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The Extraordinary
Ormus Benefits for
your Health and Mind

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11/23/23, 1:03 AM The Extraordinary Ormus Benefits for your Health and Mind

Key Takeaways
ORMUS is a name for the group of minerals that make up
what has been called the “elements of life.” They are small,
loosely bound, held in a liquid form, easily absorbed and highly
bio-available to the cells in all living things. This makes them
perfect for re-mineralization.
In essence, Ormus is a product of Modern day alchemy, where
alloys in their natural condition are transmuted into a
different elevated state (M State). In this state it has the ability
to transform people at the physical, emotional, mental and
spiritual levels. This is why the ancient alchemists knew it to be
the elixir of life.
It helps to normalize the biophotonic behavior within cells and
initiate a condition of quantum coherence. In this state,
intercellular communication is optimized, which allows the
body to heal itself.

Ormus Supplement
Have you ever heard of Ormus? It is a mysterious alchemical elixir
made from essential minerals that have been depleted from our diets
due to environmental degradation, modern agricultural techniques
and contemporary dietary practices.

However, it would overly simplsitic to characterise it as purely a

beneficial supplement and to think of more like the cutting edge of

This all-encompassing supplement has the capacity to deliver

physical, emotional, mental and spiritual advantages; when dissolved
into its monatomic state, it can bring about an array of positive
changes in your life. From improving your immune system to

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providing emotional peace, mental clarity and spiritual wellness – this

so-called ‘one-of-a-kind’ elixir can truly be transformative!

This unique blend of essential nutrients has been referred to as ‘the

key to unlock inner freedom’, as it works on all planes of life to
promote wellbeing, healing, and overall wellness. With the help of
ormus, you may find yourself one step closer to achieving true

So why not take some time to discover the amazing benefits of Ormus

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What is Ormus
The mysterious substance known as ormus has been stirring up quite
a bit of intrigue in the scientific community. Discovered by Arizona
farmer David Hudson in the late 1970s, what started off as an
observance of strange materials (white powder) during gold mining
on his land soon turned into a phenomenon that could be explained
using modern physics concepts such as superconductivity, quantum
coherence and Bose-Einstein condensates [1].

These alchemical materials are referred to as ORMEs (Orbitally

Rearranged Monoatomic Elements), monoatomic gold, white gold,
white powder gold, ORMUS, AuM, microclusters, and manna. [2]

The periodic table Platinum Group transition metals (ruthenium,

Rhodium, Palladium, Osmium, Iridium and Gold) that exist in Ormus
Gold possess a unique atomic structure; making these Platinum
Group alloys prime candidates to undergo an alchemical process;
which enables them to drop into an m-state. Dubbed ORMUS or m
state materials, these rare precious metal elements are believed to
exist in an alternate atomic condition.

Hudson’s research discovered that this substance existed in

spectroscopically “invisible” non-metallic form high-spin conditions,
making them much more abundant than their metallic counterparts
– possibly up to 10,000 times more so!

Not only do they appear abundantly in seawater, but they also seem
to be present in most rock, plants, animals, fresh water and in the air.
They are particularly prevalent in aloe vera plants in certain rich
volcanic soil, although at a fraction of the concentrations in Ormus.
What’s even more remarkable, however, is its ability to initiate and
maintain a state of quantum coherence in water and biological
structures containing water, meaning changes to one molecule will
instantly transfer to all the molecules in any living entity.

But the possibilities don’t stop there! Scientists have proposed that if
an atom of this substance was infinitely dense, it may possess the
power to transduce energy and communicate information
instantaneously throughout its network. This phenomenon called
‘quantum coherence’ has already been observed in nature and
appears to play a part in how organisms function as whole.

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If the ORMUS elements can indeed provide cells with improved

communication and maintain higher energy quantities, then the
implications for bodily well-being and well-being could potentially be

By reaching a certain concentration, all of the other elements of the

biological processes become significantly enhanced.

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How does ormus work?

Unlike other minerals, Ormus is composed of single elements in a

high-spin form, making it highly bioavailable and beneficial.

Quantum coherence is thought to be responsible for its

superconductive properties, which have been linked to various
healing and regenerative effects. [3]

At the core of this extraordinary capability lies the concept of

quantum coherence: where energy states of particles become
synchronized and in phase.

Bose-Einstein Condensates (BECs) then form, which enables a

lightning fast transfer of energy, far beyond conventional methods of
exchanging energy (as light rather than nerve impulses).

Quantum biology also has its part to play, providing insight into the
effects of Ormus.

According to this view, life’s holistic properties can only be accounted

for through quantum coherence. In other words, biological molecules’
seemingly random activity (as per classical thermodynamics) is
actually coordinated by the same principles that govern lasers. [4]

Quantum coherence explains processes such as energy production

and DNA repair/regeneration, as well as how cells communicate
constantly and our biological systems respond quickly to stimuli.

Ultimately, it vastly improves intercellular communication and leads to

greater health and wellness.

The combination of Ormus materials, BECs and quantum coherence

unlocks the capacity of quantum science to truly revolutionize how we
understand, treat and think about human biology. Acting like a
resonant antenna, picking up energy from the implicate order and
bringing it into the body to recharge cells,

Ormus provides the medium for quantum coherence to occur,

allowing instant information transfer throughout the network – all
pieces coming together like a jigsaw puzzle.

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The Health Benefits of Atomic Ormus

Gold Minerals

What does Ormus do?

A body that is lacking in essential mineral nutrients can be made to

become more vital if it is given Ormus minerals. The advantages of
ormus are not just isolated to the body.

A vitalized mind is also capable of changing its condition; it can

improve your attitude, shift your interpretations, and even reach a
transcendental state, where you feel joyful and comfortable as a
result of having a high tolerance for stress.

Additionally, it has been utilized to overcome various addictions such

as alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, nicotine and sugar cravings. Ormus deep
sea water minerals aids biological tasks in a multitude of ways and you
can learn more about the significance of ormus by reading about the
more specific applications listed below.

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Rejuvenating Deep Sleep

Elixir of Life deep sea monatomic minerals support pineal gland
function. This pineal gland regulates Melatonin, known for regulating
sleep patterns and Circadian rhythms. Low Melatonin counts are
prevalent in modern society because of the blue light emitted by
electronic instruments.

According to Harvard Health research, disrupted sleeping habits

might contribute to a slew of difficulties, including diabetes, obesity,
depression, and other mental disorders.

Consumption of this substance doesn’t just lead to better sleep.

Melatonin production will begin to normalise, allowing your brain to
return to a state of neurochemical symmetry and, as a result, your
overall emotional moods will be elevated.

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You will also feel greater amounts of energy and be able to deal with
stress more effectively. Finally, Alchemists historically were aware that
activating this Gland has a significant anti-ageing impact on the
anatomy of humans.

Removal of Toxins
The things we eat are not as nutritious as they once were.
Preservatives, chemicals, and antibiotics are all added to our meals in
order to increase expiry dates and get goods to market faster. When
this is combined with the current sedentary lifestyle, excess weight
and environmental pollution, the buildup of poisons in our systems
begins to create problems.

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Toxic overload symptoms include low energy and weariness, digestive

disorders such as diarrhoea and constipation, fragrance and food
intolerances, lower back and general aches and pains, and disorders
such as acne and rashes.

Toxins appear to be more easily eliminated from our immune system,

when we use this form of matter. This can be viewed as a side effect
but ultimately ormus purifies the body and detoxes waste such as
funguses, parasites and other various pathogens that can at some
point be a long-term detriment to our overall condition.

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Skin and DNA Repair

Damage to the DNA has been argued to be one of several factors
relating to the ageing process as well as causing cancer and other
degenerative diseases.

According to research Ormus Gold helps to fix genetic and

biochemical errors as well as reducing age and disease-associated
changes. In fact these monoatomic elements helps support and
accelerate the healing of injuries making them highly beneficial for
well being.

These particles are left in tiny particle forms of less than 5 nanometers,
giving them the ability to be absorbed to the basal layer of the skin to
heal from the inside out. It has been used as alchemical formulations
to prevent skin cancer, wrinkles, cellulite, acne and improve elasticity.
As such, it is the latest innovative way to keep skin looking youthful.

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Monatomic Gold appears to have a natural “youthening” action. This is

due to its apparent restorative effect on the enzymes found in human
telomeres after prolonged ingestion.

Enhances Cognitive Function

Atomic ormus is a material that appears to trigger or activate areas of
our powers that previously were dormant. The Alpha Learning
Institute located in Switzerland describes a series of experiments on
ten people that used m-state elements to see whether there were
any obvious cognitive advantages from its use.

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According to Sean Adams, the study director, the impacts were

instantaneous, very potent, and cumulative. They discovered a
dramatically heightened symmetry between the brain’s hemispheres,
which resulted in higher intellect, enhanced focus, mental clarity,
improved agility, heightened creativity, expanded consciousness,
stronger spiritual connection, improved immunity and reduced stress.

In short, brain function was significantly enhanced and was ideal for all
meditation practices.

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Nervous System and Mood Enhancement

The capacity to assist the function of the pineal gland makes it

extremely potent. This gland, acknowledged by many as the ‘seat of
the soul,” is literally the first aspect of human life. Located in the
center of the brain, it is responsible for serotonin, which is the
hormone that regulates out our happiness. This why some of the
names given to it are manna, liquid gold and the philosopher’s stone.

It positively assists mood by working to increase its operational

capacity, thus secreting more serotonin. When the serotonin levels
are imbalanced, it causes mood imbalances and leaves us susceptible

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to cognitive disorders such as depression and anxiety and other

emotional disorders.

The unusual composition of this substance has demonstrated

numerous miracles in the human biology. After the health challenges
experienced by many people in 2022, it may well be what they need to
get back on track.

David hudsons re-discovery of Monoatomic Gold has the current

potential to lead humankind to greater levels of knowledge and
spiritual awareness in not only our world but other planes of existence.
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1. Farrell, Joseph P., The Philosophers Stone Alchemy and the Secret Research
for Exotic Matter, Feral House;, 2009
2. Gardner, Laurence, Lost Secrets Of The Sacred Ark: Amazing Revelations of
the Incredible Power of Gold, HarperCollins, 2004
3. Paine, D. A. and W. L. Pensinger, “A Dynamical Theory Describing
Superconductant DNA”, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry 15(3):333-
341, 1979;
4. Ho, Mae-Wan, Dr, The Rainbow and the Worm, World Scientific, Singapore,
1998, 2nd ed.;

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Contact Information

Int’l Number: + 61 4 3323 8888

Mobile Number: 0433 23 8888
Hours: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mon to Fri AEST
Address: 1/52b Currumbin Creek Rd,
Currumbin Queensland 4223, Australia

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The statements on this site, have not been evaluated by the FDA. Dietary
Supplements are not intended to diagnose treat cure or prevent any disease.
The information provided on is for informational
purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical
advice, health advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your
physician or other qualified medical profession provider with any questions
you may have regarding a medical condition.

Results are anecdotal feedback by some people but in NO WAY constitute a

promise, likely outcome, or guarantee. Ormus Alchemy makes no health claims
regarding medical or physical outcomes. We make no assertions that Ormus
products will prevent or cure diseases.

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