapin and Murray 1999). It acts as a quenching
therapy. Acid-fast microscopy also serves as a agent, decreasing the background ¯uorescence of
determinant for performing other laboratory tests cellular debris, and the yellow or green acid-fast
such as the nucleic acid ampli®cation tests for organisms can be seen against a dark background.
identifying M. tuberculosis in clinical specimens. Acridine orange can be used as a counterstain with
Other nontuberculous Mycobacterium spp. also stain auramine O. Cellular debris and nonacid-fast
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acid-fast. organisms stain yellow-orange in contrast to the

Three acid-fast staining techniques are com- green acid-fast bacilli (Chapin and Murray 1999).
monly used: Kinyoun, Ziehl-Nielseen and ¯uoro- Erichrome black T also can be used as a counter-
chrome stains (Kent and Kubica 1985). Kinyoun and stain with auramine O-rhodamine B in the TB
Ziehl-Nielseen stained smears are examined by light Fluorostain kit (Polysciences, Inc. 1993). Whereas
microscopy under oil immersion. Acid-fast organ- counterstains enhance the background and provide
isms appear as red bacilli, and epithelial cells and better recognition of acid-fast stained organisms,
other material stain blue when methylene blue is they are not necessary.
used as a counterstain (Fig. 2). Malachite green or Truant’s stain has been reported to provide
brilliant green also may be used as counterstains. increased sensitivity for detecting acid-fast organ-
For personal use only.

Ziehl-Nielsen stain is heated to enable carbol isms when smears are stained at 37 o C. With this
fuchsin to penetrate the cell wall and is known as modi®cation as well as other techniques for acid-
a hot stain. Kinyoun stain has a higher concentra- fast staining, cross-contamination and preventing
tion of fuchsin and phenol and does not require the stain from drying on the slides are important
heat; thus, it is called a cold acid-fast stain concerns (McCarter and Robinson 1994).
(Smithwick 1976). Tergitol, a wetting agent, has Fluorochrome acid-fast microscopy has many
been used to enhance the penetration of carbol advantages over basic fuchsin staining. It provides
fuchsin across the lipid cell wall of acid-fast more sensitivity for detecting smaller numbers of
organisms. acid-fast organisms in clinical specimens. The
Modi®cations of basic fuchsin stains are used to stained smears may be screened at £200 magni®ca-
detect other microorganisms and cell structures. A tion and con®rmed at £400 magni®cation. The
weaker acid, sulfuric rather than hydrochloric, ability to examine ¯uorochrome stained smears at
is used to detect nontuberculous mycobacteria, £200 magni®cation rather than £1000 as required
Nocardia spp., Rhodococcus spp., Tsukamurella spp., for light microscopy decreases reading time and
Gordona spp. and Legionella micdadei, which are turnaround time for reporting acid-fast smear
weakly or partially acid-fast. Some organisms results. Fluorochrome stained smears can be re-
including rapid growing mycobacteria tend to lose stained with a basic fuchsin staining method if
their acid-fast properties with age and require a desired (Ebersole 1992). Fluorochrome stained
weaker acid alcohol decolorization to detect acid- smears lose their ¯uorescence if not read within
fast properties on repeated subculture. Some rapid 24 hr after staining and if not protected from light.
growing mycobacteria and Nocardia spp. have Fluorescent stains such as auramine-rhodamine,
similar colonial and microscopic characteristics such auramine-carbol fuschin, and acridine orange also
as Corynebacterium spp. Modi®ed acid-fast staining can be used as screening techniques for intestinal
is a key test used in the identi®cation scheme of protozoa such as Cryptosprodium parvum, Cyclospora
these bacteria. cayetanensis and Isopora belli. These organisms cause
A rapid and more sensitive method for detecting severe diarrhea in both immunocompromised and
acid-fast bacilli in clinical specimens is the ¯uor- immunocompetent hosts. Oocysts of these parasites
ochrome staining method. Two staining methods may be dif®cult to detect without special staining. A
(Blair 1969, Truant 1962) are used in ¯uorochrome modi®ed acid-fast stain such as Zehl-Nielsen or
acid-fast microscopy, Blair’s stain with auramine O Kinyoun’s is used often to con®rm the presence of

122 Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2001, 76(3): 119± 125

prepared smear before microscopic examination.
KOH is not highly recommended today for detect-
ing fungi in clinical specimens because of the
expertise required to read wet mount preparations
on the light microscope.
Calco¯uor white is recommended for detecting
fungi in clinical specimens and can be used as a wet
mount in combination with KOH (Pasarell and
Schell 1992). Calco¯uor white is a ¯uorescent optical
brightening agent that binds nonspeci®cally to beta-
linked polysaccharide polymers found in fungi and
other organisms. When observed with a ¯uores-
cence microscope equipped with the appropriate
excitation ®lters, fungi ¯uoresce bright green on a
calco¯uor white stain as shown with the yeast
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Fig. 1. Bacillus circulans, a Gram-positive spore form- Candida albicans in Fig. 3. Another advantage of the
ing bacillus that has lost cell wall material and appears calco¯uor white stain over the KOH prep is that
Gram-negative. £400. dried smears can be prepared, stained and exam-
ined later without the problem of drying that is a
concern with KOH preparations. The calco¯uor
these organisms in clinical specimens (Garcia et al.
white stained slides may even be restained after
1999, Long et al. 1991, Shimizu 1992a,b).
several days when ¯uorescence has been quenched.
Calco¯uor white has also been used in a rapid
Stains for detecting fungi and
method to detect Pneumocystis carinii cysts in
parasites in clinical specimens
bronchoalveolar lavage samples. Smears for
For personal use only.

P. carinii may be scanned at £40 and con®rmed at

Potassium hydroxide (10±15% KOH) traditionally
£1000. These organisms are seen frequently in
was used to observe fungi in clinical specimens by
patients with acquired immune de®ciency syn-
some experienced microscopists. It dissolves mucus
drome (AIDS) and must be distinguished from
and debris in clinical material, permitting easier
yeast cells of Histoplasma and Candida spp. Calco-
observation of fungi that may be present in clinical
¯uor white has been reported to have advantages
specimens. Enhanced clearing of the clinical
over the Gomori methenamine silver and toluidine
material has been achieved by heating the KOH
blue stains because it is a more rapid and cost-
effective method for detecting P. carinii (Baselski et
al. 1990, Stratton et al. 1991). Experience in
recognizing the morphology of the highly charac-

Fig. 2. Acid-fast bacilli appear red with Kinyoun and

Ziehl-Nielsen’s basic fuchsin stains. Epithelial cells and
other background material appear blue when methy-
lene blue is used as the counterstain. £400 (Acid-fast Fig. 3. Candida albicans ¯ uoresces bright green with
organisms are observed best at £1000 under oil calco¯ uor white stain when observed by ¯ uorescence
immersion). microscopy. £400.

Clinical microbiology stains 123

teristic double parenthesis structure of Peumocystis scopic examination of a permanent stained smear of
carinni is very important. stool or other appropriate clinical specimen. The
India ink staining is another procedure that has most commonly used stain for detecting ova and
been used primarily for detecting the presence of parasites in fecal specimens is a modi®cation of
capsule producing organisms, such as Cryptococcus Gormori’s original tissue stain trichrome technique
neoformans, in cerebrospinal ¯uid (McGinnis and of Wheatly. The trichrome stain is a rapid, simple
Schell 1992). The appropriate mixture of India ink procedure that produces uniformly well stained
and clinical specimen for optimal visualization of smears of intestinal protozoa, human cells, yeast
fungi and the ability to distinguish red and white cells, and artifactual material in approximately
blood cells from nonbudding yeast cells in clinical 45 min or less (Chapin and Murray 1999, Wheatley
specimens are challenges for many inexperienced 1951).
microscopists. The calco¯uor white stain works
especially well for observation of fungi in cere- Summary
brospinal ¯uid and has replaced the use of India ink
in many laboratory settings. In addition, the much Microscopic examination of stained smears in the
Biotech Histochem Downloaded from informahealthcare.com by Le Moyne College on 11/13/14

more sensitive and speci®c antigen detection test for clinical microbiology laboratory still provides the
the capsular polysaccharide of Cryptococcus neofor- most cost-effective method of detecting many
mans is now commonly used because C. neoformans pathogens and judging specimen quality despite
antigen is often found in spinal ¯uid and blood the development of rapid detection systems and
specimens of HIV infected patients. molecular diagnostic probes. The stains used in
Grocott-Gomori’s methenamine-silver stain once clinical microbiology are relatively simple to per-
was used commonly in the microbiology laboratory form, but the complexity of the procedures resides
for observing fungi in clinical specimens (Woods in microscopic examination, differentiating speci®c
and Walker 1996). Because of the expertise required organisms, evaluating the staining reactions, and
for maintaining optimal staining results of this time- determining the signi®cance of what is detected by
For personal use only.

consuming method, many microbiologists use the microscopist. These issues are easier for the
calco¯uor white for rapid detection of fungi. clinical microbiologist with microscopy experience
Gomori methenamine-silver is still used routinely and knowledge of the various disease entities
in histology laboratories for pathological examina- (Chapin 1995).
tion of tissue and other clinical specimens.
Wright-Giemsa stain is used for examining
clinical specimens for fungi, particularly the intra- Acknowledgments
cellular yeast form of Histoplasma capsulatum in
blood and tissue specimens (Chapin and Murray Special thanks to Drs. Ron Doyle and Beverly
1999, Woods and Walker 1996). Histoplasma and Metchock for reviewing the manuscript. Photo-
other fungi are seen more commonly in clinical graphs from Public Health Image Library, Centers
specimens of patients with human immunode®- for Disease Control and Prevention.
ciency viral infection. Specimens with Histoplasma
are seen in both the microbiology and hematology References
Wright-Giemsa stain is the primary method for Bartlett JG, Ryan KJ, Smith TF, Wilson WR (1987)
detecting and identifying Plasmodium spp., the Cumitech 7A, Laboratory Diagnosis of Lower Respiratory
causative agents of malaria as well as for other Tract Infections. Washington JA II, Ed. American Society
for Microbiology, Washington, DC. p. 9.
blood and tissue parasites such as Leishmania
Bartlett RC, Mazens MF, Testa MA (1985) Differentiation
donovani, Trypansoma spp., Babesia microti and of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Enterobacteriaceae in direct
micro®lariae (Garcia and Bruckner 1988). These smears based on measurements by scanning electron
parasites are observed on both thick and thin microscopy. Diagn. Microbiol. Infect. Dis. 3: 143±147.
smears from whole blood or buffy coat smears. Baselski VS, Robin MK, Pifer L, Woods DR (1990)
Such organisms are seen most often in pro®ciency Rapid detection of Pneumocystis carinii in bronchoalveolar
panels and only frequently enough in clinical lavage samples by using cellu¯uor staining. J. Clin.
Microbiol. 28: 393±394.
specimens to encourage efforts to maintain compe-
Beveridge TJ, Sprott GD, Whipley P (1991) Ultra-
tency. structure, inferred porosity, and Gram staining character
Examination for intestinal protozoa is requested of Methanosprillium hungatei ®lament describe a unique
routinely in the clinical microbiology laboratory. cell permeability for this archanobacterium. J. Bacteriol.
Con®rmatory identi®cation is performed by micro- 173: 130±140.

124 Biotechnic & Histochemistry 2001, 76(3): 119± 125

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Clinical microbiology stains 125

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