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Look at the pictures below. What can you say about them?
Describe their similarities and differences.

Both images are concerned with the study of the social life of human groups and/or individuals.

Economics is a failed and false social science. Political science is just like economics and provides a
mechanism for false justifications and asserting "alternative facts" defending the actions of those in
masses power.

Lies and liars are critical components of social sciences which contain enough facts to be deceiving to
the masses of humanity.

The main difference is in the way they work and treat knowledge. Science is concerned with natural
phenomena, while philosophy attempts to understand the nature of man, existence, and the
relationship that exists between the two concepts. ... Science also takes answers and proves them as
objectively right or wrong.
Activity 2

What Must Be Done Before The Action?

1. Before buying new clothes think first if you really need it to buy a new one, because if you don't need
it you're just wasting your money.

2. Before we choose friend we need to make sure that we find friends for good not because we need a
friends just for fan find a friends who's trustworthy and not fake just to make you laugh.

3. Before eating food we need to check if it is safe and good for our health to avoid bad consequences or

4. Before we decide where to study in senior high school we need to make sure that the school that we
choose for our senior high school is good for us. So, we need to search a school that has a good teaching
for their students to make sure that we are in a good place to study.

5. Before attending classes in the afternoon we need to eat lunch and a little bit of rest to boost our
energy and to be prepare for afternoon class and always make sure that you in at the right time.

6. Before going to school we need to wake-up early at the morning, and to thank God for another day he
gave for us. Next we need to prepare our selves to go in school, we need to drink coffee, take shower,
and eat breakfast, then go in school at the right time.

7. Before visiting a friend we need to inform them that we're going to visit them, in that case they can
prepare to welcome us to their house.

8. You should consider the reason why are you joining an organization, if you can benefit from it or not.
You need to be a responsible before joining any organization don't be shy to others be friendly and
always be positive in everything that you do.

9. Playing computer games is not too bad but before we play computer games we need to make sure
that we're doing our duty as a child of our parents before anything else.

10. Before buying a new gadget first think if you really need it, because people worked for money So if
you don't need it, don't buy it because it's just like a waste of money saved your money because in time
that you need it you have a money to spend for it.
11. When I want to go out with my friends Before asking a permission to my parents or guardians I'll
always make sure that my friends is going in a safe place and have a purpose to go out with them and
then I ask a permission to my guardians to go out with them in that case they let me go with them.

12. Before helping strangers we need to think what is the things that we need to do to help them in that
case you can think some ideas that can help you to help the strangers in a good way.

13. Before traveling without our family we need to think if we can handle everything by our selves to
avoid problem.

14. Before going to mass or any religious activities we must think first what is our purpose to attend
that religious activities and make sure that you respect the belief of other religions.

15. We need to ask a permission to our parents or guardians to guide you watching that movie but
match better if we're going to watch a movie suitable for our age.

16. We need to think first before posting our opinion or feelings in social media to avoid flame war.

17. Before communicating to your siblings about a conflict think first if you are right, to avoid the bad
consequences cause of your actions.

18. If we give our own opinions we need to think first if we really need to speak, and also we need to
make sure that our opinion make sense to others.

19. We need to ask a permission to our parents or guardians to go out with our opposite sex to let them
know where I am going.

20. Before confronting a person who verbally hurt us we need to think first what is the right thing to do
to let them know that they hurt us by their words, we need to confront them calmly to avoid hurting
their feelings.
What can you say about the quotation below? Do you agree with
this? Express your answers.

All I can say about the quotation below is, it is all about broadening our perspective that can be life
enhancing, and yes I agree with it because broadening our perspective helps to further expand our
knowledge of life, how we will be A responsible person or citizen. If our knowledge is broad, the more
we can do. Because when our perspective is broad, we know more about what we can do to avoid
things that will not be good for us, when our perspective on life is broad, we should prioritize welfare.
others than ourselves. In a chaotic world, expanding our perspective is more helpful so that we can
better understand what is happening around us, especially when there are things that we do not fully
understand because we lack knowledge and because our knowledge is not yet extensive, so we are not
yet live well in our society we belong to. Having a broad perspective makes life better. When we have a
broad perspective, we become better as a person. We have the ability to live and have an idea of how to
succeed in life. When our perspective on life is broad, it becomes easier for us to fulfill our role as a
member of our society.

Activity 1
Choose a word from the box below.

reality truth authenticity

actuality materiality factuality

verity genuineness accuracy

authenticity certainty Excellent

Favorable Marvelous Pleasant

Satisfactory Superb appropriate

authentic bona fide

Activity 2
DepEd K to 12 Program

The K to 12 Program covers Kindergarten and 12 years of basic education (six years of primary
education, four years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior High School [SHS]) to provide
sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for
tertiary education

The main goal of the K-12 education program is to gives students sufficient time to master skills and
absorb basic competencies and also K to 12 program aimed at creating more skilled students with basic
skills for lifelong learning and employment.

Activity 4

What can you say about the picture below? White your reflection.
The picture is very interesting it's says that let our selves free to judgement, if others see your mistake
let them think that your wrong you don't need to explain the truth to them because even you're going
to explain the truth to them they will never believe in you, because they already convince that you are
guilty based of your actions. You know what is true you don't need to prove it to others, we need to
accept the truth that all people are not the same we have a different nature, all you need to do is look
and listen to your heart. If you want to be happy follow your true nature because showing who you are
can help you live a happy life.

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