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Badillo Alva Romina Lineth
Andrés Lorenzo Diego Emanuel
Aguilar Montiel Ángel Francisco
Sánchez Ruiz Jhovani
Uribe Santana Evelin

In October 20th, 2022 a group of friends Cristopher, Angel, Diego,

Alfredo, Jhovani, Evelin, Lizette, y Mayte. didn't want to enter school,
so they decided to bunk of school, they were to see each other out of
the school to go to the park while they were walking, Romina proposed
to go to Pachuca because there was a fair. Everyone tought that It was
a Best plan, so they said yes, Cris proposed to go in his car. After two
hours they arrived at 9 am. To eat tamales for breakfast in the Center
of Pachuca, they ate aguajolota and after they went to Cedral in mineral
del chico and to a beutiful lake and they drank azulitos in the riverbank
Mayte: Do you want to have breakfast?

Cris: Yes, I have my car wey can use It. Only give me money for the gasoline
All: It is a good idea

Romina: When we finish, wey can go to Pachucas fair

*They arrive to Pachuca*

Angel: I want to have for breakfast birria

Evelin: there is only tamales or chicken

Jhovani: I think tamales Is the best option

Diego: what do you think if we buy voikuso? Is an alcoholic beverage

Lizette: I think It Is a fun idea

Alfredo: we can go to buy some

Evelyn:Yes, thank you here you have some money

Romina: wey can drink It by the riverbank I know a place named Cedral
Evelin: so let’s go to the car to go there

Cris: Do you how to get there?

Lizette: If you want I can put the GPS to guide us

*20 minutes later*

Alfredo: hey, i think we got last

Diego: im going to ask the man who Is the next door

Jhovani: while we con get out of the car to rest

Diego: The gentlemon tells me that it was the curve that we passed

Romina: When we arrive at the place we can buy something

Christopher: Yes some smurfs

Mayte: Yes let's go

*15 minutes later*

Christopher: It was heavy for me, but we' re here

Liz: There is a place to sit, come on

Evelin: Alfredo said that if you want to rent a horse ride

Angel: There is no money to rent it

Evelin: asks for 8 horses

Romina . That is too much.

Angel Alfre why are you so serius?

Alfredo: Ale said to me that my dad is leaving for me in the school

Cristopher. Don’t worry, I don’t think he notices.

Angel: Forget that, let’s drink

Diego yes is not for help if you are worried.

Alfredo: OK

* 30 minutes after

Evelin: Today is so Beautiful but it is late.

Romina: Yes because we have to stay in the school at’s 3:00 PM

Angel. But Cris is so drink,, I dont think he can drive

Cris Yes, I can

Alfredo Let’s go

*They were on the car*

Cris. Is someone awake?

Evelin Yes. What is happening?

Cris: A police wants money because my plates are of from CDMX

Evelin: Awake everyone!!

Alfred Stop

Cris: Afine for excess of passangers to

Cris stop the car

* Police: Good day guys! I will take off your plates. For excess of passangers I’m

Cris: Yes I know, you don’t have a solution?

Police: Come on plis

Cris take out the car
Liz: What we are going to do? Cris needs his plates

Eveln: I know, he will have problems

Romina: Does anyone have money? The Police always accept

Diego; I have 400

Alfredo: Yes, give that to Cris

Jhovani: But i think we can have problems for it

Cris: I don’t think so

*They give the money*
Police: I think is ofensive but anyway i Will take it
(All of them in the car were happy and Cris continue driving)

Alfredo: Yes, we are saved

Evelin: yes, we had lucky

Cristopher: I speak with the Police and he tell me i can arrive CDMX without

(Evelin play music)

Jhovani: That song is so bad

-Everyone said no to Jhovani-

(Laughing said to Jhovani that is a joke)

Romina: In how time we arrive CDMX?

Cristopher:aprox 30 minutes

Evelin: Do you want to play some songs?

Ángel:Play “El triste” de José José please

-Everyone begin to song-

Diego: A very Good song

Lizeth: Is your favorite song?

Diego: Yes, it is

Romina: What do you like of today?

Todos: everything

Jhovani: The Police was only the bad moment

Ángel: the next time, we can go to Puebla

Alfredo: You’re crazy friend!

-all laugh-
Jhovani:Ey Cris
Cristopher : What happen?

Jhovani: We are so near, Can you leave us here?

Cristopher: Yes, In the street corner

Jhovani: Thank you everyone, this was so funny, let’s do it again

Everyone : Yes!!

Romina: Good luck friend, Jhovani and I go down here

Cristopher: Well the time has come when we all have to leave, I thank you

Everyone: Bye, thank you! See you tomorrow.

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